Obama's Wage Freeze: He's either a Clown or a Moron

It was a positive gesture and it doesn't preclude deeper cuts in the future.

What's not to like, Frank?

Its like a gnat, and a gnat with a small dick even by gnat standards trying to fuck an elephant.

If he really wants to put Federal employees on par with the rest of American, fire 10% of them today.

You folks on the right have such contempt for working Americans. Fire 10% of them? So they can go on the public dole Frank? Do we start with nurses at the VA taking care of our wounded veterans making $28,000 a year, or border patrol agents raking in $35,000?

A gnat, oh, you must mean the earmarks Republicans spent weeks debating a moratorium on?

It was a positive gesture and it doesn't preclude deeper cuts in the future.

What's not to like, Frank?

Its like a gnat, and a gnat with a small dick even by gnat standards trying to fuck an elephant.

If he really wants to put Federal employees on par with the rest of American, fire 10% of them today.

Why do I get the feeling that no matter what Obama did you would whine about it, Frank?

Shouldn't you be holding your fire till you find out what the goptards and the teatards actually do to reduce the deficit?

Because really aren't they all about superficial gestures toward deficit reduction, not substantive cuts?

extending the tax cuts as a start is counter productive. So they begin by batting for the other team.

too, true. for the partisan hack tax-cut conservative, i strongly doubt there's anything any democrat could do to constitute fiscal conservatism while GOP budgets soar without reprisal.

so long as there are folks as simple as frank, mic stand conservatives can go about their business with as little as a hand mirror and a cigarette.
I was traveling yesterday and caught parts of the proposal.

His proposal to freeze federal wages that will save $60B over 5 years in an era of Trillion annual deficits can mean one of only 2 things: either he was joking and that makes him a clown or he was serious and that makes him a moron.

Nothing else fits

He is just following up on what your pal Ronnie started. Guess you could use a strong union in the Air Traffic control racket now...eh Frankie? No raises for you gubmint workers..suckas!!!

My pal Ronnie never had a Congress he could work with. In fact, the Dems lied to him and that fat fucking murderer Ted Kennedy was working with the KGB to undermine Reagan.

Obama won't even get the nomination in 2012, Soros will destroy him before then
Its like a gnat, and a gnat with a small dick even by gnat standards trying to fuck an elephant.

If he really wants to put Federal employees on par with the rest of American, fire 10% of them today.

Why do I get the feeling that no matter what Obama did you would whine about it, Frank?

Shouldn't you be holding your fire till you find out what the goptards and the teatards actually do to reduce the deficit?

Because really aren't they all about superficial gestures toward deficit reduction, not substantive cuts?

extending the tax cuts as a start is counter productive. So they begin by batting for the other team.

too, true. for the partisan hack tax-cut conservative, i strongly doubt there's anything any democrat could do to constitute fiscal conservatism while GOP budgets soar without reprisal.

so long as there are folks as simple as frank, mic stand conservatives can go about their business with as little as a hand mirror and a cigarette.

Now Obama's a "true fiscal Conservative"? Gunny should rent you out as a stand up act.
It was a positive gesture and it doesn't preclude deeper cuts in the future.

What's not to like, Frank?

Its like a gnat, and a gnat with a small dick even by gnat standards trying to fuck an elephant.

If he really wants to put Federal employees on par with the rest of American, fire 10% of them today.

You folks on the right have such contempt for working Americans. Fire 10% of them? So they can go on the public dole Frank? Do we start with nurses at the VA taking care of our wounded veterans making $28,000 a year, or border patrol agents raking in $35,000?

A gnat, oh, you must mean the earmarks Republicans spent weeks debating a moratorium on?


I'm on record that we can and should close entire Federal Departments including Education, energy, Farmers Home, Tennessee Valley and Rural Electrification and that's just for starters.
If he freezes them, people complain. If he gives them a raise/bonus/anything, people complain. If he did nothing, people would complain about that. These are the same people that also blame him for the Titanic sinking. (check it out in "conspiracy theories"):cuckoo:

So you think that makes him a moron. I agree
Why do I get the feeling that no matter what Obama did you would whine about it, Frank?

Shouldn't you be holding your fire till you find out what the goptards and the teatards actually do to reduce the deficit?

Because really aren't they all about superficial gestures toward deficit reduction, not substantive cuts?

extending the tax cuts as a start is counter productive. So they begin by batting for the other team.

too, true. for the partisan hack tax-cut conservative, i strongly doubt there's anything any democrat could do to constitute fiscal conservatism while GOP budgets soar without reprisal.

so long as there are folks as simple as frank, mic stand conservatives can go about their business with as little as a hand mirror and a cigarette.

Now Obama's a "true fiscal Conservative"? Gunny should rent you out as a stand up act.
to put my point even more simpler for the avoidance of any doubt on your part:

wage freeze=conservatism

Obama has worked with the Fisher/Keynes model and is now trying to adapt the fact that the Austrian model has worked for example for Iceland. This has several consequences:

He can't unappoint Bernancke so he's stuck with the 1930s SWAG of the neo-classical/Keynesian model as to economic behavior. Without the CBO, Fed and Treasury in the hands of modern behaviorial economists basically he is screwed being caught up in a textbook Austrian downturn.

2011-4 is when TARP, TARF, PPIP and the rest of the bail out measures have to be refinanced. Obama has no control over this.

On the otherhand the GOP solutions are all neo-Fisher monetarist BS, solutions that ignore the other BS: the balance sheet. Fisher/Keynes policies in all of their pretty new clothes ignore balance sheet issues. So we will have a failed D administration followed by a failed GOP administration 2013-7 and then who knows?
Its like a gnat, and a gnat with a small dick even by gnat standards trying to fuck an elephant.

If he really wants to put Federal employees on par with the rest of American, fire 10% of them today.

You folks on the right have such contempt for working Americans. Fire 10% of them? So they can go on the public dole Frank? Do we start with nurses at the VA taking care of our wounded veterans making $28,000 a year, or border patrol agents raking in $35,000?

A gnat, oh, you must mean the earmarks Republicans spent weeks debating a moratorium on?


I'm on record that we can and should close entire Federal Departments including Education, energy, Farmers Home, Tennessee Valley and Rural Electrification and that's just for starters.

Anything to accelerate a return to the Gilded age, eh Frank. Wealth = virtue, honesty and trustworthiness. Only working class and poor people are evil.

It will be interesting to see the next round of Wikileaks.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Wants To Spill Your Corporate Secrets - Forbes
I was traveling yesterday and caught parts of the proposal.

His proposal to freeze federal wages that will save $60B over 5 years in an era of Trillion annual deficits can mean one of only 2 things: either he was joking and that makes him a clown or he was serious and that makes him a moron.

Nothing else fits
Are you saying that there is one magic thing to reduce the deficit? Are you saying incremental reductions in spending have no effect?

Or are you saying that in your world, the president cannot do anything to please you because you are so far up the ass of the Conservative ideology that you are blind to any solutions that don't include screwing poor people blue?
2011-4 is when TARP, TARF, PPIP and the rest of the bail out measures have to be refinanced. Obama has no control over this.

Do they need to be refinanced or did the Federal Reserve us e their own assets to finance these programs? TARP was backed directly by the general fund and was largely repaid so most of that money won't have to be refied. AIG, Fannie and Freddie still probably owe a bundle.

TARF was financed with the same legislation right?

PPIP was also funded via the general fund via TARP right? And as far as I know the Fed exchanged it's own bonds for toxic assets. But of course I could be wrong.

What does have to be refied is the massive ocean of low interest money the Fed lent to banks at uber discounts (the Term Auction Facility), but that's just business as usual. The Fed won't make or lose much on that trove of cash. Margins are too thin. Inflation low, defaults probably few. Unless of course defaults precipitate from EU banks, which is possible.
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2011-4 is when TARP, TARF, PPIP and the rest of the bail out measures have to be refinanced. Obama has no control over this.

Do they need to be refinanced or did the Federal Reserve us e their own assets to finance these programs? TARP was backed directly by the general fund and was largely repaid so most of that money won't have to be refied. AIG, Fannie and Freddie still probably owe a bundle.

TARF was financed with the same legislation right?

PPIP was also funded via the general fund via TARP right? And as far as I know the Fed exchanged it's own bonds for toxic assets. But of course I could be wrong.

What does have to be refied is the massive ocean of low interest money the Fed lent to banks at uber discounts (the Term Auction Facility), but that's just business as usual. The Fed won't make or lose much on that trove of cash. Margins are too thin. Inflation low, defaults probably few. Unless of course defaults precipitate from EU banks, which is possible.
Actually most of the money has not been shown to have been repaid and returned to the Treasury, repaid and relent seems to be the course of action most often taken. Between the nationalized GSEs, the Fed, the Treasury, the FDIC and for all I know other agencies and departments have taken on toxic assets believed to be well north of 5 T (the more or less admitted figure). Since it is highly unlikely that even all 2006 subprime loans will default these debts are not carried on our national debt as debt but rather as leveraged income producing assets. I would suspect that such notes are worth $0.4-0.6/$. If these off the books assets and probable off the books future toxic asset purchases (AIG, CDO putbacks, misc. bailout funds and sovereign defaults) it is likely that net off the books realized losses north of 10T will be accumulated in the coming decade.

That is a conservative estimate because so far as I can tell no one has ever done an inventory of the cumulative losses from other bailouts and agency debt is not normally accounted for in the national debt. I suspect everyone is in for some extremely unpleasant surprises.
I was traveling yesterday and caught parts of the proposal.

His proposal to freeze federal wages that will save $60B over 5 years in an era of Trillion annual deficits can mean one of only 2 things: either he was joking and that makes him a clown or he was serious and that makes him a moron.

Nothing else fits

Frank...what would you have said if he'd given all Federal employees a 3% raise?
Hey Frankie!!! Maybe if you hurry up and go lickety split and form a UNION you can fight this freezin of your income.
I was traveling yesterday and caught parts of the proposal.

His proposal to freeze federal wages that will save $60B over 5 years in an era of Trillion annual deficits can mean one of only 2 things: either he was joking and that makes him a clown or he was serious and that makes him a moron.

Nothing else fits

The proposal is for a 2 year freeze. Get your act together before your fingers hit the keys, Frank, will ya please?

And yet jokers like you have NO problem with extending the Shrub's tax breaks for the wealthy that adds BILLIONS to the deficit.

GMAFB, Frank.
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2011-4 is when TARP, TARF, PPIP and the rest of the bail out measures have to be refinanced. Obama has no control over this.

Do they need to be refinanced or did the Federal Reserve us e their own assets to finance these programs? TARP was backed directly by the general fund and was largely repaid so most of that money won't have to be refied. AIG, Fannie and Freddie still probably owe a bundle.

TARF was financed with the same legislation right?

PPIP was also funded via the general fund via TARP right? And as far as I know the Fed exchanged it's own bonds for toxic assets. But of course I could be wrong.

What does have to be refied is the massive ocean of low interest money the Fed lent to banks at uber discounts (the Term Auction Facility), but that's just business as usual. The Fed won't make or lose much on that trove of cash. Margins are too thin. Inflation low, defaults probably few. Unless of course defaults precipitate from EU banks, which is possible.
Actually most of the money has not been shown to have been repaid and returned to the Treasury, repaid and relent seems to be the course of action most often taken. Between the nationalized GSEs, the Fed, the Treasury, the FDIC and for all I know other agencies and departments have taken on toxic assets believed to be well north of 5 T (the more or less admitted figure). Since it is highly unlikely that even all 2006 subprime loans will default these debts are not carried on our national debt as debt but rather as leveraged income producing assets. I would suspect that such notes are worth $0.4-0.6/$. If these off the books assets and probable off the books future toxic asset purchases (AIG, CDO putbacks, misc. bailout funds and sovereign defaults) it is likely that net off the books realized losses north of 10T will be accumulated in the coming decade.

That is a conservative estimate because so far as I can tell no one has ever done an inventory of the cumulative losses from other bailouts and agency debt is not normally accounted for in the national debt. I suspect everyone is in for some extremely unpleasant surprises.

Audit the fed. But as far as my understanding goes these toxic asset losses will be absorbed by the Fed Reserve, not the tax payer.
Dream on, the 6% dividend for it's private stockholders is most likely literally carved in stone (lithograph reproductions of its charter). The Fed is a private company when served with FOI papers but a federal agency when that is convenient. Being able to issue their own money by fiat the Fed can and will ignore the wage freeze too.

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