Obergefell Citing Loving v Virginia was Incorrect

she seems to have a problem distinguishing her fantasies from reality

Oh, definitely. Most of the pseudo-legal gibberish that she's posting isn't for our benefit. Its for hers. She's quite literally her own audience.

Its the rhetorical equivalent of sucking your thumb: essentially a self soothing exercise as she tries to reconcile the dissonance between what she imagined the world is....and what it actually is.

then why pretend she should be treated as if she's saying anything?

Because she lies constantly. And an uninformed audience might hear a lie and think is true.

For example: that children are implied parties in the marriage of their parents. This simply isn't true. No court nor law recognizes any of it. But if you didn't know what 'implied parties' were, it might sound true.

And that's where the corrections we provide come in.

true. it has zero basis in any law in this country or any other that I know of.

why do you think anyone pays attention enough to what she says to think she comes close to not being delusional?

I'm not being critical, I just figure maybe if no one answered her, she'd go away.
Her own messageboard suggests otherwise. As she's the only participant. Every reply is to herself.

And yet she has 29 active threads.

I've been dealing with pseudo-legal conspiracy theories for a while. The best reply is rational and factual.

she's kind of scary. I wonder if she's a danger to herself or others
Oh, definitely. Most of the pseudo-legal gibberish that she's posting isn't for our benefit. Its for hers. She's quite literally her own audience.

Its the rhetorical equivalent of sucking your thumb: essentially a self soothing exercise as she tries to reconcile the dissonance between what she imagined the world is....and what it actually is.

then why pretend she should be treated as if she's saying anything?

Because she lies constantly. And an uninformed audience might hear a lie and think is true.

For example: that children are implied parties in the marriage of their parents. This simply isn't true. No court nor law recognizes any of it. But if you didn't know what 'implied parties' were, it might sound true.

And that's where the corrections we provide come in.

true. it has zero basis in any law in this country or any other that I know of.

why do you think anyone pays attention enough to what she says to think she comes close to not being delusional?

I'm not being critical, I just figure maybe if no one answered her, she'd go away.
Her own messageboard suggests otherwise. As she's the only participant. Every reply is to herself.

And yet she has 29 active threads.

I've been dealing with pseudo-legal conspiracy theories for a while. The best reply is rational and factual.

she's kind of scary. I wonder if she's a danger to herself or others

I don't think so. Her posts seem to be around soothing cognitive dissonance. Not violence. While she obviously wants to hurt gay people, she seems to want to convince other people to do it for her.
Sounds like someone else is obsessed.

Says the gal that created her own website and message board dedicated to 'fighting the gay cult'. And is currently begging for donations to turn her bizarre obsession into her profession.
^ that

you can't make this stuff up. She is just like koshergrl & her obsession w/ abortion but koshergrl didn't create a forum of her own and post obsessively about it like sillywet has done :tinfoil:

Not just her own messageboard. Her own *website*. Its in her sig. Take a look. Its a bit of a freakshow.
"lifesite"? Thats all I see
Sounds like someone else is obsessed.

Says the gal that created her own website and message board dedicated to 'fighting the gay cult'. And is currently begging for donations to turn her bizarre obsession into her profession.
^ that

you can't make this stuff up. She is just like koshergrl & her obsession w/ abortion but koshergrl didn't create a forum of her own and post obsessively about it like sillywet has done :tinfoil:

Not just her own messageboard. Her own *website*. Its in her sig. Take a look. Its a bit of a freakshow.
"lifesite"? Thats all I see

The prince's trust study link is hosted on her website. Just remove everything but the root and bob's your uncle.

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