AOC cites holocaust as she acuses President Trump of putting life of IIhan Omar in danger over criti

This radical little terrorist loving anti American piece of goat shit is getting her own self in deep shit. QUOTING her isn't GINNING UP ANYTHING. It's HER WORDS...





By your own words & the graphics you post it is pretty amazing how much you have expressed this ONE female has become such a threat to you.
Your IGNORANCE and PRETENDING there's no problem here is far more disturbing, you brain dead little moron. You can spew all the DUMBASS, there's no problem BULL SHIT you want, but you only sound like a retarded ass clown. America is aware, and your crap isn't going to mean squat to anyone other than another pathetic little indoctrinated radical like yourself...

DEARBORN, MICHIGAN: America’s biggest Muslim ‘NO-GO Zone’ / What Could 2018 Elections Bring? | The United West

Minnesota has the most refugees per capita in the U.S. Will that continue? – Twin Cities


So, a wee tiny foreign, brown female, Omar, REALLY does threaten you. That is fucking hilarious.
AS COMPARED to US representative that represents only a minority of citizens of ONE state
She does NOT "represent a MINORITY of one state."

She is supposed to represent every LEGAL CITIZEN of her district.

She only represents herself and those Obama dumped here frm that shithole in Africa.

Please, try getting it correct: Omar, "represents only a minority of citizens of ONE state" and that state being Minnesota.

That is completely different than your BS drivel, "represent a MINORITY of one state."

You really should stop the booze, or whatever other drug(s) you are doing.
I saw the video that Trump posted to Twitter; all he is doing is ginning up his base & creating division in our nation.
IMO any POTUS is suppose to be a leader to unite all the people.
Trump on the other hand makes no attempt to unite AmeriKKKa but only seeks to divide, all while ginning up his base.
Any POTUS that acts as Trump has is demonstrating they lack any morality but that is no surprise to me.

One could ask, "what was G. W. Bush's response when 15 Saudi Arabian citizens of the 19 terrorist responsible for 9/11?"
Well, Bush attacked Afghanistan, and he attacked & destroyed Iraq.
Why did Saudi Arabia get a pass? Oh, that's right; the Bush family & the bin Laden family were best buds forever, for years.
Adding insult to injury, all of the bin Laden family that were in the US post 9/11 were allowed to fly out of the US to Saudi Arabia during a four day nation wide FAA shut down & grounding of ALL flights.
Well, not 'all' flights; only the bin Laden family were allowed to fly during the four days.

Funny world we live in.

Actually, it is a dumbass world that you live in. We attacked Afghanistan because they would not turn over Osama Bin Laden who was the leader of these terrorists. To our knowledge, the Saudi Arabian government had no hand in 9'11, and neither did the Bin Lauden's who flew out.
I saw the video that Trump posted to Twitter; all he is doing is ginning up his base & creating division in our nation.
IMO any POTUS is suppose to be a leader to unite all the people.
Trump on the other hand makes no attempt to unite AmeriKKKa but only seeks to divide, all while ginning up his base.
Any POTUS that acts as Trump has is demonstrating they lack any morality but that is no surprise to me.

One could ask, "what was G. W. Bush's response when 15 Saudi Arabian citizens of the 19 terrorist responsible for 9/11?"
Well, Bush attacked Afghanistan, and he attacked & destroyed Iraq.
Why did Saudi Arabia get a pass? Oh, that's right; the Bush family & the bin Laden family were best buds forever, for years.
Adding insult to injury, all of the bin Laden family that were in the US post 9/11 were allowed to fly out of the US to Saudi Arabia during a four day nation wide FAA shut down & grounding of ALL flights.
Well, not 'all' flights; only the bin Laden family were allowed to fly during the four days.

Funny world we live in.

Actually, it is a dumbass world that you live in. We attacked Afghanistan because they would not turn over Osama Bin Laden who was the leader of these terrorists. To our knowledge, the Saudi Arabian government had no hand in 9'11, and neither did the Bin Lauden's who flew out.

Afghanistan? LOFL

in 2003 Dr. David Graham stated that OBL was hiding out in Pakistan & where did the Navy Seal Team 6 assassinate OBL, in 2011? Abbottabad, Pakistan; nearly the exact location that Dr. David Graham said in 2003 that OBL was most likely hiding out & this was EIGHT full years before US forces whacked OBL's ass there. No wonder Graham was poisoned/murdered.

The strange death of Dr. David M. Graham | YES! Weekly

Yep, you also must reside in a dumbass world but then that's OK.

Where is Shreveport? CADDO parish ...........
Last edited:
Your words infer that Omar is a national leader on the exact same scale as any POTUS. LMFAO

Any POTUS is supposed to unite the nation; Trump is currently POTUS.
And your problem is you claim I have inferred something when I have not. You wasted your LMFAO by being so dumb.
Omar is a rookie member of the House. I sure as hell don't think she is in any way the equivalent of the president.

Omar is a US representative; NOT a POTUS & just how is she supposedly attempting to divide a nation in which she has never received a nation wide vote, and for a nation in which she only represents a minority population of only one state?
Again, no one claims her effect on the country is the same as Trump's. So give up that bullshit!
She does what she humbly can do to as just one little House member to represent the Islamist factions in the US.
I'm sure she is the best representative terrorist enablers have ever had.

Chump Trump on the other hand has received a nation wide vote & Chump Trump is a representative of ALL AmeriKKKans, in ALL US states, no matter how much I may personally disagree with his bullshit.

Your discernment of the bigger picture here is a joke & your appraisal of the situation is fucking laughable, at best.
That's ironic since it's you who don't seem to get it. Eff off!
Never forget! Honor those killed and their families, loved ones, by a terrorist group of islamofascists. If the DMC is so horrified by seeing the pictures of 9-11 then why is it my uncles and father were never horrified in seeing the documentaries of WW2 European and South Pacific theater of war footage, they actually fought for their country so these marshmallows can sit in judgement. How dare them criticize anyone for standing with resolve.
Didn't omar said that some people did something" in 9/11?

Well....what goes around comes around.:wink:

This radical little terrorist loving anti American piece of goat shit is getting her own self in deep shit. QUOTING her isn't GINNING UP ANYTHING. It's HER WORDS...





By your own words & the graphics you post it is pretty amazing how much you have expressed this ONE female has become such a threat to you.
One! ONE! She is the example of every muslim we let slither in. She is ONE of the same kind of American hating maggots that dragged the bodies of our dead servicemen through the streets of Mogadishu. That's Mogadishu, Somalia incidentally where this hijab is from.
This radical little terrorist loving anti American piece of goat shit is getting her own self in deep shit. QUOTING her isn't GINNING UP ANYTHING. It's HER WORDS...





By your own words & the graphics you post it is pretty amazing how much you have expressed this ONE female has become such a threat to you.
One! ONE! She is the example of every muslim we let slither in. She is ONE of the same kind of American hating maggots that dragged the bodies of our dead servicemen through the streets of Mogadishu. That's Mogadishu, Somalia incidentally where this hijab is from.

Seems like you have issues with immigration policy; maybe try contacting your representatives & your Senator to let them know of your disapproval.
This radical little terrorist loving anti American piece of goat shit is getting her own self in deep shit. QUOTING her isn't GINNING UP ANYTHING. It's HER WORDS...





By your own words & the graphics you post it is pretty amazing how much you have expressed this ONE female has become such a threat to you.
One! ONE! She is the example of every muslim we let slither in. She is ONE of the same kind of American hating maggots that dragged the bodies of our dead servicemen through the streets of Mogadishu. That's Mogadishu, Somalia incidentally where this hijab is from.

Seems like you have issues with immigration policy; maybe try contacting your representatives & your Senator to let them know of your disapproval.
Build the wall. Deport them all. No more refugees. Time to clean house starting with hijabs.
I saw the video that Trump posted to Twitter; all he is doing is ginning up his base & creating division in our nation.
IMO any POTUS is suppose to be a leader to unite all the people.
Trump on the other hand makes no attempt to unite AmeriKKKa but only seeks to divide, all while ginning up his base.
Any POTUS that acts as Trump has is demonstrating they lack any morality but that is no surprise to me.

One could ask, "what was G. W. Bush's response when 15 Saudi Arabian citizens of the 19 terrorist responsible for 9/11?"
Well, Bush attacked Afghanistan, and he attacked & destroyed Iraq.
Why did Saudi Arabia get a pass? Oh, that right; the Bush family & the bin Laden family were best buds forever, for years.
Adding insult to injury, all of the bin Laden family that were in the post 9/11 were allowed to fly out of the US to Saudi Arabia during a four day nation wide FAA shut down & grounding of ALL flights.
Well, not 'all' flights; only the bin Laden family were allowed to fly during the four days.

Funny world we live in.
You are right about Bush. Wrong about Trump "dividing" the country. Or are we supposed to pretend Ilhan Omar trying to downplay the 9/11 terrorist attack from Muslim terrorists is no big deal?

Any rational observer would have to conclude it's Omar who is attempting to divide the country with her defense of terrorists.
But somehow you choose not to see that.

I gotta agree. Her mouth gets her into trouble every time she opens it with her death cult bullshit.
I saw the video that Trump posted to Twitter; all he is doing is ginning up his base & creating division in our nation.
IMO any POTUS is suppose to be a leader to unite all the people.
Trump on the other hand makes no attempt to unite AmeriKKKa but only seeks to divide, all while ginning up his base.
Any POTUS that acts as Trump has is demonstrating they lack any morality but that is no surprise to me.

One could ask, "what was G. W. Bush's response when 15 Saudi Arabian citizens of the 19 terrorist responsible for 9/11?"
Well, Bush attacked Afghanistan, and he attacked & destroyed Iraq.
Why did Saudi Arabia get a pass? Oh, that's right; the Bush family & the bin Laden family were best buds forever, for years.
Adding insult to injury, all of the bin Laden family that were in the US post 9/11 were allowed to fly out of the US to Saudi Arabia during a four day nation wide FAA shut down & grounding of ALL flights.
Well, not 'all' flights; only the bin Laden family were allowed to fly during the four days.

Funny world we live in.
Your kind are the problem. Sad.
I saw the video that Trump posted to Twitter; all he is doing is ginning up his base & creating division in our nation.
IMO any POTUS is suppose to be a leader to unite all the people.
Trump on the other hand makes no attempt to unite AmeriKKKa but only seeks to divide, all while ginning up his base.
Any POTUS that acts as Trump has is demonstrating they lack any morality but that is no surprise to me.

One could ask, "what was G. W. Bush's response when 15 Saudi Arabian citizens of the 19 terrorist responsible for 9/11?"
Well, Bush attacked Afghanistan, and he attacked & destroyed Iraq.
Why did Saudi Arabia get a pass? Oh, that right; the Bush family & the bin Laden family were best buds forever, for years.
Adding insult to injury, all of the bin Laden family that were in the post 9/11 were allowed to fly out of the US to Saudi Arabia during a four day nation wide FAA shut down & grounding of ALL flights.
Well, not 'all' flights; only the bin Laden family were allowed to fly during the four days.

Funny world we live in.
You are right about Bush. Wrong about Trump "dividing" the country. Or are we supposed to pretend Ilhan Omar trying to downplay the 9/11 terrorist attack from Muslim terrorists is no big deal?

Any rational observer would have to conclude it's Omar who is attempting to divide the country with her defense of terrorists.
But somehow you choose not to see that.

Your words infer that Omar is a national leader on the exact same scale as any POTUS. LMFAO

Any POTUS is supposed to unite the nation; Trump is currently POTUS.

Omar is a US representative; NOT a POTUS & just how is she supposedly attempting to divide a nation in which she has never received a nation wide vote, and for a nation in which she only represents a minority population of only one state?

Chump Trump on the other hand has received a nation wide vote & Chump Trump is a representative of ALL AmeriKKKans, in ALL US states, no matter how much I may personally disagree with his bullshit.

Your discernment of the bigger picture here is a joke & your appraisal of the situation is fucking laughable, at best.
Your boy Obama divided this nation like no other president in history.
This radical little terrorist loving anti American piece of goat shit is getting her own self in deep shit. QUOTING her isn't GINNING UP ANYTHING. It's HER WORDS...





By your own words & the graphics you post it is pretty amazing how much you have expressed this ONE female has become such a threat to you.
You supporting and defending a terrorist in our governent is sad.
I saw the video that Trump posted to Twitter; all he is doing is ginning up his base & creating division in our nation.
IMO any POTUS is suppose to be a leader to unite all the people.
Trump on the other hand makes no attempt to unite AmeriKKKa but only seeks to divide, all while ginning up his base.
Any POTUS that acts as Trump has is demonstrating they lack any morality but that is no surprise to me.

One could ask, "what was G. W. Bush's response when 15 Saudi Arabian citizens of the 19 terrorist responsible for 9/11?"
Well, Bush attacked Afghanistan, and he attacked & destroyed Iraq.
Why did Saudi Arabia get a pass? Oh, that's right; the Bush family & the bin Laden family were best buds forever, for years.
Adding insult to injury, all of the bin Laden family that were in the US post 9/11 were allowed to fly out of the US to Saudi Arabia during a four day nation wide FAA shut down & grounding of ALL flights.
Well, not 'all' flights; only the bin Laden family were allowed to fly during the four days.

Funny world we live in.
--------------------------------- here you go Caddo , just some info . I have read somewhere that the Saudis were allowed to leave because it was decided that the Saudo 'GOVERNMENT' had nothing to do with '911' . As a side comment , it was the Same thing with 'kashoogi' who was killed / murdered but it was decided that the Saudi GOVERNMENT had nothing to do with his murder . --- September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch ---
This radical little terrorist loving anti American piece of goat shit is getting her own self in deep shit. QUOTING her isn't GINNING UP ANYTHING. It's HER WORDS...





By your own words & the graphics you post it is pretty amazing how much you have expressed this ONE female has become such a threat to you.
----------------------------------- not just a female , its an antiAmerican Snake that has an antiAmerican ideology and she and her electors and supporters are unAmerican the same as she is Caddo .
I still think she is a Trump plant. Every time she gets in front of a mic, Trump campaign donations soar! Hey....any time you can get this level of k00k attracting such media attention, it's like hitting the jackpot! If you are on the right, you have to count your blessings! ( though she will be silenced in the coming months by the DNC.....fAiL)

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