As much as I believe Trump is not doing himself any favors with his ranting on twatter the reality is Trump will not be convicted and remove...

Perhaps not. The right doesn't care how unethical he is, or if if he breaks our laws but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be called out for his unethical, unlawful behavior.

Which law did he break? Why is it you TDS libtards cannot find any support for any crime?

Three people have already testified that Trump did nothing illegal. Who else does Shiff-for-brains have up his sleeve?

Who were those people and what qualifies them to make that determination?

Why don't you ask Shiff? He claimed they were the star witnesses that would provide the smoking gun to nail Trump. Could it possibly be that he was lying yet again?

Because you are the one who made the claim here. Either back it up or admit you can't. Your call.

I didn't make a claim. You asked a nonsensical question. I asked you a question, but apparently you are too stupid to recognize what the "?" at the end means!
So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?
There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.
They have evidence on Trump. That is why Trump is refusing to respect the subpoenas. That is why he won't let staff testify.
Again....conjecture, IM2. You don't know, you are assuming

noooooooooooooo... ambassador taylor testified that he took extremely detailed notes - in real time - that pompeo won't release. the REAL transcript is hiding in a super secure server & trump refuses to release. AND several people called to testify are defying subpoenas

john bolton, mick mulvaney, mike pompeo, don mcgahn; just to name a few that came to me right away, but there are others.
Wow! Sounds good...but, then again, the Russia Hoax sounded good too.

Hard to keep up with their 'plans.'

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’one after another lead balloons.

Why don't you ask Shiff? He claimed they were the star witnesses that would provide the smoking gun to nail Trump. Could it possibly be that he was lying yet again?

He does have credible witnesses.
You just refuse to believe them and support the criminal (R) party.
Let's see people with actual first hand knowledge testify, like they legally should.

Force those cowards to make a decision.

Lie for the president and face criminal charges.
Tell the truth about the corrupt (R) party and President Trump.

Vindman testifies Tuesday, with first hand knowledge, he WAS on the call.
Groundwork has already be set for (R) to call him a traitor and a liar.
Groundwork has already been set for the summary transcript to be called the Real and Factual Total transcript.
Which we know it is not, it even says that on the transcript, yet trumpsters will still say, "read the transcript."
We can't read the transcript, it is partial, and Vindman will fill in the ellipses. And ya'll will call him a liar.

We have already seen what Vindman has to say. Nothing!

He is traitor and a liar because he was advising Ukraine on how to deal with Trump. He went outside the chain of command.

Those ellipses are there because someone stopped talking or they were interrupted. Like mots dumbass, you don't know what they mean. The others listening and transcribing the call disagreed with him on several corrections he tried to make and included others. No conspiracy and no evidence is all you have.
Last edited:
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.
Trump has broken laws, violated ethics and his oath of office. And you know that. So stop repeating what Trump tells you to think. Last night another democrat beat a Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate in a state Trump won. Democrats stomped republicans in the mid terms. And Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016. He is president by fluke.
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.
Trump has broken laws, violated ethics and his oath of office. And you know that. So stop repeating what Trump tells you to think. Last night another democrat beat a Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate in a state Trump won. Democrats stomped republicans in the mid terms. And Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016. He is president by fluke.
IM2, you hope that Trump broke laws, you hope that Trump violated ethics and his oath of office. An incumbent won the election last night.
Trump won the electoral college for the know the one that counts.
Have a good day, I need to get along with my real life, and not my entertainment
There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.
They have evidence on Trump. That is why Trump is refusing to respect the subpoenas. That is why he won't let staff testify.
Again....conjecture, IM2. You don't know, you are assuming

noooooooooooooo... ambassador taylor testified that he took extremely detailed notes - in real time - that pompeo won't release. the REAL transcript is hiding in a super secure server & trump refuses to release. AND several people called to testify are defying subpoenas

john bolton, mick mulvaney, mike pompeo, don mcgahn; just to name a few that came to me right away, but there are others.
Wow! Sounds good...but, then again, the Russia Hoax sounded good too.

Hard to keep up with their 'plans.'

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’one after another lead balloons.

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

The impeachment inquiry into the behavior of President Donald Trump has reached a public phase, giving the American people their first chance to reach their own judgments.

Two witnesses testified Wednesday before a House panel, including one who told of a cellphone call during which the president allegedly pushed to use America’s national security apparatus to do his own political dirty work.

Eight other witnesses have been scheduled. These include the U.S. diplomat on that call with Trump, at least one other person at the table listening in, and a decorated Army officer working for the National Security Council. But many others aren’t coming because the Trump administration is engaged in what could only be categorized as stonewalling.

The stonewalling can only contribute to the perception that the administration knows it did wrong and is trying to hide that fact as much as it can. Ultimately, refusal to cooperate with congressional subpoenas might itself be impeachable conduct.

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

This is obstruction. Nothing has failed.
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.
Trump has broken laws, violated ethics and his oath of office. And you know that. So stop repeating what Trump tells you to think. Last night another democrat beat a Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate in a state Trump won. Democrats stomped republicans in the mid terms. And Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016. He is president by fluke.
IM2, you hope that Trump broke laws, you hope that Trump violated ethics and his oath of office. An incumbent won the election last night.
Trump won the electoral college for the know the one that counts.
Have a good day, I need to get along with my real life, and not my entertainment
I don't hope anything. Your boy has done what I have said he's done.

In 55 elections, only 5 president have entered office after losing the popular vote.

This is a fluke presidency.
And that's not an impeachable offense either.

That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense.

I see. So what you're saying is that any VP can conduct themselves in an illegal way, and nobody can even look into it in the next administration if they are running for President? Where is that written by the way?

It wasn''t Bidens decisions to hold up, cancel or approve the funds. He just let the Ukranian Leader know see the hand writing on the wall. Had they not fired the corrupt prosecutor, then there was a good chance that Congress and the President would have canceled the funds. You can say anything you wish but that was Statesman at it's finest.

Meanwhile, Rump was playing lose without Congressional assistance with congressional approved funds trying to get a political public favor from the new Ukranian Leader. Rump didn't have the power to do so but he tried. And he finally backed off AFTER the incident was reported in public. Then he tried to cover it up. Then he tried to and still tries to, intimidate witnesses and obstruct.

The Justice Department just finished busting Stone for similar crimes. The only difference is, Stone isn't the President. The President is supposed to be above such actions and this should not have EVER become an issue. But we have a Criminal for a President. And if Stone thinks that Rump will pardon him, Stone has another thing coming. Rump has already thrown Stone to the dumpster.

If Stone has been found guilty then Rump needs to be found guilty for the same crimes.

Repeating typical MSM garbage.

Trump never intimidated anybody. Who are you talking about with intimidation?

If Biden wasn't in charge of holding up funds, why did he say he was? When officials in Ukraine asked about it, he told them to call DumBama and see what happens.

Just because Congress approves funds doesn't mean the President has to release them unconditionally. And how did Trump try to cover it up when it was only days he released the transcript?

For one, I don't watch MSN. I am too much of a tighwad. Same goes for all the other so called "Political Motivated" News outlets (including Foxnews) that you keep harping about. I go by what I see on the local news which actually reports the news. In fact, if anything, the news around here is center right. Sor your claim that I am repeating MSN is a lie. But what else is new.

So Rump never intimidates. His routine on the Ambassador shows different. His treatment of anyone that doesn't exactly toe the line shows different. He uses his office for his own personal uses. Much like trying to get the name of the Whistle Blower. With Rumps history, that's akin to a death sentence. Or he uses his intimidation to force elected officials to overlook his serious escapades that only a despot would do. He tries to operate the office of the President of the United States like the head of a Mob Boss.

Biden wasn't in charge of the funds. Congress was in charge of those funds and could rescind them anytime. The President could ask Congress to reject the funds or release those funds in a timely manner as per the agreement from the Congress. Biden did a great statesman's way of telling them that if they didn't get rid of the corrupt prosecutor that they were going to lose those funds. He gave than a 6 hour ultimatum with the backing of Congress and the President. Biden was the messenger. Since it force Ukraine to go against Putin, I can understand why you would find fault in this, Comrade.

Rump released the funds AFTER the whistle blower approached the NSA IG who in turn turned it over to the congress. Rump was bagged. Yes, it was days before the transcript was released to congress but it was AFTER he instructed that the transcript and conversation was buried in a secret server that was never meant to house that information. In affect, Rump was trying to bury it. Rump tried to use his position to force another head of state to contribute to his reelection campaign by what is in affect, bribery or blackmail. If I am in the process of doing an armed robbery of a bank and the bank gets surround by the cops can I just give the money back and say, "I never really did Rob the Bank, therefore, there is no crime". You and Rump may very well have rewritten criminal law for everyone else. No, you don't want it for everyone else, just Rump. And even a President is not above the law.

The NSA IG? Who the fudge is that? The whistleblower works for the NSC, not the NSA, dumbass!

You can't even get one simple fact straight!
Apparently winning the election as a Republican President is an impeachable offense. Good luck losers.

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That ignores Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush the Lesser. None of them were impeached.

Getting an intern blow job is also an impeachable offense, don't forget that. I don't imagine that will be an issue for Trump because he has to pay for sex and interns don't get paid enough for that horror.

The blowjob was not an impeachable offense. Are you so much of a dumbass that you cannot read the Articles of Impeachment for Bubba Clinton?

He lied under oath.
Oh sorry, I thought you watched the testimony yesterday.
I did. I watched Schiff and Yovanovitch claim that Trump smeared her.

actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

She wasn't dismissed, she was reassigned. And the president doesn't need a reason.


uh - ya. i know & have said that in other posts. the question is ---- by the abassador herself was that ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the prez - but why was she 'smeared'?

Because he is covering up his real reason for getting her out of office. Next week, it comes very clear. It's not going to be a good month for Rump.

He doesn't have to have a reason, dumbass!

For someone who claims to be so smart, you really are a dumb MF!
Who says he did? That was simply Yovanovitch ans Schiff's interpretation of what happened.
Oh sorry, I thought you watched the testimony yesterday.
I did. I watched Schiff and Yovanovitch claim that Trump smeared her.

actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

She wasn't dismissed, she was reassigned. And the president doesn't need a reason.


uh - ya. i know & have said that in other posts. the question is ---- by the abassador herself - was that ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the prez - but why was she 'smeared'?
What does that have to do with the call?
Apparently winning the election as a Republican President is an impeachable offense. Good luck losers.

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So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?
What is trump’s crime mthr fkr? Why do you continue to ignore the question?
Why don't you ask Shiff? He claimed they were the star witnesses that would provide the smoking gun to nail Trump. Could it possibly be that he was lying yet again?

He does have credible witnesses.
You just refuse to believe them and support the criminal (R) party.
Let's see people with actual first hand knowledge testify, like they legally should.

Force those cowards to make a decision.

Lie for the president and face criminal charges.
Tell the truth about the corrupt (R) party and President Trump.

Vindman testifies Tuesday, with first hand knowledge, he WAS on the call.
Groundwork has already be set for (R) to call him a traitor and a liar.
Groundwork has already been set for the summary transcript to be called the Real and Factual Total transcript.
Which we know it is not, it even says that on the transcript, yet trumpsters will still say, "read the transcript."
We can't read the transcript, it is partial, and Vindman will fill in the ellipses. And ya'll will call him a liar.

We have already seen what Vindman has to say. Nothing!

He is traitor and a liar because he was advising Ukraine on how to deal with Trump. He went outside the chain of command.

THose ellipses are there because someone stopped talking or they were interrupted. Like mots dumbass, you don't know what they mean. The others listening and transcribing the call disagreed with him on several corrections he tried to make and included others. No conspiracy and no evidence is all you have.

BTW, she didn’t have any idea of any crime committed by the president.
Other do. His fat orange ass will be impeached
Why weren’t they there then instead?
Have you seen todays news?
Let me guess, it is something negative about Trump.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Testimony Ties Trump Closer To Pressure On Ukraine | HuffPost
Can’t make it up. I suppose you believe anything you read. I can’t help your ignorance.
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.
It maybe tired, and it maybe old, but the truth does get old.
And, the truth doesn't change like all the fluid yarns from the left.

Oh, yeah. Immutable.

“My complaint has always been, and I’d withhold again, and I’ll continue to withhold until such time as Europe and other nations contribute to Ukraine, because they’re not doing it,” Trump the Truthful.
BTW, she didn’t have any idea of any crime committed by the president.
Other do. His fat orange ass will be impeached
Why weren’t they there then instead?
Have you seen todays news?
Let me guess, it is something negative about Trump.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Testimony Ties Trump Closer To Pressure On Ukraine | HuffPost
by the way, let’s see the transcript from that fks phone!
Apparently winning the election as a Republican President is an impeachable offense. Good luck losers.

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You know what's incredible to me too: they perfectly expect when THEY win the White House again, WE will treat their president fairly.

oh honey, okay. Yep. You go right on thinking that you have a bunch of George Bushes around you when you take the WH back and not a bunch of us. Yep. You go on thinking that. Sure.
Your association with reality is non existent. You guys trashed Obama for 8 years and are still going. But Trump has broken laws and violated his oath of office. So if you have any morals you stop lying about why trump is in this position.

Good luck.

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Apparently winning the election as a Republican President is an impeachable offense. Good luck losers.

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So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?

I’m talking about in this day and time.

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