Obviously there are at least 3 fronts in the Ukraine uprising.


Jan 31, 2014
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Inu_-0dcSU]Right Sector. The Great Ukrainian Reconquista - YouTube[/ame]

There is ^ Nationalists who want a strong independent Ukraine free of Russian OR EU OR US control,There is the current pro Russian government and then there is the Israel/US/EU backed group....I can only hope the Nationalists can win this...first a battle to bring down the government and then a war to gain control of the Ukraine...This whole damn thing has been so confusing.
BBC News - Profile: Ukraine's 'Right Sector' movement
Ukraine: ?Right Sector? take fight to Kiev police - The Scotsman
Ukraine and the Rebirth of Fascism in Europe | Global Research
Role of Far-Right Nationalists in Ukraine Protests | Opinion | The Moscow Times

The protestors are divided into three camps.

1) The anti-Russians. After the Holodomor and Communism who can blame them for wanting nothing to do with Russia and Russians. These are mainly represented by the political reactionary right.

2) The Pro-EU and US puppets. These are the soft protestors, the leftist and liberals who want the Ukraine to be devoured by the EU. They are as much the enemies of Ukraine as the Putin fans.

3) The Right Sector National Revolutionaries. These are the people who form the soldiers fighting at the vanguard of the protests and who man the barricades. They are Far Right Ultra groups in militia forms represented by various Nationalist and Far Right groups all allied together against the government AND the Pro-EU demonstrators and the Pro-EU demonstrators.
So make it 4 fronts. Damn this is so freaking confusing...I got a feeling this is gonna last a while even after the current government is taken down.
Take down the current government and there will be more protests to take down the next government and the next after that. It's like watching America disintegrate in double time.
Take down the current government and there will be more protests to take down the next government and the next after that. It's like watching America disintegrate in double time.

The collapse of every empire in history was followed by a long period of destablization. The aftermath of the collapse of the USSR will be no different.

When a dictator dies, the power vacuum created by his absence creates a bloody struggle for power and often results in a new dicator taking his place. This is because the very act of acquiring that power required brutal tactics. A dicatorship, by its nature, does not have any mechanism for a smooth transition of power the way a democracy does.

A dictator does not even entertain the idea of a nation that exists without him at the head. Even entertaining such a thought loosens his grip and then hastens the inevitable end. So a dictator does not make provisions until they are on their deathbed, and often they wait too long and die without naming a successor. Bloodshed inevitably follows.

So it is with empires. When they collapse, the very nature of the empire is such that a transition to a democracy is damned near impossible. Chaos always follows, and there then rises a section of the population which pines for the old days of a strongman in control who brings stability.

Nevertheless, the tide of history has slowly carried mankind toward democracy. Every nation has to go through its death throes, its violent upheavals, and its gradual Enlightenment. So while we watch the Ukraine's turmoil with some trepidation, we should also be watching with some hopeful optimism of their steps toward democracy.

These things do not happen overnight, and they are never pretty. This is not a reason to discourage the people from striving.
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If Putin intended to put the screws to the Ukraine he could in an instant. Russia controls all of the energy in the Ukraine. They have no energy of their own. All power, gas, electricity, everything comes from Russia. President Putin could flip the switch and immediately have the Ukraine right back under Russian domination.

The US has no interest in the Ukraine. Whatever it is doesn't serve any national security interest of ours. It might serve some trade benefit with the EU, but that has nothing to do with us. So what's obama's idiot game? Maybe he likes playing the fool for Russia to give them some amusement during a long winter.
If Putin intended to put the screws to the Ukraine he could in an instant. Russia controls all of the energy in the Ukraine. They have no energy of their own. All power, gas, electricity, everything comes from Russia. President Putin could flip the switch and immediately have the Ukraine right back under Russian domination.

By switching off the EU trade deal, the Ukraine lost a great deal of money. They damaged their economy.

Thus, the protests.

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