Ocean rise and ice melt accelerating....

Sea Levels Are Surging at Faster and Faster Rates as Antarctica and Greenland Melt, Satellite Data..
Source: Newsweek
Sea Levels Are Surging at Faster and Faster Rates as Antarctica and Greenland Melt, Satellite Data Reveals

Sea levels aren’t just steadily rising—they’re accelerating, according to a new assessment based on 25 years of satellite data. The findings, published Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirm what climate projections have already told us. The results reveal that sea level rise has been accelerating for the past 25 years, rather than steadily rising the same amount each year.

Assuming the acceleration rate stays the same, which the lead author said is unlikely, sea levels will surge 26 inches by 2100 from climate change alone.

These so-called eyes on the Earth revealed that sea level rise is not steadily rising at 0.1 inch every year, but rather, that increase is increasing, itself—by 0.003 inches each year. Though these numbers sound small, tiny increases across the globe over several decades can result in devastating consequences from sea level rise on coastal cities alone. Storm surges and salt water intrusion into aquifers where some communities get their drinking water are just two examples.

Read more: Sea level rise has rapidly accelerated since 1993 from melting ice, and it's not expected to slow down anytime soon

I hope your house goes under you republican piece of crap.
/——/ Global Warmer scam artists should be put in jail.

I know where I'd like to see you goat riding backwards conservatives go. Can't say it.
Climate-change–driven accelerated sea-level rise detected in the altimeter era

Observations show sea levels rising, and climate change is accelerating it - CNN

More accurate methods show us these things are happening faster than we thought. Now expected to pass 2 feet rise by 2100.

Good thing we have Godzilla then, Godzilla is already on this and is going to SAVE THE PLANET from rising Sea Levels :smoke:


Yep. That Happer guy says that climate scientists shouldn't be allowed to distribute any research results that point to climate change. A real Trump kind of guy.


Trump's likely science adviser calls climate scientists 'glassy-eyed cult'
Trump's likely science adviser calls climate scientists 'glassy-eyed cult'
William Happer, frontrunner for job of providing mainstream scientific opinion to officials, backs crackdown on federal scientists’ freedom to speak out

I also suspect Trumps ban of the use of certain words was the result of Happer's conversations with him.

The disturbing new language of science under Trump, explained
2) Federal agencies are striking “climate change” from websites
Since Trump took office, the phrase “climate change” has been disappearing from government websites. Agencies including the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Transportation have all had websites or press releases scrubbed of references to humanity’s role in rising average temperatures.

HHS, for example, buried references to a document on climate change and human health from its website and removed “climate change” from navigation menus. The EPA, meanwhile, said it was removing “outdated language” from its sites as it deleted pages relating to regulations around climate change.

Scientists at the Interior Department reported that agency officials asked them to remove references to climate change and sea level rise from a press release about their work.

Government staffers even rebranded their offices to avoid the term, and federal grant applicants were told to omit such language as well. In some cases, the concerns were warranted when some members of the Trump administration demanded names of people working on climate change issues after landing at their agencies, while one federal employee reported retaliation from political appointees for his work on climate change.

The White House also removed references to risks from extreme weather and rising seas in its most recent National Security Strategy, only referencing climate change as a threat to sales of fossil fuels.

Words are not the only things being deleted. One researcher reported that some of the government’s Arctic and atmospheric data used by climate scientists has been delisted or removed.

Yep. That Happer guy says that climate scientists shouldn't be allowed to distribute any research results that point to climate change. A real Trump kind of guy.


Trump's likely science adviser calls climate scientists 'glassy-eyed cult'
Trump's likely science adviser calls climate scientists 'glassy-eyed cult'
William Happer, frontrunner for job of providing mainstream scientific opinion to officials, backs crackdown on federal scientists’ freedom to speak out

I also suspect Trumps ban of the use of certain words was the result of Happer's conversations with him.

The disturbing new language of science under Trump, explained
2) Federal agencies are striking “climate change” from websites
Since Trump took office, the phrase “climate change” has been disappearing from government websites. Agencies including the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Transportation have all had websites or press releases scrubbed of references to humanity’s role in rising average temperatures.

HHS, for example, buried references to a document on climate change and human health from its website and removed “climate change” from navigation menus. The EPA, meanwhile, said it was removing “outdated language” from its sites as it deleted pages relating to regulations around climate change.

Scientists at the Interior Department reported that agency officials asked them to remove references to climate change and sea level rise from a press release about their work.

Government staffers even rebranded their offices to avoid the term, and federal grant applicants were told to omit such language as well. In some cases, the concerns were warranted when some members of the Trump administration demanded names of people working on climate change issues after landing at their agencies, while one federal employee reported retaliation from political appointees for his work on climate change.

The White House also removed references to risks from extreme weather and rising seas in its most recent National Security Strategy, only referencing climate change as a threat to sales of fossil fuels.

Words are not the only things being deleted. One researcher reported that some of the government’s Arctic and atmospheric data used by climate scientists has been delisted or removed.

Trump's likely science adviser calls climate scientists 'glassy-eyed cult'

When you're right, you're right.

Words are not the only things being deleted. One researcher reported that some of the government’s Arctic and atmospheric data used by climate scientists has been delisted or removed.

This is outrageous!! Only warmers get to delete and hide data!!!
If we spend a couple of trillion on windmills, we'll be saved!!!
No, Todd. See, we're collectively smarter than you are, and we can do better. ;)

That's awesome, dude!!
If we spend $2 trillion on windmills, how many inches less rise will we see by 2100?
I don't know! Why do you ask?

Well, golly, if all those smart scientists, and you, want to reorder our entire economy, to save us, it'd be nice to know what we'll get for our money.
Well, golly, if all those smart scientists, and you, want to reorder our entire economy, to save us, it'd be nice to know what we'll get for our money.
Then go read something once in a while, Todderino.

You want us to spend trillions, and you can't show the benefit?

I want to spend trillions?

Tooddsterinoroni, why do you go on the internet, invent fake characters, and debate them> This seems like freakish behavior, for a grown man.

Also... after all of this time prattling on about climate change... all of the time you've spent... how are you so fucking utterly ignorant of ANY of it?
Well, golly, if all those smart scientists, and you, want to reorder our entire economy, to save us, it'd be nice to know what we'll get for our money.
Then go read something once in a while, Todderino.

You want us to spend trillions, and you can't show the benefit?

I want to spend trillions?

Tooddsterinoroni, why do you go on the internet, invent fake characters, and debate them> This seems like freakish behavior, for a grown man.

Also... after all of this time prattling on about climate change... all of the time you've spent... how are you so fucking utterly ignorant of ANY of it?

I want to spend trillions?

You don't?
Well, golly, if all those smart scientists, and you, want to reorder our entire economy, to save us, it'd be nice to know what we'll get for our money.
Then go read something once in a while, Todderino.

You want us to spend trillions, and you can't show the benefit?

I want to spend trillions?

Tooddsterinoroni, why do you go on the internet, invent fake characters, and debate them> This seems like freakish behavior, for a grown man.

Also... after all of this time prattling on about climate change... all of the time you've spent... how are you so fucking utterly ignorant of ANY of it?

I want to spend trillions?

You don't?
On windmills?

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