Obese passenger

I've experienced both. I'll take the crying baby over the obese next door neighbor. At least one can put on headphones and drown out the baby with music.

I would take 3 babies over a fatso.

babies eventually fall asleep.

Not the ones that sit near me, they don't.

If you want to know where the crying babies will be on a flight -- just ask me my seat number. :eek:
I've experienced both. I'll take the crying baby over the obese next door neighbor. At least one can put on headphones and drown out the baby with music.

I would take 3 babies over a fatso.

babies eventually fall asleep.

Not the ones that sit near me, they don't.

If you want to know where the crying babies will be on a flight -- just ask me my seat number. :eek:

hahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:lol::tongue: I know what you mean!
I've experienced both. I'll take the crying baby over the obese next door neighbor. At least one can put on headphones and drown out the baby with music.

I would take 3 babies over a fatso.

babies eventually fall asleep.

Not the ones that sit near me, they don't.

If you want to know where the crying babies will be on a flight -- just ask me my seat number. :eek:

are you a magnet for the babies? :eek:

on a more serious note - if that is really the issue that the babies don't want to stop crying or can not fall asleep when near you - maybe they do not like your cologne :)

how were your own kids behaving?
I would take 3 babies over a fatso.

babies eventually fall asleep.

Not the ones that sit near me, they don't.

If you want to know where the crying babies will be on a flight -- just ask me my seat number. :eek:

hahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:lol::tongue: I know what you mean!

--- am I right, ladies? :D

are you a magnet for the babies? :eek:

on a more serious note - if that is really the issue that the babies don't want to stop crying or can not fall asleep when near you - maybe they do not like your cologne :)

I figure the reason bawling tots are attracted to me is the same reason bawling yammerers come sniffing around after my posts. :eusa_whistle:
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No he isn't. Fat people are fucking disgusting slobs. The rare glandular issue aside, there is no excuse for morbid obesity other than shear laziness and gluttony. Put down the fucking Twinkie and take a walk around the block a few times.

This dude is 325+lbs, and I'd bet he exercises more than any THREE members here combined.


Irrelevant if he's feeding his face with far more empty calories than all that activity can burn off. Michael Phelps would eat 6,000 calories a day when he was training for the Olympics and yet he was ripped and lean.

Anyone calling an NFL player "lazy" is too stupid to bother with!
You don't know that - you are just speculating.

Having once myself experienced a trip sitting next to a morbidly obese person (who left the armrest up and took part of my seat while leaning on me) during a four hour flight, I find the writer's representations to be quite plausible.

Having worked for United Airlines and knowing the rules for who gets the exit row seats, I know it's not plausible, it's not even legally possible.

Plenty of fat people are fairly strong...that doesn't mean I want to sit next to them, but they could certainly handle an emergency exit!
I've experienced both. I'll take the crying baby over the obese next door neighbor. At least one can put on headphones and drown out the baby with music.

that's true.... I didn't think of that! :tongue:

I always travel with my Bose noise cancelling headphones. They are a sanity saver.

No headphones can block out the incessant shrieking of a colic-ravaged infant unless said headphones have music (ideally, heavy metal or hard rock) coming from them at a volume far above a safe level!

I would rather hitch-hike than fly, or ship myself truck freight.
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that's true.... I didn't think of that! :tongue:

I always travel with my Bose noise cancelling headphones. They are a sanity saver.

No headphones can block out the incessant shrieking of a colic-ravaged infant unless said headphones have music (ideally, heavy metal or hard rock) coming from them at a volume far above a safe level!

I would rather hitch-hike than fly.

Mine do I have Sennheiser PXC450 . They work better than Bose for me. I have been to Australia 6 times with these and I will not travel without them.
May be for everybody's comfort the obese should be given a special row of seats ...say the first or the last row.....especially for them..that could solve the problem for them and for the rest:)

There is a very simple solution employed by some airlines: the fat fatties have to buy two seats. If they can't fit in one standard seat, they should be required to pay for additional room. This would also take care of their burden on the fuel supply which is highly affected by weight.

I have a better idea. If you are over a certain weight, you should be banned from flying altogether. You are a health risk in the case of an emergency, after all.
Not the ones that sit near me, they don't.

If you want to know where the crying babies will be on a flight -- just ask me my seat number. :eek:

hahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:lol::tongue: I know what you mean!

--- am I right, ladies? :D

are you a magnet for the babies? :eek:

on a more serious note - if that is really the issue that the babies don't want to stop crying or can not fall asleep when near you - maybe they do not like your cologne :)

I figure the reason bawling tots are attracted to me is the same reason bawling yammerers come sniffing around after my posts. :eusa_whistle:

You produce breast milk?
Plenty of fat people are fairly strong...that doesn't mean I want to sit next to them, but they could certainly handle an emergency exit!

And in an emergency they can act as a flotation device.
hahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:lol::tongue: I know what you mean!

--- am I right, ladies? :D

are you a magnet for the babies? :eek:

on a more serious note - if that is really the issue that the babies don't want to stop crying or can not fall asleep when near you - maybe they do not like your cologne :)

I figure the reason bawling tots are attracted to me is the same reason bawling yammerers come sniffing around after my posts. :eusa_whistle:

You produce breast milk?

Apparently I do, because I see Dunkytare is recycling my material from last night. Again.
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Consider the possibility that the verbally abused individual had also paid extra for a seat with extra room.

Perhaps the verbal diarrhea suffer should have been given back his $25 but denied any alcohol service as he was obviously unstable. I hate to think what might have happened had the staff plied him with booze by way of compensation!

The airline should never have seated another passenger next to the overweight man. You should expect a comfortable flight - not to be squashed between two tons of flab.

Unfortunately most people are fatasses now. What are they going to do, hire a staff of fat dispersion stewarts to assign seating?
Consider the possibility that the verbally abused individual had also paid extra for a seat with extra room.

Perhaps the verbal diarrhea suffer should have been given back his $25 but denied any alcohol service as he was obviously unstable. I hate to think what might have happened had the staff plied him with booze by way of compensation!

The airline should never have seated another passenger next to the overweight man. You should expect a comfortable flight - not to be squashed between two tons of flab.

Fat pigs should pay for two seats. I've had to sit next to such blobs, and it's not a pleasant experience. The person causing the problem should be the one who pays.
Would this complaint be allowed if the obese passenger was a black woman with a 7 foot butt?

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