Occupy Wall Street protesters to take on Chase bank


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
after Bloomberg defends boss as 'an honourable person paying his taxes'

Today protesters will protest at JP Morgan Chase headquarters in New York
Went to homes of Rupert Murdoch and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon
Also targeted houses of David Koch, Howard Milstein and John Paulson
Around 1,000 demonstrators began Manhattan march yesterday at 12:30pm
Some travelled by subway from base at Zuccotti Park to 59th Street to start
Obama senior adviser David Plouffe confirms President is on protesters' side

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has criticised the Occupy Wall Street protesters for unfairly blaming 'hard-working' people for problems facing the U.S.

Around 1,000 protesters tried to confront some of New York's wealthiest tycoons yesterday afternoon as they held a 'Millionaires March' in Manhattan to the homes of five top businessmen.

But Mayor Bloomberg fumed: 'I don't appreciate the bashing of all the hard working people who live and work here and pay the taxes that support our city.'

read more, pics Occupy Wall Street protests: 'Millionaires March' to target Rupert Murdoch's home | Mail Online

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