OBOMINATION: Gas Price Record Worsens: 1,245 Days Above $3 a Gallon...

you're paying MUCH more for gas and oil under obama than you did under Bush

idiots and hypocrites

Yup. And BP gave Obama more cash than any other Candidate.

yup, Obama knocked em dead ..

In addition to the $71,051 Obama received from BP-linked contributors in 2008, Obama's 2004 Senate campaign raised $6,000 from BP-linked sources, bringing Obama's total BP-related campaign contributions to 77,051.

the United States produces 8 million barrels of oil a day, Canada produces 3 million barrels of oil a day... Keystone is a drop in the global pump sump
The Obama campaign took in about $750 million. BP contributions of $71K was chicken feed. About three quarters of the oil and gas money has gone to Republicans since 1990.

BP liked Obama, but oil stained Palin's hands too | PolitiFact
This awful record does belong to the Dear Leader. Sorry Obamabots, but it is what it is.
This awful record does belong to the Dear Leader. Sorry Obamabots, but it is what it is.

Unfortunately this utterly failed thread belongs to you. This just in: for the 43,645th day in a row, Presidents still do not control gas prices. Perhaps if you put your strawman under your pillow the Fallacy Fairy will come and make the boo boo all better. Whiny twerp.
The highlighted part is the key. This hack president's intentional stifling of increased supply is the culprit.
I don't mind you obama apologist lefties being gullible and/or stupid. It's when that gullibility impedes my freedom via constriction of my budget that you need to be corrected.

"Supply and demand" simply doesn't work your simple Dick and Jane way with oil. There are too many players for one country to make a ripple.

One country with the resources we have does. That's why the lifting of drilling moratoriums in 2008 dropped prices by 70% in a period of months.

Uh - no, it's not. :rolleyes:
This awful record does belong to the Dear Leader. Sorry Obamabots, but it is what it is.

Unfortunately this utterly failed thread belongs to you. This just in: for the 43,645th day in a row, Presidents still do not control gas prices. Perhaps if you put your strawman under your pillow the Fallacy Fairy will come and make the boo boo all better. Whiny twerp.

'Failed Thread', yet you visit it everyday. Sorry bot-boy, but this awful record does belong to your beloved Dear Leader. It's on him. Deal with it.
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the oil belongs to Canada. The oil will be traded in the global market. The oil is NOT light sweet crude. The USA gets another pipeline and no useable oil for us.The pipeline will create a few temporary jobs until after its built and those jobs will be union jobs.

Who the hell is crying? ... oh wait, its the Republicans, nevermind.
You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.

my God you people are idiots.
more oil on the markets means lower prices; for EVERYBODY; but ESPECIALLY for people with purchasing power. right now the US is still up there in that regard.

and the refining jobs will go to Americans; and that will be AFTER the pipeline is built

and if the Right is so against union jobs why do they still support the pipeline being built idiot?

why dont you leftists go ahead and call the Republicans' bluff on it and we can have all those UNION pipeline jobs?

what? you still oppose it?
so then who the hell are the ones really crying? oh nevermind

idiots and hypocrites

The refining jobs are already there, dumbass. Houston isn't sitting idle waiting for raw material.

And no, more oil from one source out of hundreds doesn't mean lower prices, particularly since the greater pool of that commodity is steered by a cartel whose very purpose is to keep those prices stable.

The hazards of not having a scintilla of a clue what one is talking about...
This awful record does belong to the Dear Leader. Sorry Obamabots, but it is what it is.

Unfortunately this utterly failed thread belongs to you. This just in: for the 43,645th day in a row, Presidents still do not control gas prices. Perhaps if you put your strawman under your pillow the Fallacy Fairy will come and make the boo boo all better. Whiny twerp.

'Failed Thread', yet you visit it everyday. Sorry bot-boy, but this awful record does belong to your beloved Dear Leader. It's on him. Deal with it.

The deed to the awful record's rightful ownership is right here. Like Bedwetter you ventured into yet another field you know nothing about to drill dry holes. And unlike an oil rig that knows when it's licked, you just keep on diggin' the same dry hole. And in the process look more bankrupt than Arbusto Energy looking for a Rectum 7 to bail you out. Not gonna happen.

You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.

my God you people are idiots.
more oil on the markets means lower prices; for EVERYBODY; but ESPECIALLY for people with purchasing power. right now the US is still up there in that regard.

and the refining jobs will go to Americans; and that will be AFTER the pipeline is built

and if the Right is so against union jobs why do they still support the pipeline being built idiot?

why dont you leftists go ahead and call the Republicans' bluff on it and we can have all those UNION pipeline jobs?

what? you still oppose it?
so then who the hell are the ones really crying? oh nevermind

idiots and hypocrites

More oil on the markets means more oil priced at the market. Period.

Canadian oil isn't bound for Asian ports via Houston.

Not until that pipeline's in place at leasts.

A drug dealer buys a mule a plane ticket and tells him "go to New York with this cocaine up your ass and see Vinny". Starring the oil industry as drug dealer ("America is addicted to oil" - GWB), Houston refineries as Vinny, and We the People get to play the part of the mule.

And of course, if the balloon bursts in transit, hey that's the mule's problem.

Kind of an apt analogy, except the drug dealer probably pays his mule better.
Unfortunately this utterly failed thread belongs to you. This just in: for the 43,645th day in a row, Presidents still do not control gas prices. Perhaps if you put your strawman under your pillow the Fallacy Fairy will come and make the boo boo all better. Whiny twerp.

'Failed Thread', yet you visit it everyday. Sorry bot-boy, but this awful record does belong to your beloved Dear Leader. It's on him. Deal with it.

The deed to the awful record's rightful ownership is right here. Like Bedwetter you ventured into yet another field you know nothing about to drill dry holes. And unlike an oil rig that knows when it's licked, you just keep on diggin' the same dry hole. And in the process look more bankrupt than Arbusto Energy looking for a Rectum 7 to bail you out. Not gonna happen.


Still, this awful record does belong to your Dear Leader. Happened on his watch. It is on him. Deal with it.
You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.

my God you people are idiots.
more oil on the markets means lower prices; for EVERYBODY; but ESPECIALLY for people with purchasing power. right now the US is still up there in that regard.

and the refining jobs will go to Americans; and that will be AFTER the pipeline is built

and if the Right is so against union jobs why do they still support the pipeline being built idiot?

why dont you leftists go ahead and call the Republicans' bluff on it and we can have all those UNION pipeline jobs?

what? you still oppose it?
so then who the hell are the ones really crying? oh nevermind

idiots and hypocrites

More oil on the markets means more oil priced at the market. Period.

Canadian oil isn't bound for Asian ports via Houston.

I can't believe the volume of bullshit flying around in this thread.

Why are you stating that as a fact?
'Failed Thread', yet you visit it everyday. Sorry bot-boy, but this awful record does belong to your beloved Dear Leader. It's on him. Deal with it.

The deed to the awful record's rightful ownership is right here. Like Bedwetter you ventured into yet another field you know nothing about to drill dry holes. And unlike an oil rig that knows when it's licked, you just keep on diggin' the same dry hole. And in the process look more bankrupt than Arbusto Energy looking for a Rectum 7 to bail you out. Not gonna happen.


Still, this awful record does belong to your Dear Leader. Happened on his watch. It is on him. Deal with it.

What "happened on his watch"?


In microcosm:
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The deed to the awful record's rightful ownership is right here. Like Bedwetter you ventured into yet another field you know nothing about to drill dry holes. And unlike an oil rig that knows when it's licked, you just keep on diggin' the same dry hole. And in the process look more bankrupt than Arbusto Energy looking for a Rectum 7 to bail you out. Not gonna happen.


Still, this awful record does belong to your Dear Leader. Happened on his watch. It is on him. Deal with it.

What "happened on his watch"?

Wait a minute - it was over $4.00 per gallon under Bush....
So...another thread where paulitician gets his ass kicked?

Keep dreamin Obamabot. Never gonna happen. ;)
Has already happened.

It happens every time someone replies to you with facts and you choose to ignore the post.

So it happens frequently.

No, that's just more of your Obamabot delusions. This awful record does belong to your beloved Dear Leader. It happened on his watch. He owns it. Just like a Republican President would if they were in there. No amount of replies from you Bots will change that reality. It is what it is.
my God you people are idiots.
more oil on the markets means lower prices; for EVERYBODY; but ESPECIALLY for people with purchasing power. right now the US is still up there in that regard.

and the refining jobs will go to Americans; and that will be AFTER the pipeline is built

and if the Right is so against union jobs why do they still support the pipeline being built idiot?

why dont you leftists go ahead and call the Republicans' bluff on it and we can have all those UNION pipeline jobs?

what? you still oppose it?
so then who the hell are the ones really crying? oh nevermind

idiots and hypocrites

More oil on the markets means more oil priced at the market. Period.

Canadian oil isn't bound for Asian ports via Houston.

I can't believe the volume of bullshit flying around in this thread.

Why are you stating that as a fact?

Because I can type pretty much anything I want around here without repercussion.

What are you doing here? :D

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