Obama's World 9/12/12


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Our economy is in shambles, record poverty, Middle Class decimated and we're racing the EU to meltdown.


The Middle East in flames, our Ambassador and three other dead. We received a specific warning of threats against our Embassies in the ME, but Obama ignored the warning and hasn't bothered to attend an Intel briefing.


When the going gets tough, Obama goes campaigning


Obama in Vegas Sept 12, 2012
Absent Leadership during a time of great crisis. The only thing he cares about his hanging on to power. Why isn't he out in front of this, warning these Terrorists about the consequences, addressing our entire nation from a position of strength?? All we hear are he and Shillary apologizing to the terrorists for hurting their muslim feelings.. It's unreal.
Top priority with this Admin - where's Romney's tax returns.

The Left is glad that the Ambassador wasn't held hostage, they already swept Obama's involvement and total incompetence under the rug
The fact that this... TURD... this IDIOT... this SHIT EATIN' MUSLIM is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is enough to make me lose ALL FAITH in America as far as INTELLIGENCE. Only a COMPLETE FUCKING MORON would support some SHIT BAG like ODUMBO...

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Maybe Obama will call in Bill Clinton to explain the Middle East to us?
Our economy is in shambles, record poverty, Middle Class decimated and we're racing the EU to meltdown.


The Middle East in flames, our Ambassador and three other dead. We received a specific warning of threats against our Embassies in the ME, but Obama ignored the warning and hasn't bothered to attend an Intel briefing.


When the going gets tough, Obama goes campaigning


Obama in Vegas Sept 12, 2012

Thanks Frank (+1 rep) for such a hard hitting post and bringing us all down to reality for a moment. You're post sure makes the petty feuds on this Board pale.
It's quite obvious he thinks Americans are a bunch of dummies.. Sending out that asswipe Carney telling people they don't really see what they see.. Is that their new mind - meld strategy??? Has there ever been a President who lied to the American people more??? I can't imagine there has.
Obama's Roll Call of the Dead. US Citizens, not serving in the military who were killed as a direct result of Obama's Arrogance and incompetence

Brian Terry -- Fast and Furious
Chris Stevens -- Libyan Attack
Glen Doherty -- Libyan Attack
Tyrone Woods -- Libyan Attack
Sean Smith -- Libyan Attack

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