Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

The MAGA movement is based on two things: victimhood and never admitting you ever made a mistake. Ultimately, 'Make America Great Again' is about a return to an imaginary 'golden era' where there's no accountability.

You can be as awful as you want, as demeaning as you want, you can grab unwilling women by the pussy, you can lie, cheat, and commit fraud. And there are no consequences.

Admitting you're wrong is a consequence. Indictments are a consequence. Losing important elections are a consequence.

So naturally, MAGA hates them all.

I keep trying to explain to them that America was great when blue collar got pensions, good healthcare benefits and pay and job security. America was the greatest during the Baby Boomer generation when unions made up 35% of the labor force. Affordable college, social programs, retire at 65. New Deal policies.

Now they say the government and corporations can no longer afford to give workers this much. Baby boomers gave it to themselves but have taken it away from future generations. No more pensions and they talk about cutting our social security 20-30% to "save" it.

And during the years Republicans have made America worse, CEO pay has skyrocketed. Their policies have absolutely widened the gap between the rich and rest of us.
It's funny that they can never admit they were wrong. Take for example the question, "was the 2020 election rigged?" Even the top Republicans in office can't just say "no, it was not rigged" They have to go into absentee ballots and basically they are saying if it weren't for covid and mail in voting Trump would have lost.

2020 proved one thing. When more people vote. When we make it easier to vote, Republicans lose.
Here’s the deal every mail in ballot that is sent out has a sku number on it …when sent to the people the state knows who got one and how many are out there … when that ballot is counted it can only be counted once if it should come through a second for what ever reason it will get rejected, saying it’s been counted… so all mail in ballots are impossible to be counterfeit or ran through twice … any ballot without a sku number doesn’t get counted so make up all the phony reasons you want about mail in ballots you like it’s all phony crap
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Here’s the deal every mail in ballot that is sent out has a sku number on it …when sent to the people the state knows who got one and how many are out there … when that ballot is counted it can only be counted once if it should come through a second for what ever reason it will get rejected, saying it’s been counted… so all mail in ballots are impossible to be counterfeit or ran through twice … any ballot without a sku number doesn’t get counted so make up all the phony reasons you want about mail in ballots you like it’s all phony crap
That is a LIE
Bamboo ballots are printed in China and shipped here by the truckload. They are all marked with just Bidens name and nobody else
These ballots are mixed in with real ballots and nobody knows the difference

Do you want to hear more
The Biden's have 20 LLC's. Which LLC made $10 million? Or did they all collectively total up to $10 million. If so, $10 million over 20 years divided by 20 LLC's is very very very small potatoes. And if you know of any illegal activities, like Trump's corporation for example was paying for the CFO's kids private school in order to avoid paying taxes. So rather than pay the CFO $25K more a year and pay taxes on it, they had the corporation pay for the school tax free. Did you find anything like this on the Biden's? Because we know Trump Corp is guilty of what you are claiming the Biden's are guilty of.

And if just one Asian has purchased one thing from one of these 20 LLC's, you'll accuse the Biden's of Quid Pro Quo?

Even though Trump had a hotel in Washington and all foreign dignitaries stayed at his hotel? Are you fucking kidding me?

And let's not forget that 4 months after Trump left office, the Saudi's gave Jared Kushner $2 billion dollars. You think that's not shady?

Before you look into Biden's 20 LLC's, did you look into these? Of course not

The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner. Around 250 of these entities use the Trump name.
It's funny that they can never admit they were wrong. Take for example the question, "was the 2020 election rigged?" Even the top Republicans in office can't just say "no, it was not rigged" They have to go into absentee ballots and basically they are saying if it weren't for covid and mail in voting Trump would have lost.

2020 proved one thing. When more people vote. When we make it easier to vote, Republicans lose.
I keep trying to explain to them that America was great when blue collar got pensions, good healthcare benefits and pay and job security. America was the greatest during the Baby Boomer generation when unions made up 35% of the labor force. Affordable college, social programs, retire at 65. New Deal policies.

Now they say the government and corporations can no longer afford to give workers this much. Baby boomers gave it to themselves but have taken it away from future generations. No more pensions and they talk about cutting our social security 20-30% to "save" it.

And during the years Republicans have made America worse, CEO pay has skyrocketed. Their policies have absolutely widened the gap between the rich and rest of us.
You think this because you’re bad at math. Even when this generosity was taking place they knew the math wouldn’t work without a growing population. But it didn’t keep growing. And there in is the problem. We’ve coasted by with borrowing for now but that’s coming to an end as well.

You can play stupid gender games but fucking math is brutal and final.
You think this because you’re bad at math. Even when this generosity was taking place they knew the math wouldn’t work without a growing population. But it didn’t keep growing. And there in is the problem. We’ve coasted by with borrowing for now but that’s coming to an end as well.

You can play stupid gender games but fucking math is brutal and final.
Love to watch conservatives call giving a worker a livable wage, healthcare and a pension…..”generosity”

As executive pay and corporate profits have skyrocketed
Love to watch conservatives call giving a worker a livable wage, healthcare and a pension…..”generosity”

As executive pay and corporate profits have skyrocketed
Has nothing to do with your likes or dislikes. It’s simple fucking math.
I keep trying to explain to them that America was great when blue collar got pensions, good healthcare benefits and pay and job security. America was the greatest during the Baby Boomer generation when unions made up 35% of the labor force. Affordable college, social programs, retire at 65. New Deal policies.

Now they say the government and corporations can no longer afford to give workers this much. Baby boomers gave it to themselves but have taken it away from future generations. No more pensions and they talk about cutting our social security 20-30% to "save" it.

And during the years Republicans have made America worse, CEO pay has skyrocketed. Their policies have absolutely widened the gap between the rich and rest of us.
The baby boomer generation were responsible for the worse economic times since the depression
Here’s the deal every mail in ballot that is sent out has a sku number on it …when sent to the people the state knows who got one and how many are out there … when that ballot is counted it can only be counted once if it should come through a second for what ever reason it will get rejected, saying it’s been counted… so all mail in ballots are impossible to be counterfeit or ran through twice … any ballot without a sku number doesn’t get counted so make up all the phony reasons you want about mail in ballots you like it’s all phony crap

I agree
That is a LIE
Bamboo ballots are printed in China and shipped here by the truckload. They are all marked with just Bidens name and nobody else
These ballots are mixed in with real ballots and nobody knows the difference

Do you want to hear more
now this is the biggest bull shit story ever ... don't care what the ballot is made of ... each state that sends out a ballot knows how many ballots were sent out... each ballot has a SKU number on it ... without that SKU number moron, it doesn't get counted by the counter ... if the counter doesn't see that SKU it doesn't get counted ... once the Sku is read the state knows that ballot has been returned ...and the ballot can't go through the second time ...it is rejected if they try to run it through a second time ... your bamboo ballots are nothing more the a conspiracy theorist bull shit that ignorant people like you fall for ... its obvious youy have no clue how the mail in ballot works ... go educate yourself on the system you moron ...
now this is the biggest bull shit story ever ... don't care what the ballot is made of ... each state that sends out a ballot knows how many ballots were sent out... each ballot has a SKU number on it ... without that SKU number moron, it doesn't get counted by the counter ... if the counter doesn't see that SKU it doesn't get counted ... once the Sku is read the state knows that ballot has been returned ...and the ballot can't go through the second time ...it is rejected if they try to run it through a second time ... your bamboo ballots are nothing more the a conspiracy theorist bull shit that ignorant people like you fall for ... its obvious youy have no clue how the mail in ballot works ... go educate yourself on the system you moron ...

You left out two things…
Dominion and Mules

Dominion voting machines are programmed by Democrats to switch votes from Republican to Democrats. If you try to challenge them on it, they will sue you for billions of dollars. Democrats shut down the vote count so that Dominion can switch votes

Democrats hire these people called mules who fill out tens of thousands of fake bamboo ballots from China and stuff them into drop boxes. There are cell phone records that prove it
now this is the biggest bull shit story ever ... don't care what the ballot is made of ... each state that sends out a ballot knows how many ballots were sent out... each ballot has a SKU number on it ... without that SKU number moron, it doesn't get counted by the counter ... if the counter doesn't see that SKU it doesn't get counted ... once the Sku is read the state knows that ballot has been returned ...and the ballot can't go through the second time ...it is rejected if they try to run it through a second time ... your bamboo ballots are nothing more the a conspiracy theorist bull shit that ignorant people like you fall for ... its obvious youy have no clue how the mail in ballot works ... go educate yourself on the system you moron ...

Some of their lies, like Biden showering with his daughter, are so clever they can be believable. But bamboo ballots from China is just funny.
Love to watch conservatives call giving a worker a livable wage, healthcare and a pension…..”generosity”

As executive pay and corporate profits have skyrocketed
As you know, low and middle-income workers' wages rose the most during the Trump administration.

That is no longer the case with low and middle-income workers suffering the most from the inflation caused by President Biden's disastrous policies and spending.
You left out two things…
Dominion and Mules

Dominion voting machines are programmed by Democrats to switch votes from Republican to Democrats. If you try to challenge them on it, they will sue you for billions of dollars. Democrats shut down the vote count so that Dominion can switch votes

Democrats hire these people called mules who fill out tens of thousands of fake bamboo ballots from China and stuff them into drop boxes. There are cell phone records that prove it

You say this because you know this is how Florida in 2000 was stolen by Diebold Voting Machines.

I don't believe Texas is a red state. No fucking way. Yet Republicans continue to keep control of the Texas legislature. Rigged?
As you know, low and middle-income workers' wages rose the most during the Trump administration.

That is no longer the case with low and middle-income workers suffering the most from the inflation caused by President Biden's disastrous policies and spending.
Nonsense. The Feds are putting a lid on wage growth. Do you understand how the Feds fix inflation? It causes pain.

One could say Trump's tax breaks and mishandling of covid caused the inflation. Biden is just dealing with it. Yes Biden's spending on the middle class and poor caused inflation but so too does Republicans giving rich people and corporations tax breaks. Or Trump giving EVERYONE a tax break. If you put more money in everyone's pockets, what do you think is going to happen? The value of the dollar will lower and corporations will raise prices. That's what they did when we all got stimulus checks. What's the diff between those and tax breaks?

At least Biden's "tax breaks" went to poor and middle class people. Even if those people swindled the US Government by filing for unemployment insurance when they didn't qualify. Trump's been swindling us for decades.
As you know, low and middle-income workers' wages rose the most during the Trump administration.

That is no longer the case with low and middle-income workers suffering the most from the inflation caused by President Biden's disastrous policies and spending.
That’s why the Democrat Party is the party of the affluent elite and the welfare dependent. The backbone of our country - the working and middle class - are suffering under the Biden Asministration.

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