Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

Invited? Fuck off. Sopboena'ed? Let's see you sobpoena Joe.
i don’t think they’ll do that…at least for now. Moreover likely not enforceable since he is sitting president

for the time being they’ve invited his family members, but made clear today they will use their subpoena power if they don’t come willingly
Damn these demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are twisting into pretzels today.
haha they aren’t prosecutors trying cases.

A jury determines if the facts presented at trial are crimes

That’s not the function of the legislature

they are looking to see if laws need to be stronger or new laws created, as well as if any impeachable offense took place. They aren’t doing the DOJ’s. job of presenting a case to a jury
You’re trying to have it both ways. On one hand you claim they outlined numerous crimes. On the other hand you claim they don’t have to substantiate anything because they aren’t prosecutors.

This is fundamentally dishonest.
yes that would be a good defense from the xiden family. Waiting to hear from them. They have been invited to come to Congress
Why would they need to defend themselves from baseless allegations?
You do realize that Trump was found not guilty? My guess is they rushed that verdict, to ease the pain of what will be the impeachment of Biden, and criminal charges against family members!

Once he pays her $5 million dollars he will be exonerated.
Guttieri co-authored patents with Garry, Gallaher's sidekick that links both to Louisiana. Gallaher was one of the first to mention SARS2 furin. Guttieri links Ukraine to Biden's Metabiota, here; and the African swine fever is kicking up near the CIA citadel @Lvov, Ukraine:

13 Mar 2023 Post #2,005

22 Nov 2022 Post#1,434
You’re trying to have it both ways. On one hand you claim they outlined numerous crimes. On the other hand you claim they don’t have to substantiate anything because they aren’t prosecutors.

This is fundamentally dishonest.
haha no it’s a fundemental understanding of what is happening

they are no point said anyone was guilty of anything…that’s a demafasict Shifty thing

They have outlined evidence what appears to be criminal activity

They aren’t prosecuting them.

They are continuing to investigate, amd will share their results

Their job is to 1) see if new laws need to be created 2)if current laws need to be strengthen, and of course 3) impeach if deemed necessary

i get as a dembot you are used to the Stalinist tactics used by your cult to prosecute political enemies but this is not that
Why would they need to defend themselves from baseless allegations?
haha “baseless” hahahab

keep your head on the sand

They are free not to defend themselves…by all means , it’s likely better then continuing to be caught lying
wel it didn’t matter. maybe it’s not, the point of rhe legislature is to investigate and create or strengthen laws

moreover something can be corrupt or unethical ans not be a crime
In this case, the point is to keep the crazies stirred up.
Apparently the evidence is there.

Of course, that makes no difference as the Bidens will waltz away scot-free as usual. High level Democrats are above the rule of law in this nation.
If it's there, why can't you find it. Is it just really good at hiding from you?
They have outlined evidence what appears to be criminal activity
How can they say it appears to be criminal activity when you can’t even say what was criminal? I keep asking but you reply they aren’t prosecutors so they don’t have to say.
Here's how this is going so far:
MAGAs: We are having a press conference to show that we have found that Biden may have stolen a car.
US: Okay, how's that?
MAGA: Well, we have clear evidence that he was seen driving a car and that's suspicious.
US: But how is that theft?
MAGA: Well, it would be if he had stolen the car.
US: So you're saying he stole a car?
MAGA: No, that's for a jury to decide.
US: Then you have evidence he stole the car?
MAGA: Give us a break, we just started investigating.
Why did the Saudi's give Jared $2 BILLION dollars? You're asking about $10 million which is nothing. Was that $10 million over the course of 10 years? My brother is a VP of HR and makes that much.

That may sound like a lot of money to you but it's not.

Also, what did Clarence's wife do to get $100K? And who gave her the $100K? And did Clarence reside over cases they were involved in? Yup!

If you have evidence against Biden bring it. And I hope it's not like Hillary's server. Something they all do.

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