Offer Rejected to Move Mosque Away From Ground Zero to 'State Property'

I would love to see Willow's reaction if the government was telling a christian church where they could build.

I'd LOVE to see you reaction when the GOVERNMENT tells the muslims where to build. Nobody told nobody nuttin DUmmie, an offer was made and rejected so the end story is the muslims are bound and determined to be in yer face to all the families of the 9-11 victims. and I just know you are creaming in yer drawers with happiness over their unhappiness. It's what libturds do.

It's not like they hired the BinLadin Group to rebuild the site.
External concept of the mosque – 13 stories tall:

Here is one map I found but doesn’t provide a lot of detail.

It is instructive that the Imam expects to open his mosque on 9/11/11, the tenth anniversary of 9/11. But oh yeah, the mosque is to illustrate solidarity, peace, acceptance, and tolerance. Sure it is. Uh huh.


And to Modbert, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Constitution or the concepts of the Constitution. Nobody is saying that it should be illegal to build the mosque or that the mosque should not be built. But this is no different than people operating within any social contract that don't want an adult bookstore or strip club next to a school, or objecting to a Walmart Supercenter in a peaceful neighborhood of small shop keepers, or placing a Confederate War Memorial complete with confederate flags where they will fly next to a cemetary at a black church.

It has nothing to do with legality. It has everything to do with propriety and our common sense of decency and respect.
to all who want this mosque to be built, it was people of the muslim faith that killed three thousand of our fellow americans, and your okay with them building a mosque right on that very land? so it would be alright for japan to build a monument right at the spot they attacked us? that is insane. several buildings have been denied the right to build, and those buildings were goin to show respect for the dead of 911. just shows how the left really hates our freedoom, why don't the libs live under the muslims rules, better store up on rubbers. because you wouldn't be getting any abortions! LOL!
External concept of the mosque – 13 stories tall:

Here is one map I found but doesn’t provide a lot of detail.

It is instructive that the Imam expects to open his mosque on 9/11/11, the tenth anniversary of 9/11. But oh yeah, the mosque is to illustrate solidarity, peace, acceptance, and tolerance. Sure it is. Uh huh.


And to Modbert, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Constitution or the concepts of the Constitution. Nobody is saying that it should be illegal to build the mosque or that the mosque should not be built. But this is no different than people operating within any social contract that don't want an adult bookstore or strip club next to a school, or objecting to a Walmart Supercenter in a peaceful neighborhood of small shop keepers, or placing a Confederate War Memorial complete with confederate flags where they will fly next to a cemetary at a black church.

It has nothing to do with legality. It has everything to do with propriety and our common sense of decency and respect.

Ok, so it's not ON the site.
You may be right about decency and respect. But in America, it's not the law that we have decency and respect. And what do you suggest they do to stop the building of the mosque, if not through legal means?
External concept of the mosque – 13 stories tall:

Here is one map I found but doesn’t provide a lot of detail.

It is instructive that the Imam expects to open his mosque on 9/11/11, the tenth anniversary of 9/11. But oh yeah, the mosque is to illustrate solidarity, peace, acceptance, and tolerance. Sure it is. Uh huh.


And to Modbert, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Constitution or the concepts of the Constitution. Nobody is saying that it should be illegal to build the mosque or that the mosque should not be built. But this is no different than people operating within any social contract that don't want an adult bookstore or strip club next to a school, or objecting to a Walmart Supercenter in a peaceful neighborhood of small shop keepers, or placing a Confederate War Memorial complete with confederate flags where they will fly next to a cemetary at a black church.

It has nothing to do with legality. It has everything to do with propriety and our common sense of decency and respect.

fuck the MODMORON, you are wasting your precious breath explaining anything to him all he want to do is call you a racist and accuse you of wanting to burn all mosques to the ground, he's a moron and incapable of conversation. he needs to crawl his wormy ass back under the bridge.
to all who want this mosque to be built, it was people of the muslim faith that killed three thousand of our fellow americans, and your okay with them building a mosque right on that very land? so it would be alright for japan to build a monument right at the spot they attacked us? that is insane. several buildings have been denied the right to build, and those buildings were goin to show respect for the dead of 911. just shows how the left really hates our freedoom, why don't the libs live under the muslims rules, better store up on rubbers. because you wouldn't be getting any abortions! LOL!

again, it appears, it's not ON that very land. Unless you mean the entire Island of Manhattan should be off limits to Muslims.
External concept of the mosque – 13 stories tall:

Here is one map I found but doesn’t provide a lot of detail.

It is instructive that the Imam expects to open his mosque on 9/11/11, the tenth anniversary of 9/11. But oh yeah, the mosque is to illustrate solidarity, peace, acceptance, and tolerance. Sure it is. Uh huh.


And to Modbert, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Constitution or the concepts of the Constitution. Nobody is saying that it should be illegal to build the mosque or that the mosque should not be built. But this is no different than people operating within any social contract that don't want an adult bookstore or strip club next to a school, or objecting to a Walmart Supercenter in a peaceful neighborhood of small shop keepers, or placing a Confederate War Memorial complete with confederate flags where they will fly next to a cemetary at a black church.

It has nothing to do with legality. It has everything to do with propriety and our common sense of decency and respect.

Ok, so it's not ON the site.
You may be right about decency and respect. But in America, it's not the law that we have decency and respect. And what do you suggest they do to stop the building of the mosque, if not through legal means?

that's exactly what everybody has been saying, they have the right to do it, but their motives of peace and abiding love are suspect. in short they are being insensitive assholes.
I would love to see Willow's reaction if the government was telling a christian church where they could build.

I wonder how she stood on the Cross on PUBLIC PROPERTY in San Diego when they rejected an offer to put it on private property only a few hundred feet away.
I would love to see Willow's reaction if the government was telling a christian church where they could build.

I'd LOVE to see you reaction when the GOVERNMENT tells the muslims where to build. Nobody told nobody nuttin DUmmie, an offer was made and rejected so the end story is the muslims are bound and determined to be in yer face to all the families of the 9-11 victims. and I just know you are creaming in yer drawers with happiness over their unhappiness. It's what libturds do.

FORCE the Mooooslims to sell. FORCE them, I say!!!!! (said the conservatives)

Truth hurts, doesn't it Willow? You probably won't be happy until every single Mosque in this country is burned to the ground and every Muslim is either converted or killed most likely.

Fuck you MORON You won't be happy til every single Christian church is burned the ground. you and your ilk

External concept of the mosque – 13 stories tall:

Here is one map I found but doesn’t provide a lot of detail.

It is instructive that the Imam expects to open his mosque on 9/11/11, the tenth anniversary of 9/11. But oh yeah, the mosque is to illustrate solidarity, peace, acceptance, and tolerance. Sure it is. Uh huh.


And to Modbert, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Constitution or the concepts of the Constitution. Nobody is saying that it should be illegal to build the mosque or that the mosque should not be built. But this is no different than people operating within any social contract that don't want an adult bookstore or strip club next to a school, or objecting to a Walmart Supercenter in a peaceful neighborhood of small shop keepers, or placing a Confederate War Memorial complete with confederate flags where they will fly next to a cemetary at a black church.

It has nothing to do with legality. It has everything to do with propriety and our common sense of decency and respect.

the adult bookstore/strip club should be allowed to build wherever they like. Same with the confederate war memorial with their confederate flags next to a black cemetery or church. or the Neo Nazis next to a synagogue.
The offer being rejected might lead to more inquiries about who all is involved in the planning and financing of this project.

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