Ocasio Cortez tells democrats her life shaped by unaddressed history of imperialism


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Ocasio Cortez Tells Dems Her Life Shaped By ‘Unaddressed History of Imperialism’


Democratic-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who, as Breitbart News reported, was born in the Bronx and raised in the affluent suburb of Westchester, told Hawaii Democrats on Thursday evening that her life has been shaped by “an unaddressed history of imperialism and poverty.”


A socilist nazi bitch speaks again does this stupid bitch even know what the hell she is talking about as the idiots wants to con your other retards who DO NOT KNOW history and are ALL ANTIFA loons HItler gather you idiots up and your following him just as his iditos did, Trump haters included this is what you begg for gawd dam you are the dumbest ggawd dam fkn retards we have ever seen had we knownn you morons were this gawd dam stpid we would have began teaching loser pos 's like you a longg long time ago we went to sleep for way to long.
Isn't it amazing that dumb commie bitch has become a spokeskunt for the filthy ass Democrat Party?

Just shows you how bat shit crazy the Democrat Party has become nowadays.

The thing is she won a Moon Bat Primary in a Moon Bat district of hundreds of thousands of registered Moon Bats where only 30K votes were cast and that somehow makes her a national Moon Bat figure.

Of course she was 0 for 5 wins in her endorsements.
Ocasio Cortez Tells Dems Her Life Shaped By ‘Unaddressed History of Imperialism’

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Democratic-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who, as Breitbart News reported, was born in the Bronx and raised in the affluent suburb of Westchester, told Hawaii Democrats on Thursday evening that her life has been shaped by “an unaddressed history of imperialism and poverty.”


A socilist nazi bitch speaks again does this stupid bitch even know what the hell she is talking about as the idiots wants to con your other retards who DO NOT KNOW history and are ALL ANTIFA loons HItler gather you idiots up and your following him just as his iditos did, Trump haters included this is what you begg for gawd dam you are the dumbest ggawd dam fkn retards we have ever seen had we knownn you morons were this gawd dam stpid we would have began teaching loser pos 's like you a longg long time ago we went to sleep for way to long.

If she has Taino native Caribbean indigenous blood, she also carries the ghost of oppressor and feudalist-imperialist regional native empire/extortionist running through her veins. What is laughable is the pick and choose from history method to suit their "cry for my people" narrative many minority groups tend to use, selectively, to ride the magic carpets of their ancestral oppression at evil European Old World oppressor's hands, when odds are quite high the so-called beautified oppressed race or tribe first, over the course of their varying length independent histories, gained lots and lots of practice oppressing themselves.

Pardon the "French" but I do get the shits of fellow Americans spouting off geysers of ignorance in espousing the misbelief that their great US of A is the number one low intensity regime change colonial power in today's world, and further, that U.S. meddling is the prime reason for the Third World's woes and justifiable motivation for mass emigration from their "shitholes" north to the gilded Old World and America. Many Americans think we should fall so willingly on our own ethnic, cultural and national history swords over crippling guilt for what mean old America has done to the doe-eyed poor natives of the world.

The reality, in two parts, is, most every single indigenous people slaughtered themselves quite adeptly over much more barbaric religion (than Christianity) and internecine/interracial grudges feuding since time out of mind, long before arrival of the European imperialist bogeyman to steal their candy, which if they wanted to keep, should have improvised and adapted a means of killing off "whitey" rather than giving up the goods so willingly. Did imperialist empires take advantage of indigenous populations? Yes. Did many of the same indigenous work with them, against their own people? Hell yes.

Secondly, I can tell you that America--over the last three decades--has done more to aid, gone far above and beyond militarily--for more peoples and nations around the world than any other world power in history. Our military advisors have for nearly sixty years risked life, limb, sight again of family to put boots on the ground of some of the darkest shithole backwater "nations" in attempt to bring light and hope to the people. We've fought these peoples banana and drug wars, rescued their children from famine and oppression by showing them how to dig wells, plant crops, catch fish, treat their own injuries and diagnose and treat countless common maladies which before our arrivals had reaped their numbers hellishly. We have come bearing the ultimate gift of modern Western individual freedom, and they couldn't get enough.

Low intelligence, radicalized, young and naïve individuals such Ocasio-Cortez want to believe in and spread hatred for the ultimate bogeyman of the American Marxist: the lie of the capitalist American pig who jets around the world killing and setting fire to innocent native cultures, horns growing out of their heads. I say to her, "Just remember who brought so much of the world into the light. What they failed to do with the gift of blueprint for Western individual freedom after we gave it to them is on them."
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