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Occupy threatening to shut down New York...

Well, the cold weather has passed (the majority of them were more concerned with comfort than their cause, of course) so the Occupy WSers are getting riled up again...they are threatening to shut down bridges and roadways, as well as causing general disruptions to the populace across the nation. Knowing this, do they have a Constitutional right to do this or will the protestors become criminals if they carry these threats out? Personally, I think they fall outside "the right of the people peaceably to assemble", when they break the law by interfering with the rights of others by shutting down the ability to travel and I would have law enforcement ready to arrest and jail each and every person attempting to do so.
It's too bad Soros wishes are so taken to heart by the Democrats. They've put up a "We're for sale sign to the highest bidder" by encouraging months and months of being and encouraging ninnyhammers to break windows, trash throughfares, damage small businesses, and getting paid by huge backers to show falsetto "outrage" against conservative Americans and our form of government, business endeavors and enterprising pursuits that put money in the treasury by taxes paid.

The Democrats are counting on the handouts crowd to create civil unrest while they squeeze the last drop of money out of the US Treasury to ensure that Nancy Pelosi's family will have unlimited backing for failing projects and new projects that failed in the past because they don't work. It's just cherry picking money off money hardworking taxpayers put there.

Of course unemployed people, druggies, and college students looking for an easy buck will go for the gold Soros doles out through "foundations" to pillory and beat back taxpayers just trying to get a piece of the American dream by working for it. Of course, with the Democrats making higher and higher and higher demands on people's money, they won't have a snowball's chance in hell if the Democrat-sponsored OWS fools people into thinking this is a grass-roots movement.

It's not. It's only a way to get money since the Democrats have killed new jobs prospects in the energy industry and anything else they can't control and micromanage into oblivion.


Well stated!!! It's just a push toward socialism and this is the best idea they can come up with to argue for wealth redistribution. These protesters are trashing small businesses and harassing average citizens, ones that are supposed to be considered part of their 99%.

They've got big money and a lot of powerful people behind them and this was organized from the start. I believe they tried to say that they were emulating the Egypt protests. I think a lot of the protests in that region were also orchestrated and the Muslim Brotherhood came out the winner.

The media whores are so faithful to the left that they'll continue to level false charges of violence at the tea parties while looking the other way at the illegal and disgusting behavior of these occupoopers.

I don't think many people are taking this group seriously, especially not those who have suffered the most by having these lowlifes camp near their homes and work places.

In a way, I'm glad they are out there again and putting their stupidity on display for the world to see. When people are unable to function normally because of streets closed off and the constant noise and stench, it won't help their cause any.
Well, the cold weather has passed (the majority of them were more concerned with comfort than their cause, of course) so the Occupy WSers are getting riled up again...they are threatening to shut down bridges and roadways, as well as causing general disruptions to the populace across the nation. Knowing this, do they have a Constitutional right to do this or will the protestors become criminals if they carry these threats out? Personally, I think they fall outside "the right of the people peaceably to assemble", when they break the law by interfering with the rights of others by shutting down the ability to travel and I would have law enforcement ready to arrest and jail each and every person attempting to do so.

Arrest them all. They don't have the right to impede the travel of others. The can, however, stand on a corner and peacefully state their cause.

Yes, there are laws against harassing people and closing down streets or bridges. They didn't even temper their ugliness when children were present. They haven't even attempted a peaceful protest and have had an "in your face" and vulgar presentation from the get go.

Just reading their literature.

"Never in history did the rich & powerful give up their privileges voluntarily"

Just fucking Wow

From "The Occupied Wall Street Journal"

So, how did charities ever begin? I read a poll stating that more Republicans donate to charity than Democrats. Interesting.

Most people don't appreciate giving up what they've earned by force and prefer to give of their own will. And that is not just the wealthy.

Protesters are the epitome of selfishness. Remember during the last NY occupooper fest, the organizers were upset at the destitute people that showed up and they didn't want to share their organic chicken (that was donated) with them, so gave them brown rice instead. I guess even the protesters don't give up their privileges to their fellow occupoopers. There were so many thefts, even the food tent was robbed. They can't even trust each other, which makes sense because all of them are geared to take the earnings of others.
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I don't know any 'occupiers' except for one young relative who lives on the East Coast and who does plan to be in NYC. What I read on his Facebook Page and the responses of his friends there is frightening. These kids/young adults have no clue what they are protesting, why they are protesting, or what they hope to accomplish. But they are whipped into a frenzy to disrupt, destroy, and take it all down. Their language is vile and violent.

The mainstream media seem to mostly have their heads stuck in the sand. Since our Fearless Leader has praised and accepted the occupier groups as 'grass roots' and "America", they have a dilemma. They are his hand maidens and advocates. Do they report what is happening and make him look like more of an idiot and/or anti-Ameican than he already does by endorsing them? Or do they hope by not calling attention to it, nobody will notice?
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and now for something really different...
God, are these useless wankers kicking up a fuss again on your side of the pond as well? When our 'occupiers' occupied the space outside St. Paul's cathedral in central London the press trained heat-seeking cameras at the tents pitched in the thoroughfare over night. Almost every single one of them failed to register a heat source i.e - they were left unoccupied, which was ruthlessly ironic. When this little irony was pointed out to them, most of them tried to sheepishly excuse their complete lack of backbone by citing the weather in defence: 'Well, it was really, really cold last night. So I popped home for a bath and a hot meal.' Duh, you fu***** dickheads, discomfort is what lends your protest integrity in the first place.
I don't know any 'occupiers' except for one young relative who lives on the East Coast and who does plan to be in NYC. What I read on his Facebook Page and the responses of his friends there is frightening. These kids/young adults have no clue what they are protesting, why they are protesting, or what they hope to accomplish. But they are whipped into a frenzy to disrupt, destroy, and take it all down. Their language is vile and violent.

The mainstream media seem to mostly have their heads stuck in the sand. Since our Fearless Leader has praised and accepted the occupier groups as 'grass roots' and "America", they have a dilemma. They are his hand maidens and advocates. Do they report what is happening and make him look like more of an idiot and/or anti-Ameican than he already does by endorsing them? Or do they hope by not calling attention to it, nobody will notice?

I think some are using the protest as an excuse to release their pent up frustration. Not to mention scoring some free food, drugs, sex and the luxury of relieving themselves in public. They go and party while standing next to communists and Marxists and think they are being righteous. It's either ignorance or they've been heavily influenced by radicals and actually believe what they are saying. It's sad when young people believe it's right to demand things without earning them. It's taken years of liberal indoctrination to get to this point.
God, are these useless wankers kicking up a fuss again on your side of the pond as well? When our 'occupiers' occupied the space outside St. Paul's cathedral in central London the press trained heat-seeking cameras at the tents pitched in the thoroughfare over night. Almost every single one of them failed to register a heat source i.e - they were left unoccupied, which was ruthlessly ironic. When this little irony was pointed out to them, most of them tried to sheepishly excuse their complete lack of backbone by citing the weather in defence: 'Well, it was really, really cold last night. So I popped home for a bath and a hot meal.' Duh, you fu***** dickheads, discomfort is what lends your protest integrity in the first place.


That is how fascism works. Do as we say, not as we do.

God, are these useless wankers kicking up a fuss again on your side of the pond as well? When our 'occupiers' occupied the space outside St. Paul's cathedral in central London the press trained heat-seeking cameras at the tents pitched in the thoroughfare over night. Almost every single one of them failed to register a heat source i.e - they were left unoccupied, which was ruthlessly ironic. When this little irony was pointed out to them, most of them tried to sheepishly excuse their complete lack of backbone by citing the weather in defence: 'Well, it was really, really cold last night. So I popped home for a bath and a hot meal.' Duh, you fu***** dickheads, discomfort is what lends your protest integrity in the first place.

Thanks for the insight to what is going on there. These folks abhor work so much that they won't even endure the slightest sacrifice as they demand more from the real workers.

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