Objections to ground zero mosque fuel jihadist ire

Sorry bout that,

1. Starvation is a aspect of war.
2. Iraq taunted USA to come in there and fight.
3. As I remember.
4. Ones man troll is another mans truth teller.

This 'right wing Constitutionalist' doesn't. Damn that individual thought thing! Makes it almost impossible to keep them pesky critters in their box.

You mean the 'right wing Constitutionalist' that doesn't know the difference between a direct democracy, which our founders opposed, and a representative democracy, which a Republic is a form of, that our founders created?

But to a 'we are not worthy' pea brain, democracy in any form is scary... the warmth of a plutocracy quells your fears.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

I know exactly what this country is. I know what it was set up to be. I know what it was supposed to achieve. It's a pity that Obama doesn't.

And you can quote JFK from now till hell freezes over, the Democrat Party of today is NOT the party of Kennedy. That's a fact. Live with it. Moron.
Yeah, that guy is totally wrong. It's not like we've been meddling in Middle Eastern politics for decades, or bombing a certain country to the ground and taking out it's ruler. Stuff like that can't have negative consequences or casualties.

What's really funny is that there are a whole plethora of conservative commentators have made statements like "the US deserved 9/11".

Why just last month, Glenn Beck said that US policies were responsible for 9/11 on his show...
Why, here's an example of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson "Blaming America First" for 9/11, right after the attacks happened:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]YouTube - Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11[/ame]

Of course, if they just blame the Liberals, the Conservatives don't see that as "blaming America". LOL.
how did i bash christians?

i called it a nice mob....and that is bashing?

and what religion do you surmise they might be?

You called it a nice Christian mob.

And you know, I think they showed considerable restraint. the first part of the clip shows a jackass with a skull cap on using the word "fuck" about three times, and shows the crowd protecting him from the one guy who stepped up.

They don't want a mosque there. How that translates into hating muslims, I don't know, since manhattan has dozens of mosques already. I guess that's where we're at. At first the left tried to pretend we were claiming they didn't have a RIGHT to build it there. That didn't work, so now they're going to stick with the mantra that we hate Muslims.
Dear Liberals,

This nation was never set up to be a representative government that would put every liberty and freedom up for a vote before Congress. We are free and given a full set of rights that cannot be taken from us, but by an unjust government. Government is limited not its citizens.


how did i bash christians?

i called it a nice mob....and that is bashing?

and what religion do you surmise they might be?

You called it a nice Christian mob.

And you know, I think they showed considerable restraint. the first part of the clip shows a jackass with a skull cap on using the word "fuck" about three times, and shows the crowd protecting him from the one guy who stepped up.

They don't want a mosque there. How that translates into hating muslims, I don't know, since manhattan has dozens of mosques already. I guess that's where we're at. At first the left tried to pretend we were claiming they didn't have a RIGHT to build it there. That didn't work, so now they're going to stick with the mantra that we hate Muslims.
Where you don't succeed, lie, lie again. ;)
I thought BO was The One we've been waiting for? I thought BO was going to bring us all together? I thought the oceans were going to stop rising and our planet was going to heal? I thought......... Oh yeah,

Ah just one more thing. When is BO going to close Gitmo?
As it turns out he's none of those things, surprise, surprise. In fact, he's a lying piece of shit who wants to see America crawl.

What a puke.
You all need to watch this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZpT2Muxoo0&]YouTube - Keith Olbermann Special Comment: There Is No 'Ground Zero Mosque' - 08/16/10[/ame]

And then you all need to go here and read this:

It Wasn't Muslims

I can not believe that you can call yourselves Americans!!:disbelief:

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