Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

The Pandora in your head is a blind one. Popoviciu's $1 million gift has already been shown to link to coronaviruses, which by most anyone's estimation is a worldwide Pandora.
I looked up that name. Second paragraph in the story says

but the committee does not suggest any illegality about the payments from foreign sources. The bank records by themselves also do not indicate the purpose of the payments that were made.

Biden family members have enriched themselves off the family name. So? So have Don Jr. But what the Biden's didn't do is sell China shit they shouldn't have sold them in return for money. Jared and Trump sold the Saudi's nukes and got $2 billion for it 5 months after leaving office.
Real estate is a very well know money laundering opportunity.
Yes look at how that Billionaire bought Clarence Thomas' moms home and allows her to live there rent free till she dies. That's a sweet deal. Imagine if someone told you, I'll give you what your home is worth and don't worry about ever moving out. Stay as long as you want.

Was it like a reverse mortgage? LOL
All lies.
Trump didn't okay nuclear permits to the Saudi's, after they murdered that journalist? And after that the Saudi's didn't "invest" $2 billion with Jared, even though the Prince's own advisors said it was a horrible deal? The Prince still approved the deal?

What did Trump give the Saudi's that was worth so much money? Oh yea, nuclear permits and weapons. Probably they got a sweet deal from us tax payers too. And in return, Trump and Son got $2 billion. Jared is the son Trump wishes he always had.

On May 20, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud signed a series of letters of intent for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to purchase arms from the United States totaling US$110 billion immediately, and $350 billion over 10 years.

$2 billion to Jared after Trump leaves office. It's called a kick back.
$2 billion to Jared after Trump leaves office. It's called a kick back.
Watching the House of Representatives presenting the various documents that are showing the Biden's extensive financial transactions with the Chinese Communist Party among others in receiving millions, (up to $10 million...) has received from foreign countries funds for businesses with no known expertise!
A private citizen, Hunter Biden, does business in China and shares the profits with his brother and sister-in-law.

That's all you have proof of.

What is the proof that Joe Biden was part of this?

The ONLY thing you have are statements by politicians saying 'we believe'.

What is the evidence for 'we believe'?

NADA. Nothing, zilch, squat. Not a gawddamn thing.

Your claims are totally debunked, here:

But, when Jared receives a $125,000,000 management fee from a $ score from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman AS A SENIOR STAFF MEMBER, you guys are crickets.

fucking hypocrites, the lot of you.
Trump didn't okay nuclear permits to the Saudi's, after they murdered that journalist? And after that the Saudi's didn't "invest" $2 billion with Jared, even though the Prince's own advisors said it was a horrible deal? The Prince still approved the deal?

What did Trump give the Saudi's that was worth so much money? Oh yea, nuclear permits and weapons. Probably they got a sweet deal from us tax payers too. And in return, Trump and Son got $2 billion. Jared is the son Trump wishes he always had.

On May 20, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud signed a series of letters of intent for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to purchase arms from the United States totaling US$110 billion immediately, and $350 billion over 10 years.

$2 billion to Jared after Trump leaves office. It's called a kick back.
Link us up to Trump giving the Saudis nuclear weapons, liar
Can any of the board Bidenista Cultist apologists explain the following:

  • If this was just a legit business of Hunter why do they need 20 LLCs instead of just one?
  • What services did Hunter provide to these foreign entities and governments?
  • What services did Joe's young grandchildren perform to get paid what they were paid?
  • For that matter, what services did any of the 12 Biden family members perform?
  • Why were payments split up into multiple payments of the same amount to multiple companies?
  • Did all 12 Biden family members report these payments on their tax returns?

Remember, Comer just sent subpoenas to a few of their associates. Many more are coming, so this is most likely the tip of the iceberg.
Some more questions..
  • How many employees are there of the 20 LLCs?
  • Did any of the 20 LLCs pay any income taxes?
  • Are any of the 20 LLCs registered with the state where they were registered.
  • Are all the checks for less than $10,000?

A “payroll customer,” which includes any other person not covered under the “exempt person” definition that operates a firm that regularly withdraws more than $10,000 in order to pay its U.S. employees in currency. “Payroll customers” must also be incorporated and eligible to do business in the U.S. “Payroll customers” may only be exempted on their withdrawals for payroll purposes from existing transaction accounts.
Link us up to Trump giving the Saudis nuclear weapons, liar
Oh no! Comer's key witness has gone missing!

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) surprised Fox Newshost Maria Bartiromo with a wild update on his Biden family investigation in which he claimed an informant may have gone “missing,” something he suggested was linked to “spy business.”

There goes your case on the Biden's. LOL.


The exact same nuclear deals we had with Iran. If this isn't nuclear weapons then why did you have a problem with Iran having it?
Oh no! Comer's key witness has gone missing!

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) surprised Fox Newshost Maria Bartiromo with a wild update on his Biden family investigation in which he claimed an informant may have gone “missing,” something he suggested was linked to “spy business.”

There goes your case on the Biden's. LOL.


The exact same nuclear deals we had with Iran. If this isn't nuclear weapons then why did you have a problem with Iran having it?
So you lied. Trump didn’t give the Saudis nuclear weapons.
So you lied. Trump didn’t give the Saudis nuclear weapons.
Neither did Obama. Why did you and Trump object to the Iran Nuclear deal?

The P5+1 wanted to unwind Iran’s nuclear program to the point that if Tehran decided to pursue a nuclear weapon, it would take at least one year, giving world powers time to respond.

Additionally, Saudi Arabia has since signaled a willingness to obtain a nuclear weapon if Iran successfully detonates one.

So Saudi Arabia just got a lot closer to having a nuclear weapon

Additionally, Saudi Arabia has since signaled a willingness to obtain a nuclear weapon if Iran successfully detonates one.

According to the BBC, the report identified Saudi Arabia as the primary funding location for Al-Qaeda, and 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens.

Is Trump insane?
So you lied. Trump didn’t give the Saudis nuclear weapons.
Trump sold them nuclear secrets, weapons, planes, all cheap. Then 2 months after he left office Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud colloquially known by his initials MBS or MbS, is Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. gave Jared $2 billion dollars.

And you want to look into the BIden families 20 LLC's? LOL. Burrisma? LOL
Neither did Obama. Why did you and Trump object to the Iran Nuclear deal?

The P5+1 wanted to unwind Iran’s nuclear program to the point that if Tehran decided to pursue a nuclear weapon, it would take at least one year, giving world powers time to respond.

Additionally, Saudi Arabia has since signaled a willingness to obtain a nuclear weapon if Iran successfully detonates one.

So Saudi Arabia just got a lot closer to having a nuclear weapon

Additionally, Saudi Arabia has since signaled a willingness to obtain a nuclear weapon if Iran successfully detonates one.

According to the BBC, the report identified Saudi Arabia as the primary funding location for Al-Qaeda, and 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens.

Is Trump insane?
Barry Hussein’s EO with Iran expired in 10 years, and then Iran could produce whatever they wanted, Dumbass.
Trump sold them nuclear secrets, weapons, planes, all cheap. Then 2 months after he left office Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud colloquially known by his initials MBS or MbS, is Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. gave Jared $2 billion dollars.

And you want to look into the BIden families 20 LLC's? LOL. Burrisma? LOL
Lies. he didn’t sell them nuke weapons.
Which Biden?

The Biden's have 20 LLC's. Which LLC made $10 million? Or did they all collectively total up to $10 million. If so, $10 million over 20 years divided by 20 LLC's is very very very small potatoes. And if you know of any illegal activities, like Trump's corporation for example was paying for the CFO's kids private school in order to avoid paying taxes. So rather than pay the CFO $25K more a year and pay taxes on it, they had the corporation pay for the school tax free. Did you find anything like this on the Biden's? Because we know Trump Corp is guilty of what you are claiming the Biden's are guilty of.

And if just one Asian has purchased one thing from one of these 20 LLC's, you'll accuse the Biden's of Quid Pro Quo?

Even though Trump had a hotel in Washington and all foreign dignitaries stayed at his hotel? Are you fucking kidding me?

And let's not forget that 4 months after Trump left office, the Saudi's gave Jared Kushner $2 billion dollars. You think that's not shady?

Before you look into Biden's 20 LLC's, did you look into these? Of course not

The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner. Around 250 of these entities use the Trump name.
It's damn sure more complex than you try to make it. More intelligent questions about Biden DNA: "Does Hunter Biden know Anne Rimoine?"

What if a former Trump alley admitted there has never been any evidence that Hunter or Joe Biden committed any crimes related to Ukrainian politics?

Former Giuliani Associate Lev Parnas Offers To Testify On Efforts To Smear Biden Family​

Parnas said Republicans should “abandon” their investigation of the president and his son because they’re re-treading ground he already covered.

WASHINGTON — A key figure in former President Donald Trump’s scheme to pressure Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden warned Republicans on Tuesday that they’ll never find the dirt they’re looking for.
In a 10-page letter to House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) obtained by HuffPost, former Trump ally Lev Parnas outlined his own efforts to seek negative information about Biden and his son Hunter Biden from several Ukrainian sources in 2019.
“Throughout all these months of work, the extensive campaigns and networking done by Trump allies and [Rudy] Giuliani associates, including the enormously thorough interviews and assignments that I undertook, there has never been any evidence that Hunter or Joe Biden committed any crimes related to Ukrainian politics,” Parnas wrote.
What if a former Trump alley admitted there has never been any evidence that Hunter or Joe Biden committed any crimes related to Ukrainian politics?

Former Giuliani Associate Lev Parnas Offers To Testify On Efforts To Smear Biden Family​

Parnas said Republicans should “abandon” their investigation of the president and his son because they’re re-treading ground he already covered.
https://twitter.com/share?text=Parnas said Republicans should “abandon” their investigation of the president and his son because they’re re-treading ground he already covered.&url=https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lev-parnas-rudy-giuliani-james-comer_n_64b6c94de4b093f07cb15c33?utm_campaign=share_twitter&ncid=engmodushpmg00000004&hashtags=&via=HuffPostPol

WASHINGTON — A key figure in former President Donald Trump’s scheme to pressure Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden warned Republicans on Tuesday that they’ll never find the dirt they’re looking for.
In a 10-page letter to House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) obtained by HuffPost, former Trump ally Lev Parnas outlined his own efforts to seek negative information about Biden and his son Hunter Biden from several Ukrainian sources in 2019.
“Throughout all these months of work, the extensive campaigns and networking done by Trump allies and [Rudy] Giuliani associates, including the enormously thorough interviews and assignments that I undertook, there has never been any evidence that Hunter or Joe Biden committed any crimes related to Ukrainian politics,” Parnas wrote.

Then he becomes part of the right-wing conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convice people that have no use for evidence.
Then he becomes part of the right-wing conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convice people that have no use for evidence.
It's funny that they can never admit they were wrong. Take for example the question, "was the 2020 election rigged?" Even the top Republicans in office can't just say "no, it was not rigged" They have to go into absentee ballots and basically they are saying if it weren't for covid and mail in voting Trump would have lost.

2020 proved one thing. When more people vote. When we make it easier to vote, Republicans lose.
It's funny that they can never admit they were wrong. Take for example the question, "was the 2020 election rigged?" Even the top Republicans in office can't just say "no, it was not rigged" They have to go into absentee ballots and basically they are saying if it weren't for covid and mail in voting Trump would have lost.

2020 proved one thing. When more people vote. When we make it easier to vote, Republicans lose.

The MAGA movement is based on two things: victimhood and never admitting you ever made a mistake. Ultimately, 'Make America Great Again' is about a return to an imaginary 'golden era' where there's no accountability.

You can be as awful as you want, as demeaning as you want, you can grab unwilling women by the pussy, you can lie, cheat, and commit fraud. And there are no consequences.

Admitting you're wrong is a consequence. Indictments are a consequence. Losing important elections are a consequence.

So naturally, MAGA hates them all.

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