There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.

donny is blocking all the evidence from being turned over to congress in addition to blocking witness' too chicken shit to defy & show up. those that are testifying are doing it outa loyalty to the constitution & not to a man who wants to rule like an autocrat.
Of course, because we all know that this isn't a witch hunt. :laughing0301:

well i know that if it were & president tinkles had the evidence to show it was, he sure as hell would do EVERYTHING he could to show the witch hunters how wrong they were. he would hold a televised 'event' with spotlights, a red carpet, & probably make it a pay per view so he could make $$$ off it.

but none of that is gonna happen. & we both know why.

Then maybe we can make a trade: Ask the President for those witnesses, and in return, we get to question the whistleblower and the person he or she got their information from; the person that was listening on the phone.

Sound like a good deal to you???

Fair enough. The person that heard the conversation was questioned in the Basement because he has a sensitive position. He was questioned by both Dems and Reps. His account was verified. Wed, they talk openly with the person that Rump was talking with. You got that one already. The Whistle Blower is due to testify using voice only with voice altering electronics to hide his identity. To figure out who he really is is a death sentence. But that's just the justification for the probable cause and doesn't really mean anything anymore. When dealing with a Mob Boss, there is just too many death sentences involved. And make no doubt, Rump thinks of himself as a Mob Boss. There really isn't any other way to explain his behavior. So when dealing with him, that's how you have to react.

What's ironic is, like Al Capone, the biggest thing they are going to bag Rump for is on Taxes like they have MOST other Modern Mob Bosses. The similarities are striking.

So besides the Russia and bribery thing, they've convinced you of that one too......huh?

I'm fine with that as long as there is a Republican in the room to verify that he took an oath to tell the whole truth to Congress, and that the Republicans get to ask him questions. Sure, they can ask him questions in the basement, but all information stays in that basement and not allowed to be public. Irregardless, in the Senate, Mitch gets to call who he wants, and subpoena who he wants. The Democrats are well aware of this, and that's why they probably won't take it to an actual impeachment vote.
The upcoming week is going to be very painful for the Trump lover.
Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty.

"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation?"


Literally no one is saying that, ya dumbfuck. That you keep thinking that's what's being said reveals how brain damaged you are.

"If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

Great, show where that treaty authorizes the president of the U.S. to make requests to the president of Ukraine to open up new investigations....

How about you show where the president is prohibited form introducing his AG, or asking for cooperation with his AG to the NEW president of Ukraine? Poor little short bus, your desperation is showing. ROFL

I accept your aversion from showing where the treaty authorizes the president to do what Trump did as tacit confession the treaty doesn't authorize Trump to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate a political rival.

It must really suck to constantly get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


There you are, spazing out again. Would it be a crime if Biden weren't running? Come on short bus, be honest.


Dumbfuck, it wouldn't be a crime if Biden wasn't a rival just like it wouldn't be a crime if Trump asked his own DoJ to investigate Biden who is a political rival.

Do you see now why you are such a retard for thinking I said Biden was untouchable because he's running for office?

It must really suck to constantly get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


Poor little short bus, if Biden can be investigated if he wasn't running, then he can be investigated when he is. How Trump decides to pursue it is irrelevant, Bidens corruption likely occurred in Ukraine or they have some knowledge about it, asking Zelensky about cooperation is not a crime.

Apparently winning the election as a Republican President is an impeachable offense. Good luck losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That ignores Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush the Lesser. None of them were impeached.

Getting an intern blow job is also an impeachable offense, don't forget that. I don't imagine that will be an issue for Trump because he has to pay for sex and interns don't get paid enough for that horror.
True but not because the opposition did not try. In 1987, Representative Henry B. Gonzalez introduced articles of impeachment against President Ronald Reagan regarding the Iran Contra affair. There were resolutions of impeachment introduced in the House for both Bushs and of course Clinton got impeached. Although there was no resolution introduced to impeach Obama, it was a threat that hung over him during his entire presidency.

Impeachment is a political process just like an election to change leadership of the country. It's seldom done but every president is threaten with impeachment. From the day the candidate wins the election, plans are being made to impeach him.
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation?"


Literally no one is saying that, ya dumbfuck. That you keep thinking that's what's being said reveals how brain damaged you are.

"If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

Great, show where that treaty authorizes the president of the U.S. to make requests to the president of Ukraine to open up new investigations....

How about you show where the president is prohibited form introducing his AG, or asking for cooperation with his AG to the NEW president of Ukraine? Poor little short bus, your desperation is showing. ROFL

I accept your aversion from showing where the treaty authorizes the president to do what Trump did as tacit confession the treaty doesn't authorize Trump to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate a political rival.

It must really suck to constantly get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


There you are, spazing out again. Would it be a crime if Biden weren't running? Come on short bus, be honest.


Dumbfuck, it wouldn't be a crime if Biden wasn't a rival just like it wouldn't be a crime if Trump asked his own DoJ to investigate Biden who is a political rival.

Do you see now why you are such a retard for thinking I said Biden was untouchable because he's running for office?

It must really suck to constantly get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


Poor little short bus, if Biden can be investigated if he wasn't running, then he can be investigated when he is. How Trump decides to pursue it is irrelevant, Bidens corruption likely occurred in Ukraine or they have some knowledge about it, asking Zelensky about cooperation is not a crime.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

WTF is wrong with you?? I say candidate Biden can be investigated if Trump had asked the DoJ to investigate him -- and you still think I'm saying Biden can't be investigated because he's a candidate.

You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
Sure you did. What you said is that because Trump withheld money for whatever reason, and it benefits him, that's an impeachable offense, even though there's absolutely no evidence that his actions did anything for his campaign, given the fact Biden is not his challenger yet in the presidential race.

Repeating it doesn't improve it. What I said was: "That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense."

What you've spilled on the page is some nonsense you wish I had said.

What you said is like the call transcript. It's available for all to see.

Trump holds up money to Ukraine for whatever purposes he held it up for. But because it may have also benefited him in the event he ran against Biden, that makes it an impeachable offense. Did you not say that?

And if so, that means that Trump couldn't have held up the money for any reason, even if he knew it would end up in corrupt hands, because Biden is in the race. Did you not say that???
So you're saying it is just a coincidence that Trump withheld the military aid just days before the phone call. And it's just coincidental that Trump dropped a request that Zelensky open a corruption investigation when discussing military aid in the phone conversation. And of course, it's just a coincidence that Biden's son worked for the company to be investigated. And it was coincidental that Trump fired the Ambassador to the Ukraine, who was not on the Trump team, just weeks before the phone call. And of course Zelensky's much sought after meeting with the president was being delayed.

WOW! What a strange series of coincidences.

Riddle me this: If Zelensky took Trump's request as a threat, how is it he had no idea US aid was being held up? I mean, if an inspector comes to my house to complain my house paint is chipping, and I offer him 100 to ignore it, we both know I bribed him. I gave him a hundred bucks, and he got in his car and left.

What the left is trying to claim here, is that Trump bribed Zelensky, and Zelensky had no idea he'd just been bribed. Yes, Trump wanted to know the association between Hunter and Ukraine. After all, the drug addict got a job in a field he didn't know anything about, in a country he didn't know anything about; not even the language, all while his father was not only the VP, but in charge of goings on in the country.
I did not claim Zelensky took Trump's request to be a threat at that time. As you said, he did know the funds were frozen. At that time, Zelensky would could consider it a simple request for a favor. However, in about a week, Zelensky would learn Trump's request for a favor was not a request.

Zelensky was told to work with Juliana which made sense because Trump had removed the ambassador. Obviously Juliana's part in this was to act as Trump's go between in regard to a public announcement of the investigation and providing details to the president. No doubt, there would have been an announcement of an investigation had the whisleblower's complaint not come out about 2 weeks after the phone call.

Who the hell is Juliana? Did you mean to say Giuliani?

And Trumps next sentence was?

Dumbfucking cuck, Trump's next sentence was to continue talking about the prosecutor Biden got fired.

"A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved."

WTF is wrong with you??

And the next sentence was?

"Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man."

So you admit he didn't move straight to "the other thing"? Good job short bus.

Dumbfuck, Giuliani admitted talking to the Ukrainian's about Biden. So talking about the prosecutor getting fired is Trump talking about Biden. Trump talking about Giuliani is still talking about Biden since that is what Giuliani was investigating.

It must really suck to continually get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


And the next sentence was?

Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty.

Investigate them all. But only picking one & wanting an announcement more than the actual investigation should be a hint.

Did any of the others have a son raking in millions from Burisma while they were running point for the country? Even officials from the maobama admin expressed concern, but when Trump express the same concern it's suddenly impeachable. Give me a freaking break.

NOTHING that Biden may have done will undo what Trump has done. NOTHING

Here's what he did: apply the signed treaty.

This one:

We have a signed treaty to that effect....

If that is a problem.....
....why did Bill 'the rapist' Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine with exactly the same purpose?????

"Formal Title

  • Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.
Date Received from President

  • 11/10/1999 Text of Treaty Document available as:

Of course you didn't know this, huh?
Presidents are not authorized to make such requests to Ukraine's president, under the provisions of that treaty.

Sadly, reality evades you.
Incorrect. You cannot read and words don’t change to suit your fancy
Biden’s boasts on video in no uncertain terms of his quid pro quo threats yet Dems are trying to meticulous weave how Trump did it.

When the fuck will you assholes get that Biden was working for America & FastAss Donnie was working for himself.

How God Damn stupid are you people?
How was he working for himself?
At that time Biden was no threat to Trump but was a threat to the security of the USA.
Dumbfucking cuck, Trump's next sentence was to continue talking about the prosecutor Biden got fired.

"A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved."

WTF is wrong with you??

And the next sentence was?

"Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man."

So you admit he didn't move straight to "the other thing"? Good job short bus.

Dumbfuck, Giuliani admitted talking to the Ukrainian's about Biden. So talking about the prosecutor getting fired is Trump talking about Biden. Trump talking about Giuliani is still talking about Biden since that is what Giuliani was investigating.

It must really suck to continually get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


And the next sentence was?


Poor deranged cuck, I already quoted Trump talking about the prosecutor who got fired by Biden right after he talked about CrowdStrike and the DNC server. As always, your senility is noted and laughed at.

And Trump's next sentence was more about Giuliani.

"He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you."
If this upcoming week is anything like last week then there won’t be a next week for the Dem traitors.
How about you show where the president is prohibited form introducing his AG, or asking for cooperation with his AG to the NEW president of Ukraine? Poor little short bus, your desperation is showing. ROFL

I accept your aversion from showing where the treaty authorizes the president to do what Trump did as tacit confession the treaty doesn't authorize Trump to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate a political rival.

It must really suck to constantly get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


There you are, spazing out again. Would it be a crime if Biden weren't running? Come on short bus, be honest.


Dumbfuck, it wouldn't be a crime if Biden wasn't a rival just like it wouldn't be a crime if Trump asked his own DoJ to investigate Biden who is a political rival.

Do you see now why you are such a retard for thinking I said Biden was untouchable because he's running for office?

It must really suck to constantly get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


Poor little short bus, if Biden can be investigated if he wasn't running, then he can be investigated when he is. How Trump decides to pursue it is irrelevant, Bidens corruption likely occurred in Ukraine or they have some knowledge about it, asking Zelensky about cooperation is not a crime.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

WTF is wrong with you?? I say candidate Biden can be investigated if Trump had asked the DoJ to investigate him -- and you still think I'm saying Biden can't be investigated because he's a candidate.

You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

You mad short bus? Trump asked for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call, that's not a crime.

Investigate them all. But only picking one & wanting an announcement more than the actual investigation should be a hint.

Did any of the others have a son raking in millions from Burisma while they were running point for the country? Even officials from the maobama admin expressed concern, but when Trump express the same concern it's suddenly impeachable. Give me a freaking break.

NOTHING that Biden may have done will undo what Trump has done. NOTHING

Here's what he did: apply the signed treaty.

This one:

We have a signed treaty to that effect....

If that is a problem.....
....why did Bill 'the rapist' Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine with exactly the same purpose?????

"Formal Title

  • Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.
Date Received from President

  • 11/10/1999 Text of Treaty Document available as:

Of course you didn't know this, huh?
Presidents are not authorized to make such requests to Ukraine's president, under the provisions of that treaty.

Sadly, reality evades you.
Incorrect. You cannot read and words don’t change to suit your fancy
Moron, why are you blaming me because you don't understand neither Trump nor Zelensky are the Cental Authority?

Article 2 provides for the establishment of Central Authorities and defines Central Authorities for purposes of the Treaty. For the United States, the Central Authority shall be the Attorney General or a person designated by the Attorney General. For Ukraine, the Central Authority shall be the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor General. The article provides that the Central Authorities shall communicate directly with one another for the purposes of the Treaty.
Biden’s boasts on video in no uncertain terms of his quid pro quo threats yet Dems are trying to meticulous weave how Trump did it.

When the fuck will you assholes get that Biden was working for America & FastAss Donnie was working for himself.

How God Damn stupid are you people?
How was he working for himself?
At that time Biden was no threat to Trump but was a threat to the security of the USA.
Where should I start... Every four years we elect a President. In 2020, Trump will be running against the Democrat nominee. Democrat candidates are campaigning & the one who is leading a Joe Biden. If only the Ukraine would announce they are opening an investigation into Joe Biden. This would hurt Biden''s nomination hopes & thereby take out a major Trump adversary. Trump decided to withhold foreign aid to the Ukraine until they announce such an investigation. And thus, Trump's action only helps himself.

Got it?
I accept your aversion from showing where the treaty authorizes the president to do what Trump did as tacit confession the treaty doesn't authorize Trump to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate a political rival.

It must really suck to constantly get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


There you are, spazing out again. Would it be a crime if Biden weren't running? Come on short bus, be honest.


Dumbfuck, it wouldn't be a crime if Biden wasn't a rival just like it wouldn't be a crime if Trump asked his own DoJ to investigate Biden who is a political rival.

Do you see now why you are such a retard for thinking I said Biden was untouchable because he's running for office?

It must really suck to constantly get schooled by someone you call, "short bus."


Poor little short bus, if Biden can be investigated if he wasn't running, then he can be investigated when he is. How Trump decides to pursue it is irrelevant, Bidens corruption likely occurred in Ukraine or they have some knowledge about it, asking Zelensky about cooperation is not a crime.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

WTF is wrong with you?? I say candidate Biden can be investigated if Trump had asked the DoJ to investigate him -- and you still think I'm saying Biden can't be investigated because he's a candidate.

You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

You mad short bus? Trump asked for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call, that's not a crime.


Cooperation to take out a political adversary. That is a crime
Biden’s boasts on video in no uncertain terms of his quid pro quo threats yet Dems are trying to meticulous weave how Trump did it.

When the fuck will you assholes get that Biden was working for America & FastAss Donnie was working for himself.

How God Damn stupid are you people?
How was he working for himself?
At that time Biden was no threat to Trump but was a threat to the security of the USA.
Where should I start... Every four years we elect a President. In 2020, Trump will be running against the Democrat nominee. Democrat candidates are campaigning & the one who is leading a Joe Biden. If only the Ukraine would announce they are opening an investigation into Joe Biden. This would hurt Biden''s nomination hopes & thereby take out a major Trump adversary. Trump decided to withhold foreign aid to the Ukraine until they announce such an investigation. And thus, Trump's action only helps himself.

Got it?
You did not say a damn thing here.
Biden’s boasts on video in no uncertain terms of his quid pro quo threats yet Dems are trying to meticulous weave how Trump did it.

When the fuck will you assholes get that Biden was working for America & FastAss Donnie was working for himself.

How God Damn stupid are you people?
How was he working for himself?
At that time Biden was no threat to Trump but was a threat to the security of the USA.
Where should I start... Every four years we elect a President. In 2020, Trump will be running against the Democrat nominee. Democrat candidates are campaigning & the one who is leading a Joe Biden. If only the Ukraine would announce they are opening an investigation into Joe Biden. This would hurt Biden''s nomination hopes & thereby take out a major Trump adversary. Trump decided to withhold foreign aid to the Ukraine until they announce such an investigation. And thus, Trump's action only helps himself.

Got it?
You did not say a damn thing here.
Well, actually I did. You know I did. Your post is just stupid.

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