Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

All we ever get out of you stupid Moon Bats when faced with Potatohead's corruption and failures are denial and trying to blame things on somebody else.

That is why you have no credibility with the bullshit you post.

Potatohead got caught selling out his country to get rich. That is traitorous activity and no denying on your part will change that.
Well the only thing you have on Hunter and Joe, is all legal. And they all do it. So you can't go after Biden and Hunter for $1 million dollars when you ignored the shady deal where the Saudi's gave Jared $2 BILLION dollars.

That's 2000 million. You're crying about a million, when everyone does it. Only Trump and his team do it 1000 times worse.

No you can't complain about anything Biden does if you allowed Trump to do it. We will call you on that every time. You opened Pandoras box bitch.
My god is that all you have? Denial shit like that?

Hunter isn't smart enough to be a seaman in the Navy no less broker some $10 million influence peddling scheme with foreign countries.

Look Moon Bat. Your boy Potatohead got caught selling out his country to get rich. Just own up to it. Trying to deny it just makes you look like an idiot.

The Worthless Negro told you that Potatohead will fuck everything up. Just accept the fact that he is toast now. Posting silly denial shit just makes you look like a fool.

You were an idiot supporting that piece of shit to be President so don't double down on your stupidity by trying to justify his treason and corruption.
Trump sold nuclear secrets to a dictator who murders journalists

Then his son in law was given $2 BILLion from those same Sauids.
My god is that all you have? Denial shit like that?

Hunter isn't smart enough to be a seaman in the Navy no less broker some $10 million influence peddling scheme with foreign countries.

Look Moon Bat. Your boy Potatohead got caught selling out his country to get rich. Just own up to it. Trying to deny it just makes you look like an idiot.

The Worthless Negro told you that Potatohead will fuck everything up. Just accept the fact that he is toast now. Posting silly denial shit just makes you look like a fool.

You were an idiot supporting that piece of shit to be President so don't double down on your stupidity by trying to justify his treason and corruption.
You wanted to know, I showed you

It's not your money and not your call on what he is and isn't worth.

You can pretend they were "caught" but you can't say what policy Biden enacted for anyone.
Nope. Also, don't forget like the FBI worked for Trump, they work for Biden now.

Trump wanted to fire Comey but his handlers said it would look bad. Trump wanted to appoint someone more "loyal". His words.

Don't forget why McCabe was fired from the FBI

McCabe: ‘I was fired because I opened a case against the president’​

So you want the FBI to turn over what they have on their boss? HA!

Trump tapped Christopher Wray. A Republican. Someone who would be loyal. And you never heard about him until the FBI refused to help Trump and Republicans "dig up dirt" on their political opponents.
Hearsay on Mcabe's part, the fbi is not supposed to be loyal to one party but it is becoming more evident that some in the ranks are
Hearsay on Mcabe's part, the fbi is not supposed to be loyal to one party but it is becoming more evident that some in the ranks are
I think they just refuse to play politics.

What's becoming obvious is Conservative Supreme Court Justices are legislating from the bench. Something Republicans accused us of doing. Now we see they don't mind as long as it's them doing it. And BOY are they doing it. Turning over precedent? Not following stari decisis? Shame!
Trump sold nuclear secrets to a dictator who murders journalists

Then his son in law was given $2 BILLion from those same Sauids.
Go ahead Moon Bat and make a fool of yourself.

Potatohead got caught with his corruption and treason and no denial from you Moon Bat turds will change it.

It would be nice if just once you little shitheads could take responsibility for electing complete pieces of shit like Potatohead.

But you won't, will you?
I think they just refuse to play politics.

What's becoming obvious is Conservative Supreme Court Justices are legislating from the bench. Something Republicans accused us of doing. Now we see they don't mind as long as it's them doing it. And BOY are they doing it. Turning over precedent? Not following stari decisis? Shame!
Then why not turn over the document in question that shows a compromised Biden, if they are just doing their job and not protecting him
Go ahead Moon Bat and make a fool of yourself.

Potatohead got caught with his corruption and treason and no denial from you Moon Bat turds will change it.

It would be nice if just once you little shitheads could take responsibility for electing complete pieces of shit like Potatohead.

But you won't, will you?
You haven't found him guilty of one thing yet.

This is funny. We find dirt on Trump, you pull a whataboutism on us and then when we do it back, you complain that we have TDS.

This started this week with Trump being found GUILTY or rape for god sakes. Normally that would be the top headlines for at least a week but on the 2nd day you guys "launched" a fake ass investigation into Biden. Perfect timing fool.
Then why not turn over the document in question that shows a compromised Biden, if they are just doing their job and not protecting him
I already posted why. Or I posted the reasons the FBI gave. You and McCarthy aren't buying it. So sue them. Or sopoena them.
From at least SIX nations. So what? Plus, another hit piece from NPR.

Government officials from Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and the People's Republic of China collectively spent over $750,000 at the Trump International Hotel during his presidency, according to committee chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and, she said, did so "at sensitive times for those countries' relations with the United States."


How the fuck are you going to care about this when you didn't this?

As Trump prepared for his inauguration on January 20, Donald Trump faces an unprecedented ethical quagmire, according to government watchdogs.
The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries.

ADVERSARIES??? Trump does business with the enemy???

You're concerned about Biden and 6 NATIONS?

Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world.

You haven't found him guilty of one thing yet.

This is funny. We find dirt on Trump, you pull a whataboutism on us and then when we do it back, you complain that we have TDS.

This started this week with Trump being found GUILTY or rape for god sakes. Normally that would be the top headlines for at least a week but on the 2nd day you guys "launched" a fake ass investigation into Biden. Perfect timing fool.
Why don't you Moon Bats just cut your losses?

Potatohead has a disastrous approval rating because he has done such a shitty job as President. The worst President this country ever had and the polls show it.

Now he has been caught red handed taking bribes from foreign country to make his family rich.

Why don't you idiots just admit that he is a disaster and throw him under the bus like he deserves and get on with life?

Trying to deny he is a shitty President and trying to justify his treason is idiotic.
The VP didn't sell. Hunter Biden did.

It was legal advice.

So his son did it? Not him?

As Trump kicks off his fourth year as president with an impeachment trial tied to his actions involving Ukraine, critics say the president has yet to face accountability for blatant conflicts of interest tied to his private businesses.

So Trump never had to answer for this but Biden does? Aren't you trying to get Trump re elected? Then he needs to respond to all this

He has spent one out of every three days as president visiting one of his luxury resorts, hotels or golf courses. He has leveraged his powerful international platform to promote his developments dozens of times. And he has directed millions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers to his businesses around the globe.

In three years in the White House, Donald Trump has accomplished something no president before him has done: fusing his private business interests with America’s highest public office.

So Trump did what you accuse Biden of doing only Trump did it right out in the open.

Trump’s early decision to maintain his grip on his sprawling real estate empire — despite his pledge to put his business aside while in the White House — has created a vast web of potential conflicts of interest, accusations about his policies being driven by his business interests and even possible violations of the law, according to documents and interviews.

Even as Trump kicks off his fourth year as president this week facing the stain of an impeachment trial, he has managed to skirt accountability for widespread possible conflicts of interest that critics say represent a blatant abuse of power and create dangerous risks to the integrity of the presidency.
The intersections between Trump Inc. and President Trump are everywhere: A Chinese state-owned company was awarded a multimillion dollar contract to help develop a Trump golf course in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, amid a U.S.-China trade war. T-Mobile executives stayed at Trump’s Washington hotel while seeking a green light from the federal government for a merger. The IRS commissioner, who refused to release Trump’s tax returns to Congress, collects rent from a pair of Trump condos in Hawaii.
Why don't you Moon Bats just cut your losses?

Potatohead has a disastrous approval rating because he has done such a shitty job as President. The worst President this country ever had and the polls show it.

Now he has been caught red handed taking bribes from foreign country to make his family rich.

Why don't you idiots just admit that he is a disaster and throw him under the bus like he deserves and get on with life?

Trying to deny he is a shitty President and trying to justify his treason is idiotic.

Is this about him being a bad president or corrupt?

Did you know this?

The intersections between Trump Inc. and President Trump are everywhere: A Chinese state-owned company was awarded a multimillion dollar contract to help develop a Trump golf course in Dubai

Weren't you the one complaining that Joe did business with China?

And aren't you guys complaining because the FBI won't help the GOP on this witch hunt? Do you remember this?

The IRS commissioner, who refused to release Trump’s tax returns to Congress, collects rent from a pair of Trump condos in Hawaii.

As Trump prepared for his inauguration on January 20, Donald Trump faces an unprecedented ethical quagmire, according to government watchdogs.
The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries.

ADVERSARIES??? Trump does business with the enemy???
So what? If you own a TV, Smartphone, or thousands of other items, YOU are doing business with our enemy.

President Trump was DOING BUSINESS with dozens of countries all of which were legitimate businesses.

President Biden's crime syndicate is receiving MILLIONS for what exactly? Does Biden own any businesses in China from which those millions are profits?

You're concerned about Biden and 6 NATIONS?
Say what? It is YOU who got your panties in a twist because SIX FOREIGN COUNTRIES, COMBINES, spent $750,000 in Trump hotels.

Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world.
So what? He's a billionaire real estate developer. All that means is that Trump can't be bribed. Unlike the Biden crime syndicate.

Is this about him being a bad president or corrupt?

Did you know this?

The intersections between Trump Inc. and President Trump are everywhere: A Chinese state-owned company was awarded a multimillion dollar contract to help develop a Trump golf course in Dubai

Weren't you the one complaining that Joe did business with China?

And aren't you guys complaining because the FBI won't help the GOP on this witch hunt? Do you remember this?

The IRS commissioner, who refused to release Trump’s tax returns to Congress, collects rent from a pair of Trump condos in Hawaii.

The sonofabitch has an almost 60% disapproval rating and over 70% of Americans think this country is on the wrong path.

This is even before the pictures of the millions of Illegals massed on the border that will come across this week hits the news cycle. Those pictures will be a disaster for Potatohead.

That is the definition of a shitty President, you imbecile.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible.

Just admit you were a moron for supporting that piece of shit like Obama warned you he would fuck everything up.

He got caught with his treason and corruption. Live with it instead of doing your typical Moon Bat denial. It just makes you look like a moron.

Of course you were so fucking stupid as to support the asshole in 2020 so maybe you are just not capable of pulling your Moon Bat head out of your Libtard ass.
It's just silly. Clearly witch hunts. See? Republicans are masters at projection. They cried that looking into Trump's crimes were witch hunts. Even when he's found guilty (rape) it's still a witch hunt he says. But now here you are on your own little witch hunt.
You would rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit that President Trump getting a fail trial in New York City was clearly impossible.

So what? If you own a TV, Smartphone, or thousands of other items, YOU are doing business with our enemy.

President Trump was DOING BUSINESS with dozens of countries all of which were legitimate businesses.

President Biden's crime syndicate is receiving MILLIONS for what exactly? Does Biden own any businesses in China from which those millions are profits?

Say what? It is YOU who got your panties in a twist because SIX FOREIGN COUNTRIES, COMBINES, spent $750,000 in Trump hotels.

So what? He's a billionaire real estate developer. All that means is that Trump can't be bribed. Unlike the Biden crime syndicate.

That's what I'm saying to you stupid. I could make up a chart like this and connect Don, Don Jr, Ivanka, the Stupid brother, Jared to Chinese and Russians and about 48 other foreigners.

We showed you Trump's conflicts of interest with China in 2017. If they were okay then they're okay now

Also, look at how many Trump associates were found guilty and sent to jail. Nothing any of them did reflected on Trump. So I really don't care what Hunter did. Because you didn't care what Don Jr did. Feel me?
You would rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit that President Trump getting a fail trial in New York City was clearly impossible.

Oh stop that. Just because the judge was appointed by Obama doesn't mean Trump won't get a fair trial. If Trump's laywers weren't good enough to put a few Trump supporters on the jury, Trump should fire that guy.

Trump did all the classic things guys like Harvey Weinstein do to women. Or what Michael Jackson did to little boys. He attacked them. Said they were just out for money. Classic Trump/Jacko.

But Trump fucked up. He lied during his deposition and that made him look very bad to the jury. He did all those things a rapist does when accused. Attack his victim. Trump even insulted the lawyer. Probably didn't realize it would be used against him.

Or when he lied and said, "she's not my type". This is what happens to habitual liars. They eventually get caught lying. So he got busted when the jury saw he mistook his victim for his ex wife. Not my type?

So the jury clearly believed Trump was LYING.

I hope he wasn't lying. That would be poetic justice. For him to finally be found guilty only this time he truly didn't do it. He did it every other time when he got away with it. But this one time when the woman is actually making it up? He gets found guilty.

That would be great if that were true. Karma bitch.
Well the only thing you have on Hunter and Joe, is all legal. And they all do it. So you can't go after Biden and Hunter for $1 million dollars when you ignored the shady deal where the Saudi's gave Jared $2 BILLION dollars.

That's 2000 million. You're crying about a million, when everyone does it. Only Trump and his team do it 1000 times worse.

No you can't complain about anything Biden does if you allowed Trump to do it. We will call you on that every time. You opened Pandoras box bitch.
The Pandora in your head is a blind one. Popoviciu's $1 million gift has already been shown to link to coronaviruses, which by most anyone's estimation is a worldwide Pandora.

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