Of Course He Did!

Expanding the courts is a deviation from the actual thread topic...

....which Is Democrat attempt to distract from D-Waters and D-Chuck Schumer literally threatening and calling for violence against and assassination of Republican politicians and USSC Justices.

It's not like they said, 'Let's PEACEFULLY WALK down to the Capitol', 'remain NON-VIOLENT', & 'OBEY THE LAW' as President Trump LITERALLY did.

If Democrats consider THAT seditious and attempting to overthrow the govt, then calling for the murder / assassinations of Republican politicians and USSC Justices, calling for terrorist bombings, and literally openly calling for an Insurrection against the US government / Judicial system / USSC is DEFINITELY Criminal, Seditious, and treasonous...

...worthy of a serious Congressional Committee investigation on live streaming TV.
Expanding the courts is a deviation from the actual thread topic...

....which Is Democrat attempt to distract from D-Waters and D-Chuck Schumer literally threatening and calling for violence against and assassination of Republican politicians and USSC Justices.

It's not like they said, 'Let's PEACEFULLY WALK down to the Capitol', 'remain NON-VIOLENT', & 'OBEY THE LAW' as President Trump LITERALLY did.

If Democrats consider THAT seditious and attempting to overthrow the govt, then calling for the murder / assassinations of Republican politicians and USSC Justices, calling for terrorist bombings, and literally openly calling for an Insurrection against the US government / Judicial system / USSC is DEFINITELY Criminal, Seditious, and treasonous...

...worthy of a serious Congressional Committee investigation on live streaming TV.
Do you get off on spreading outright lies or are you that delusional that you believe what you say is accurate and true?
D-Senator Coons downplayed House Majority Leader D-Chuck Schumer's personal threat against USSC Justices that incited an assassination attempt against Justice Kavanaugh.

I think Hunter did his daughter.
You are sure he didn't?
I’m never sure about anything that I don’t see for myself. But you sure like to make definitive proclamations about all kinds of things that you don’t see for yourself. It’s why it’s so easy to prove you’re lying most of the time. You’re a partisan parrot. Do better
I’m never sure about anything that I don’t see for myself. But you sure like to make definitive proclamations about all kinds of things that you don’t see for yourself. It’s why it’s so easy to prove you’re lying most of the time. You’re a partisan parrot. Do better
You don't see very well.

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