Occupy Portland disbands

The Movement is going to Burn out. More and more of the less Radical people that were involved are leaving. Sick of being associated with the Radical Wack Job Communists, Anarchists, and Nazis that are the Core of the Movement in the first place.

If OWS wants to turn this movement into a real Political Force, then they need to stop with the Occupations, and Confrontations. Stop Standing in front of a poor Family with a 2 Year old in their Car and blocking them from leaving, and intimidating them. Stop behaving like Radical, Assholes, and Get Organized as a Political Force like the Tea Party did.
Trust me on this, the movement isn't going to "burn out." It's just going to change form. The tactic of occupying public spaces is already evolving into other methods, including various forms of direct action and a national convention next year with a petition to the government, and plans in the works for a new Constitutional convention.

It can't go on indefinitely being a bunch of people camped out in parks. That tactic has served its purpose. Now it's time for other things. But the movement is definitely not going away.
Trust me on this, the movement isn't going to "burn out." It's just going to change form. The tactic of occupying public spaces is already evolving into other methods, including various forms of direct action and a national convention next year with a petition to the government, and plans in the works for a new Constitutional convention.

It can't go on indefinitely being a bunch of people camped out in parks. That tactic has served its purpose. Now it's time for other things. But the movement is definitely not going away.

the Radical Wack Job Communists, Anarchists, and Nazis that are the Core of the Movement in the first place

You know, saying shit like this firmly entrenches you into being just as much of a radical whack job as you object to others allegedly being.
They're the real thing. The Tea Party was premature, as in ejaculation, and like an ejaculation it is now spent. :tongue:
They're the real thing. The Tea Party was premature, as in ejaculation, and like an ejaculation it is now spent. :tongue:

Yeah, they'll keep fucking you over and over and over again.:lol:
Trust me on this, the movement isn't going to "burn out." It's just going to change form. The tactic of occupying public spaces is already evolving into other methods, including various forms of direct action and a national convention next year with a petition to the government, and plans in the works for a new Constitutional convention.

It can't go on indefinitely being a bunch of people camped out in parks. That tactic has served its purpose. Now it's time for other things. But the movement is definitely not going away.

if you think some mass march on the dem convention is going to win you sppt. well, have at it. IF and big IF the dem money folks/superdelegates are smart, they'll break it up. of course if plouffe and obama have their way they will want it because they are deluded enough to think it will energize their base, oh it may do that to some extent, maybe, BUT it will further repel the indies.....a reading , a serious one of the whole 68 convention, the run up and results, says , don't do it.

But the movement is definitely not going away

uh huh.
if you think some mass march on the dem convention is going to win you sppt. well, have at it.

The Occupy convention is planned for Philadelphia. The Democratic convention will be in Charlotte.

But the movement is definitely not going away

uh huh.

Tell me honestly. Six months ago, if I had told you that something like Occupy was going to happen sometime over the summer or fall, would you have believed it? I very much doubt it. I doubt you had any inkling of the possibility.

But I knew. And I know what I'm talking about now, too.
They're the real thing. The Tea Party was premature, as in ejaculation, and like an ejaculation it is now spent. :tongue:

Yeah, they'll keep fucking you over and over and over again.:lol:

Yeh the OWS crowd is the real deal alright....

Violent.....Clashes with police,reports of gunfire,deaths,sexual assault.
Disruptive...blocking access to stores so customers can't enter...Done in NYC.
Criminal activity...theft,again I mention sexual assault.
Disorderly...public urination and defecation...and maybe some errant bowel gasses.From the
chicks mostly I hear.
Oh yeh,this is a movement Obama and Princess Nancy is definitely proud of. :lol: :lol: :clap2:
if you think some mass march on the dem convention is going to win you sppt. well, have at it.

The Occupy convention is planned for Philadelphia. The Democratic convention will be in Charlotte.

But the movement is definitely not going away

uh huh.

Tell me honestly. Six months ago, if I had told you that something like Occupy was going to happen sometime over the summer or fall, would you have believed it? I very much doubt it. I doubt you had any inkling of the possibility.

But I knew. And I know what I'm talking about now, too.

Gee Wally, can I borrow your Magic 8 Ball so I can play "I'm a know it all" too.:D
if you think some mass march on the dem convention is going to win you sppt. well, have at it.

The Occupy convention is planned for Philadelphia. The Democratic convention will be in Charlotte.

Tell me honestly. Six months ago, if I had told you that something like Occupy was going to happen sometime over the summer or fall, would you have believed it? I very much doubt it. I doubt you had any inkling of the possibility.

But I knew. And I know what I'm talking about now, too.

Gee Wally, can I borrow your Magic 8 Ball so I can play "I'm a know it all" too.:D

Pretty easy to be prescient using hindsight, isn't it?
Not going away at all, there is not even the possibility. This has been building for a long time and patience with the political establishment has officially run out. Only an amazing turn around in the economy would even have a chance of keeping the banking industry from being the central issue of the election next year. Either one would be a disaster to the republican efforts to elect a president.
Trust me on this, the movement isn't going to "burn out." It's just going to change form. The tactic of occupying public spaces is already evolving into other methods, including various forms of direct action and a national convention next year with a petition to the government, and plans in the works for a new Constitutional convention.

It can't go on indefinitely being a bunch of people camped out in parks. That tactic has served its purpose. Now it's time for other things. But the movement is definitely not going away.

I agree, this movement is going nowhere so long as the oligarchy stays in power. The people have had it with the corruption the cronyism, and the propaganda. They will continue to get bigger and bigger untill there is no way the media will be able to marginalize them with nonstop bad press.

The people want freedom from this bull shit government. And we will get it one way or another.
I think OWS has illustrated Santayara's definition of a fanatic.

One who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.

They've brought attention to the issue of wealth disparity. But now they are just annoying the very people who they are advocating for. The Cubicle worker who just wants to get to his job, the policeman who is just there to keep order, the working family that just wants to enjoy the park on their day off.

They are having no effect on the supposed 1%, who the Democrats are actively courting as much as the Republicans.
Weeeeelllllll...... That article may be a bit premature. The local news keeps cutting into the Seahawks game because the police had to force them out and they are currently in a stand off with the police threatening to use tear gas. They're out of the parks they were occupying but to say they left peacefully is a bit of a stretch. :lol:
Does anyone know if the reported anarchists actually did show up and if they did, what was the result.

Sad that leeches attach themselves to the movement for the sole purpose of their own anger issues and not what the movement is actually trying to accomplish.
Trust me on this, the movement isn't going to "burn out." It's just going to change form. The tactic of occupying public spaces is already evolving into other methods, including various forms of direct action and a national convention next year with a petition to the government, and plans in the works for a new Constitutional convention.

It can't go on indefinitely being a bunch of people camped out in parks. That tactic has served its purpose. Now it's time for other things. But the movement is definitely not going away.

If you disagreed with them you'd call them 'extremists' and 'terrorists'. You're nothing more than a hypocritical commie.

And, for the record, anyone who says 'trust me' is rarely the kind of person to be trusted.
Trust me on this, the movement isn't going to "burn out." It's just going to change form. The tactic of occupying public spaces is already evolving into other methods, including various forms of direct action and a national convention next year with a petition to the government, and plans in the works for a new Constitutional convention.

It can't go on indefinitely being a bunch of people camped out in parks. That tactic has served its purpose. Now it's time for other things. But the movement is definitely not going away.

If you disagreed with them you'd call them 'extremists' and 'terrorists'. You're nothing more than a hypocritical commie.

You mean like your buddy Jillian did and does about the Tea Party?

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