Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

Wind bag comes to mind … you in no way tried to help me with the spelling of Medicaid … your total intention was to mock then insult … we all could see what you were doing … help me my ass … just like you tried to do here with you long wind bag post … here I’ll make it simple for you Medicaid is not any part of welfare prove me wrong in that statement … and try not being so long winded … why the hell you posted all the stats on how many people who are on it I could care less … made one statement on Medicaid and all you could do is mock the spelling of the word Medicaid … now go and talk to somebody else who gives a shit on how many are on Medicaid … it still isn’t any part of welfare and you couldn’t prove that it was .. buddy you not the sharpest tack in the box I find you quite ignorant and boring … you can’t seem to comprehend what you read … if you see a misspelled Word you lose all control … believe me I see misspelled words all the time … I’m just not that petty to point it out like your are … I can comprehending what they tried to say … you can’t seem to handle that
AGAIN what a f...king LIAR!!! I point out how f..king lazy you are totally ignoring simple aid in helping you and that to me indicates
a really dysfunctional personality! You make all these totally easily substantiated WRONG statements but so lazy you won't even correct simple misspelling! That's the point. You are so lazy you totally ignore the help and continue to make totally unsubstantiated statements! That's the major point! If you are too lazy to use the tools presenting you your errors why should ANYONE believe what you write?
AGAIN what a f...king LIAR!!! I point out how f..king lazy you are totally ignoring simple aid in helping you and that to me indicates
a really dysfunctional personality! You make all these totally easily substantiated WRONG statements but so lazy you won't even correct simple misspelling! That's the point. You are so lazy you totally ignore the help and continue to make totally unsubstantiated statements! That's the major point! If you are too lazy to use the tools presenting you your errors why should ANYONE believe what you write?
Your still can’t comprehend what you read … Medicaid has nothing to do with welfare … the are two different plans by the government … can ya grasp that’??? Or are you really this stupid
you qualify for Medicaid by being of low income ... you are a working person who can't afford healthcare so it is offered to low-income people it's on the Medicaid website ... if you are on welfare you can apply for Medicaid to get healthcare ... you don't go through the welfare web site to get it... you go through the Medicaid website ... why you didn't know that, oh my bad, you're a tipical ignorant republican ...
So Medicaid is just another welfare plan.

Thank you!
AGAIN what a f...king LIAR!!! I point out how f..king lazy you are totally ignoring simple aid in helping you and that to me indicates
a really dysfunctional personality! You make all these totally easily substantiated WRONG statements but so lazy you won't even correct simple misspelling! That's the point. You are so lazy you totally ignore the help and continue to make totally unsubstantiated statements! That's the major point! If you are too lazy to use the tools presenting you your errors why should ANYONE believe what you write?
One other thing Ian no lazy never have been lazy … but you are stupid I get that easy
One other thing Ian no lazy never have been lazy … but you are stupid I get that easy
Well you are lazy as you don't pay any attention to the help the spelling correction provides. You are also a LIAR when you say "Ian" no lazy because once again you've proved it!
Snowflakes continue to demonstrate their complete lack of credibility and how far out of touch with reality they are.
I'll post the whole post again so you can answer the question ... you make these statements but you haven't any factual information on your post here ... I will keep asking you until you come up with an answer... calling me a snowflake has proven my point here ...you haven't any proof for your post ...so you come back with childish attacks... answer the questions ...

just today in the congress held by your Republican leaders we all found out the hunter biden tax abuse started under the trump administration that Trump slowly walked it into the courts and investigations... they dragged it on to use it against Joe Biden in up the coming election ...as a point to distract the voter from biden ... there is no 20 criminal shell companies, 12 Biden Banks, hundreds of flagged money laundering-flagged bank transactions from / Involving foreign/criminal / enemy nations and entities, and millions of dollars paid to the Bidens... this is all made up by your republicans to try a smear the Biden family ... give us the name of one bank ... show us were Joe Biden has deposited any money in any bank from any country ... you can't ... what a surprise ... could it be your to stupid to realize you've been lie to ??? no that could be it cause the trump administration is so truthful huh ??? they just got caught in the Hunter Biden hearing yesterday that the Trump administration made all this up from the whistleblower the Republicans provided in their hearing to try and say Joe Bidens slow-walked the so-called Biden crime family in the courts ... it backfired on them yesterday ... just priceless ... you republicans keep slitting your own throats every day and this snowflake just handed you your head in a basket ...

Quote Reply
I'll post the whole post again so you can answer the question ... you make these statements but you haven't any factual information on your post here ... I will keep asking you until you come up with an answer... calling me a snowflake has proven my point here ...you haven't any proof for your post ...so you come back with childish attacks... answer the questions ...

just today in the congress held by your Republican leaders we all found out the hunter biden tax abuse started under the trump administration that Trump slowly walked it into the courts and investigations... they dragged it on to use it against Joe Biden in up the coming election ...as a point to distract the voter from biden ... there is no 20 criminal shell companies, 12 Biden Banks, hundreds of flagged money laundering-flagged bank transactions from / Involving foreign/criminal / enemy nations and entities, and millions of dollars paid to the Bidens... this is all made up by your republicans to try a smear the Biden family ... give us the name of one bank ... show us were Joe Biden has deposited any money in any bank from any country ... you can't ... what a surprise ... could it be your to stupid to realize you've been lie to ??? no that could be it cause the trump administration is so truthful huh ??? they just got caught in the Hunter Biden hearing yesterday that the Trump administration made all this up from the whistleblower the Republicans provided in their hearing to try and say Joe Bidens slow-walked the so-called Biden crime family in the courts ... it backfired on them yesterday ... just priceless ... you republicans keep slitting your own throats every day and this snowflake just handed you your head in a basket ...

Quote Reply
Notably, on March 1, 2017, less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office, State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to Rob Walker’s company.
The next day, the company wired $1,065,000 to a company associated with James Gilliar, another Biden family associate.
Afterwards, the Biden family received approximately $1,065,000 in payments over a three-month period in different bank accounts.
From the bank records, it appears that the Biden family received approximately one-third of the money obtained from the China wire.

Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 8.20.27 AM.png
In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.
Life that early isn’t that precious.
Who defines a life that early isn't precious?
Obviously you never watched this:

Watch the TED conference talk "Conception To Birth" by Alexander Tsiaras...
And among all the facts the word "divinity" is used.
I quote.. "So perfectly organized a structure, it was hard not to attribute divinity to it. Because we kept on seeing this in different parts of the body."
"Even though I am a mathematician, I look at this with marvel of how do these instruction sets not make these mistakes as they build what is us? It's a mystery, it's magic, it's
When you watch this you should be in awe as to the "spark of life".
an incredible physical reaction when sperm meets an egg. The flashes are actually made of zinc, and their brightness could indicate the strength of fertilization.
Now before "science" identified the sparks as , zinc flashes, this would be considered "divinity"... And that's how
we are educated.. taking perceptions and identifying them in understandable terms.

Consequently the more we learn we should be more respectful of life's beginnings and not let us humans determine
the preciousness of life... i.e. are we Gods?
YOU know why dummies like you are so easily dismissed as idiots?
Here is a screen shot: Why are people like you so absolutely LAZY to continue to misspell words when the system is helping you?

View attachment 806420

Now another logical rational reason for believing your stupidity: NOT one link. NOT one proof! NOT one substantiation!
ALL guesses ! How dumb must you be to think people will believe what you make up? That you LIE?

SO IS CBS news totally lying when they write this???
After reviewing thousands of records subpoenaed from four banks, the House Oversight Committee said in an interim report that some Biden family members, associates and their companies received more than $10 million from foreign entities, including payments made during and after President Joe Biden's vice presidency. But the White House countered that GOP investigators could not point to a "single Joe Biden policy" that was unduly influenced.

  • According to financial records obtained by the Oversight Committee, the Biden family set up over 20 shell companies, most of which were created when Joe Biden was vice president. IRS whistleblowers have confirmed the existence of these companies.
  • Bank records obtained so far by the Oversight Committee show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ and their related companies.
  • Both the Oversight Committee and whistleblowers have confirmed Hunter received millions of dollars from China, Ukraine, and Romania. IRS whistleblowers also presented evidence of Joe Biden’s knowledge and possible involvement in his family’s business schemes.
did you read your sources seems you didn't this is what CBS said ... your post came from fox noise ...
The 36-page interim GOP report, released by Oversight Committee chair James Comer, a Kentucky Republican, accused some Biden family members and associates of using a "complicated network" of more than 20 companies, mostly LLCs formed when Mr. Biden was vice president, and used "incremental payments over time" to "conceal large financial transactions."

"From a historical standpoint, we've never seen a presidential family receive these sums of money from adversaries around the world," Comer said.

White House spokesman Ian Sams responded on Twitter that Comer has offered "no evidence of any wrongdoing" by Mr. Biden, that "House Republicans have shown no evidence of any policy decisions influenced by anything other than U.S. national interests" and added that "[t]hey're really just microwaving old debunked stuff."

Comer and panel members focused Wednesday's news conference on payments from individuals from China and Romania, which is not a U.S. adversary. When asked about a direct link to Mr. Biden, Comer said the early phase of the investigation suggested a pattern of behavior.

"I don't think anyone in America who's watching C-SPAN or any other network covering this would think that it's just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money for this influence-peddling scheme," Comer said.

"We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning, obviously. We're going to continue to look," he said, though he did not identify any direct or indirect payments to Mr. Biden.

"What we cited today and what we're updating you with today — results from four banks. We believe there are 12 banks. So right now, you could say that we're in the beginning stages of this investigation."

House Republicans insisted their inquiry has several legislative aims behind it: addressing "deficiencies" in ethics and disclosure laws, strengthening reporting requirements for senior elected officials' family members, and evaluating the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering laws.

The House Oversight Committee's ranking Democrat, Jamie Raskin of Maryland, said in a statement that a former business associate and financial adviser to then-Vice President Biden told Republican and Democratic Oversight Committee staff in March 2023 that "he was not aware of any involvement by President Biden in the financial conduct of the President's relatives' businesses, much less any transactions into or out of the then-Vice President's bank account related to business conducted by any Biden family member."
seems you came up a lot short from CBS hummmmm !!! heavy on FOX noise ... still laughing... thanks for your CBS source ... other wise i couldn't have made such a fool out of you ...

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