And now for actual obstruction of justice:

This was the only obstruction of justice: Hussein Obama enforcement from arresting Hezbollah agents selling cocaine in the USA.
Iran told Obama to allow Hezbollah to sell cocaine ....$1 billion the he prevented the government from arresting and charging them.....

"Project Cassandra is an effort led by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to undercut Hezbollah funding from illicit drug sources.[1]Launched in 2008, the project was said to be investigating the terrorist organization's funding.[2] According to the DEA, Hezbollah has become increasingly involved with drug trafficking and organized crime as a method of funding its activities.[3][4] The investigation was tracking how large sums of money were being laundered from the Americas, through Africa, and to Lebanon into Hezbollah's coffers.[5]

An investigative report published by Politico in December 2017, described how, during the Obama administration, concerns regarding the Iran nuclear deal took precedence over the DEA project."
Project Cassandra - Wikipedia

"The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, ….”
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

There is no disputing the facts: Hussein Obama obstructed justice in the service of Iran and Hezbollah.

Hussein effectively gave them $1 billion dollars in drug money.




There is nothing to defend Trump on.

Know who says so????

“Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity
Former United States Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch admitted on Friday that she has no knowledge of President Donald Trump accepting bribes nor of the president being involved in any criminal activity.

“Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” asked Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) of former Ambassador Yovanovitch.

“No,” replied Yovanovitch.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?” asked Rep. Stewart.

“No,” answered Yovanovitch.”
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity | Breitbart

In your face, boooooyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!

you know damn well that she is only a piece of the impeachable puzzle polchicky.

LOL!!!!!!!! breitbart??????????

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bite meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is no piece of the impeachable puzzle. She can just testify that she was canned.
What you people call evidence is hilarious.

that is gonna start changing CONsiderably with tomorrow's testimony. pence's aid is a first person witness to that 2nd call & then there's sondland. whoooooweeeeeee that is gonna rock!

And you're so convinced that their testimony is going to be damaging to Trump. Why? Because your left wing sources told you that.
Instead of paraphrasing...
It's Not A Paraphrase
She Said The Word 'No'
post a quote with a link.
You're Not Paying Attention To The Hearing
Are You
I'm betting she said "that's not for me to judge"
You're "Betting She Said" ??
Because You Don't Know And Have No Idea What's Happening In The Hearings
just as almost all of the witnesses have said
Which Witnesses
How Would You Know
Since You Aren't Paying Attention To The Hearings
Or Reports On The Hearings
And Have No Idea What You Are Posting About

You Are Following The Lead
Of What Other Posters Like Yourself Are Saying
Without Knowing Anything Of What Has Actually Happened

Carry On....
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.

Either that, or she'll announce that she doesn't have the Democrat votes to pass it. Something tells me she and Schiff Face don't want this to make it to the Senate, because in the Senate, Mitch calls the shots--not her or Schiff.
They have 13 days till the House closes down for the holidays. They won't be back till January. There are to many democrats that have the possibility of losing their seats. This is polling badly for the libs. I think they will use the holiday recess to let it fade away.

That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations
Instead of paraphrasing...
It's Not A Paraphrase
She Said The Word 'No'
post a quote with a link.
You're Not Paying Attention To The Hearing
Are You
I'm betting she said "that's not for me to judge"
You're "Betting She Said" ??
Because You Don't Know And Have No Idea What's Happening In The Hearings
just as almost all of the witnesses have said
Which Witnesses
How Would You Know
Since You Aren't Paying Attention To The Hearings
Or Reports On The Hearings
And Have No Idea What You Are Posting About

You Are Following The Lead
Of What Other Posters Like Yourself Are Saying
Without Knowing Anything Of What Has Actually Happened

Carry On.... a quote and link or admit you are full of shit
Everyone knows how Trump runs his mouth they accept that and go on the Democrats are Desperately Seeking a way to get rid of their competition they're so scared of four more years of trump

That is a big pasture full of bullshit right there. Are you fucking kidding me?

I do not excuse Trump's words as just him running his mouth. He is the President. What he says matters. If he wanted that kind of grade school nonsense, he should have stayed in the business of bankrupting Trump branded companies instead of trying (and failing spectacularly) to be President of the United States.

Nancy was right. Trump is in way over his head and has no idea how to do the job.

If that was really the case, let's hope that future Presidents have no idea how to do the job.
What job do you think has done?

He borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand out tax cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations & all it has done is run up the deficit.

That's all it's done? I thought it led to increasing wages, record employment numbers, all time record breaking employment numbers for all minorities, strongest business confidence indicators in decades, strong consumer confidence, new record for median household income.

I can't wait to tell my parents that Dave told me I'm wealthy, because not only do I bring home more in my paycheck, I got a much better federal income tax refund last year.
Lesh said: a quote and link or admit you are full of shit
YOU Are Full Of Shit, Lesh
Because You Eat It
You May Start At 3.50.01

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Congress controls funding you moron
And T-Rump tried to circumvent congress you moron.
Any evidence?
How about Trump's fake emergency to steal money from the soldiers you liars claim to like to build his stupid wall?

How did he steal it? If not for Trump, the money would not be there at all. The military is still better funded than if Democrats had been in charge.

U.S. military spending 2000-2018 | Statista

Congress said it was military monery. Fat Ass Donnie took some of it. i.e. stole it.

So? He's the one that got it for the military in the first place.

Trump Signs 2018 Defense Bill: Here's What It Means for You
That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.
Witness means to see, it might be a verbal directive that you see but you must first hand and in person SEE it in order to witness it.
A man on the phone in a busy room talking to a known or unknown party is not witnessing by you. You lack the necessary visual details to see what the party on the other line is doing and you don’t hear him either; akin to heresay and at least fraught with speculation.
This is an example of how liberals are misrepresenting words as to their fact based definitions. They are trying to alter fact definition of words to meet their speculative, suspicious, and emotional manner of assessing things.
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?

According to quid pro joe, yep. Not only did he try, he did it.

At this point I don't see the house even voting on articles. They don't want to commit political suicide.


then you need to take them blinders off pussy cat.


Perhaps you should learn what "blinders" are before trying to use it in a sentence. Your ignorance is showing. LMAO



have blinders on
have blinders on
To be oblivious to something that exists or is happening right around one. ("Blinders" are pieces of leather that are used to limit a horse's peripheral vision.) I must have blinders on when I walk around town because I didn't notice any of those new businesses that are opening.
have blinders on


("Blinders" are pieces of leather that are used to limit a horse's peripheral vision.)

They are not freaking sunglasses as you depicted in your irrelevant meme. And my peripheral vision is fine, thank you very much. LMAO


irrelevant because the point was obviously made pussy


Yep, the point was you putting your extreme ignorance on full display.

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Of course, because we all know that this isn't a witch hunt. :laughing0301:

well i know that if it were & president tinkles had the evidence to show it was, he sure as hell would do EVERYTHING he could to show the witch hunters how wrong they were. he would hold a televised 'event' with spotlights, a red carpet, & probably make it a pay per view so he could make $$$ off it.

but none of that is gonna happen. & we both know why.

Then maybe we can make a trade: Ask the President for those witnesses, and in return, we get to question the whistleblower and the person he or she got their information from; the person that was listening on the phone.

Sound like a good deal to you???

the WB is insignificant now. on the streets, he would be the informant. now pay close attention, ray ray & see if this makes sense.

A) if someone calls in a fire on 9-1-1 & the firemen show up & there indeed is a blaze, their job is to put out the fire; not go looking for who called it in.

B) the WB went thru proper protocol & gave all pertinent info - including the names of the people who gave him/her the lowdown to the IG who testified that the info was credible.

The ICIG had no authority to even take the report, much less do anything else with it. Presidential diplomatic calls do not fall under the authority or responsibility of the DNI as required.



Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community’s Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints

(September 30, 2019) The Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (ICIG) processes complaints or information with respect to alleged urgent concerns in accordance with the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA) and the ICIG’s authorizing statute. With respect to the whistleblower complaint received by the ICIG on August 12, 2019, the ICIG processed and reviewed the complaint in accordance with the law. News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Perhaps you should have read a bit further, from your link. My B/U

The law also required that the Complainant provide a complaint or information with respect to an “urgent concern,” which is defined, in relevant part, as: “A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.” Id. § 3033(k)(5)(G)(i). The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that the Complainant alleged information with respect to such an alleged urgent concern.

Lesh said:
Try again retard
I Gave It To You Out Of The Horse's Mouth
For You To See With Your Own Eyes And Ears
Because The Transcripts Haven't Been Released
You Phoney, You Fraud, You Imbecile
I Handed You Your Lying Ass
They are trying to impeach Trump for what Obama/Biden actually did. We have all seen Biden's little bit of bragging about threatening Ukraine that $1B would be withheld unless a certain prosecutor was fired within six hours. That prosecutor was charged with investigating the corrupt Burisma energy company on whose board sat Hunter Biden. Biden intervened in Ukraine's state government to protect the bribery that was blatantly making his own family fabulously wealthy.

And Ukraine was not the only foreign nation that the Bidens, the Kerrys, the Pelosis, the Clintons, and the Feinsteins tapped for millions of dollars that went directly into their own pockets. See Peter Schweizer's books, Clinton Cash and Secret Empires. Ambrose Bierce wrote that "Politics is the conduct of public affairs for private advantage."

Schiff himself has a Ukraine connection himself: arms-dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff is as bought and paid for as the rest of the players in this oh, so devious Deep State plot to unseat a duly elected president because he is not part of their noxious club of get-rich-behind-the-scenes pols.

Morrison is the NSC's senior director for European affairs. His testimony exonerates Trump of all the Left's fabricated accusations and reveals that one of Schiff's supposed star witnesses, Lt. Col. Vindman, is a very bad actor in all this, an anti-Trump, pro-Ukraine spy at the NSC.

Trump has been manipulating Pelosi, Schiff, and their henchmen into a world-class implosion.

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