Of All The People On This Board


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
I never once thought it would be Gramps who had the meltdown. Live and learn huh?
I was here bright and early the next morning!
Then i went to work.
Then i came home and cooked dinner.
Even tho we lost the election, that doesn't mean we were wrong.
We'll see the proof of that within the next 4 years.
Sorry bout that,

1. I still run this place.
2. I'm here ranting as usual.
3. And watching, waiting for the demise of the Union.
4. Hoping it won't happen, but pretty sure thats where we're all headed, but no sweat,.... America Voted!!!

The rest of the righties are still hiding

Not hiding, abstaining from contributing to the growing circular firing squad.

And believe me, it ain't easy.

In a couple of weeks, when cooler heads prevail...I'll post my opinion...until then I'll remain content in keeping my own counsel.
What melt down? I just have a feeling of hopelessness and the fear that America is under the thumb of true evil now.
I was pissed off election night, because I know Obama didn't deserve to be re-elected, but America has spoken. I predict the next four years will much worse than the last.
Sure you can watch and * damn television station you desire. That was not what my comment was about to you.
The trouble is you only watch that one and then believe their propaganda. So, drink your Kool-aid. Believe in trud blossom and hannity and morris and see where it got you.

Still have you head up faux news?:clap2:

Not at all. I am still here...and Obama is still a goddamned Marxist!

You will see.

We're allowed to watch any goddamned news source we want. Our party does not insist that we drink the koolaid.
Sure you can watch and * damn television station you desire. That was not what my comment was about to you.
The trouble is you only watch that one and then believe their propaganda. So, drink your Kool-aid. Believe in trud blossom and hannity and morris and see where it got you.

Still have you head up faux news?:clap2:

We're allowed to watch any goddamned news source we want. Our party does not insist that we drink the koolaid.

You have no idea who and what I watch. You're something shot right outta a pigs ass.
Link to meltdown?

There was no meltdown. Gramps made a surprisingly reasonable topic regarding the current direction of the GOP. Not so surprising is that he was set upon by this site's resident rightwing loons. I'm sure they all think he is a commie, RINO, Marxist now.

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