Objections to ground zero mosque fuel jihadist ire

The person making a fool of herself on this topic is none other than Maggie.

The protesters are exercised their first amendment rights in a non-violent manner. Nothing wrong with that.
Posted this on another Cordoba House Thread. It deserves to be seen.

The Cordoba House: What Muslims should do

As a convert to Islam and a New Yorker I agree that the Cordoba House should move to a new location, if it is to exist at all.

I certainly do not support the anti-Islamic sentiments that are rising, fanned by agenda-laden groups and individuals who just hate Islam and Muslims. I also do not consider the land of "Ground Zero" as sacred. If that is the case, then we should consider thousands of parcels of land throughout the world as "sacred," if death and destruction are what turns land into something nearing a divine nature.

My opposition to this center is based on several points.

First, our duty as Muslims is to call others to Islam with knowledge and excellent behavior and speech, as Allah orders in the Qur'an. Seeing how sensitive the location of the Cordoba Center is and the overwhelming polls showing objection to its location, why court with this emotionalism that is also being whipped up by "special interest Islamophobes"? Moving to a new location is not losing a battle but using wisdom in revealing the mercy of Islam and Muslims by recognizing how sensitive the issue is.

In several blogs I have read many comments supporting the rights of Muslims to establish a place of worship, yet many felt it insensitive to build an Islamic center so close to the "Ground Zero." I agree and see this more as a provocation than an exercise of our rights and a proof that a Muslim can be a "good American" too. A good Muslim is a good citizen anywhere in the world he or she resides. Creating such hard feelings will make giving the message of Islam more difficult and I do not believe it will be overcome by trying to make a Muslim-flavored "YMCA" type of organization.

Second, it is amazing to find an Islamic organization with $100 million or the ability to raise such a staggering sum. There are many struggling Islamic schools in America that find it very difficult just to raise a few thousand dollars. I believe supporting these schools, especially those providing accredited education is far more important than a multipurpose, multicultural center with an indoor swimming pool in lower Manhattan, which is not a highly populated residential neighborhood.

Third, with such virulent opposition why pump so much money into the local economy? There are calls for construction workers not to work in this project. If those workers are so well-off financially then don't work, but for those who need employment, especially during the economic crisis affecting New York like other cities, then build where the community welcomes the center and let them benefit from its construction and likely spin-off businesses that may be supported by such a center.

Last, the anti-Islamic trend making Islam- and Muslim-bashing acceptable, if not fashionable reeks of Klu Klux Klan (KKK)-like behavior. The difference, there is no need to hide under masks and hoods. While this open opposition to Islam and Muslims becomes more widespread and acceptable, I believe it will not be long before physical confrontation will ensue. It is being primed by some of the hard-core Islam-haters. Recently, a Houston radio talk show called for the Cordoba Center to be bombed if it is opened. It is not difficult to envision, particularly as there are now calls for these KKK-like (or actual members) individuals to harass Muslims while they are praying in mosques as what happened in Connecticut recently by a group from Dallas and national opposition to any mosques being built. Civil rights work to protect and further the rights of Muslims is important and indeed has been helpful, but fighting for this center, in my opinion, is a costly diversion from the day-to-day issues that Muslims face in America.

Pushing this center to prove a political point about the American Constitution and the rights of the Muslims does not require this type of costly folly with brewing opposition that is set to include expensive legal challenges and as I believe eventual violence whose costs may go well beyond the exorbitant price tag for this center. Nor does Islam need a Martin Luther King symbol to further its cause.

The pure, simple and divine message sent down by Allah to His Final Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) is that there is "No god but the One True God, Allah, and only Allah is deserving of worship and Muhammad is the Final Messenger of Allah and a servant of Allah." The method prescribed by Allah and His Messenger in giving this message is sufficient.

The Cordoba House: What Muslims should do - Arab News

Thus confirming Obama's further comment last Saturday questioning the "wisdom" of opening the center in that particular spot.
and the property owners have ever right to develop their property regardless of protests

and now answer me what religion would you surmise them to be?

we all know at least 75% of more would claim to be christian why do you feel the need to deflect that?

Are they arguing that the Mosque, sorry - community center - is illegal? No. Just immoral. The problem, I guess, is that one needs to understand what morals are.

What's "immoral" about a cultural center? If it were a place to teach Muslims how to cut off heads, that would be immoral.
Perhaps his headwear gave them that idea.



So, you base what religion someone is by headgear? There's lonestar logic for you. :lol::lol::lol:

You can tell a lot from a person by the clothes they choose to wear. If these people thought he was a muslim it could be because a) he's wearing muslim headgear and b) he was opposing their opposition to the mosque.

Wise up!

Except...he was not wearing muslim headgear....lonestar logic indeed.
You can tell a lot from a person by the clothes they choose to wear. If these people thought he was a muslim it could be because a) he's wearing muslim headgear and b) he was opposing their opposition to the mosque.

Wise up!

Like the Puerto Rican flag medallion the man was wearing?

Are you suggesting there can be no Puerti Rican muslims?

Lonestar Logic...with furious back pedaling....:lol::lol::lol:

(of course, it means absolutely nothing that the man said at least twice outloud that he was not a muslim....cause we know ALL MUSLIMS LIE!)
Not at all. Are you suggesting that Puerto Rico is a country you would associate with Muslims?

There's a lot of countries I wouldn't associate with muslims, but that doesn't mean there aren't muslims in those countries.

Yeah, I suppose he could have been one of the one of the 5000 or so Puerto Rican Muslims.

I think you are sort of right though. Some ignorant people saw a dark skinned guy wearing a Muslin looking hat walking? and got whipped up into a frenzy.

Yep...and the guy in the hard hat starts following him around to get in his face.
the guy actually said he wasn't a muslim. I am not defending him, i'm just saying. That being said, i think he was foolish to stir stuff up with people who looked to be a bit angry to begin with. It's a bit like trolling an emotionally charged forum thread, except in this case, he could have been physically injured instead of getting his feelings hurt.

how dare he walk thru there! How dare he!!!!!!
Do these freakin' idiots know it isn't a mosque? And where's their outrage of the fact that 9 years later, there's still a giant hole where the towers once stood?.. No memorial. And better yet, where's their outrage over the fact republicans single handedly held up the passing of health insurance for 9/11 responders?

What does you blaming the Republican's for slowing us down on the path to bankruptcy, slavery to the State and bondage have to do with this thread?????

Ah yes, they've been so helpful. :cuckoo:
You people have made yourself YOU PEOPLE by thinking its a good idea for Amricans to tell other Americans where they can pray on private property.

You seek to control how the people in AQ FEEL by punishing and insulting other Americans.

You do this and its makes a great recruiting tool for AQ, by making Americans look intolerant.

Now who is it it that prides themselves on freedom of religion? them or us?
The guy actually said he wasn't a muslim. I am not defending him, I'm just saying. That being said, I think he was foolish to stir stuff up with people who looked to be a bit angry to begin with. It's a bit like trolling an emotionally charged forum thread, except in this case, he could have been physically injured instead of getting his feelings hurt.

You mean there isn't a viral email already going around that the guy was a plant by the DNC?
you people have made yourself you people by thinking its a good idea for amricans to tell other americans where they can pray on private property.

You seek to control how the people in aq feel by punishing and insulting other americans.

You do this and its makes a great recruiting tool for aq, by making americans look intolerant.

Now who is it it that prides themselves on freedom of religion? Them or us?

So, you base what religion someone is by headgear? There's lonestar logic for you. :lol::lol::lol:

You can tell a lot from a person by the clothes they choose to wear. If these people thought he was a muslim it could be because a) he's wearing muslim headgear and b) he was opposing their opposition to the mosque.

Wise up!

Except...he was not wearing muslim headgear....lonestar logic indeed.

Muslims don't wear skull caps?
You people have made yourself YOU PEOPLE by thinking its a good idea for Amricans to tell other Americans where they can pray on private property.

You seek to control how the people in AQ FEEL by punishing and insulting other Americans.

You do this and its makes a great recruiting tool for AQ, by making Americans look intolerant.

Now who is it it that prides themselves on freedom of religion? them or us?

The sad thing is you actually believe that.

Next time they attack us, you'll 'blame' this mythical 'you people'. You're laughable. If you were capable of critical thinking, you'd be downright dangerous. Happily, 'you people' are too stupid to think.... hence the constant regurgitation of group-think that the borg provides.

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