Obma can partially thank Bush for the Noble Peace prize

Bush moved to Iraq and ignored Afghanistan to save his Father's honor even though his father thought it was the wrong move.

If Bush had chased Osama and the Taliban down in Afghanistan istead of a war of choice in Iraq Obama would not be dealing with it.

Obama is pulling out of Iraq if you did not notice

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Stow it FUDD!!!!
Your revisionist history is laughable at best and down right lies at worst!!!!

Bush DID NOT ignore Afghanistan or did you forget the 21,000 troops we had there and the victory we won in the early stages of the campaign. The Taliban were ROUTED YOU DUMB ASS!!!! NATO NEVER stepped up to fill their obligation after the peace was won ... NEVER! Now you disingenuous fucktards blame the resurgence of the Taliban on Bush WHEN EUROPE NEVER STEPPED UP!!!!

Bush DID CHASE THEM DOWN!!!!!! How the fuck do you think Karzai became President instead of fucking Omar staying in power!!!

Obama is pulling out of Iraq if you did not notice
Bush negotiated the troop withdrawal before he left office...

OK. That about wraps up this horseshit thread....

You are as articulate as a cow turd. You feel the more foul your language the better you can make your point. Your foul language is extremely foul and shows your lack of intelligence.
Your foul language is better than the logic you use in your individual responses. It is difficult to give logical responses to someone as illogical as you.

someone who insists on saying Bush made Obama win this award is accusing someone of being illogical. Sorry you don't like foul language, you low life cocksucking mother fucker.
Bush moved to Iraq and ignored Afghanistan to save his Father's honor even though his father thought it was the wrong move.

If Bush had chased Osama and the Taliban down in Afghanistan istead of a war of choice in Iraq Obama would not be dealing with it.

Obama is pulling out of Iraq if you did not notice

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Stow it FUDD!!!!
Your revisionist history is laughable at best and down right lies at worst!!!!

Bush DID NOT ignore Afghanistan or did you forget the 21,000 troops we had there and the victory we won in the early stages of the campaign. The Taliban were ROUTED YOU DUMB ASS!!!! NATO NEVER stepped up to fill their obligation after the peace was won ... NEVER! Now you disingenuous fucktards blame the resurgence of the Taliban on Bush WHEN EUROPE NEVER STEPPED UP!!!!

Bush DID CHASE THEM DOWN!!!!!! How the fuck do you think Karzai became President instead of fucking Omar staying in power!!!

Obama is pulling out of Iraq if you did not notice
Bush negotiated the troop withdrawal before he left office...

OK. That about wraps up this horseshit thread....

You are as articulate as a cow turd. You feel the more foul your language the better you can make your point. Your foul language is extremely foul and shows your lack of intelligence.
Your foul language is better than the logic you use in your individual responses. It is difficult to give logical responses to someone as illogical as you.

Notice how Fudd's sentiments are shot full of holes and he CANNOT REFUTE A SINGLE THING I SAID. Why you ask? Because unlike Fudd my statements are based on factual information readily verifiable...not half witted DNC propaganda that only a fricken boob believes.

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If it had to do with who the predecessor was, Adenauer would have won the Nobel Prize after following Hitler.

You are an idiot.
Hitler was deposed by a world war that involved many countries successfully defeating Hitler.
In the aftermath of reorganizing the old German republic it was divided into two parts.
Adenauer was the leader of West Germany. He did a very good job but West germany did not have a major influence on the rest of the world.

Obama defeated the Republican party by promising major changes to the Bush policies that would be partially carried on by McCain. Once he defeated McCain he moved to redefine relationships of the US with other countries of the world.

Much different than Adenauer.

yeah keep slurping on Obama's cock.

That is a great response. It addresses my point directly. It uses logic to challenge my premise. You are good.
You are an idiot.
Hitler was deposed by a world war that involved many countries successfully defeating Hitler.
In the aftermath of reorganizing the old German republic it was divided into two parts.
Adenauer was the leader of West Germany. He did a very good job but West germany did not have a major influence on the rest of the world.

Obama defeated the Republican party by promising major changes to the Bush policies that would be partially carried on by McCain. Once he defeated McCain he moved to redefine relationships of the US with other countries of the world.

Much different than Adenauer.

yeah keep slurping on Obama's cock.

That is a great response. It addresses my point directly. It uses logic to challenge my premise. You are good.

you don't use any logic, you stupid fuckhead. anyone who says obama won the prize because of Bush has no right to discuss logic. When Obama escalates the war in Afghanistan, will you continue to gag on his dick?
Once he defeated McCain he moved to redefine relationships of the US with other countries of the world.

What's the definition of this Fudd?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Stow it FUDD!!!!
Your revisionist history is laughable at best and down right lies at worst!!!!

Bush DID NOT ignore Afghanistan or did you forget the 21,000 troops we had there and the victory we won in the early stages of the campaign. The Taliban were ROUTED YOU DUMB ASS!!!! NATO NEVER stepped up to fill their obligation after the peace was won ... NEVER! Now you disingenuous fucktards blame the resurgence of the Taliban on Bush WHEN EUROPE NEVER STEPPED UP!!!!

Bush DID CHASE THEM DOWN!!!!!! How the fuck do you think Karzai became President instead of fucking Omar staying in power!!!

Bush negotiated the troop withdrawal before he left office...

OK. That about wraps up this horseshit thread....

You are as articulate as a cow turd. You feel the more foul your language the better you can make your point. Your foul language is extremely foul and shows your lack of intelligence.
Your foul language is better than the logic you use in your individual responses. It is difficult to give logical responses to someone as illogical as you.

Notice how Fudd's sentiments are shot full of holes and he CANNOT REFUTE A SINGLE THING I SAID. Why you ask? Because unlike Fudd my statements are based on factual information readily verifiable...not half witted DNC propaganda that only a fricken boob believes.


Do I have to blow apart the idiotic fantasy you spewed above.
You say Bush Never ignored Afghanistan - Osama Bin Laden was cornered in the mountains by US troops. The white house said let local troops close in when our military wanted more troops and to do it themself. The troops were being sent to Iraq. The US left 21,000 troops in Afghanistan but they put 130,000 in Iraq. What is half of those had been deployed to Afghanistan. You say the Taliban was defeated. Have you watched or read any news reports on Afghanistan recently. Taliban is stronger than they have been since prior to the initial war and are getting stronger.
Osama Bin Laden has never been caught and the Taliban is close to taking over Afghanistan again. You are saying Bush did his job in Afghanistan. You are an absolute idiot
You say Bush Never ignored Afghanistan - Osama Bin Laden was cornered in the mountains by US troops.

Another Fudd fantasy. Osama Bin Laden was an arms length away from the entire 10th Mountain Division and a brigade of Green Berets.

Bin Laden was never "cornered" by anyone. He was in the region of Tora Bora. Before he could be captured he retreated as the Taliban were blown to pieces by 2000lb general purpose bombs.

Check this out Fudd...this is how fucking stupid you are. The battle of Tora Bora began in DECEMBER OF 2001. The Iraq war resolution wasn't even written yet. So how could troops be sent to Iraq when that conflict didn't exist?

Bin Laden was NEVER cornered at any point during the entire Afghanistan conflict.
You say the Taliban was defeated. Have you watched or read any news reports on Afghanistan recently.

Once again more Fuddlyism on display for the liberals with diminished brain capacity.

Yes Fudd...they were ROUTED from Afghanistan in 2002. When NATO FAILED to send re-enforcements in the numbers they promised in October of 2001 the Taliban began a resurgence in 2005.

Dude...get off those libtard loon websites...please!
You are an idiot.
Hitler was deposed by a world war that involved many countries successfully defeating Hitler.
In the aftermath of reorganizing the old German republic it was divided into two parts.
Adenauer was the leader of West Germany. He did a very good job but West germany did not have a major influence on the rest of the world.

Obama defeated the Republican party by promising major changes to the Bush policies that would be partially carried on by McCain. Once he defeated McCain he moved to redefine relationships of the US with other countries of the world.

Much different than Adenauer.

yeah keep slurping on Obama's cock.

That is a great response. It addresses my point directly. It uses logic to challenge my premise. You are good.
Using your logic, I should have won the prize because I'm not Bush. Of course, I didn't win an election, but it certainly cheapens the prize, thus the prize is nothing. :rolleyes:
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yeah keep slurping on Obama's cock.

That is a great response. It addresses my point directly. It uses logic to challenge my premise. You are good.
Using your logic, I should have won the prize because I'm not Bush. Of course, I didn't win an election, but it certainly cheapens the prize, thus the prize is nothing. :rolleyes:

You have not done squat since Bush left
Obama has strengthened relationships with every ally except Isreal. He has opened dialog with our enemies giving hope for better relationships.
The results were shown with the world countries backing US demands against Iran unlike under the Bush administration. Iran has accepted inspections.

I could go on
That is a great response. It addresses my point directly. It uses logic to challenge my premise. You are good.
Using your logic, I should have won the prize because I'm not Bush. Of course, I didn't win an election, but it certainly cheapens the prize, thus the prize is nothing. :rolleyes:

You have not done squat since Bush left
Obama has strengthened relationships with every ally except Isreal. He has opened dialog with our enemies giving hope for better relationships.
The results were shown with the world countries backing US demands against Iran unlike under the Bush administration. Iran has accepted inspections.

I could go on

He has pissed off France, Poland, the UK. Fail.

He has talked to no nation with whom we don't already have a dialog. Fail.

Iran is still not meeting all the demands of the IAEA. Fail.

Did he do any of what was already in place in his first 12 days of office? Fail.

Your irrational swooning is pathetic.
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Run Fudd.... Run!!!!!!!

I disagree with just about everything you say and consider it false and illogical. Illogical arguments cannot be dealt with logic. It is a waste of my key strokes.

Your gun as your insignia says alot about you.
Guns are intended for target shooting, hunting, war and protecting yourself.
Unintended uses are gang bangers, robbery etc,

Then there are those who just brandish them as you are doing. It is done by those who are extremely insecure about their masculinity. It is an indication of a particularly small body part. And of an individual who probably has never played a physical sport in his life and is in constant fear of being beat up.

I am guessing that sums you up in a nut shell Patty.
Run Fudd.... Run!!!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql0Kr_8HbZQ&NR=1]YouTube - guy runs into sign absolutly hilarious[/ame]
Run Fudd.... Run!!!!!!!

I disagree with just about everything you say and consider it false and illogical. Illogical arguments cannot be dealt with logic. It is a waste of my key strokes.

Your gun as your insignia says alot about you.
Guns are intended for target shooting, hunting, war and protecting yourself.
Unintended uses are gang bangers, robbery etc,

Then there are those who just brandish them as you are doing. It is done by those who are extremely insecure about their masculinity. It is an indication of a particularly small body part. And of an individual who probably has never played a physical sport in his life and is in constant fear of being beat up.

I am guessing that sums you up in a nut shell Patty.

ya,,,,Fudd...reality sucks doesn't it. No matter how much you disagree with the facts I posted they are in fact irrefutable as you have found out by googling everything I posted. It's really too bad that there are narrow minded ass clowns such as yourself in this world....you Fudd....people like you give Democrats a bad name.
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Run Fudd.... Run!!!!!!!

I disagree with just about everything you say and consider it false and illogical. Illogical arguments cannot be dealt with logic. It is a waste of my key strokes.

Your gun as your insignia says alot about you.
Guns are intended for target shooting, hunting, war and protecting yourself.
Unintended uses are gang bangers, robbery etc,

Then there are those who just brandish them as you are doing. It is done by those who are extremely insecure about their masculinity. It is an indication of a particularly small body part. And of an individual who probably has never played a physical sport in his life and is in constant fear of being beat up.

I am guessing that sums you up in a nut shell Patty.

ya,,,,Fudd...reality sucks doesn't it. No matter how much you disagree with the facts I posted they are in fact irrefutable as you have found out by googling everything I posted. It's really too bad that there are narrow minded ass clowns such as yourself in this world....you Fudd....people like you give Democrats a bad name.

Patty, Patty, Patty
You live in a very sick and sad world. I know you believe what you say is true. You live in your world and I will live in mine.

If anyone starts messing with you, just show them that big gun of yours. Do you own a big car too.
Using your logic, I should have won the prize because I'm not Bush. Of course, I didn't win an election, but it certainly cheapens the prize, thus the prize is nothing. :rolleyes:

You have not done squat since Bush left
Obama has strengthened relationships with every ally except Isreal. He has opened dialog with our enemies giving hope for better relationships.
The results were shown with the world countries backing US demands against Iran unlike under the Bush administration. Iran has accepted inspections.

I could go on

He has pissed off France, Poland, the UK. Fail.

He has talked to no nation with whom we don't already have a dialog. Fail.

Iran is still not meeting all the demands of the IAEA. Fail.

Did he do any of what was already in place in his first 12 days of office? Fail.

Your irrational swooning is pathetic.

I have to compliment you for having a dog as your insignia. I love dogs.

But you are just as wacky as Patty the gun guy. He feels showing a gun will intimidate people in agreeing with him.

The dog thing makes me want to agree with you but you are absolutely wacked.

Great dog though. The dog is going to love you even though you are wacked.

Go with the dog. Stay away from any attempted intellectual discourse.

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