Obscure GOP staffer’s Facebook criticism of Obama daughters becomes a media obsession


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
The Democrat party with the help of the leftwing and Lamestream media plays you people in the Democrat base like a fine tuned fiddle. they knew they could run this lame ass crap and you'd jump right on it like trained rabid dogs. you should feel foolish. Party over country. thank goodness she didn't say someone should, piss in their eyes and shit in their mouths like some Democrat leaning "host" said about Mrs. Palin.

Obscure GOP staffer’s Facebook criticism of Obama daughters becomes a media obsession
posted at 3:31 pm on November 30, 2014 by Noah Rothman
The familiar circumstance in which members of the press clutch at their pearls, seek out the fainting couch, and demand satisfaction for perceived insults to the Obama family’s honor has grown lamentably predictable.
Another opportunity for the media to freely and unapologetically identify with the Obamas emerged over the weekend when President Barack Obama performed the annual tradition of pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey. It was then that an obscure congressman’s even more obscure communications staffer took to her Facebook page, which no one but her blood relatives had read prior to this manufactured fracas, and criticized the way in which the president’s daughters had comported themselves.
“Dear Sasha and Malia, I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class,” Rep. Stephen Fincher’s (R-TN) communications director, Elizabeth Lauten, wrote. “Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.”
“At least respect the part you play,” she added. “Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much or the nation foe [sic] that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”

Someone spotted the post, and the media decided to play a familiar game of “#HasJustineLandedLet” – a favored pastime over slow holiday news cycles in which the press resolves to ruin the reputation of a relatively anonymous public relations figure over a previously unseen statement subjectively determined to be offensive.

A casual Google search for Lauten’s remarks reveals hundreds of articles, some examining familiar avenues of the controversy while others plumb more abstruse elements of this hullabaloo. The backlash was so fierce that Lauten was forced to apologize, but that is simply not good enough for the sadly recognizable online mob.
On the popular African-American commentary site The Grio, readers are offered the chance to vote on whether Lauten should lose her job over her decision to express her opinion. By a 9-to-1 margin, readers agree that Lauten should soon be forced to join the unemployment lines.

“To most people, this was funny and humanizing—maybe even charming!” The Daily Beast’s Olivia Nuzzi wrote. “As Max Read over at Gawker put it: ‘Not even the pomp and ritual of the White House can overcome the most powerful force known to man: TEEN CONTEMPT.’”
The Root’s Demetria Lucas noted that it is never especially smart to criticize the president’s daughters, but “especially if you work for a GOP congressman.” Presumably, then, Lucas’s would shed some of her noble and principled objection to this grievous insult if it had come from a Democrat. Bizarrely, Lucas went on to suggest that, by criticizing the way in which the Obama girls were dressed, Lauten had essentially condoned sexual assault. “Way to uphold rape culture, Lauten,” she wrote.

Not everyone in the press is joining in on the opportunity to torment the heretic. The New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman observed that the fabricated nature of the outrage surrounding these remarks is betrayed by the obscurity of the individual who made them.

This whole episode is so transparent that it barely merits being addressed. This is just another of the increasingly infrequent opportunities for the media to suggest that Republicans, particularly those in Congress, are consumed by a brutish, unthinking animus toward the president which renders their opposition to him illegitimate.

all of it here:
Obscure GOP staffer s Facebook criticism of Obama daughters becomes a media obsession Hot Air
The Bush twins were criticized in their time....these two Obama's are criticized today.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I say stop whinging.
The Democrat party with the help of the leftwing and Lamestream media plays you people in the Democrat base like a fine tuned fiddle. they knew they could run this lame ass crap and you'd jump right on it like trained rabid dogs. you should feel foolish. Party over country. thank goodness she didn't say someone should, piss in their eyes and shit in their mouths like some Democrat leaning "host" said about Mrs. Palin.

Obscure GOP staffer’s Facebook criticism of Obama daughters becomes a media obsession
posted at 3:31 pm on November 30, 2014 by Noah Rothman
The familiar circumstance in which members of the press clutch at their pearls, seek out the fainting couch, and demand satisfaction for perceived insults to the Obama family’s honor has grown lamentably predictable.
Another opportunity for the media to freely and unapologetically identify with the Obamas emerged over the weekend when President Barack Obama performed the annual tradition of pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey. It was then that an obscure congressman’s even more obscure communications staffer took to her Facebook page, which no one but her blood relatives had read prior to this manufactured fracas, and criticized the way in which the president’s daughters had comported themselves.
“Dear Sasha and Malia, I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class,” Rep. Stephen Fincher’s (R-TN) communications director, Elizabeth Lauten, wrote. “Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.”
“At least respect the part you play,” she added. “Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much or the nation foe [sic] that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”

Someone spotted the post, and the media decided to play a familiar game of “#HasJustineLandedLet” – a favored pastime over slow holiday news cycles in which the press resolves to ruin the reputation of a relatively anonymous public relations figure over a previously unseen statement subjectively determined to be offensive.

A casual Google search for Lauten’s remarks reveals hundreds of articles, some examining familiar avenues of the controversy while others plumb more abstruse elements of this hullabaloo. The backlash was so fierce that Lauten was forced to apologize, but that is simply not good enough for the sadly recognizable online mob.
On the popular African-American commentary site The Grio, readers are offered the chance to vote on whether Lauten should lose her job over her decision to express her opinion. By a 9-to-1 margin, readers agree that Lauten should soon be forced to join the unemployment lines.

“To most people, this was funny and humanizing—maybe even charming!” The Daily Beast’s Olivia Nuzzi wrote. “As Max Read over at Gawker put it: ‘Not even the pomp and ritual of the White House can overcome the most powerful force known to man: TEEN CONTEMPT.’”
The Root’s Demetria Lucas noted that it is never especially smart to criticize the president’s daughters, but “especially if you work for a GOP congressman.” Presumably, then, Lucas’s would shed some of her noble and principled objection to this grievous insult if it had come from a Democrat. Bizarrely, Lucas went on to suggest that, by criticizing the way in which the Obama girls were dressed, Lauten had essentially condoned sexual assault. “Way to uphold rape culture, Lauten,” she wrote.

Not everyone in the press is joining in on the opportunity to torment the heretic. The New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman observed that the fabricated nature of the outrage surrounding these remarks is betrayed by the obscurity of the individual who made them.

This whole episode is so transparent that it barely merits being addressed. This is just another of the increasingly infrequent opportunities for the media to suggest that Republicans, particularly those in Congress, are consumed by a brutish, unthinking animus toward the president which renders their opposition to him illegitimate.

all of it here:
Obscure GOP staffer s Facebook criticism of Obama daughters becomes a media obsession Hot Air
The same idiots criticising her cheered on the other idiots calling Sarah Palins Children names. Hypocritical lefty nutjobs at their best.
Well, it's certainly a distraction from Gruber outing the Obama Administrations Fraud on Stupid American Voters!
The difference is that the remarks made about the Palin kids were made by entertainers and the remarks made about the Obama kids were made by an official of the Republican Party. That is why she was fired. She jumped from private entertainers to official status. It's one thing for comedians and private people to sink into low character behavior and show a lack of common values, it's another thing to make that kind of behavior officially sanctioned by a political party.
The difference is that the remarks made about the Palin kids were made by entertainers and the remarks made about the Obama kids were made by an official of the Republican Party. That is why she was fired. She jumped from private entertainers to official status. It's one thing for comedians and private people to sink into low character behavior and show a lack of common values, it's another thing to make that kind of behavior officially sanctioned by a political party.

And WHO has the bigger AUDIENCE to INFLUENCE the GRUBERIZED public... a NOBODY on Facebook, or a LATE NIGHT TV SCUMBAG?...As Biden said..."This is a BIG FUCKING DEAL!"
It's perfectly copacetic to sacrifice the life of a Small Folk in order to assuage the ego of The Won...just ask the Islamic Filmmaker.
The difference is that the remarks made about the Palin kids were made by entertainers and the remarks made about the Obama kids were made by an official of the Republican Party. That is why she was fired. She jumped from private entertainers to official status. It's one thing for comedians and private people to sink into low character behavior and show a lack of common values, it's another thing to make that kind of behavior officially sanctioned by a political party.
Her personal FB page is not an official repub sanctioned entity.
The Democrat party with the help of the leftwing and Lamestream media plays you people in the Democrat base like a fine tuned fiddle. they knew they could run this lame ass crap and you'd jump right on it like trained rabid dogs. you should feel foolish. Party over country. thank goodness she didn't say someone should, piss in their eyes and shit in their mouths like some Democrat leaning "host" said about Mrs. Palin.

Obscure GOP staffer’s Facebook criticism of Obama daughters becomes a media obsession
posted at 3:31 pm on November 30, 2014 by Noah Rothman
The familiar circumstance in which members of the press clutch at their pearls, seek out the fainting couch, and demand satisfaction for perceived insults to the Obama family’s honor has grown lamentably predictable.
Another opportunity for the media to freely and unapologetically identify with the Obamas emerged over the weekend when President Barack Obama performed the annual tradition of pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey. It was then that an obscure congressman’s even more obscure communications staffer took to her Facebook page, which no one but her blood relatives had read prior to this manufactured fracas, and criticized the way in which the president’s daughters had comported themselves.
“Dear Sasha and Malia, I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class,” Rep. Stephen Fincher’s (R-TN) communications director, Elizabeth Lauten, wrote. “Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.”
“At least respect the part you play,” she added. “Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much or the nation foe [sic] that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”

Someone spotted the post, and the media decided to play a familiar game of “#HasJustineLandedLet” – a favored pastime over slow holiday news cycles in which the press resolves to ruin the reputation of a relatively anonymous public relations figure over a previously unseen statement subjectively determined to be offensive.

A casual Google search for Lauten’s remarks reveals hundreds of articles, some examining familiar avenues of the controversy while others plumb more abstruse elements of this hullabaloo. The backlash was so fierce that Lauten was forced to apologize, but that is simply not good enough for the sadly recognizable online mob.
On the popular African-American commentary site The Grio, readers are offered the chance to vote on whether Lauten should lose her job over her decision to express her opinion. By a 9-to-1 margin, readers agree that Lauten should soon be forced to join the unemployment lines.

“To most people, this was funny and humanizing—maybe even charming!” The Daily Beast’s Olivia Nuzzi wrote. “As Max Read over at Gawker put it: ‘Not even the pomp and ritual of the White House can overcome the most powerful force known to man: TEEN CONTEMPT.’”
The Root’s Demetria Lucas noted that it is never especially smart to criticize the president’s daughters, but “especially if you work for a GOP congressman.” Presumably, then, Lucas’s would shed some of her noble and principled objection to this grievous insult if it had come from a Democrat. Bizarrely, Lucas went on to suggest that, by criticizing the way in which the Obama girls were dressed, Lauten had essentially condoned sexual assault. “Way to uphold rape culture, Lauten,” she wrote.

Not everyone in the press is joining in on the opportunity to torment the heretic. The New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman observed that the fabricated nature of the outrage surrounding these remarks is betrayed by the obscurity of the individual who made them.

This whole episode is so transparent that it barely merits being addressed. This is just another of the increasingly infrequent opportunities for the media to suggest that Republicans, particularly those in Congress, are consumed by a brutish, unthinking animus toward the president which renders their opposition to him illegitimate.

all of it here:
Obscure GOP staffer s Facebook criticism of Obama daughters becomes a media obsession Hot Air
The same idiots criticising her cheered on the other idiots calling Sarah Palins Children names. Hypocritical lefty nutjobs at their best.
Just google 'Huffington Post Bristol Palin'.
Pity neither Royal Picaninny is afflicted with Downs Syndrome. If one were you lefties could have SO much fun doing your thing with mocking her. How could you resist? Or do Democrat pics get a pass?
Pity neither Royal Picaninny is afflicted with Downs Syndrome. If one were you lefties could have SO much fun doing your thing with mocking her. How could you resist? Or do Democrat pics get a pass?


You really ARE that sick.

Thank you for enhancing the phrase - I was afraid you might not understand it.

But there were two questions. Did you find them BOTH too hard?

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