Obama's White House Tour Lies Are Backfiring


Senior Member
May 22, 2012

by Jeff Dunetz
March 14, 2013

President Obama' attempt to make voters rebel because of sequester by cancelling White Tours isn't working very well. In fact it seems to be biting our blamer-in-Chief in the arse.

Earlier in the week Obama said it wasn't his decision but that of the Secret Service to cancel public White House tours. A claim which surprisingly has been disputed by the liberal media.

Yesterday White House press secretary Jay Carney got a bit cranky because of a series of pointed questions asking if the president should be traveling less/scheduling fewer golf trips rather than taking away the American People's access to their White House.

Even GOP Members of the House challenged the POTUS on the tour cancellations in a private meeting with the caucus yesterday

“Using the tours to send a message seemed like a surefire winner,” said Tobe Berkovitz, a professor of communications at Boston University who specializes in political communication and advertising. “I think the White House was expecting everyone to go ‘Oh, this is so horrible!’ but this time it didn’t play, perhaps because it was too overt.”
The canceled tours prompted a pointed question to Obama from House Administration Committee Chairwoman Candice Miller (R-Mich.) during the president’s meeting with House Republicans on Wednesday. Miller asked why Obama put an end to the tours instead of just cancelling the congressional Christmas party or the congressional picnic.

When Obama said the decision was prompted by the Secret Service, some lawmakers groaned in disbelief.

“Now, now, let’s be respectful,” Obama replied.
Respect goes both ways, and lying about the secret service is not respectful. The President's claim was even disputed by his own Press Secretary:

Carney at Wednesday’s press briefing sought to place responsibility for the decision on the White House, not the Secret Service.

Read more:
"The Lid": Obama's White House Tour Lies Are Backfiring
Nobody save the terminally stupid bought all that sequester nonsense... what idiot thinks the country will unravel over a 1.4% reduction in the increase in spending? Spending still went up...

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