Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' Would Cost More Than the GDP of Most Countries

It is a first world Western Civilization killer. She has very high ambitions and her power lust has no bounds. What do you want to bet her sugar daddy is Soros?

If a train carrying Trotsky leaves Minsk at 100km per hour at 2 and a train carrying Stalin leaves Moscow at 120km per hour at 4, how do you expressively dance to intimidate counter-revolutionaries?

According to an eye-popping new report from Power the Future, provided exclusively to PJ Media, the "Green New Deal" proposed by democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) would cost more than the annual gross domestic product (GDP) of every country on Earth, except the United States. It would cost 3,600 times the cost of the border wall, be enough to pay off nearly the entire national debt, meet the needs of all student loan debt 12 times over, and cover the cost of 1,300 aircraft carriers.

The "Green New Deal" will cost a projected $18.26 trillion per year — and that's a conservative estimate.

According to Investopedia, that is larger than the annual nominal GDP of China (the world's second-largest economy) and Japan (the world's third-largest economy) combined. China's nominal GDP ($12.01 trillion) and Japan's nominal GDP ($4.87 trillion) add up to $16.88 trillion, more than $1 trillion less than the annual cost of the "Green New Deal." Only the U.S., with its $19.39 trillion nominal GDP, still manages to produce more wealth than the "Green New Deal" would suck from the economy.

Read more at pjmedia.com ...
Damn dude you folks seem awfully upset over a junior House member that has no power or position, yet you fear what the kids have in mind for the future of the US because this society is unraveling and so is the financial future due to high debt because evidently the system we have now has reached its limit.
PG&E power company has went bankrupt. Which means Californians utility bills are going to go up. The Globalist wants the rates to go up higher. Like in a small town Texas. They has started to change over to the green energy. But ever since Pres.Trump brought fuel prices down. That their conversion to green energy is costing them more now. But now it is more cheaper for them to go back to the original source. But they are not going to let Californian to feel the effects of Pres.Trump's policies. So they are keeping the energy prices up high. I know that the crime rate is going to go up even more higher than it is now. They are going to raise fuel prices and home property taxes which that will raise up the rent that the poor will not be able to afford.

A year after Trump exited the Paris Climate Accord, here's how states are going even further
PG&E power company has went bankrupt. Which means Californians utility bills are going to go up. The Globalist wants the rates to go up higher. Like in a small town Texas. They has started to change over to the green energy. But ever since Pres.Trump brought fuel prices down. That their conversion to green energy is costing them more now. But now it is more cheaper for them to go back to the original source. But they are not going to let Californian to feel the effects of Pres.Trump's policies. So they are keeping the energy prices up high. I know that the crime rate is going to go up even more higher than it is now. They are going to raise fuel prices and home property taxes which that will raise up the rent that the poor will not be able to afford.

A year after Trump exited the Paris Climate Accord, here's how states are going even further

Not the first power company to go belly up in the USA..
So what? It's a thread title and article meant for morons. The US GDP is ,for instance, 2500+ times the size of Haiti's GDP. So this thread title and dumb article are meaningless to any rational person.
Not meaningless at all if you actually read the OP. In fact the thread title understates things if the OP is to be believed.

"According to Investopedia, that ($18.26 trillion per year) is larger than the annual nominal GDP of China (the world's second-largest economy) and Japan (the world's third-largest economy) combined. China's nominal GDP ($12.01 trillion) and Japan's nominal GDP ($4.87 trillion) add up to $16.88 trillion, more than $1 trillion less than the annual cost of the "Green New Deal." Only the U.S., with its $19.39 trillion nominal GDP, still manages to produce more wealth than the "Green New Deal" would suck from the economy."

Are you showing off your ignorance? Good job, if so and it's hilarious you consider yourself a "rational person".
Your own post says otherwise.
This is why Republicans of today are dumb as a bag of rocks.

If you want to be visonairy, you have to have a vision and goals.

When Republicans wanted to build an interstate highway system, there were naysayers who said it cost too much. They figured it out and did it and paid for it. And connected the country and made the US the envy of the modern world.

When Republicans wanted to build and fund NASA, they figured out what was needed, the investment, how to profit off scientific discoveries and how to lead the world in science.

Then the Conservatives fled the Democrats in the 60's and took over Lincoln's GOP.

Now they are the party of dumbfuks who think college is bad for America and mock anyone who has a vision of where the country should go and how the country should lead the world.

They have devolved from the party of science, technology, and leadership into the party of the Alt White and dumbfukery.

So sad, so tragi
Wow! The morons on the left can't identify themselves fast enough when it comes to this issue.
Did you actually read what Investopedia said about the Green New Deal? It's not affordable for any economy on earth even if something of great value was coming back out of this grab bag of idiocy scam....which it is not!

You use the term "dumbfuck" an awful lot for someone who is himself, a great dumbfuck!
Let's see how many "visionary" and forward thinking democrats actually get behind this legislation that will absolutely destroy the US for an absolutely needless walk to the end of a gang plank that no other nation is able to or willing to follow, even if they could, making this Green New Deal doubly pointless and futile. Way to go, you idiotic ideologue.
It is a first world Western Civilization killer. She has very high ambitions and her power lust has no bounds. What do you want to bet her sugar daddy is Soros?

If a train carrying Trotsky leaves Minsk at 100km per hour at 2 and a train carrying Stalin leaves Moscow at 120km per hour at 4, how do you expressively dance to intimidate counter-revolutionaries?

According to an eye-popping new report from Power the Future, provided exclusively to PJ Media, the "Green New Deal" proposed by democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) would cost more than the annual gross domestic product (GDP) of every country on Earth, except the United States. It would cost 3,600 times the cost of the border wall, be enough to pay off nearly the entire national debt, meet the needs of all student loan debt 12 times over, and cover the cost of 1,300 aircraft carriers.

The "Green New Deal" will cost a projected $18.26 trillion per year — and that's a conservative estimate.

According to Investopedia, that is larger than the annual nominal GDP of China (the world's second-largest economy) and Japan (the world's third-largest economy) combined. China's nominal GDP ($12.01 trillion) and Japan's nominal GDP ($4.87 trillion) add up to $16.88 trillion, more than $1 trillion less than the annual cost of the "Green New Deal." Only the U.S., with its $19.39 trillion nominal GDP, still manages to produce more wealth than the "Green New Deal" would suck from the economy.

Read more at pjmedia.com ...
So what? It's a thread title and article meant for morons. The US GDP is ,for instance, 2500+ times the size of Haiti's GDP. So this thread title and dumb article are meaningless to any rational person.

But the article says this plan is more than the GDP of China and Japan. Why did you bring up Hati?
This is why Republicans of today are dumb as a bag of rocks.

If you want to be visonairy, you have to have a vision and goals.

When Republicans wanted to build an interstate highway system, there were naysayers who said it cost too much. They figured it out and did it and paid for it. And connected the country and made the US the envy of the modern world.

When Republicans wanted to build and fund NASA, they figured out what was needed, the investment, how to profit off scientific discoveries and how to lead the world in science.

Then the Conservatives fled the Democrats in the 60's and took over Lincoln's GOP.

Now they are the party of dumbfuks who think college is bad for America and mock anyone who has a vision of where the country should go and how the country should lead the world.

They have devolved from the party of science, technology, and leadership into the party of the Alt White and dumbfukery.

So sad, so tragic and sad.
The difference is that when the interstate highway was proposed, we knew how to build highways. This clown thinks that somehow in 11 years we're going to magically invent and build some as yet unknown power source to fuel the entire country. And retrofit every building in the country. Oh and don't forget free college and healthcare and govt jobs for anyone who wants one. It's nice to dream but eventually your parents have to wake you up.

Also, do you really think AOC constitutes leadership in science and technology? Anyone in the field of energy production is laughing hysterically. It always kills me that people think that if we just throw enough govt money at some issue an answer just appears. There are many scientists and boatloads of money that have been working on alternative energies for a long time. More money doesn't necessarily lead to success in research.
The Globalist are trying to take over the countries so that they can plant their GMO crops. But they need lots of territory to supply fuel for the world. But these GMO's plants are harming the environment. But they are trying to force it on us, by saying that they are trying to feed the world, ooops. That was their old slogan. They are now saying they are trying to save the planet. But a lot of farmers doesn't want to plant GMO's on their land. And so they are hiring agitators to scare farmers from off of their lands. But now they has chased them to come to our country for safety.

Soros says he is a speculator in Brazilian ethanol | Reuters
OOPS. Now it all comes together
Her mother was born in Puerto Rico.[17][18] She has described her Puerto Rican community as an amalgamation—"We are black; we are indigenous; we are Spanish; we are European." On her stated Sephardic Jewish ancestry, she said that culture isn't DNA
The Globalist are trying to take over the countries so that they can plant their GMO crops. But they need lots of territory to supply fuel for the world. But these GMO's plants are harming the environment. But they are trying to force it on us, by saying that they are trying to feed the world, ooops. That was their old slogan. They are now saying they are trying to save the planet. But a lot of farmers doesn't want to plant GMO's on their land. And so they are hiring agitators to scare farmers from off of their lands. But now they has chased them to come to our country for safety.

Soros says he is a speculator in Brazilian ethanol | Reuters

The Globalist are trying to take over the countries so that they can plant their GMO crops. But they need lots of territory to supply fuel for the world. But these GMO's plants are harming the environment. But they are trying to force it on us, by saying that they are trying to feed the world, ooops. That was their old slogan. They are now saying they are trying to save the planet. But a lot of farmers doesn't want to plant GMO's on their land. And so they are hiring agitators to scare farmers from off of their lands. But now they has chased them to come to our country for safety.

Soros says he is a speculator in Brazilian ethanol | Reuters

And this is their new green deal. It is to create fuel from these GMO plants. Which they will have control of the bio-fuel industries. Because their plants can be patent. GMO algae is very dangerous to the environment. Which they can make biodegradable plastic from it, like plastic bags and straws. But it is known that it cannot be detained. It has escaped into the environment.

The Globalist are trying to take over the countries so that they can plant their GMO crops. But they need lots of territory to supply fuel for the world. But these GMO's plants are harming the environment. But they are trying to force it on us, by saying that they are trying to feed the world, ooops. That was their old slogan. They are now saying they are trying to save the planet. But a lot of farmers doesn't want to plant GMO's on their land. And so they are hiring agitators to scare farmers from off of their lands. But now they has chased them to come to our country for safety.

Soros says he is a speculator in Brazilian ethanol | Reuters

At first they were unable to find a good reason to Genetically modified sugar cane. But now I see why at one time they were trying to make friends with Cuba.

Cuba's New Threat Could be U.S. GMOs

Cuba's New Threat Could be U.S. GMOs

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