Then you are admitting that Obama and Kerry abused power by withholding funds from Iran for many years? That cost lives! They withheld aid from the Kurds for years! Abuse of power! That cost lives! How many more do you want? Where is the prosecution???!!!
Withholding funds because of good for America is not the same as withholding fund for political reasons. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this.

Then please point out where or when Trump said he's holding up the money for political reasons. It's all we are asking.

Unreal Dave gets all his insider information directly from the Cosmos through his Ouija Board!
OK, put his fat ass on the witness stand.

There is no recording. All we have is a White House generated synopsis.

Hard to do when Trump has no fat ass to begin with!

View attachment 290312

You people really need to stop your constant lying and get a grip of something besides your pecker. I think what we need to do is go back and listen to the recordings or transcripts of a few Obama phone calls and put Obama on the stand. Surely there is plenty of justification for this and I think we need some good reference before we can accurately judge anything about what Trump ever said!

PROVE TO US that there was really anything so highly unusual about anything Trump ever said!

Trump has an enormous ass. Just because he's got it covered up with his man mumu doesn't mean it is not massive. He had to find XXXXXL granny panties just to contain it.

DO US A FAVOR, had to do with Crowdstrike. and yes from Trumps point of view, he had been wrongly set up, so of course given the opportunity he can mention that if he wants. Do us a favor means just that, unless you can prove otherwise. Doing us a favor in no way says We are withholding anything from them as Democrats would like it to mean,.... which is why Schiff stood up there and embellished out of his ASS... he had to make the conversation something that it wasnt. WHY? because the Democrats have planed to impeach Trump from the day he was elected and are looking for anything they can lie about.
They are a damn disgrace. In any other time what they are doing would be called treason but they have the entire news media on their side, and that is a powerful thing.

Except Trump was doing exactly that. He was withholding $400 million in foreign aid to Ukraine when he made that phone call to the new president of Ukraine. You fail.

withholding 400 million? or it just haddnt been released yet? I dont know, its hard to believe any narrative Schiff and Pelosi come up with. They have a really bad track record of making things up as they go. Zelenzky said he was unaware of any funds being held up, and was unaware of any pressure. Seems to me this QUid pro quo is just something the Dems have been hoping to be true as they are actively searching for any reason to remove Trump from office. Their Soviet style tactics are the real fail here, as they deny the voters who elected Trump.

Why did Turmp have to do a smear job on Yovanovitch to get her out of the way?

He didn't have to, he could replace her any time he wanted.

By the way, are there any examples of those smears, or should we take Ambassador's word for it?
Since we stopped hanging traitors, the Stalinist democrats continue to take shot after shot against Trump. Hopefully, this is corrected after the Fisa report
I did. I watched Schiff and Yovanovitch claim that Trump smeared her.

actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

She wasn't dismissed, she was reassigned. And the president doesn't need a reason.


uh - ya. i know & have said that in other posts. the question is ---- by the abassador herself was that ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the prez - but why was she 'smeared'?

Because he is covering up his real reason for getting her out of office. Next week, it comes very clear. It's not going to be a good month for Rump.

He doesn't have to have a reason, dumbass!

For someone who claims to be so smart, you really are a dumb MF!

Not once have I claimed to be that bright. Meanwhile, you are calling everyone around you a dumbass. Does that mean you are claiming to be Gods gift to bright boys? But it's pretty clear Rump had to get rid of her to get his lapdog into that position to get his bribery or blackmail to begin. The Ambassador was asked point blank if she would have supported any of this and she answered point blank, "No". And if you haven't noticed, the diplomatic community did NOT fire her. They sent her to train new Diplomats. Her support was so powerful that she received a standing ovation and loud applause as she left the chambers. Rump is in for a rough week starting next Wednesday when they start looking into what they have already opened up with the Professional Diplomats. If the Political Appointees try what Rump demands of them now, they go to prison. So look for them to come clean for a change. And Rump to go deeper and deeper.

Withholding funds because of good for America is not the same as withholding fund for political reasons. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this.

Then please point out where or when Trump said he's holding up the money for political reasons. It's all we are asking.

Unreal Dave gets all his insider information directly from the Cosmos through his Ouija Board!
OK, put his fat ass on the witness stand.

There is no recording. All we have is a White House generated synopsis.

Hard to do when Trump has no fat ass to begin with!

View attachment 290312

You people really need to stop your constant lying and get a grip of something besides your pecker. I think what we need to do is go back and listen to the recordings or transcripts of a few Obama phone calls and put Obama on the stand. Surely there is plenty of justification for this and I think we need some good reference before we can accurately judge anything about what Trump ever said!

PROVE TO US that there was really anything so highly unusual about anything Trump ever said!

Trump has an enormous ass. Just because he's got it covered up with his man mumu doesn't mean it is not massive. He had to find XXXXXL granny panties just to contain it.


Nice Photoshop. Get that off the web of thousands of fake Trump pictures or you do that one yourself?


I just love your delusions. It will make beating your ass again next year so much easier.
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.
Not true, a law was absolutely broken. Soliciting a campaign contribution from a foreign national is a crime. Trump did this when he asked Zelensky to investigate Biden.
Then please point out where or when Trump said he's holding up the money for political reasons. It's all we are asking.

Unreal Dave gets all his insider information directly from the Cosmos through his Ouija Board!
OK, put his fat ass on the witness stand.

There is no recording. All we have is a White House generated synopsis.

Hard to do when Trump has no fat ass to begin with!

View attachment 290312

You people really need to stop your constant lying and get a grip of something besides your pecker. I think what we need to do is go back and listen to the recordings or transcripts of a few Obama phone calls and put Obama on the stand. Surely there is plenty of justification for this and I think we need some good reference before we can accurately judge anything about what Trump ever said!

PROVE TO US that there was really anything so highly unusual about anything Trump ever said!

Trump has an enormous ass. Just because he's got it covered up with his man mumu doesn't mean it is not massive. He had to find XXXXXL granny panties just to contain it.


Nice Photoshop. Get that off the web of thousands of fake Trump pictures or you do that one yourself?

View attachment 290313

I just love your delusions. It will make beating your ass again next year so much easier.
Nope. Original images from Getty Images.

World's Best Trump Playing Tennis Stock Pictures, Photos, and Images - Getty Images

"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.
Trump has broken laws, violated ethics and his oath of office. And you know that. So stop repeating what Trump tells you to think. Last night another democrat beat a Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate in a state Trump won. Democrats stomped republicans in the mid terms. And Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016. He is president by fluke.
IM2, you hope that Trump broke laws, you hope that Trump violated ethics and his oath of office. An incumbent won the election last night.
Trump won the electoral college for the know the one that counts.
Have a good day, I need to get along with my real life, and not my entertainment
Oh bless your precious heart. Nobody has to HOPE that Trump broke laws, violated ethics and his oath of office.

Intelligent folks already KNEW this would happen based on his lifelong behavior prior to his becoming President. Only red state dotard nutters thought anything different.
Well Bless your heart, also.
Damn, there's not suppose to be opposition within the administration, loyal or otherwise. These fuckers are hired to carry out the policy of their elected boss, not try implement their own policy.

"Their own policy" is the policy of the United States as it had been for the past several years, supporting Ukraine's efforts to clean out the corrupt oligarchs subverting attempts at a fair and democratic government. It was also the policy of the United States to support Ukraine militarily in its fight against Russian aggression.
If the "boss" didn't like this policy, for whatever reason, he had every right to stand up and tell the State Department why and what he wanted done instead. But Trump didn't do that, did he? He got his private attorney and a bunch of thug friends to do it "under the table" and for the most part the current officials around the President closed their eyes to it and let it happen. I'm grateful to the whistleblower and to the people who have testified to what happened. Not because I couldn't cope with not having "my guy" elected, but because Trump is a crook.

Imagine, had Trump had the 'whistleblower' arrested as a spy.....

Obama did just that.

The Obama administration had 8 whistleblowers. President Obama handled each one the same way - he had the FBI bust into their home, arrest them, and he then prosecuted them for espionage. Of course the biased media kept quiet and looked the other way. Their were a few exceptions. Here's one news report on it:

War on whistleblowers?

Bet you didn't know that.

What did they blow the whistle on? I watched the video and it never said.

The whistleblower claimed Donald Trump solicited a foreign country to help intervene in the 2020 election and that the White House sought to cover it up.

And, of course, we have a signed treaty to that effect....

If that is a problem.....
....why did Bill 'the rapist' Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine with exactly the same purpose?????

"Formal Title
  • Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.
Date Received from President
  • 11/10/1999 Text of Treaty Document available as:

You left this part out...

Article 2 provides for the establishment of Central Authorities and defines Central Authorities for purposes of the Treaty. For the United States, the Central Authority shall be the Attorney General or a person designated by the Attorney General. For Ukraine, the Central Authority shall be the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor General. The article provides that the Central Authorities shall communicate directly with one another for the purposes of the Treaty.
So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?
There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.
They have evidence on Trump. That is why Trump is refusing to respect the subpoenas. That is why he won't let staff testify.
Again....conjecture, IM2. You don't know, you are assuming

noooooooooooooo... ambassador taylor testified that he took extremely detailed notes - in real time - that pompeo won't release. the REAL transcript is hiding in a super secure server & trump refuses to release. AND several people called to testify are defying subpoenas

john bolton, mick mulvaney, mike pompeo, don mcgahn; just to name a few that came to me right away, but there are others.
Wow! Sounds good...but, then again, the Russia Hoax sounded good too.
There was no hoax. Russia really did hack Democrats throughout the election year. That you refer to it as a hoax (Trump's vernacular) reveals just how much he's brainwashed you.
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.
Trump has broken laws, violated ethics and his oath of office. And you know that. So stop repeating what Trump tells you to think. Last night another democrat beat a Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate in a state Trump won. Democrats stomped republicans in the mid terms. And Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016. He is president by fluke.
IM2, you hope that Trump broke laws, you hope that Trump violated ethics and his oath of office. An incumbent won the election last night.
Trump won the electoral college for the know the one that counts.
Have a good day, I need to get along with my real life, and not my entertainment
Oh bless your precious heart. Nobody has to HOPE that Trump broke laws, violated ethics and his oath of office.

Intelligent folks already KNEW this would happen based on his lifelong behavior prior to his becoming President. Only red state dotard nutters thought anything different.
Well Bless your heart, also.
God Bless America!
So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?
There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.

donny is blocking all the evidence from being turned over to congress in addition to blocking witness' too chicken shit to defy & show up. those that are testifying are doing it outa loyalty to the constitution & not to a man who wants to rule like an autocrat.
Of course, because we all know that this isn't a witch hunt. :laughing0301:

It's not a witch hunt. You will learn this.

Like the collusion witch hunt from your boy?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What boy?
Apparently winning the election as a Republican President is an impeachable offense. Good luck losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?
There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.

donny is blocking all the evidence from being turned over to congress in addition to blocking witness' too chicken shit to defy & show up. those that are testifying are doing it outa loyalty to the constitution & not to a man who wants to rule like an autocrat.
Of course, because we all know that this isn't a witch hunt. :laughing0301:

well i know that if it were & president tinkles had the evidence to show it was, he sure as hell would do EVERYTHING he could to show the witch hunters how wrong they were. he would hold a televised 'event' with spotlights, a red carpet, & probably make it a pay per view so he could make $$$ off it.

but none of that is gonna happen. & we both know why.

Then maybe we can make a trade: Ask the President for those witnesses, and in return, we get to question the whistleblower and the person he or she got their information from; the person that was listening on the phone.

Sound like a good deal to you???
This is obstruction. Nothing has failed.

This is executive privilege, your article is FOS.
He cannot whine about not being allowed to present his "side," and then refuse to provide information to the committee that would supposedly "clear" him. He is telling his cronies not to testify, refusing the committee's subpoenas. That would be telling his side, wouldn't it? Why is he telling them not to testify?
Trump can't have it both ways. He needs to quit complaining about how unfair it is when he won't even come forward with his supposed defense, which I highly doubt he has--because it's obvious he's been caught red handed and the best he can do is hope enough people swallow his bullshit to keep him out of trouble.
So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?
There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.

donny is blocking all the evidence from being turned over to congress in addition to blocking witness' too chicken shit to defy & show up. those that are testifying are doing it outa loyalty to the constitution & not to a man who wants to rule like an autocrat.
Of course, because we all know that this isn't a witch hunt. :laughing0301:

well i know that if it were & president tinkles had the evidence to show it was, he sure as hell would do EVERYTHING he could to show the witch hunters how wrong they were. he would hold a televised 'event' with spotlights, a red carpet, & probably make it a pay per view so he could make $$$ off it.

but none of that is gonna happen. & we both know why.

Then maybe we can make a trade: Ask the President for those witnesses, and in return, we get to question the whistleblower and the person he or she got their information from; the person that was listening on the phone.

Sound like a good deal to you???
NO, because this is America, not Russia. We don't punish those who come forward to report wrong doing, not even if it is someone in your political party.
This is obstruction. Nothing has failed.

This is executive privilege, your article is FOS.
He cannot whine about not being allowed to present his "side," and then refuse to provide information to the committee that would supposedly "clear" him. He is telling his cronies not to testify, refusing the committee's subpoenas. That would be telling his side, wouldn't it? Why is he telling them not to testify?
Trump can't have it both ways. He needs to quit complaining about how unfair it is when he won't even come forward with his supposed defense, which I highly doubt he has--because it's obvious he's been caught red handed and the best he can do is hope enough people swallow his bullshit to keep him out of trouble.

I cant wait to hear your answer!!!
This is obstruction. Nothing has failed.

This is executive privilege, your article is FOS.
He cannot whine about not being allowed to present his "side," and then refuse to provide information to the committee that would supposedly "clear" him. He is telling his cronies not to testify, refusing the committee's subpoenas. That would be telling his side, wouldn't it? Why is he telling them not to testify?
Trump can't have it both ways. He needs to quit complaining about how unfair it is when he won't even come forward with his supposed defense, which I highly doubt he has--because it's obvious he's been caught red handed and the best he can do is hope enough people swallow his bullshit to keep him out of trouble.

Look OL, up to this point this has all been 100% the democrat's show. It is the democrats who want it both ways. They don't want TRump's people to clear him, they want to use them to finagle more bullcrap to try to twist around to hit him over the head with! And just why should TRump go along with that?

THE DEMOCRAT'S HAVE ALREADY ACCUSED AND CHARGED TRUMP WITH THE CONCLUSIONS OF CRIMES. You don't do that if you haven't even finished your investigation, much less heard from and allowed the defendant to present his side. Either they have the proof to back that up or they should be charged with liable and defamation.

And sadly, Nancy, calling an investigation into YOU fake, that you know nothing about because it hurts and would expose your party, is both divisive, dishonest and LYING. SO YOU ARE IMMEDIATELY DISCOUNTED FROM ALL FUTURE CONSIDERATION AS A FACTUAL WITNESS ON ANYTHING.

And the very fact that the reporter doesn't ASK HER why the investigation by Trump into the democrats is "fake" or what is fake about it proves they are about as worthless and fraudulent as she is.
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