OBOMINATION: Gas Price Record Worsens: 1,245 Days Above $3 a Gallon...


the oil belongs to Canada. The oil will be traded in the global market. The oil is NOT light sweet crude. The USA gets another pipeline and no useable oil for us.The pipeline will create a few temporary jobs until after its built and those jobs will be union jobs.

Who the hell is crying? ... oh wait, its the Republicans, nevermind.

Somewhere around 35 jobs to be roughly exact, making sure Big Oil's raw product is getting to those refineries so it can be shipped to Asia...

That's why I asked him "are you Exxon?" Who else benefits?

Here's the Market Analysis from the State Department.


The State Department’s market analysis in Keystone XL’s final supplemental environmental impact statement states, “U.S. product exports are not sensitive to different scenarios of pipeline development.” Essentially saying that exports occur (and have occurred for more than 20 years) with or without Keystone XL and the project would not impact those those trends.

Nothing will be any different from how it's been for the last 20 years regarding crude or crude products exports.

Your arguments are false, are not based on facts, and have played themselves out.

I guess you mean GISMYS' argument is false, because that just confirms my point. Again.

And thanks. :thup:
Under Obama, U.S. now leads the World in Oil and Gas Production, yet we see prices rising. Increased US production is not the answer. Countries like China who have a huge and rapidly growing need for oil will absorb all increased oil production. Since oil prices are determined on the world market, we can only influence prices but we can't control them. Anytime we produce enough to drive prices down, OPEC stands ready to reduce production to stabilize prices. Oil companies, not the public are the ones who benefit most from increase US oil production.

World's leading oil, gas producer: US passes Russia under Obama administration.
The highlighted part is the key. This hack president's intentional stifling of increased supply is the culprit.
I don't mind you obama apologist lefties being gullible and/or stupid. It's when that gullibility impedes my freedom via constriction of my budget that you need to be corrected.

"Supply and demand" simply doesn't work your simple Dick and Jane way with oil. There are too many players for one country to make a ripple.

One country with the resources we have does. That's why the lifting of drilling moratoriums in 2008 dropped prices by 70% in a period of months.
The President's policies can have an effect on Food & Gas Prices. It's not the only determining factor, but it can be a factor. If you blamed BOOOOSH, you have to blame Obama. Otherwise, you're a dishonest hypocrite. Some of those dishonest hypocrites are on this thread right now. And we know who they are.
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The highlighted part is the key. This hack president's intentional stifling of increased supply is the culprit.
I don't mind you obama apologist lefties being gullible and/or stupid. It's when that gullibility impedes my freedom via constriction of my budget that you need to be corrected.

"Supply and demand" simply doesn't work your simple Dick and Jane way with oil. There are too many players for one country to make a ripple.

One country with the resources we have does. That's why the lifting of drilling moratoriums in 2008 dropped prices by 70% in a period of months.


So the prices stayed low until when? When the BP well explosion and subsequent review and reversal of that new policy?

Europe Brent Spot Price FOB (Dollars per Barrel)

Didn't think so! Of course the prices were tied to the near collapse of the world financial markets.

build the keystone pipeline or stop crying!!!


the oil belongs to Canada. The oil will be traded in the global market. The oil is NOT light sweet crude. The USA gets another pipeline and no useable oil for us.The pipeline will create a few temporary jobs until after its built and those jobs will be union jobs.

Who the hell is crying? ... oh wait, its the Republicans, nevermind.
You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.
build the keystone pipeline or stop crying!!!


the oil belongs to Canada. The oil will be traded in the global market. The oil is NOT light sweet crude. The USA gets another pipeline and no useable oil for us.The pipeline will create a few temporary jobs until after its built and those jobs will be union jobs.

Who the hell is crying? ... oh wait, its the Republicans, nevermind.
You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.

my God you people are idiots.
more oil on the markets means lower prices; for EVERYBODY; but ESPECIALLY for people with purchasing power. right now the US is still up there in that regard.

and the refining jobs will go to Americans; and that will be AFTER the pipeline is built

and if the Right is so against union jobs why do they still support the pipeline being built idiot?

why dont you leftists go ahead and call the Republicans' bluff on it and we can have all those UNION pipeline jobs?

what? you still oppose it?
so then who the hell are the ones really crying? oh nevermind

idiots and hypocrites

the oil belongs to Canada. The oil will be traded in the global market. The oil is NOT light sweet crude. The USA gets another pipeline and no useable oil for us.The pipeline will create a few temporary jobs until after its built and those jobs will be union jobs.

Who the hell is crying? ... oh wait, its the Republicans, nevermind.
You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.

my God you people are idiots.
more oil on the markets means lower prices; for EVERYBODY; but ESPECIALLY for people with purchasing power. right now the US is still up there in that regard.

and the refining jobs will go to Americans; and that will be AFTER the pipeline is built

and if the Right is so against union jobs why do they still support the pipeline being built idiot?

why dont you leftists go ahead and call the Republicans' bluff on it and we can have all those UNION pipeline jobs?

what? you still oppose it?
so then who the hell are the ones really crying? oh nevermind

idiots and hypocrites

More oil on the markets means more oil priced at the market. Period.

Canadian oil isn't bound for Asian ports via Houston.

I can't believe the volume of bullshit flying around in this thread.
President Barack Obama's reluctance to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, despite widespread popular support for the project, is not only hindering America's energy independence but driving up the price of gas for American consumers.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Experts: Obama's Wavering on Keystone XL Keeping Gas Prices High
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

:nono: Tsk tsk H. You of all people know Keystone has jack shit to do with "energy independence". Or driving up prices.

Newsmax? Really? :rofl:

Ah well, it sounds good because it reflects negatively on Obama. :D
You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.

my God you people are idiots.
more oil on the markets means lower prices; for EVERYBODY; but ESPECIALLY for people with purchasing power. right now the US is still up there in that regard.

and the refining jobs will go to Americans; and that will be AFTER the pipeline is built

and if the Right is so against union jobs why do they still support the pipeline being built idiot?

why dont you leftists go ahead and call the Republicans' bluff on it and we can have all those UNION pipeline jobs?

what? you still oppose it?
so then who the hell are the ones really crying? oh nevermind

idiots and hypocrites

More oil on the markets means more oil priced at the market. Period.

Canadian oil isn't bound for Asian ports via Houston.

I can't believe the volume of bullshit flying around in this thread.

Canada turns UP the juice, Saudi turns OFF the juice ... more oil in the market? don't hold your breath ..
build the keystone pipeline or stop crying!!!


the oil belongs to Canada. The oil will be traded in the global market. The oil is NOT light sweet crude. The USA gets another pipeline and no useable oil for us.The pipeline will create a few temporary jobs until after its built and those jobs will be union jobs.

Who the hell is crying? ... oh wait, its the Republicans, nevermind.
You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.

The refineries here is southeast Texas are tooled to handled the heavy crude oil like the tar oil from Canada. Right now they refine a lot of product from Venezuela which is very heavy. That refined product will likely be exported too. It will not make a dent in world oil prices.
In the 1970s the scientific community released a study that global oil supplies were going to be greatly diminished by the year 2000, the result of which would be oil scarcity and economically crippling energy costs. (This was the same group that accurately predicted when Texas would reach peak capacity)

Based on the study, one group of Americans wanted to build a "moonshot" around diversifying our energy basket with a whole range of alternative sources along with things like conservation to reduce the demand (and thus price) of petroleum.

Problem was that Reagan came along in the 80s backed heavily by big oil. Reagan and the powerful conservative movement crushed Carter and alternative energy. Carter, who predicted growing demand by China and India, said that building our energy future exclusively around petroleum would lead to our economy being destroyed by the $5 gallon. Reagan, again, deeply funded by big oil, laughed at Carter, explaining that there was enough oil in places like Saudia Arabia to last virtually forever.

Meaning: Reagan, by suppressing the science on peak oil, essentially protected his oil backers.

We are now lying in that grave. For the past 30 years we should've been busy moving to a less petrol intensive system, but instead we listened to a B rate actor in the pocket of special interests.

Does this absolve Obama? Absolutely not! Any politician who doesn't level with the American people about the fact that there is no short-term economically viable substitute for petroleum is only digging the hole deeper.

We swallowed poison in 1980 and it is finally taking effect.
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In the 1970s the scientific community released a study that global oil supplies were going to be greatly diminished by the year 2000, the result of which would be oil scarcity and economically crippling energy costs. (This was the same group that accurately predicted when Texas would reach peak capacity)

Based on the study, one group of Americans wanted to build a "moonshot" around diversifying our energy basket with a whole range of alternative sources along with things like conservation to reduce the demand (and thus price) of petroleum.

Problem was that Reagan came along in the 80s backed heavily by big oil. Reagan and the powerful conservative movement crushed Carter and alternative energy. Carter, who predicted growing demand by China and India, said that building our energy future exclusively around petroleum would lead to our economy being destroyed by the $5 gallon. Reagan, again, deeply funded by big oil, laughed at Carter, explaining that there was enough oil in places like Saudia Arabia to last virtually forever.

Meaning: Reagan, by suppressing the science on peak oil, essentially protected his oil backers.

We are now lying in that grave. For the past 30 years we should've been busy moving to a less petrol intensive system, but instead we listened to a B rate actor in the pocket of special interests.

Does this absolve Obama? Absolutely not! Any politician who doesn't level with the American people about the fact that there is no short-term economically viable substitute for petroleum is only digging the hole deeper.

We swallowed poison in 1980 and it is finally taking effect.
And what would a "less petrol intensive system" do to GDP? Economies would grind to a halt.

Speaking of your bitch Carter, he set the U.S. petroleum and natural gas industries back decades by instituting his Socialist "Windfall Profits Tax" which was neither a tax nor was it based on profits. It was, however, a direct confiscation of personal property by the Government.
you're paying MUCH more for gas and oil under obama than you did under Bush

idiots and hypocrites

Yup. And BP gave Obama more cash than any other Candidate.

yup, Obama knocked em dead ..

In addition to the $71,051 Obama received from BP-linked contributors in 2008, Obama's 2004 Senate campaign raised $6,000 from BP-linked sources, bringing Obama's total BP-related campaign contributions to 77,051.

the United States produces 8 million barrels of oil a day, Canada produces 3 million barrels of oil a day... Keystone is a drop in the global pump sump
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If we built the pipeline and add 50 more refineries and drill for more oil on our own land one fact will still remain, gas will not come down in price. Big oil controls everything I don't care what party they are from. Gas prices are here to stay I don't care how much of a supply we have and if we do have a huge supply you can bet the oil companies will try and ship it overseas to make more of a profit. So your gas prices aren't going to ever go down. If you think so you can wish in one hand and...

the oil belongs to Canada. The oil will be traded in the global market. The oil is NOT light sweet crude. The USA gets another pipeline and no useable oil for us.The pipeline will create a few temporary jobs until after its built and those jobs will be union jobs.

Who the hell is crying? ... oh wait, its the Republicans, nevermind.
You need only to look at the map to see who really benefits. Oil from Canada will flow to Houston where it's loaded on tankers for ports in Asia. Canadian companies repeat the profits and the US deals with the environmental consequences.

my God you people are idiots.
more oil on the markets means lower prices; for EVERYBODY; but ESPECIALLY for people with purchasing power. right now the US is still up there in that regard.

and the refining jobs will go to Americans; and that will be AFTER the pipeline is built

and if the Right is so against union jobs why do they still support the pipeline being built idiot?

why dont you leftists go ahead and call the Republicans' bluff on it and we can have all those UNION pipeline jobs?

what? you still oppose it?
so then who the hell are the ones really crying? oh nevermind

idiots and hypocrites
Americans will see no noticeable decrease in gasoline prices due to the completion of the Keystone pipeline for two reason.

  • Most of the oil is going to be brought to market with or out the the completion of the pipeline.
  • Even if the pipeline were needed to bring the oil to market, it will increase the supple of oil by less than 1%.

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