Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

If it was genuine.... why were these people not out supporting the TEA Partiers?

Because the Tea Party, in addition to advocating an end to corporate money corrupting politics (on which the leftist insurgency agrees), also advocates cutting out necessary government services, even further deregulating business which would make our problems worse, and other right-wing approaches to economics which we DON'T agree with. Agreement on one issue is not sufficient for complete support.
We understand it quite well, and whom the leaders are in this leaderless movement.

That statement by itself is proof positive that no, you don't have a clue. But I notice that you are backing up exactly what I said. The fear is of a totalitarian state being imposed.
If it was genuine.... why were these people not out supporting the TEA Partiers?

Because the Tea Party, in addition to advocating an end to corporate money corrupting politics (on which the leftist insurgency agrees), also advocates cutting out necessary government services, even further deregulating business which would make our problems worse, and other right-wing approaches to economics which we DON'T agree with. Agreement on one issue is not sufficient for complete support.

Nonsense. cutting government "services" will only improve this nation.
We understand it quite well, and whom the leaders are in this leaderless movement.

That statement by itself is proof positive that no, you don't have a clue. But I notice that you are backing up exactly what I said. The fear is of a totalitarian state being imposed.

So you really think that those who have been planning this event for months are not the leaders of this event?
Nonsense. cutting government "services" will only improve this nation.

I understand that you believe this. That fact explains why we can't simply support your movement. We have some points of agreement, but they are too few set against the whole.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Actually it was obvious from the start. It is evidence of the Chaos and Embarrassment too. Your Organization Skills need improvement. Sub Groups trying to Hi-Jack an Event is a given. The Organizers need to improve their Communication Skills. Too many unaccounted Lost Sheep running around. You might want to feed and clean some of them up too. :)
If it was genuine.... why were these people not out supporting the TEA Partiers?

Because the Tea Party, in addition to advocating an end to corporate money corrupting politics (on which the leftist insurgency agrees), also advocates cutting out necessary government services, even further deregulating business which would make our problems worse, and other right-wing approaches to economics which we DON'T agree with. Agreement on one issue is not sufficient for complete support.

Protect the Constitution
Reject cap and trade energy reforms
Demand a balanced budget
Enact fundamental tax reform
Restore fiscal responsibility and constitutionally limited government in Washington
End runaway government spending
Defund, repeal, and replace government-run health care
Pass an 'all-of-the-above' energy policy
Stop the pork
Stop the tax hikes

Smarter than the unrealistic.... some would say bullshit... that your 'leaderless' movement has produced.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 11:56 AM
Stop Listing Demands! We look like we’re freaking nuts.

The Occupy Wall Street lunatics scolded fellow commie activists today for posting their legitimate demands. It makes them look stupid.

The opponents of this movement are using the demands posted in this forum as the official lists. And some of these lists regardless of how right or wrong are extreme points of view and will only hurt our cause by making us look like extremist nut jobs. You don’t speak for everyone in this. Stop creating public demand lists, delete demands threads. Let the organizers and the law team working for them do this.

so thanks a lot, now this is how the opponents are viewing us Good Grief… Occupy Wall Street Imbeciles Release 13 Demands Including “$20 Minimum Wage” and “Across the Board Debt Forgiveness For All” | The Gateway Pundit

read the rest with comments.:lol:
Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles | The Gateway Pundit

The collectivist morons mean 20 dollar minimum wages, one world government and the destruction of the oil companies, among other insane demands are not reasonable?

I'm sure a pink elephant is more logical to them.

I must say I love the whole idea of a "list of demands" like they have a hostage or something.

They're sleeping on the streets for fucks sake, what leverage do the idiots think they have to make demands?


It's like squatting on someones lawn and demanding they give you a million dollars and some free meals. :lol:

Clearly a moron thought this whole thing out. It really shows the intellect of the progressive socialist mind. Then they wonder why they have nothing - maybe because they're fucking morons?

It's fucking ridiculous.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Well it's beginning to gel. Unions are getting into the fray.

About fucking time.

Wake me up when it's time to give a crap ! :lol:
Nonsense. cutting government "services" will only improve this nation.

I understand that you believe this. That fact explains why we can't simply support your movement. We have some points of agreement, but they are too few set against the whole.

I believe it because it's true.

Over intrusive government is destroying this nation. The way to fix it is to get the government out of our lives as much as possible.

This economic downturn has been caused primarily because of the corruption and overreach of our government. And through decades of weakening the principles institutions of the Republic, such as the States and Families.
Nonsense. cutting government "services" will only improve this nation.

I understand that you believe this. That fact explains why we can't simply support your movement. We have some points of agreement, but they are too few set against the whole.

Who is going to pay for your 'services', once you have destroyed those that are currently paying for it?

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. What a bunch of naive fools.... lambs to the fucking slaughter.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Actually it was obvious from the start. It is evidence of the Chaos and Embarrassment too. Your Organization Skills need improvement. Sub Groups trying to Hi-Jack an Event is a given. The Organizers need to improve their Communication Skills. Too many unaccounted Lost Sheep running around. You might want to feed and clean some of them up too. :)

But the leaders of this movement want chaos. Don't be fooled. The chaos is intentional.
So you really think that those who have been planning this event for months are not the leaders of this event?

I not only believe that, I know it to be true.

Take a look at the movement's participants and you will see where the real planning takes place. All of the committees, the arrangements for food, teach-ins, shelter, and so on, this is not done by Van Jones or any other liberal big shot. It's done by the participants, in a ground-up fashion.

If you really understood the event that sparked this thread, you would see that nobody controls the movement. What happened was that the web site had an open forum, not unlike this one; people could post anything they wanted and membership was open and free. As noted above, there are probably some right-wing participants. Liberty is the law of the day. But someone used their liberty to post ideas that made the movement look bad, and so a REQUEST has been made (and note that this request is non-enforceable) that no one post any more lists of demands in the forum.

This is the antithesis of top-down control. It could not be less totalitarian.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Actually it was obvious from the start. It is evidence of the Chaos and Embarrassment too. Your Organization Skills need improvement. Sub Groups trying to Hi-Jack an Event is a given. The Organizers need to improve their Communication Skills. Too many unaccounted Lost Sheep running around. You might want to feed and clean some of them up too. :)

Indeed. The jig is up. Too many lost sheep have inadvertantly bleated to find thier way back to thier shepards. :lol:
So you really think that those who have been planning this event for months are not the leaders of this event?

I not only believe that, I know it to be true.

Take a look at the movement's participants and you will see where the real planning takes place. All of the committees, the arrangements for food, teach-ins, shelter, and so on, this is not done by Van Jones or any other liberal big shot. It's done by the participants, in a ground-up fashion.

If you really understood the event that sparked this thread, you would see that nobody controls the movement. What happened was that the web site had an open forum, not unlike this one; people could post anything they wanted and membership was open and free. As noted above, there are probably some right-wing participants. Liberty is the law of the day. But someone used their liberty to post ideas that made the movement look bad, and so a REQUEST has been made (and note that this request is non-enforceable) that no one post any more lists of demands in the forum.

This is the antithesis of top-down control. It could not be less totalitarian.

You are wrong. You are being manipulated. Your movement exists because Van Jones and Co have decided to make it so. This is part of his 'October Offensive'. If you don't know that, shame on you.
We understand it quite well, and whom the leaders are in this leaderless movement.

That statement by itself is proof positive that no, you don't have a clue. But I notice that you are backing up exactly what I said. The fear is of a totalitarian state being imposed.
Next time? Quote my entire statement idiot.:evil:
I was thinking , maybe, some of the Union's can protest Double Dipping, working while receiving Retirement benefits. Especially Government Workers should not be playing games like this, working a Government job, while receiving a Government Retirement check, with Unemployment so high?
Maybe they can fight for Legislation that refuses Unions to Own, Stock and Real Estate Property. Turning away from the Sealed Ballot, and corrupting the process of Unionization, I mean Forced Unionization, was a wrong turn too, maybe They can Protest that too.
We are protesting Greed, Right? :eusa_whistle:
So you really think that those who have been planning this event for months are not the leaders of this event?

I not only believe that, I know it to be true.

Take a look at the movement's participants and you will see where the real planning takes place. All of the committees, the arrangements for food, teach-ins, shelter, and so on, this is not done by Van Jones or any other liberal big shot. It's done by the participants, in a ground-up fashion.

If you really understood the event that sparked this thread, you would see that nobody controls the movement. What happened was that the web site had an open forum, not unlike this one; people could post anything they wanted and membership was open and free. As noted above, there are probably some right-wing participants. Liberty is the law of the day. But someone used their liberty to post ideas that made the movement look bad, and so a REQUEST has been made (and note that this request is non-enforceable) that no one post any more lists of demands in the forum.

This is the antithesis of top-down control. It could not be less totalitarian.

and shouldn't you idiots be out trying to "occupy" the WHITE HOUSE or Congress or a outhouse where laws and bills are made and passed?
my gawd..how can you all OCCUPY something you DON'T OWN? it is ILLEGAL last time I checked.
I was thinking , maybe, some of the Union's can protest Double Dipping, working while receiving Retirement benefits. Especially Government Workers should not be playing games like this, working a Government job, while receiving a Government Retirement check, with Unemployment so high?
Maybe they can fight for Legislation that refuses Unions to Own, Stock and Real Estate Property. Turning away from the Sealed Ballot, and corrupting the process of Unionization, I mean Forced Unionization, was a wrong turn too, maybe They can Protest that too.
We are protesting Greed, Right? :eusa_whistle:
Check that? *Conservative Greed* Remember? These people have standards don't ya know? :eusa_drool:
i love these guys....

protest against and piss off the people that "control" your 401k, your social security, your pension.....


Since they're protesting mid-week, I'm guessing they don't have those issues. :lol:

Indeed they don't. A lot of these little brats have never gotten their soft little hands dirty (and don't intend to); "working class" indeed! Why didn't you hear those little Ivy League snobs, the supposed "best and brightest"? Too good to work, too good to serve in the military, but boy, are they entitled to everything, just for being Ivy League! Well then, let the effete little Leftie snobs try eating that Harvard or Columbia degree. Beans indeed; let them eat cold c-rats in the rain for a week, and they'd be damn grateful for anything hot, beans and rice included. I say we take up a collection of cans of well-aged cold, greasy spam for them, if they're hungry; if it was good enough for us serving our country, it's good for snot-nosed, spoiled little snobs too. They can have some on one condition; we get to dry-shave those beards and long hair( that goes for females too!), and de-louse them first!

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