Off the Bat, Jan. 6 Committee Edits Trump Speech to Omit Words “Patriotically and Peacefully,” 2020 Fraud Evidence Remains Undebunked

The FBI's own report stated tge riot on 6 Jan was not a planned event.

"this riot was shown to not be a preplanned attack. The FBI's own report also came to the same conclusion".

Who wrote the report?
Why have they not testified?

If the assessment by the FBI was / is that the events of 6 Jan were a spontaneous, egged on riot, which completely undermines the current Democrat narrative that 6 Jan was a 'planned Insurrection', you would think this bit of info would be important to the 6 Jan Committee to get out / report to the American people.

Pelosi also reportedly claimed 6 Jan breach of the Capitol was just a 'riot'. Seems Pelosi should testify about her initial assessment and why the change.

The FBI's own report stated tge riot on 6 Jan was not a planned event.

"this riot was shown to not be a preplanned attack. The FBI's own report also came to the same conclusion".

Who wrote the report?
Why have they not testified?

If the assessment by the FBI was / is that the events of 6 Jan were a spontaneous, egged on riot, which completely undermines the current Democrat narrative that 6 Jan was a 'planned Insurrection', you would think this bit of info would be important to the 6 Jan Committee to get out / report to the American people.

Pelosi also reportedly claimed 6 Jan breach of the Capitol was just a 'riot'. Seems Pelosi should testify about her initial assessment and why the change.

FBI saying No Insurrection is a cousin to Muellers “can’t find nothing” but in Both Cases libtards say the opposite and repeat continuously
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Yea I can't stand him. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I can understand that a lawyer may raise eyebrows over things unacquainted with laypeople, and yes, he has tended left sometimes, but lately, I think he is concerned over the lack of honesty in or around the time the push against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh nosedived due to (1) lying about what happened 30 years ago, (2) Abject associative lies told by Christine Blasey-Ford, and (3) The failure of her former friends to dignify personal lies and estraneous lies to project her lies on someone whose integrity has not before nor after justified the rancor of prominent Democrats who pushed the lies down disbelieving Americans' throats. The Democrats lost a lot of support due to their own bad taste. A good man would not stand for all those blatant lies to humiliate an innocent man of impeccable integrity.

Now that Hillary's political lie has been shown for what it is, a lot of people are left wondering why a former First Lady would think she could get away with destroying innocent people right and left. When all is said and done, a lot of the Democrat Party's downfall will be pointing at her lies, cheating, misdeeds, and hurting innocent men and scratching the eyes out of the Constitution of the United States of America with embarrassing acts, deeds, secrecy, and utter nastiness which she shares with Maxine the Stalker Waters and Nancy the Orchestrator of Destruction of the Executive Branch with power plays to make herself the most important politician in the world. Her fall started when she gave gold pens to celebrate the fake impeachment #2 of Donald Trump. No wonder a lot less people are Democrats after the assault on the Constitution those women executed against taxpayers in America, only to be outdone by a man who committed countless extortions from the Third World Countries other American Congresspersons thought were a way to help out countries handicapped by world class bully power-seeking enemies of Freedom-loving nations that love Democracy. It wasn't until the series of viral videos of Joe Biden bragging about getting VIPs in foreign countries fired if they didn't play his make me rich schemas. Being considered a "Point Man" in the Democrat Party will forever be another reason the Democrat Party has fallen from grace with too many dishonest carryings-on. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that when Patrick Moynihan died on March 26, 2003, Democrats lost their bearings.
I wasn't a party to their strategy plans, but I suspect they feel that the evidence the will present is strong enough to make those three words unimportant. There are several hearings scheduled. Obviously, everything couldn't be presented in the first hearing. Cheney was following normal prosecutorial procedure where the prosecution starts by laying out what exactly they intend to prove. The hearing Monday will concentrate on proving that trump knew he lost the election, but continued to claim the big lie anyway. Subsequent broadcast hearings will concentrate on other aspects of the case.

Uuuuuhhhhhhhhh…. If the evidence they have is strong enough to make those three words unimportant why would they intentionally edit them out?
FBI saying No Insurrection is a cousin to Muellers “can’t find nothing” but in Both Cases libtards say the opposite and repeat continuously

Can you link FBI saying no insurrection? I thought I had read that but forgot to bookmark...thanks
The FBI's own report stated tge riot on 6 Jan was not a planned event.

"this riot was shown to not be a preplanned attack. The FBI's own report also came to the same conclusion".

Who wrote the report?
Why have they not testified?

If the assessment by the FBI was / is that the events of 6 Jan were a spontaneous, egged on riot, which completely undermines the current Democrat narrative that 6 Jan was a 'planned Insurrection', you would think this bit of info would be important to the 6 Jan Committee to get out / report to the American people.

Pelosi also reportedly claimed 6 Jan breach of the Capitol was just a 'riot'. Seems Pelosi should testify about her initial assessment and why the change.

Interesting, but not the first time an initial evaluaion turned out to be wrong. There is clear and credible evidence that the insurrection had been in the works for a while. What purpose would it serve to ask them about an evaluation that has shown to be wrong?

Claim: If Pelosi hadn’t turned down Trump request for Nat'l Guard, ‘would have been no problem' on Jan. 6

Former President Trump blamed Nancy Pelosi for the chaotic events of January 6, 2021, saying she turned down a National Guard presence.
Did you try to pick your nose with a 12ga while pulling the trigger, or are you just plain ignorant of Constitutional law overall? I'm voting for the latter!!!!

Pelosi is the Speaker of the House (read Article 1 of the Constitution before you touch that 12ga). The Speaker of the House does not hold ANY DAMN POSITION in the US Military's upper chain of command or any other position of command in the land, air or Naval forces!

Lastly, POTUS is the Commander in Chief of these here United States and is the Top Dog of all Federal military forces, and in NO FREAKIN' WAY would he/she be delegating the position of Commander in bloody Chief!
Uuuuuhhhhhhhhh…. If the evidence they have is strong enough to make those three words unimportant why would they intentionally edit them out?
Are you fearful that nobody is aware that he said those three words? Surely, you don't think that is the case.
You keep repeating "insurrection" like it really happened. You're nothing but a parrot.
It happened. There is more than enough evidence, including video, and confessions of many of the participants to prove it happened, but I understand that your cult doesn't want to acknowledge it.
What does that have to do with the Jan 6 commission?
Perhaps you should try keeping up with the thread.

Don't care if anybody takes me seriously. There is no doubt that the country is taking the commissions hearings seriously. Trumpsters will stick with the big lie, but sane people know better.

Big Bend Texas said:
Fabricated nonsense. What people are taking serious is the realization they will have to work 13 months this year to pay for 12 months of groceries and gasoline and still can't get baby formula.
So why tamper with the evidence?
Trump said a lot of things that didn't make it into that particular clip. I'm not sure how you think an investigation is supposed to work. Do you also think that crazy guy with horns should have someone on the committee to say nice things about him?
The FBI's own report stated tge riot on 6 Jan was not a planned event.

"this riot was shown to not be a preplanned attack. The FBI's own report also came to the same conclusion".

Who wrote the report?
Why have they not testified?

If the assessment by the FBI was / is that the events of 6 Jan were a spontaneous, egged on riot, which completely undermines the current Democrat narrative that 6 Jan was a 'planned Insurrection', you would think this bit of info would be important to the 6 Jan Committee to get out / report to the American people.

Pelosi also reportedly claimed 6 Jan breach of the Capitol was just a 'riot'. Seems Pelosi should testify about her initial assessment and why the change.

FBI says there was no plan? But…. But…..Adumb Schifferbrains says he has evidence and stuff.

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