Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.

Typical democrat fascist response.

No and no. Maybe you are obese yourself, that's why you're so sensitive to the point of inaccurately calling people the wrong names.

Perhaps you could make a suggestion on how an obesity rate is lowered, these people are not going to stop eating the wrong things by choice.

You are wrong, I'm absolutely correct. It was a typical fascist left wing response and just because I don't have a solution doesn't change that fact.

"You are wrong, I'm absolutely correct."

You are 100% wrong, 100% incorrect.

I'm NOT Left-Wing you idiot, go away Troll. Only a complete idiot would say I was Left-Wing, therefore that's you.

Yeah, you still haven't said anything that disproves the fact that that was a typical democrat fascist response.

Why would a republican or a conservative even think of saying put a tax on people's weight, or food or whatever? They wouldn't. Only a lefty would. If you think you aren't a lefty, you'd better seriously look at your core values.

Yeah, you are wrong again.

I don't do Rubberstamp Group Think, you obviously do, that's your problem, you obviously cannot think for yourself, your comment is ridiculous, I don't think anyone except an idiot like you would even make such a statement that I'm a Leftist.

I've had a run in with you before haven't I you Troll, I think you are a Leftist trying to cause trouble. Piss off.

Again you are very sensitive about this obese issue, so lose some weight fatty.
Typical democrat fascist response.

No and no. Maybe you are obese yourself, that's why you're so sensitive to the point of inaccurately calling people the wrong names.

Perhaps you could make a suggestion on how an obesity rate is lowered, these people are not going to stop eating the wrong things by choice.

You are wrong, I'm absolutely correct. It was a typical fascist left wing response and just because I don't have a solution doesn't change that fact.

"You are wrong, I'm absolutely correct."

You are 100% wrong, 100% incorrect.

I'm NOT Left-Wing you idiot, go away Troll. Only a complete idiot would say I was Left-Wing, therefore that's you.

Yeah, you still haven't said anything that disproves the fact that that was a typical democrat fascist response.

Why would a republican or a conservative even think of saying put a tax on people's weight, or food or whatever? They wouldn't. Only a lefty would. If you think you aren't a lefty, you'd better seriously look at your core values.

Yeah, you are wrong again.

I don't do Rubberstamp Group Think, you obviously do, that's your problem, you obviously cannot think for yourself, your comment is ridiculous, I don't think anyone except an idiot like you would even make such a statement that I'm a Leftist.

I've had a run in with you before haven't I you Troll, I think you are a Leftist trying to cause trouble. Piss off.

Again you are very sensitive about this obese issue, so lose some weight fatty.

What you said is precisely what a leftist would say. Your childish denials can't change that fact. Be an adult, admit it and move on.
This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.
what if the fat person has a physical problem like hyperthyroidism?....
No and no. Maybe you are obese yourself, that's why you're so sensitive to the point of inaccurately calling people the wrong names.

Perhaps you could make a suggestion on how an obesity rate is lowered, these people are not going to stop eating the wrong things by choice.

You are wrong, I'm absolutely correct. It was a typical fascist left wing response and just because I don't have a solution doesn't change that fact.

"You are wrong, I'm absolutely correct."

You are 100% wrong, 100% incorrect.

I'm NOT Left-Wing you idiot, go away Troll. Only a complete idiot would say I was Left-Wing, therefore that's you.

Yeah, you still haven't said anything that disproves the fact that that was a typical democrat fascist response.

Why would a republican or a conservative even think of saying put a tax on people's weight, or food or whatever? They wouldn't. Only a lefty would. If you think you aren't a lefty, you'd better seriously look at your core values.

Yeah, you are wrong again.

I don't do Rubberstamp Group Think, you obviously do, that's your problem, you obviously cannot think for yourself, your comment is ridiculous, I don't think anyone except an idiot like you would even make such a statement that I'm a Leftist.

I've had a run in with you before haven't I you Troll, I think you are a Leftist trying to cause trouble. Piss off.

Again you are very sensitive about this obese issue, so lose some weight fatty.

What you said is precisely what a leftist would say. Your childish denials can't change that fact. Be an adult, admit it and move on.

"Be an adult, admit it and move on."

How about you move on, I think 99% of this forum would laugh at you saying what you said. How about you search my posts since I joined and see that I'm more Right-Wing than a fool like you will ever be.

Now run along fool, probably your level of education is minimal and yes lose weight, this entire thing is very sensitive to you, it's hit a raw nerve or you wouldn't have attacked me and made such idiotic comments, suggesting you are obese yourself, so lose weight and stop eating crap fatty.

Is it any wonder your ratings to postings ratio is so low.
This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest

Perhaps you should have a Fat Tax, literally fat people would have to pay more tax, hopefully this might get them to begin eating healthier foods. Also you should put almost extortionate amounts of tax on all those Fast Food places.
what if the fat person has a physical problem like hyperthyroidism?....

Well I mentioned something about medical issues in one of my other posts, I mentioned that some people are over weight because of glandular problems, these people aren't obese because they're lazy people who cannot stop eating unhealthy food.
What happened to the good old sugar tax?

And the pride in obesity movement?

After all, the fatter and uglier the girl, the less she gets attacked in prison.
This is hardly surprising to anyone who has ever left the country. Americans are fat, lazy, and eat like shit.

Life threatening obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, with 711 million overweight around the globe led by French fry loving Americans.

A detailed report in the latest New England Journal of Medicine is winning alarmed attention in Washington because it finds that American children and adults are leading the obesity parade.

"The highest level of age-standardized childhood obesity was observed in the United States, 12.7 percent," said the report.

Obesity becomes worldwide epidemic, US is the fattest
Watching this board over the last 10+ years....learned that one simply does not get in the way of con-servatives and their junk food.
The problem is that we were never meant to eat all the processed junk and chemicals that our society has been raised on. We're all addicted to this crap. I eat clean all the time, with the exception of me shocking my system for a cheat meal once a month and I'm addicted to bad food as well.

Too many foods these days have additives in them that are not needed. This is why people should attempt to eat only fresh produce, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, no pre-cooked pre-packed foods, no processed foods and especially no Fast Foods.

It's not just obese adults, it's obese children and those pre-cooked, pre-packaged and processed foods if you read the small print contain an unusual amount of the wrong type of additives that don't need to be in a child's body.

As the saying goes, you are what you eat and especially with children parents should be careful what they feed their children and not feed them anything because it's more convenient, it's just complete laziness.

people are more careful about what they feed their dogs
What is an alternative? The Fast Foods are cheaper and no time is needed to prepare them, people just pick them up. So while there is that situation, already fat and also already obese people are going to continue to eat that crap and even worse feed it to their children.

That's part of living in a free society. People have the choice to be glutenous pigs and ruin their health if they want to. The way to change it is through education.
I'm not sure there's much excuse for people being ignorant of what constitutes a healthy diet nor how to prepare healthy meals these days. You don't even have to shell out for a book - just look on the internet.
You are wrong, I'm absolutely correct. It was a typical fascist left wing response and just because I don't have a solution doesn't change that fact.

"You are wrong, I'm absolutely correct."

You are 100% wrong, 100% incorrect.

I'm NOT Left-Wing you idiot, go away Troll. Only a complete idiot would say I was Left-Wing, therefore that's you.

Yeah, you still haven't said anything that disproves the fact that that was a typical democrat fascist response.

Why would a republican or a conservative even think of saying put a tax on people's weight, or food or whatever? They wouldn't. Only a lefty would. If you think you aren't a lefty, you'd better seriously look at your core values.

Yeah, you are wrong again.

I don't do Rubberstamp Group Think, you obviously do, that's your problem, you obviously cannot think for yourself, your comment is ridiculous, I don't think anyone except an idiot like you would even make such a statement that I'm a Leftist.

I've had a run in with you before haven't I you Troll, I think you are a Leftist trying to cause trouble. Piss off.

Again you are very sensitive about this obese issue, so lose some weight fatty.

What you said is precisely what a leftist would say. Your childish denials can't change that fact. Be an adult, admit it and move on.

"Be an adult, admit it and move on."

How about you move on, I think 99% of this forum would laugh at you saying what you said. How about you search my posts since I joined and see that I'm more Right-Wing than a fool like you will ever be.

Now run along fool, probably your level of education is minimal and yes lose weight, this entire thing is very sensitive to you, it's hit a raw nerve or you wouldn't have attacked me and made such idiotic comments, suggesting you are obese yourself, so lose weight and stop eating crap fatty.

Is it any wonder your ratings to postings ratio is so low.

You chose to remain immature.
What is an alternative? The Fast Foods are cheaper and no time is needed to prepare them, people just pick them up. So while there is that situation, already fat and also already obese people are going to continue to eat that crap and even worse feed it to their children.

That's part of living in a free society. People have the choice to be glutenous pigs and ruin their health if they want to. The way to change it is through education.

Educating people to eat healthily and not fill their body with crap has been happening for a long time, so I'm not sure if the education is the issue, I think it's more they are just lazy, what they need is motivation to eat better foods and also to exercise and I'm not for a kid gloves approach with fat lazy people, I'm for hitting them with a 2x4 approach.

I would support full on Fat Shaming even, make them feel ashamed at how they look as part of a motivation to lose weight.
Fast food has very little to do with obesity. A normal weight person will have a typical fast food burger, fries and maybe even a shake. The obese person doesn't. They have two or three burgers, two large fries and a chocolate and another strawberry shake. A person that just likes fast food might be mildly overweight. A truly obese person, eats way differently than a normal person or even a person merely overweight. Eating healthy has no meaning for these people. They live in a state of permanent starvation. Mentally, they are starving at all times.

Obesity is as much of a mental illness as any other.
What is an alternative? The Fast Foods are cheaper and no time is needed to prepare them, people just pick them up. So while there is that situation, already fat and also already obese people are going to continue to eat that crap and even worse feed it to their children.

That's part of living in a free society. People have the choice to be glutenous pigs and ruin their health if they want to. The way to change it is through education.

Educating people to eat healthily and not fill their body with crap has been happening for a long time, so I'm not sure if the education is the issue, I think it's more they are just lazy, what they need is motivation to eat better foods and also to exercise and I'm not for a kid gloves approach with fat lazy people, I'm for hitting them with a 2x4 approach.

I would support full on Fat Shaming even, make them feel ashamed at how they look as part of a motivation to lose weight.

And none of that works. Fat Shaming only makes them hungry but they will hide it. My mother was grossly obese. It killed her. No amount of fat shaming, ridicule, nagging, cajoling or threatening moved her one iota. When she died, she had both legs amputated. It STILL did not stop her from eating. It did not stop my dad from being her enabler. Eating healthy had no meaning. All obese people believe they are eating healthy.
What is an alternative? The Fast Foods are cheaper and no time is needed to prepare them, people just pick them up. So while there is that situation, already fat and also already obese people are going to continue to eat that crap and even worse feed it to their children.

That's part of living in a free society. People have the choice to be glutenous pigs and ruin their health if they want to. The way to change it is through education.

Educating people to eat healthily and not fill their body with crap has been happening for a long time, so I'm not sure if the education is the issue, I think it's more they are just lazy, what they need is motivation to eat better foods and also to exercise and I'm not for a kid gloves approach with fat lazy people, I'm for hitting them with a 2x4 approach.

I would support full on Fat Shaming even, make them feel ashamed at how they look as part of a motivation to lose weight.

And none of that works. Fat Shaming only makes them hungry but they will hide it. My mother was grossly obese. It killed her. No amount of fat shaming, ridicule, nagging, cajoling or threatening moved her one iota. When she died, she had both legs amputated. It STILL did not stop her from eating. It did not stop my dad from being her enabler. Eating healthy had no meaning. All obese people believe they are eating healthy.

Well first of all, I'm sorry about your mother.

I'm not sure if all obese people think they are eating healthily.

I think there are several issues, one is that some people have a food addiction, which like all addictions drugs, alcohol, gambling etc they are unable to control because the addiction controls them. These people have a clinical illness, a psychological addiction to eating, like with other addictions, they know it's going to destroy their life eventually, but they are unable to stop this self-destructive behaviour.

Another issue is that some people are basically pigs and will eat anything and everything if it tastes sweet or if it's cheap.

There also are different types of obesity, there's obesity which is very overweight and then there's morbid obesity, which is if they don't stop eating to the degree they do it is going to literally kill them.
What is an alternative? The Fast Foods are cheaper and no time is needed to prepare them, people just pick them up. So while there is that situation, already fat and also already obese people are going to continue to eat that crap and even worse feed it to their children.

That's part of living in a free society. People have the choice to be glutenous pigs and ruin their health if they want to. The way to change it is through education.

Educating people to eat healthily and not fill their body with crap has been happening for a long time, so I'm not sure if the education is the issue, I think it's more they are just lazy, what they need is motivation to eat better foods and also to exercise and I'm not for a kid gloves approach with fat lazy people, I'm for hitting them with a 2x4 approach.

I would support full on Fat Shaming even, make them feel ashamed at how they look as part of a motivation to lose weight.

And none of that works. Fat Shaming only makes them hungry but they will hide it. My mother was grossly obese. It killed her. No amount of fat shaming, ridicule, nagging, cajoling or threatening moved her one iota. When she died, she had both legs amputated. It STILL did not stop her from eating. It did not stop my dad from being her enabler. Eating healthy had no meaning. All obese people believe they are eating healthy.

Well first of all, I'm sorry about your mother.

I'm not sure if all obese people think they are eating healthily.

I think there are several issues, one is that some people have a food addiction, which like all addictions drugs, alcohol, gambling etc they are unable to control because the addiction controls them. These people have a clinical illness, a psychological addiction to eating, like with other addictions, they know it's going to destroy their life eventually, but they are unable to stop this self-destructive behaviour.

Another issue is that some people are basically pigs and will eat anything and everything if it tastes sweet or if it's cheap.

There also are different types of obesity, there's obesity which is very overweight and then there's morbid obesity, which is if they don't stop eating to the degree they do it is going to literally kill them.

I have been extremely interested in obesity since my mom died. Even the people who are basically pigs that will eat anything just cannot stop. There is nothing you can do or say that will cause the fat person to stop eating. I'd look at my mother stuffing food in her face with both hands (the truly obese stop using utensils, they can't fill their face fast enough with forks or spoons). I would look at her and say "Just stop. Just stop doing it." And of course she couldn't. At that weight the stomach of the obese person is as big as a watermelon. They cannot get full. Ever. They are in a perpetual stage of starvation.

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