Obese passenger

Consider the possibility that the verbally abused individual had also paid extra for a seat with extra room.

Perhaps the verbal diarrhea suffer should have been given back his $25 but denied any alcohol service as he was obviously unstable. I hate to think what might have happened had the staff plied him with booze by way of compensation!

The airline should never have seated another passenger next to the overweight man. You should expect a comfortable flight - not to be squashed between two tons of flab.

Fat pigs should pay for two seats. I've had to sit next to such blobs, and it's not a pleasant experience. The person causing the problem should be the one who pays.

This holds true for many things. Instead of requiring the vast majority to change, those who cause the imposition should.

It holds true for 'gender uncertain' children (okay, did I really just post gender uncertain children? I've been reading leftist dribble too long) demanding to use whatever bathroom they so desire; people with p.e.'s not paying their fair share but rather, everyone else kick in more so they don't have to; not having 'Christmas' or 'Halloween' parties in schools because one or two kids don't believe, etc. Whatever happened to common sense?
The airline should never have seated another passenger next to the overweight man. You should expect a comfortable flight - not to be squashed between two tons of flab.

Fat pigs should pay for two seats. I've had to sit next to such blobs, and it's not a pleasant experience. The person causing the problem should be the one who pays.

This holds true for many things. Instead of requiring the vast majority to change, those who cause the imposition should.

It holds true for 'gender uncertain' children (okay, did I really just post gender uncertain children? I've been reading leftist dribble too long) demanding to use whatever bathroom they so desire; people with p.e.'s not paying their fair share but rather, everyone else kick in more so they don't have to; not having 'Christmas' or 'Halloween' parties in schools because one or two kids don't believe, etc. Whatever happened to common sense?

They have those parties in my sons public school. Which bathroom does a hermaphrodite use?
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Fat pigs should pay for two seats. I've had to sit next to such blobs, and it's not a pleasant experience. The person causing the problem should be the one who pays.

This holds true for many things. Instead of requiring the vast majority to change, those who cause the imposition should.

It holds true for 'gender uncertain' children (okay, did I really just post gender uncertain children? I've been reading leftist dribble too long) demanding to use whatever bathroom they so desire; people with p.e.'s not paying their fair share but rather, everyone else kick in more so they don't have to; not having 'Christmas' or 'Halloween' parties in schools because one or two kids don't believe, etc. Whatever happened to common sense?

They have those parties in my sons public school. Which bathroom does a hermaphrodite use?

The nurses.
As I have said before , would you speak this way if the obese people were your parents?

Yes I would.

I have relatives who are obese. Not due to some glandular problem or hormones, due to eating shit, and too much of it, all their life. One travels fairly frequently for business. I do not know how they fit into the plane seat. They are 400lbs or more. Huge in the butt. Must be very uncomfortable. One is scheduled for gastric bypass surgery soon. They haven't worked in several years, are on disability. One managed to eat themselves into adult onset diabetes. Nom, nom, nom.
If someone takes up two seats then they should pay for 2 seats. No one should be forced to sit next to someone who is taking up part of their seat.

The mistake that guy made was to ask to sit in those empty seats (but I guess that's actually being polite). I would have just sat there and refused to move - after the plain took off. But if his demeanor to the 3 airline employees was anything like this letter than I can see why they ignored him.

Oh yea, crying babies on a plane have never bother me. Ever. It's what they do. Besides, it nothing noise cancelling headphones won't take care of.
May be for everybody's comfort the obese should be given a special row of seats ...say the first or the last row.....especially for them..that could solve the problem for them and for the rest:)

There is a very simple solution employed by some airlines: the fat fatties have to buy two seats. If they can't fit in one standard seat, they should be required to pay for additional room. This would also take care of their burden on the fuel supply which is highly affected by weight.

I have a better idea. If you are over a certain weight, you should be banned from flying altogether. You are a health risk in the case of an emergency, after all.

Your hatred knows no bounds, does it? You want to ban a person from seeing their dying relative because they have a glandular problem? Or because they have a tumor? or any other medical problems that you can't see and don't know jack about?

I used to have a friend who felt like you do. She ended up being put on a medication which caused a rapid weight gain. She was never able to take that extra weight off, even when they changed her medication. Funny how her attitude changed when it was her, and not her sister who had the extra weight. You need to be careful how you treat people, because you never know how karma will come back to you.
Consider the possibility that the verbally abused individual had also paid extra for a seat with extra room.

Perhaps the verbal diarrhea suffer should have been given back his $25 but denied any alcohol service as he was obviously unstable. I hate to think what might have happened had the staff plied him with booze by way of compensation!

The airline should never have seated another passenger next to the overweight man. You should expect a comfortable flight - not to be squashed between two tons of flab.

Unfortunately most people are fatasses now. What are they going to do, hire a staff of fat dispersion stewarts to assign seating?

IMO they should make the seats bigger.
As I have said before , would you speak this way if the obese people were your parents?

Yes I would.

I have relatives who are obese. Not due to some glandular problem or hormones, due to eating shit, and too much of it, all their life. One travels fairly frequently for business. I do not know how they fit into the plane seat. They are 400lbs or more. Huge in the butt. Must be very uncomfortable. One is scheduled for gastric bypass surgery soon. They haven't worked in several years, are on disability. One managed to eat themselves into adult onset diabetes. Nom, nom, nom.

Okay, how does one travel frequently for business if he hasn't worked in several years and is on disability?
Fat airline passengers 'should pay more' - Telegraph

Fat airline passengers 'should pay more'. Fat passengers should pay more for their plane tickets, a former airline executive has said.

Tony Webber, who worked as an economist for Qantas for seven years, said that overweight passengers were pushing up airlines’ fuel bills.
Mr Webber, who now runs his own consultancy firm, said that costs were going up not just because of rising jet fuel prices but "because the average adult passenger is carrying a bit more heft."
Writing in an Australian newspaper Mr Webber added: "The rationale is simple. The fuel burned by planes depends on many things but the most important is the weight of the aircraft. The more a plane weighs, the more fuel it must burn.
"If the passengers on the aircraft weigh more, the aircraft consumes more fuel and the airline's costs go up.
"In turn, the airline will need to lift airfares to recover these additional costs. And when they do, the burden of these higher fees should not be lumbered on those who are shedding a few kilos or keeping their weight stable."
Related Articles
Academic calls for pay as you weigh flight fares 25 Mar 2013
Travellers in favour of 'fat tax' 28 Jan 2010
Air France to charge obese passengers for two seats 20 Jan 2010
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In rural Indonesia, Mr Webber wrote, airlines weigh passengers as well as their luggage before they board the plane.
Elsewhere a number of airlines already make obese passengers pay more if they cannot fit in a single seat, including Virgin Atlantic.
Continental also requires passenger to be able to fit in the seat with both armrests down, they also have to be capable of securing a seat belt with only a single extender.
Southwest Airlines, an American budget carrier, also has a detailed “customers of size” policy in its terms and conditions.
It requires passengers who cannot fit in a single seat to buy another. It has ruled out the idea of installing a few larger seats in the cabin to deal with its larger customers.
In Europe, Air France has also started demanding passengers pay for a second seat if they do not fit into one, otherwise they will not be allowed on board for safety reasons.
British Airways also has a policy in which passengers who are unable to fit in a single seat are first given an extension seat belt free of charge.
If they are still too large, then they will be expected to buy another seat.
The problem of obesity has proved a far bigger problems for airlines in the United States. On at least one flight there were insufficient seatbelt extenders to deal with the number of obese passengers on board.
Overweight passengers have, on occasion, even been bumped from full flights because there is no room for them on the plane.
However on another occasion a passenger was forced to stand throughout a seven hour flight from Philadelphia to Anchorage, Alaska after being seated next to a morbidly obese man.
Last year another passenger deemed as being overweight was escorted off an Air Transat flight from Gatwick to Toronto to see his dying aunt, because he was unable to afford the £928 demanded by the airline for two seats.

I like the idea of pay by the pound.
Fat airline passengers 'should pay more' - Telegraph

Fat airline passengers 'should pay more'. Fat passengers should pay more for their plane tickets, a former airline executive has said.

Tony Webber, who worked as an economist for Qantas for seven years, said that overweight passengers were pushing up airlines’ fuel bills.
Mr Webber, who now runs his own consultancy firm, said that costs were going up not just because of rising jet fuel prices but "because the average adult passenger is carrying a bit more heft."
Writing in an Australian newspaper Mr Webber added: "The rationale is simple. The fuel burned by planes depends on many things but the most important is the weight of the aircraft. The more a plane weighs, the more fuel it must burn.
"If the passengers on the aircraft weigh more, the aircraft consumes more fuel and the airline's costs go up.
"In turn, the airline will need to lift airfares to recover these additional costs. And when they do, the burden of these higher fees should not be lumbered on those who are shedding a few kilos or keeping their weight stable."
Related Articles
Academic calls for pay as you weigh flight fares 25 Mar 2013
Travellers in favour of 'fat tax' 28 Jan 2010
Air France to charge obese passengers for two seats 20 Jan 2010
Scientists find fat is the sixth human taste 15 Jan 2012
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In rural Indonesia, Mr Webber wrote, airlines weigh passengers as well as their luggage before they board the plane.
Elsewhere a number of airlines already make obese passengers pay more if they cannot fit in a single seat, including Virgin Atlantic.
Continental also requires passenger to be able to fit in the seat with both armrests down, they also have to be capable of securing a seat belt with only a single extender.
Southwest Airlines, an American budget carrier, also has a detailed “customers of size” policy in its terms and conditions.
It requires passengers who cannot fit in a single seat to buy another. It has ruled out the idea of installing a few larger seats in the cabin to deal with its larger customers.
In Europe, Air France has also started demanding passengers pay for a second seat if they do not fit into one, otherwise they will not be allowed on board for safety reasons.
British Airways also has a policy in which passengers who are unable to fit in a single seat are first given an extension seat belt free of charge.
If they are still too large, then they will be expected to buy another seat.
The problem of obesity has proved a far bigger problems for airlines in the United States. On at least one flight there were insufficient seatbelt extenders to deal with the number of obese passengers on board.
Overweight passengers have, on occasion, even been bumped from full flights because there is no room for them on the plane.
However on another occasion a passenger was forced to stand throughout a seven hour flight from Philadelphia to Anchorage, Alaska after being seated next to a morbidly obese man.
Last year another passenger deemed as being overweight was escorted off an Air Transat flight from Gatwick to Toronto to see his dying aunt, because he was unable to afford the £928 demanded by the airline for two seats.

I like the idea of pay by the pound.

If I'm paying more, I want a bigger seat. The problem with paying by the pound is you still have the fat guy sitting next to the skinny guy and in the same size seat. The fat guy just paid more, well at least then I guess the skinny guy can't complain.
I've experienced both. I'll take the crying baby over the obese next door neighbor. At least one can put on headphones and drown out the baby with music.

I would take 3 babies over a fatso.

babies eventually fall asleep.

Not the ones that sit near me, they don't.

If you want to know where the crying babies will be on a flight -- just ask me my seat number. :eek:

I think there are really only 4 screaming, crying kids on the planet.

And, they're are all following me from restaurant to restaurant.

Coming back from France, sitting the center section, a couple and two very small kids in seats in front of us. I was braced for the worst - 9 hours of fussing kids. They all spoke French to each other and those parents were just terrific. They had a bag full of goodies, food, toys, games. They walked with them, played, talked, read. They looked frazzled and exhausted but the kids were great.

The goodie bag of toys made us think of the guilt toys we buy our dog and cats when we go on a trip.

No thanks to the fatty next to me but also don't want screaming kids. Gotta feel bad for the kids whose ears are messed up. I've been there and its just the worst possible pain.

We haven't had a trip since last spring ... I wanna GO someplace and SOON. This spring for sure.
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

Now here is a surprise! The guy is a first class piece of shit who needs to stop whining.

Spoken by someone who sees a first class piece of shit in the mirror every morning.
As I have said before , would you speak this way if the obese people were your parents?

Yes I would.

I have relatives who are obese. Not due to some glandular problem or hormones, due to eating shit, and too much of it, all their life. One travels fairly frequently for business. I do not know how they fit into the plane seat. They are 400lbs or more. Huge in the butt. Must be very uncomfortable. One is scheduled for gastric bypass surgery soon. They haven't worked in several years, are on disability. One managed to eat themselves into adult onset diabetes. Nom, nom, nom.

Okay, how does one travel frequently for business if he hasn't worked in several years and is on disability?

One travels a lot for work.
One has been on disability for several years and is scheduled for gastric bypass soon.
One has eaten themselves into adult on-set diabeeetes.
Three different people who are all responsible for their present physical condition.

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