Observing whiteness in introductory physics: A case study

Don't laugh at this stuff -- it is obtaining disciplinary power within physics. This project received a $500K grant from the National Science Foundation.

Get this lunacy out of the labs. This isn’t funny. It’s not cute. The grownups need to exclude such buffoonery in matters of national health & security.

This is simple straight up racism. It has no place in science.

Well, they are from Seattle so it's not entirely surprising.
Get this lunacy out of the labs. This isn’t funny. It’s not cute. The grownups need to exclude such buffoonery in matters of national health & security.

This is simple straight up racism. It has no place in science.

What a load of gibberish! I recall back when I first heard some loony leftists claiming that "mathematics" was racist. Neither the following nor the methods of its teaching have anything to do with "whiteness:"
For any out there that think that such is true, good luck getting the following occupations without knowing it and knowing it well:
Chemical Engineer, Technical Writer, Data Analyst, Meteorologist, Civil Engineer, Systems Analyst, Process Engineer, Design Engineer, Statistician, Mathematician, Economist, Geophysicist, Data Scientist, Optical Engineer, Astronomer, Astronaut. Astrophysicist, Surveyor, Building Inspectors, Drafters, Machinists, Construction Engineer, et cetera, et cetera.
Disregarding the higher mathematics ensures that the individuals that didn't learn them is assured of never getting into any of the occupations that require it. In other words, keeping them down.
Get this lunacy out of the labs. This isn’t funny. It’s not cute. The grownups need to exclude such buffoonery in matters of national health & security.

This is simple straight up racism. It has no place in science.

Mathematics has been called racist so obviously physics must also be racist as physics involves math.

We know history is racist. Economics obviously is racist and also an example of white supremacy because many blacks are poor. The English language itself is racist with all its rules and spellings. Astronomy is racist because it discusses black holes and dark matter.

If you get right down to it gravity is racist although it might be argued that gravity is not an example of white supremacy as white men can’t jump.

Basically everything is always racist and almost everything (except gravity) in some way shows white supremacy.

Obviously the above is

In passing
is racist.

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