Obesity must be made illegal in Ameirca.

No what should be made illegal is all the shite and chemicles that they put in our food to make it addictive so we keep on eating it. Cut it off at the source and you solve the problem.

Seriously? I happen to agree to a point with your statement, but I come out with a different result. I just don't eat it. See how simple that was? And it didn't take an act of Congress for it to happen. Just tiny, wee bit of self-control.
We must move to make obesity illegal. And lock up these fat people for their own good.

How about legally obese people are not entitled to Obamacare! But then Obamacare would be seen as racist, because obsenity is hitting blacks and Latino harder!

Courthouse News Service

The discrepancy of obesity ratios across racial and ethnic lines is astounding. Of the three groups studied, blacks had by far the highest rate of obesity, at 36 percent, followed by Hispanics, at 29 percent, and finally by whites, at 24 percent.

Sure you want to lock up more of your own people 52ndStreet? (Suggestion: Please start with Charlie Bass!)
We must move to make obesity illegal. And lock up these fat people for their own good.

You can't really be serious about taking fried chicken and ribs away from your people!

OK that was too racist, but come on locking up fat people won't fly anytime soon!
See the story on the faty below! 105 lb in 7 months! No if only every obese person would kill someone 52nd plan could be implemented!

Accused Killer In Calorie Beef - April 27, 2008

Broderick Laswell. Since his arrest last September on a murder charge, the Arkansas man, 19, has been locked up in the Benton County jail, where he has shed 105 of his original 413 pounds. While most people suffering from obesity would probably welcome such a weight loss, Laswell has made a federal case out of it. Claiming that he is "literally being starved to death," the 6', 308-pound Laswell Friday filed a lawsuit charging that his civil rights have been violated by jailers. According to the U.S. District Court complaint, an excerpt of which you'll find here, Laswell contends that he is being provided with so few calories that, about an hour after every meal, "my stomach starts to hurt and growl. I feel hungry again." This purported "lack of nutrition," Laswell claims,
Obesity must be made a crime, because in a future with limited resources, fat people will be consuming more than their fare share of food, water, and other food resources ,that will become more and more
scarce, and or depleted. We must move to criminalize fat people and obesity, and or gluttony.
We will be doing those fat bodies a favor.

I see! But when food becomes a scarcity fatty will be a gold mine! Or cattle ranch if you prefer. Obese people won't put up much of fight, can't escape easily and they could fill up a family of 4 for an entire month!

We need fatty int he future for this reason entirely!
what about taxing people per pound?

I like. Every percentage point over BMI you are you get a surtax! Once you hit a certain point, we say hell with it, into the meat grinder for fatty and sell the lardass as premium well stocked meat!
Can PP provide a list of chemically addictive additives common in processed foods?
thats what i asked
so i could add them to my list of things i avoid in foods
but he didnt answer my question
just continued to make a claim with nothing to back it up

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