Objections to ground zero mosque fuel jihadist ire

how did i bash christians?

i called it a nice mob....and that is bashing?

and what religion do you surmise they might be?

You called it a nice Christian mob.

And you know, I think they showed considerable restraint. the first part of the clip shows a jackass with a skull cap on using the word "fuck" about three times, and shows the crowd protecting him from the one guy who stepped up.

They don't want a mosque there. How that translates into hating muslims, I don't know, since manhattan has dozens of mosques already. I guess that's where we're at. At first the left tried to pretend we were claiming they didn't have a RIGHT to build it there. That didn't work, so now they're going to stick with the mantra that we hate Muslims.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwaNRWMN-F4&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Anti-muslim Rally at Ground Zero[/ame]

How does it translate into hating muslims? I don't know, ask the muslim haters who were protesting in this video.
What doesn't fuel Jihadist ire at this point? They're always bitchin about something no? All their bitchin is just designed to justify their brutal massacres with the 'Fence-sitting Morons' around the World. This kind of bitchin appeals to soft-headed ignoramuses like the Left Wingers in Western Europe and our own in this country. It's designed to garner some kind of sympathy for their countless brutal atrocities with those who are confused. Seriously,what doesn't fuel Jihadist ire at this point?
What doesn't fuel Jihadist ire at this point? They're always bitchin about something no? All their bitchin is just designed to justify their brutal massacres with the 'Fence-sitting Morons' around the World. This kind of bitchin appeals to soft-headed ignoramuses like the Left Wingers in Western Europe and our own in this country. It's designed to garner some kind of sympathy for their countless brutal atrocities with those who are confused. Seriously,what doesn't fuel Jihadist ire at this point?

Same can be said about right wing ire.

You're fueling eachother.

Don't you see?

And the FOX co-owner is funding the project while FOX whips ya'll up into a hate and fear frenzy which causes Muslims to get whipped up into a hate and fear frenzy.

You're being who you hate.

What doesn't fuel Jihadist ire at this point? They're always bitchin about something no? All their bitchin is just designed to justify their brutal massacres with the 'Fence-sitting Morons' around the World. This kind of bitchin appeals to soft-headed ignoramuses like the Left Wingers in Western Europe and our own in this country. It's designed to garner some kind of sympathy for their countless brutal atrocities with those who are confused. Seriously,what doesn't fuel Jihadist ire at this point?

Same can be said about right wing ire.

You're fueling eachother.

Don't you see?

And the FOX co-owner is funding the project while FOX whips ya'll up into a hate and fear frenzy which causes Muslims to get whipped up into a hate and fear frenzy.

You're being who you hate.


You give FOX too much credit Sparky. Is it an obsession with you?????
Is it just me or does EVERYTHING fuel the Jihadist's ire?

Does kind of appear that way.

Hey maybe you are fucking figuring this thing out.

Lets do what right instead of worrying about what they think.

Lets start by following teh spirit of the constitution and STOP telling people where they can build a house of worship on their own dime.

How stupid do you people look for tossing the constitution on the fire to try and piss them off more?

When did far left hacks like you start giving a fuck about private property rights ? ...... :lol:
What doesn't fuel Jihadist ire at this point? They're always bitchin about something no? All their bitchin is just designed to justify their brutal massacres with the 'Fence-sitting Morons' around the World. This kind of bitchin appeals to soft-headed ignoramuses like the Left Wingers in Western Europe and our own in this country. It's designed to garner some kind of sympathy for their countless brutal atrocities with those who are confused. Seriously,what doesn't fuel Jihadist ire at this point?

Same can be said about right wing ire.

You're fueling eachother.

Don't you see?

And the FOX co-owner is funding the project while FOX whips ya'll up into a hate and fear frenzy which causes Muslims to get whipped up into a hate and fear frenzy.

You're being who you hate.


I was taught that you are responsible for your own actions.

So when Mulsims get whipped up into their frenzies, they are responsible for the results. Not us.

Please provide evidence that the right wing has brought the same sort of death and destruction upon the world as Islam.
Nigeria to Prosecute Hundreds of Suspects in Christian Slaughter | Christianpost.com
Tawfik Hamid: Ground Zero Mosque Islamic Victory Symbol
Wednesday, 18 Aug 2010 01:47 PM Article Font Size
By: Jim Meyers

Islamic expert Tawfik Hamid tells Newsmax that many Muslims will view the construction of a mosque near ground zero as symbolizing a “triumph over America.”

He also declares that if the mosque is built it could prove to be the “spark” that begins a “war between civilizations.”

Hamid is well acquainted with the threats from radical Islam — he was once a member of a terrorist Islamic organization along with Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who later became the second in command of al-Qaida.

Today Hamid is a senior fellow and chair for the Study of Islamic Radicalism at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. He is the author of "Inside Jihad: Understanding and Confronting Radical Islam," and a regular Newsmax contributor.

President Barack Obama said over the weekend that the Muslims have the right to build the mosque near ground zero in Manhattan, although he later stated he did not advocate the construction. But New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has said he does advocate construction.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Hamid criticized Bloomberg’s advocacy of the mosque.

“I believe he did this without doing the most basic step, which is to make sure that the leaders of the mosque are truly moderates,” Hamid says.

“I don’t have any specific negative things against them except for the issue of Hamas. They support Hamas. This is a very serious issue. It means they support killing innocent children in the name of Islam. This is what Hamas does. He should have made sure first that this group [that wants to build the mosque] is moderate.

“He should have asked them, if they are truly moderate, shall they tell us, and tell the media and tell the world, their position on the violent Shariah teachings, such as killing the apostate and stoning women to death and declaring wars to spread their religion.

“How could he consider them moderate without making sure that they stand clearly and unambiguously against the violent ethics of Shariah?”

As for why he personally opposes construction of the mosque, Hamid says: “Many Islamists believe that this is a sign of victory for Islam, a triumph over America. It’s a symbol of victory for Islam over the values of America.”

Questions have arisen over where the funding for the $100 million mosque project is coming from. Hamid says: “Mostly from Muslims around the world — most likely personal donations from people who want to see Islam victorious in the West.”

Asked if the mosque project will further polarize Muslims and non-Muslims, Hamid says: “Absolutely. It will create friction between civilizations, and I’m afraid it can be the spark that will start the big fire of a war between civilizations, because I can see people are getting angry.

“And it shows a lot of insensitivity from the Muslim side. Doing something legal does not mean that you are sensitive to others.”

Hamid was also asked why Muslims aren’t speaking out more against Islamic radicals.

He questioned “how many Muslims are true moderates here.

“Some people pretend they are moderates but they are not moderates. And there are some people who do not have the theological knowledge to discredit the beliefs of the radicals.

“It’s tribal mentality. We haven’t seen demonstrations in the Muslim world against bin-Laden, for example. So it’s sort of a tribal mentality that makes them unable to criticize their fellow Muslim brothers.”

Hamid: Ground Zero Mosque Islamic Victory Symbol
With thi Ink Blotter test I see nothing but Breasts.... You See FOX Conspiracies. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You do know that Fox and their Arab backers were behind 9/11 to boost ratings and revenue right?

So..what did we do to Islam to make them brutalize Darfur???

"Last week's high-level discussion about American policy towards Sudan raised fears that the President's special envoy to Sudan, General Gration, may be moving towards a policy disregarding pressures on the Sudanese government. During the discussion, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice was the only official dissenting from this recalibration. As Vice President Biden was absent from the meeting, STAND hopes that he will be able to encourage President Obama to reject a shift to an incentives-only Sudan strategy."

"With violence increasing in Darfur and the South Sudan independence referendum less than six months away, the United States cannot afford a Sudan policy that eschew diplomatic and economic pressures."

Ah Islam,the religion of PEACE....We protest against a building going up in lower Manhattan and these dickweeds talk about blowing shit up.Wonderful,and I wonder how many Libs on this site and in the USA don't see Islam for what it really is.

Are you fucking kidding me? Christianity is so great? Yeah, let's go bomb abortion clinics when one of the ten commandments is "THOU SHALT NOT KILL." Don't get self-righteous over Islam. Those fundamentalists were just that: fundamentalists. Same as Christian fundamentalists who pull the same kind of shit.
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Ah Islam,the religion of PEACE....We protest against a building going up in lower Manhattan and these dickweeds talk about blowing shit up.Wonderful,and I wonder how many Libs on this site and in the USA don't see Islam for what it really is.

Are you fucking kidding me? Christianity is so great? Yeah, let's go bomb abortion clinics when one of the ten commandments is "THOU SHALT NOT KILL." Don't get self-righteous over Islam. Those fundamentalists were just that: fundamentalists. Same as Christian fundamentalists who pull the same kind of shit.

I'm getting weary of this little drama. Played out time and again. Oh, Christians do the same thing. Guess what? When you take Christians out of the equation in an Islamic country, they murder each other at an alarming rate. They can't stand each other when there is no common enemy. Outside of Ireland you rarely see that consistent level of murder of your fellow religious branch.
So..what did we do to Islam to make them brutalize Darfur???

You're aware that Darfur is overwhelmingly Muslim, yes? :eusa_eh:

That includes the victims of the conflict and the resistance movements.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_p3xe4pVHA]YouTube - JEM CONFERENCE IN DARFUR[/ame]

Justice and Equality Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uh, yes, I know.

I'm not sure what point you're making, however. That Muslims are equal opportunity butchers? That they're racist? What?

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