Of course Bush's decision to invade Iraq was wrong you clown. Obama knew it before he did it.


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Why did it take Rand Paul so long to figure it out?

. Overthrowing Saddam Hussein was wrong says U.S. presidential candidate. By Abdelhak Mamoun - Apr 29, 2015

Iraq news the latest Iraq news by Iraqi News

(IraqiNews.com) on Tuesday, US presidential candidate of the Republican Party Rand Paul considered the ouster of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein as a wrong decision, stressing that the divisions between Sunni and Shia turned Iraq into a “vassal state” of Iran.

The British newspaper ‘The Observer’ quoted Paul during an interview in a Hebrew school in the U.S. city of Brooklyn, New York: “The overthrow of Saddam was a wrong decision because he was a bulwark against Iran.”

How far does Senator Paul go in the GOP primary by throwing Lil Dubya under the bus and recognizing Obama's prediction that invading Iraq would be a dumb war and detract the military from the real war on terror in Afghanistan?
Why did it take Rand Paul so long to figure it out?

. Overthrowing Saddam Hussein was wrong says U.S. presidential candidate. By Abdelhak Mamoun - Apr 29, 2015

Iraq news the latest Iraq news by Iraqi News

(IraqiNews.com) on Tuesday, US presidential candidate of the Republican Party Rand Paul considered the ouster of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein as a wrong decision, stressing that the divisions between Sunni and Shia turned Iraq into a “vassal state” of Iran.

The British newspaper ‘The Observer’ quoted Paul during an interview in a Hebrew school in the U.S. city of Brooklyn, New York: “The overthrow of Saddam was a wrong decision because he was a bulwark against Iran.”

How far does Senator Paul go in the GOP primary by throwing Lil Dubya under the bus and recognizing Obama's prediction that invading Iraq would be a dumb war and detract the military from the real war on terror in Afghanistan?

Randi will go as far as the rest of the RW candidates. They'll all stop at the curb ..
I've always wondered what the Middle East would look like today if Saddam had remained in power long enough to pass Iraq on to his lunatic sons.
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I've always wondered what the Middle East would look like today if Saddam had remained in power long enough to pass Iraq on to his lunatic sons.
There is no way it would be as fucked up as it is now. GWB (mostly Cheney) destabilized the region on purpose to achieve a constant state of warfare for the sake of the MIC. God-dammit that motherfucker is a real life Bond villain, and he achieved his goal and he got away with it.
TD 11332274
I've always wondered what the Middle East would look like today if Saddam had remained in power long enough to pass Iraq on to his lunatic sons.

You don't know and can't know what it would look like if the UN inspectors were allowed to finish their work and long term WMD monitoring were set in place and sanctions were lifted. But you can know that 4484 American troops would not have died in Iraq and 40,000 wounded and at least a trillion American dollars would not have been wasted. And all the Iraqi suffering death and destruction would not have been caused by the decision of the President of the United States to tell the UN inspectors to get out of his way so he could kill his way to resolving the WMD matter with the UN.
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BH 11332421
Old news guy's.

What is old news? Dandy Randy said five days ago that Bush was wrong to decide to invade Iraq . Is this how you run from the discussion because you can't explain a Republican Senator admitting the truth about Iraq.
No mention of Hillary's Iraq war vote?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way the president used the authority."

CNN.com - Hillary Clinton No regret on Iraq vote - Apr 21 2004
How the hell was she fooled, her husband being the former president and herself as former First Lady and all?
Rand Paul's hindsight is so much clearer than anyone else's hindsight. :lol:

Oh- and it wasn't an "invasion". :slap:

Both the benefits and the costs were heavily weighed before the operation began. In war, you win some and you lose some.

I've discussed this with an ex-pat couple from Iraq. Bottom line- it was the right move in their opinion.
No mention of Hillary's Iraq war vote?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way the president used the authority."

CNN.com - Hillary Clinton No regret on Iraq vote - Apr 21 2004

I don't recall Hillary Clinton deciding in March 2003 that UN inspectors must leave Iraq so the Decider who Decided could do the inspectors work through a US massive bombardment and ground invasion.

Do you have some evidence that she did?

Her vote was correct in 2002 because Iraq was in violation of UNSC resolutions because UN inspectors were not allowed in at that time.

Two months later inspectors were allowed back in.
BH 11332421
Old news guy's.

What is old news? Dandy Randy said five days ago that Bush was wrong to decide to invade Iraq . Is this how you run from the discussion because you can't explain a Republican Senator admitting the truth about Iraq.
Everyone knows with the aid of hindsight it was a bad decision that's hardly a great revelation from Paul unlike you some of us moved on from 2003.
MrH 11332274
Oh- and it wasn't an "invasion"..

If it was not an invasion, what was massive bombardment and over 200,000 uninvited foreign troops crossing a sovereign border and shooting up the place in order to take down a sovereign government?
Everyone knows with the aid of hindsight it was a bad decision that's hardly a great revelation from Paul unlike you some of us moved on from 2003.

Where did you move all the dead bodies? Into some trash-bin of history to be forgotten forever? Sort of like a holocaust deniers. It's quite convenient for you to move on as you've done.
Everyone knows with the aid of hindsight it was a bad decision that's hardly a great revelation from Paul unlike you some of us moved on from 2003.

Where did you move all the dead bodies? Into some trash-bin of history?to be forgotten forever. Sort of like a holocaust deniers. It's quite convenient for you to move on as you've done.
I haven't moved anything but unlike you I understand this is the year 2015 not 2003 I also understand George Bush is not on the ballot his policies and decisions are not on the ballot and that this election is not about him. If you wish to continue to live in the past and obsesses over a decision that was made almost 13 years ago by a man who is no longer President feel free but I'm going to focus on the here and now. And yes I can focus on the here and now and still be fully aware of what has happened in the past before you ask.
No mention of Hillary's Iraq war vote?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way the president used the authority."

CNN.com - Hillary Clinton No regret on Iraq vote - Apr 21 2004

I don't recall Hillary Clinton deciding in March 2003 that UN inspectors must leave Iraq so the Decider who Decided could do the inspectors work through a US massive bombardment and ground invasion.

Do you have some evidence that she did?

Her vote was correct in 2002 because Iraq was in violation of UNSC resolutions because UN inspectors were not allowed in at that time.

Two months later inspectors were allowed back in.

Nice attempt at rewriting history, but the article was written in 2004.

To the disappointment of some antiwar liberals in her Democratic base, Clinton, the former first lady, voted in favor of the Iraq war resolution in October 2002.

"Obviously, I've thought about that a lot in the months since," she said. "No, I don't regret giving the president authority because at the time it was in the context of weapons of mass destruction, grave threats to the United States, and clearly, Saddam Hussein had been a real problem for the international community for more than a decade."


The lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq contradicts years of intelligence indicating Saddam had such weapons, which also was the conclusion of officials in the Clinton administration.

"The consensus was the same, from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration," she said. "It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared.

CNN.com - Hillary Clinton No regret on Iraq vote - Apr 21 2004
And then she equivocates about the Bush Administration "they really believed it. They really thought they were right, but they didn't let enough sunlight into their thinking process to really have the kind of debate that needs to take place when a serious decision occurs like that."

Wasn't that HER JOB as a Senator, if she believed that, "to really have the kind of debate that needs to take place when a serious decision occurs like that."?

Failure of leadership when held to her own standard.

And, contrary to popular belief, so far SHE is the only candidate running that voted FOR the War in Iraq...so, a currently relevant derogetory thread about the Iraq War decisions should be focused solely on Hillary...NOT Rand Paul.
MrH 11333769
Ask your fellow Democrats who voted for it, Brotch.

Ask them what? Can't you read? I said Democrats were correct in 2002 to vote to force Saddam Hussein to let inspectors in or face war. Iraq did let the inspectors back in - but it was Bush the decider who kicked them out. It was not Democrats that decided to kick the inspectors out and invade Iraq instead. Where is your evidence for that?

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