Objections to ground zero mosque fuel jihadist ire

Right wing 'Constitutionalists' want to erect a barrier around that sacred ground...where the FIRST Amendment is suspended...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin
This 'right wing Constitutionalist' doesn't. Damn that individual thought thing! Makes it almost impossible to keep them pesky critters in their box.
This Imam has a constitutional right to be an insensitive asshole. And the American people have a constitutional right to scream about it at the top of their lungs, without fears of congressional investigation.
This 'right wing Constitutionalist' doesn't. Damn that individual thought thing! Makes it almost impossible to keep them pesky critters in their box.

You mean the 'right wing Constitutionalist' that doesn't know the difference between a direct democracy, which our founders opposed, and a representative democracy, which a Republic is a form of, that our founders created?

But to a 'we are not worthy' pea brain, democracy in any form is scary... the warmth of a plutocracy quells your fears.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy
No we don't. Nice try.

Ive spoken out from the beginning saying they have the right to build it. In fact, I don't think anyone has said otherwise.

The question isnt a matter of rights, but of wisdom. Is it wise?
You people have made yourself YOU PEOPLE by thinking its a good idea for Amricans to tell other Americans where they can pray on private property.

You seek to control how the people in AQ FEEL by punishing and insulting other Americans.

You do this and its makes a great recruiting tool for AQ, by making Americans look intolerant.

Now who is it it that prides themselves on freedom of religion? them or us?

Appeasement has not worked in Britain. Read a paper. Or better yet, ask California Girl or Colin. They are not interested in freedom of religion. They use it to justify the Islamification of Democracy. Get your head out of your butt. Stinky in there.
You people have made yourself YOU PEOPLE by thinking its a good idea for Amricans to tell other Americans where they can pray on private property.

You seek to control how the people in AQ FEEL by punishing and insulting other Americans.

You do this and its makes a great recruiting tool for AQ, by making Americans look intolerant.

Now who is it it that prides themselves on freedom of religion? them or us?

I'm going to take the high road. Thanks for calling us people. You are a complete troll.
You people have made yourself YOU PEOPLE by thinking its a good idea for Amricans to tell other Americans where they can pray on private property.

You seek to control how the people in AQ FEEL by punishing and insulting other Americans.

You do this and its makes a great recruiting tool for AQ, by making Americans look intolerant.

Now who is it it that prides themselves on freedom of religion? them or us?

I consider Truthmatters as the spokesperson for ALL liberals.
nice mob....nice christain mob

Check out the size of the Mob in any Muslim country if you tried to build a Christian Church ANYWHERE let alone so close to the site of such a National Tragedy that happened to be carried out by Muslims.

Oh goodie! There's something to be proud of....we're not quite as bad as them......:eusa_eh:
First, for the record I support the right of the people to build the Muslim Community Center at Plaza 51.

But, I want to know what this thread is all about! That protest was peaceful. I didn't see anyone being assaulted. As far as I am concerned those who wanted to protest had as much right to protest as the Muslim Community has to build their center.

What is the beef with this protest?


I was in Penn Station today, picking up tickets for DC this weekend. The crowd there, with shut down rail lines, made the protest crowd look like Pussies. :lol: What kind of a crowd do you expect in NYC????? Give it a rest. :lol:
Ahh the old we better not do anything that will tick them off argument.

Wake the Fuck up Radical Jihad need no motivation from us to hate us. No more than we are powerful and not Muslim.
No we don't. Nice try.

Ive spoken out from the beginning saying they have the right to build it. In fact, I don't think anyone has said otherwise.

The question isnt a matter of rights, but of wisdom. Is it wise?

Except for the fact that when the President made a statement saying that "they have the right to build it"...

The right-wingers claimed that he was therefore "supporting the Ground Zero mosque".

Implying that there was another choice than to follow the constitution.

Seriously, do people on the right think that Americans have no long term memory at all?
No we don't. Nice try.

Ive spoken out from the beginning saying they have the right to build it. In fact, I don't think anyone has said otherwise.

The question isnt a matter of rights, but of wisdom. Is it wise?

More to the point does it accomplish the stated goal of bringing us closer together and building bridges?

If 66% of Americans feel like it is an insult then I would say no they do not accomplish their stated goal, and in fact set the cause back. Yet they still want to do it. Hmmmm

And why are they naming it after the historical Battle where Islam won over Christianity in Spain? What message of Tolerance is using that name meant to send?
Exactly. And it won't go away until their demands are met. Which will never happen. Remember 1993?

According to the journalist, Yousef mailed letters to various New York newspapers just before the attack, in which he claimed he belonged to 'Liberation Army, Fifth Battalion'.[7] These letters made three demands: an end to all US aid to Israel, an end to US diplomatic relations with Israel, and a demand for a pledge by the United States to end interference "with any of the Middle East countries' interior affairs." He stated that the attack on the World Trade Center would be merely the first of such attacks if his demands were not met. In his letters Yousef admitted that the World Trade Center bombing was an act of terrorism, but that this was justified because "the terrorism that Israel practices (which America supports) must be faced with a similar one."

1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No we don't. Nice try.

Ive spoken out from the beginning saying they have the right to build it. In fact, I don't think anyone has said otherwise.

The question isnt a matter of rights, but of wisdom. Is it wise?

More to the point does it accomplish the stated goal of bringing us closer together and building bridges?

If 66% of Americans feel like it is an insult then I would say no they do not accomplish their stated goal, and in fact set the cause back. Yet they still want to do it. Hmmmm

And why are they naming it after the historical Battle where Islam won over Christianity in Spain? What message of Tolerance is using that name meant to send?

Why do you assume it's not named after the historic battle where the Spanish took Cordoba back from the Moors?
Sorry bout that,

1. But this just in, that muslim iman in NYC has been *Is Slamming* USA for years.
2. Sounding more like Obamas pastor mr. wright.
3. This should just make you sick, but I know you have a steel cast stomach.
4. I want this piece of crap deported!:eusa_whistle:
5. Bag-o-Crap!
6. Link and sample:Ground Zero Imam Says U.S. Worse than al-Qaeda - HUMAN EVENTS

"New audio has surfaced of the imam behind the controversial mosque near Ground Zero allegedly telling an audience overseas that the United States has been far more deadly than al-Qaeda. "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non Muslims," Feisal Abdul Rauf said at a 2005 lecture sponsored by the University of South Australia. After discussing the U.S.-led sanctions against Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Rauf went on to argue that America is to blame for its testy relationship with Islamic countries.

"What complicates the discussion, intra-Islamically, is the fact that the West has not been cognizant and has not addressed the issues of its own contribution to much injustice in the Arab and Muslim world." The audio was uncovered by blogger Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs."

7. If anyone in America still thinks islams a religion and or a religion of peace, you are dumber than a freakin rock pal!:eek:


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