Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest
This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.
I say base their income tax rate on their weight, or BMI. Fat people pay more, nothing more powerful than money to get people to get into shape.
The problem is that we were never meant to eat all the processed junk and chemicals that our society has been raised on. We're all addicted to this crap. I eat clean all the time, with the exception of me shocking my system for a cheat meal once a month and I'm addicted to bad food as well.
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This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.

Taxation shouldn't be used for social engineering.
The problem is that we were never meant to eat all the processed junk and chemicals that our society has been raised on. We're all addicted to this crap. I eat clean all the time, with the exception of me shocking my system for a cheat meal once a month and I'm addicted to bad food as well.

Too many foods these days have additives in them that are not needed. This is why people should attempt to eat only fresh produce, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, no pre-cooked pre-packed foods, no processed foods and especially no Fast Foods.

It's not just obese adults, it's obese children and those pre-cooked, pre-packaged and processed foods if you read the small print contain an unusual amount of the wrong type of additives that don't need to be in a child's body.

As the saying goes, you are what you eat and especially with children parents should be careful what they feed their children and not feed them anything because it's more convenient, it's just complete laziness.
This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.

Taxation shouldn't be used for social engineering.

What is an alternative? The Fast Foods are cheaper and no time is needed to prepare them, people just pick them up. So while there is that situation, already fat and also already obese people are going to continue to eat that crap and even worse feed it to their children.
It's not just Americans bro. I read where rates are screaming high i n Japan as well.

Whenever I have visited America I have seen shapes of people, well I didn't think a human body could expand into those bizarro shapes.

Of course I know that some people become obese because of glandular diseases and/or problems, but the majority of those obese people are because they have completely lost control of their eating and are eating the worst crap a person can put into their systems.

It has to be the additives and extras they pump into this Fast Food, America had places like McDonalds and whatever the other ones are beginning in the 1950s and yet you did not have any type of obesity epidemic. So I think that suggests back then there were few additives and extras pumped in and that the Fast Food was cleaner.
This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.

I will agree so long as it is passed along with a Stupidity and Ignorance Tax.

And yes, there will be a test to determine the percentage at which you will be taxed.

All those Democrat feminist ladies with hips the size of Montana will be a particularly strong bloc. :laugh:
I dunno if we're THE obesity leader but we're definitely a country of fatsos. It seems no matter where I go when I leave home I see fat, obese, and morbidly obese people everywhere, all age groups but especially concerning for me are the flabby young kids. We're not a healthy looking society for sure IMO.
I think that the obesity problem in America can be traced partially to our work ethic. People have to work longer hours and more days to pay the bills so they dont have time to get home, prepare and cook a healthy dinner, etc. They get home late and grab something on the way home so they can get the kids bathed and fed and in bed to do it again the next day. Gone are the days where the wife sits at home fixing hearty meals for the family. They have both parents working full time so they can have the latest iphone, curved screen TV, 15 terabyte a second internet to the house, 2 late model vehicles, fully loaded with every option, etc.

Gone are the days like my childhood, where all the kids in the neighborhood got home, did homework, and ran outside to assemble a neighborhood football game. We never had issues with fat kids, all the kids played outside. Sure, we had video games, but most kids played those infrequently, as it was much more fun to play football outside.
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This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.

Typical democrat fascist response.
I had bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast, I had buffalo chicken wings (unbreaded) for lunch, I'm eyeballing a Cuban sub for dinner. I try not to eat carbs but it's a Cuban sub, gotta have that.
This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.

Taxation shouldn't be used for social engineering.

What is an alternative? The Fast Foods are cheaper and no time is needed to prepare them, people just pick them up. So while there is that situation, already fat and also already obese people are going to continue to eat that crap and even worse feed it to their children.
The alternative is what they did to the tobacco companies.

If you research and study the history of the food companies, you will find that competition has made them make the food tastier and tastier by making the food worse and worse for us.

If the government did not work hand in glove with big ag, leaving the small family farmer and organic farmer out in the cold, this probably would not be such a problem.

How much does big tobacco get penalized for they poison the push?

Agricultural subsidies for things like refined sugar and allowing food stamps to be used on junk food rather than healthy choices isn't helping the situation.

The food industry knows how to make healthy food, but the race to make food more delicious makes them throw out healthy principles in favor of loading food with sugar, salt and fat. If the government did to industry what they did to big tobacco, rather than taxing consumers, than industry would find better solutions.

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