Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

It’s July 19th, but otherwise your point is correct.

I'm glad you guys aren't worried about all of Trump's problems.

Trump recognizes the charges he already faces in the documents case, as well as new ones arising from the Jan. 6 probe and from the Georgia special grand jury investigation into efforts to undo Joe Biden’s win there, could carry jail time.

Not to mention the Stormy D charges he's facing. That was the first indictments and supposedly that was the most difficult one for prosecutors. The other cases against Trump are pretty much slam dunks. We have so many witnesses to testify and so much evidence. Trump is doomed.
boy are you stupid
You left out two things…
Dominion and Mules

Dominion voting machines are programmed by Democrats to switch votes from Republican to Democrats. If you try to challenge them on it, they will sue you for billions of dollars. Democrats shut down the vote count so that Dominion can switch votes

Democrats hire these people called mules who fill out tens of thousands of fake bamboo ballots from China and stuff them into drop boxes. There are cell phone records that prove it
you do realize that Fox News was sued for this lie .you are telling here right??? the settled out of court 750 million plus ... where another voting machine is suing fox news for their lies like the one you are telling here ...
finally, when a voting machine counter is first run it sends ballots through to make sure how well it counts the ballot and they make sure that all ballots can be counted once ... now this procedure is observed by the democrats and republican observers to make sure there isn't any monkey business... so it's obvious you have no clue what you are talking about... oh yes there's no such thing as democrat voting machines that's just you lied to and you buy it ... before you say they were hacked... voting machines aren't hook to and external lines they are all ties together on-site .. they aren't on the internet
you do realize that Fox News was sued for this lie .you are telling here right??? the settled out of court 750 million plus ... where another voting machine is suing fox news for their lies like the one you are telling here ...
finally, when a voting machine counter is first run it sends ballots through to make sure how well it counts the ballot and they make sure that all ballots can be counted once ... now this procedure is observed by the democrats and republican observers to make sure there isn't any monkey business... so it's obvious you have no clue what you are talking about... oh yes there's no such thing as democrat voting machines that's just you lied to and you buy it ... before you say they were hacked... voting machines aren't hook to and external lines they are all ties together on-site .. they aren't on the internet
oh sure…

Democratic judges are defending Dominion so they can keep switching votes and steal the 2024 election like they stole 2020. No way Biden got 81 million votes
Have you ever counted the number of MAGA hats?

Just look at all these loyal Trump followers


Do you think Biden could get all those followers?
That’s why the Democrat Party is the party of the affluent elite and the welfare dependent. The backbone of our country - the working and middle class - are suffering under the Biden Asministration.
boy are you two nut cases welfare is .008% of the national budget, for one thing, you would never ever experience the money lost by welfare ... actually the poor and the middle class aren't suffering ... and Biden has paid back a trillion, and a half back to the national debt... where trump has spent 8 trillion dollars of debt
oh sure…

Democratic judges are defending Dominion so they can keep switching votes and steal the 2024 election like they stole 2020. No way Biden got 81 million votes
Have you ever counted the number of MAGA hats?
no don't waste my time counting Maga hats ... that's funny and all the judges that said they found no voting irregularities are Republican picked judges ...go look for your self its obvious you haven't ...
boy are you two nut cases welfare is .008% of the national budget, for one thing, you would never ever experience the money lost by welfare ... actually the poor and the middle class aren't suffering ... and Biden has paid back a trillion, and a half back to the national debt... where trump has spent 8 trillion dollars of debt
boy are you two nut cases welfare is .008% of the national budget, for one thing, you would never ever experience the money lost by welfare ... actually the poor and the middle class aren't suffering ... and Biden has paid back a trillion, and a half back to the national debt... where trump has spent 8 trillion dollars of debt

Can you show us a link to an article showing Biden paid back a trillion? Man that would be cool. Although Republicans weren't even happy when Clinton gave us a surplus. Denied there was a surplus. Until Bush got into office then he used the surplus as justification to give rich people tax breaks. Said it was there money he was just returning it to him.

That would have been okay if he didn't get us into 2 wars that would last his entire presidency and then some. We sure could have used that money before he gave it back to rich people.
no don't waste my time counting Maga hats ... that's funny and all the judges that said they found no voting irregularities are Republican picked judges ...go look for your self its obvious you haven't ...

I have PROOF that Biden stole the 2020 election

I keep it under My Pillow
boy are you two nut cases welfare is .008% of the national budget, for one thing, you would never ever experience the money lost by welfare ... actually the poor and the middle class aren't suffering ... and Biden has paid back a trillion, and a half back to the national debt... where trump has spent 8 trillion dollars of debt
Boy are you a nut case. It doesn’t matter what percent of the National budget welfare is, 20% of the people are on it

And yes, the lower-income are suffering. It’s a struggle to even put food on the table.

Ans Biden did NOT pay back a trillion to the debt. He’s coming up with giveaway programs, even when it’s unconstitutional to do so: buying votes with taxpayer money.
Boy are you a nut case. It doesn’t matter what percent of the National budget welfare is, 20% of the people are on it

And yes, the lower-income are suffering. It’s a struggle to even put food on the table.

Ans Biden did NOT pay back a trillion to the debt. He’s coming up with giveaway programs, even when it’s unconstitutional to do so: buying votes with taxpayer money.

This wasn't happening back when 35% of American workers belonged to unions. So many good paying blue collar manufacturing jobs and tier one, two and 3 suppliers that it made Flint, Saginaw, Detroit the richest middle class communities in the world. Outsource those high paying jobs to Mexico and we see those towns shriveled up. It was all union companies that went overseas. Republicans and corporations broke the unions. Pushed for NAFTA. Those people who lost those jobs back during Bush will never find jobs as good as they had.

Want to make America Great again? When was that? The Clinton Era.

When was the beginning of the end? Reagan.
Boy are you a nut case. It doesn’t matter what percent of the National budget welfare is, 20% of the people are on it

And yes, the lower-income are suffering. It’s a struggle to even put food on the table.

Ans Biden did NOT pay back a trillion to the debt. He’s coming up with giveaway programs, even when it’s unconstitutional to do so: buying votes with taxpayer money.
So don’t care what the percentage of people are on it … the point I’m trying to get accross to you nut cases less then 2 cents of your taxes goes to welfare plan … you guys make sound that 3/4 of our taxes go to welfare it doesn’t… if they need it to live that’s fine with me … not being a Christian I believe if people needs help so be it …

The first 2 years of the Biden administration according to the CBO they had paid back to the national debt … that is a fact and you can deny it all you want the CBO says different …

Now as for the pay back on student loans you are ranting about that is paid for in the national budget … no new taxes so again you are wrong in what you say … again the payback was ran through the CBO … you can cry about them getting money back, that too I don’t care … I trust the CBO over you any day of the week … you republicans tend to rant about things you know nothing about … as for school loans students are so fucked over by the I terst rates they are charge and the can’t get a loan to pay off their debt either unless that has change I still feel that’s a first clsss fuck job all made by republicans and we have for years trying to change it …
This wasn't happening back when 35% of American workers belonged to unions. So many good paying blue collar manufacturing jobs and tier one, two and 3 suppliers that it made Flint, Saginaw, Detroit the richest middle class communities in the world. Outsource those high paying jobs to Mexico and we see those towns shriveled up. It was all union companies that went overseas. Republicans and corporations broke the unions. Pushed for NAFTA. Those people who lost those jobs back during Bush will never find jobs as good as they had.

Want to make America Great again? When was that? The Clinton Era.

When was the beginning of the end? Reagan.
Back in 1964, 33% of workers belonged to a union. Our poverty rate was 19% and was dropping.

Outside of government workers which even FDR said should never be unionized is about 7% today and our poverty rate is about 11.6% today. That is UP from the last year of Trump before Covid-19. In 2018 the poverty rate was 10.5%.
So don’t care what the percentage of people are on it … the point I’m trying to get accross to you nut cases less then 2 cents of your taxes goes to welfare plan … you guys make sound that 3/4 of our taxes go to welfare it doesn’t… if they need it to live that’s fine with me … not being a Christian I believe if people needs help so be it …

The first 2 years of the Biden administration according to the CBO they had paid back to the national debt … that is a fact and you can deny it all you want the CBO says different …

Now as for the pay back on student loans you are ranting about that is paid for in the national budget … no new taxes so again you are wrong in what you say … again the payback was ran through the CBO … you can cry about them getting money back, that too I don’t care … I trust the CBO over you any day of the week … you republicans tend to rant about things you know nothing about … as for school loans students are so fucked over by the I terst rates they are charge and the can’t get a loan to pay off their debt either unless that has change I still feel that’s a first clsss fuck job all made by republicans and we have for years trying to change it …
As you know, the CBO is little more than a giant calculator. It calculates only what it is told.

"In FY 2022 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — was “guesstimated” to be $1,743 billion, including $835 billion for Medicaid, and $908 billion in other welfare."

Watching the House of Representatives presenting the various documents that are showing the Biden's extensive financial transactions with the Chinese Communist Party among others in receiving millions, (up to $10 million...) has received from foreign countries funds for businesses with no known expertise!
View attachment 784118
But, but, but Ivanka got 6 copyrights from the Chinese government.
As you know, the CBO is little more than a giant calculator. It calculates only what it is told.

"In FY 2022 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — was “guesstimated” to be $1,743 billion, including $835 billion for Medicaid, and $908 billion in other welfare."

Welfare is not Medicare …medicade has nothing to do with welfare … but you republicans love to tie in … food stamps you name it anything that helps people you put those numbers Together and call it welfare … you can be working a regular job and get food stamps … you can be working a regular job and get Medicaid for your kids … you can get a lot of federal assistance programs and not be on welfare … but you guys on the right love to put them under the window of welfare … welfare supplies you money for rent that’s it… nothing else … food stamps allows you to get food it’s not welfare … Medicaid allows you to have health care for your kids because you as a parent working three jobs can’t afford health care for them … or you child has a serious medical problem or disability that helps you give them a good life it’s not welfare … learn what you are talking about before you start quoting numbers … now after saying this yes CBO is. Number cruncher some times changing those numbers … when need to change because of the new information on those numbers has change … but they are on the whole very accurate … you want to say they are not that’s you belief not mine …
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Welfare is not Medicare …medicade has nothing to do with welfare … but you republicans love to tie in … food stamps you name it anything that helps people you put those numbers Together and call it welfare … you can be working a regular job and get food stamps … you can be working a regular job and get Medicaid for your kids … you can get a lot of federal assistance programs and not be on welfare … but you guys on the right love to put them under the window of welfare … welfare supplies you money for rent that’s it… nothing else … food stamps allows you to get food it’s not welfare … Medicaid allows you to have health care for your kids because you as a parent working three jobs can’t afford health care for them … or you child has a serious medical problem or disability that helps you give them a good life it’s not welfare … learn what you are talking about before you start quoting numbers … now after saying this yes CBO is. Number cruncher some times changing those numbers … when need to change because of the new information on those numbers has change … but they are on the whole very accurate … you want to say they are not that’s you belief not mine …
How many "parent working three jobs "? Let's get some facts OK?
Only about 5 percent of employed workers hold multiple jobs, and at least 50 percent of those have a full-time job plus a part-time job.
How many employed workers are there? As of June 2023, there were 135.86 million full-time employees in the United States

5% of 135,860,000 full time people or 6,793,000 have another job.

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