Obvious Stupidity Of Liberals.You Cannot Impeach A President On Assumptions Of Crimes Committed.

Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

By the way Pelosi has not called for the President to be impeached... She is asking for a thorougher investigation so President Trump call be cleared of all wrong doings. Why won't the President helper clear his name?

Would you agree with the out come? and I thought after two years, millions of dollars Muller already cleared Trump...

Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
That's not their reason. Since removal from office is unlikely considering the makeup of the Senate, it would just be a distraction from 2020 and might even garner trump some sympathy. Quit lying about the situation.
Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
/——/ Technically they can but without a proven crime near impossible:
The first general school of thought is that the standard enunciated by the Constitution is subject entirely to whatever interpretation Congress collectively wishes to make:

"What, then, is an impeachable offense? The only honest answer is that an impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history; conviction results from whatever offense or offenses two-thirds of the other body considers to be sufficiently serious to require removal of the accused from office..." Congressman Gerald Ford, 116 Cong. Rec. H.3113-3114 (April 15, 1970).

This view has been rejected by most legal scholars because it would have the effect of having the President serve at the pleasure of Congress. However there are some, particularly in Congress, who hold this opinion.
Presidential Impeachment: The Legal Standard and Procedure - FindLaw
Obvious Stupidity Of Liberals.You Cannot Impeach A President On Assumptions Of Crimes Committed

Unless there is evidence. Like these checks:


Now let me tell you what’s hilarious about these checks. We know they were written as part of Felonious crimes. But that’s not the funny part.

The funny part is that when the checks were written they’re dated. And they can look up Donald Trump’s schedule on that day. So you can figure out what he was working on and then took time out to write checks to cover up his salacious affair having unprotected sex with a porn star. That’s so nasty.
Your knowledge is imagination. The evidence is that Cohen was paid for his services as Trump's attorney.
Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
It does not matter-it is the only political play the Democrats have. If enough people are swayed, and if they can get Trump to lose his temper, they may capture house seats or even the white house.
Obvious Stupidity Of Liberals.You Cannot Impeach A President On Assumptions Of Crimes Committed

Unless there is evidence. Like these checks:


Now let me tell you what’s hilarious about these checks. We know they were written as part of Felonious crimes. But that’s not the funny part.

The funny part is that when the checks were written they’re dated. And they can look up Donald Trump’s schedule on that day. So you can figure out what he was working on and then took time out to write checks to cover up his salacious affair having unprotected sex with a porn star. That’s so nasty.
Your knowledge is imagination. The evidence is that Cohen was paid for his services as Trump's attorney.
Because everybody gets reimbursed for $35,000 checks. And everybody knows you always start a shell company when you’re making hidden legal payments. Don’t be a fuking dumbass it’s not funny.
Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
It does not matter-it is the only political play the Democrats have. If enough people are swayed, and if they can get Trump to lose his temper, they may capture house seats or even the white house.
Personally, I believe the only play that the Democrats have us to follow the law. And right now the law says Donald Trump is unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies.
I oppose impeachment because the Trumpublicans own the Senate and will never vote to convict or remove.

Besides that would take away our opportunity to tell Donnie "You're Fired" in 2020.
Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
It does not matter-it is the only political play the Democrats have. If enough people are swayed, and if they can get Trump to lose his temper, they may capture house seats or even the white house.
Personally, I believe the only play that the Democrats have us to follow the law. And right now the law says Donald Trump is unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies.
Then Impeach him. Please! We are agreeing with you.
Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
It does not matter-it is the only political play the Democrats have. If enough people are swayed, and if they can get Trump to lose his temper, they may capture house seats or even the white house.
Personally, I believe the only play that the Democrats have us to follow the law. And right now the law says Donald Trump is unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies.
Then Impeach him. Please! We are agreeing with you.
At least open the proceeding. Democrats have way more powers during an impeachment proceeding.
If a Democrat can manage to hold the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for NOT BREAKING THE LAW, then Pelosi and Democrats can find a way to Impeach a President for NOT committing 'High Crimes & Misdemeanors'...


Ignoring a subpoena is breaking the law.
Newsflash! Ignoring a subpoena is breaking the law.
Newsflash: Nadler, the CHAIRMAN of the JUDICIAL Committee (Meaning he should be pretty much the smartest guy on the committee when it comes to the LAW), ordered the US AG to BREAK THE LAW, subpoena or not. When the US AG refused to BREAK THE LAW as Nadler demanded he do, Nadler, Pelosi, and their fellow Democrats voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for NOT BREAKING THE LAW.

Last week Nadler requested a Constitutional Law Expert named Turley testify before the Judicial Committee to answer the question once and for all (so he could stick it in Barr's face and then force him to hand over the Grand Jury information) whether it was illegal or not for the US AG to release the Grand Jury information.

During that appearance before Nadler and the Committee, as pointed out in the link / report I posted, Turley informed Nadler that this issue had already been settled WEEKS earlier when the DC Circuit Court had rendered a ruling on a case that had to do with EXACTLY with this issue. Turley notified Nadler that the DC Circuit Court ruled that it WAS / IS illegal for the US AG to release the Grand Jury information (UNLESS under very specific conditions which did NOT apply in either that earlier case or this one). FURTHERMORE, Turley made it clear that in doing so the DC Circuit Court had set precedence and that NO JUDGE / COURT would make a ruling otherwise after this.

Turley added the US AG's position on this matter - refusing to BREAK THE LAW as Nadler and Pelosi demanded - is 'UNASSAILABLE'....which means IMPOSSIBLE to defeat / override.

For good (humiliating) measure, Turley summed up the situation for Nadler, just in case he was / is too stupid to figure it out for himself, by stating that what he, Pelosi, and the Democrats had just done was to unethically, biasedly vote to hold the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the United States in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

For YOU, let me help clarify further what Turley was saying:


IF the House was actually NOT run by someone just as equally ignorant, equally partisan, and equally guilty of voting to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for NOT BREAKIG THE LAW, that someone could actually file and have voted on an Ethics Violation against the Chairman of the Judicial Committee for seeking to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

And if the House was actually NOT run by someone just as equally ignorant, equally partisan, and equally guilty of voting to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for NOT BREAKIG THE LAW, that someone would probably, immediately, and appropriately remove Nadler not only from his position as CHAIRMAN of the Judicial Committee but remove him from the Committee altogether for demonstrating he either does not know a damn thing about the law or simply has no regard for it when his own partisanship is involved / takes over.

Newsflash! Ignoring a subpoena is breaking the law.
Newsflash: Nadler, the CHAIRMAN of the JUDICIAL Committee (Meaning he should be pretty much the smartest guy on the committee when it comes to the LAW), ordered the US AG to BREAK THE LAW, subpoena or not. When the US AG refused to BREAK THE LAW as Nadler demanded he do, Nadler, Pelosi, and their fellow Democrats voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for NOT BREAKING THE LAW.

Last week Nadler requested a Constitutional Law Expert named Turley testify before the Judicial Committee to answer the question once and for all (so he could stick it in Barr's face and then force him to hand over the Grand Jury information) whether it was illegal or not for the US AG to release the Grand Jury information.

During that appearance before Nadler and the Committee, as pointed out in the link / report I posted, Turley informed Nadler that this issue had already been settled WEEKS earlier when the DC Circuit Court had rendered a ruling on a case that had to do with EXACTLY with this issue. Turley notified Nadler that the DC Circuit Court ruled that it WAS / IS illegal for the US AG to release the Grand Jury information (UNLESS under very specific conditions which did NOT apply in either that earlier case or this one). FURTHERMORE, Turley made it clear that in doing so the DC Circuit Court had set precedence and that NO JUDGE / COURT would make a ruling otherwise after this.

Turley added the US AG's position on this matter - refusing to BREAK THE LAW as Nadler and Pelosi demanded - is 'UNASSAILABLE'....which means IMPOSSIBLE to defeat / override.

For good (humiliating) measure, Turley summed up the situation for Nadler, just in case he was / is too stupid to figure it out for himself, by stating that what he, Pelosi, and the Democrats had just done was to unethically, biasedly vote to hold the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the United States in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

For YOU, let me help clarify further what Turley was saying:


IF the House was actually NOT run by someone just as equally ignorant, equally partisan, and equally guilty of voting to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for NOT BREAKIG THE LAW, that someone could actually file and have voted on an Ethics Violation against the Chairman of the Judicial Committee for seeking to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

And if the House was actually NOT run by someone just as equally ignorant, equally partisan, and equally guilty of voting to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for NOT BREAKIG THE LAW, that someone would probably, immediately, and appropriately remove Nadler not only from his position as CHAIRMAN of the Judicial Committee but remove him from the Committee altogether for demonstrating he either does not know a damn thing about the law or simply has no regard for it when his own partisanship is involved / takes over.

/——/ Well said. Me thinks Nadler the Hutts real agenda was to charge the AG with a crime if he did hand over the GJ info as a way to remove him from office. Then use the document to go after Trump.

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