Remember how they claimed Trump 'intimidated' their witness by tweeting about her????

Sunday, Democrat Himes threatened....THREATENED....Sondland with jail if he didn't say what they wanted him to say:

“Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), a top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that Democrats’ case against President Trump would not necessarily collapse if Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testifies this week that there was no quid pro quo in the release of military aid to Ukraine.

“Doesn’t your case essentially depend on Sondland? If he doesn’t say that the president set this condition, this quid pro quo, doesn’t that blow a hole in your case?” Fox News’ Chris Wallace asked Himes on “Fox News Sunday.”

“I don’t think it blows a hole in the case… there is ample evidence that there was a corrupt deal being cooked up,” Himes responded, citing former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s reported reference to the arrangement as a “drug deal.”

“We know what [Sondland] has already said in his revised testimony where he revised his recollection,” Himes added, also citing the closed-door deposition of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who is scheduled to deliver public testimony this week.

Wallace suggested to Himes that if House Democrats don’t have any witnesses “who can take us into the Oval Office, it seems to me that creates a big problem,” and asked if Sondland could be considered a credible witness after already revising his testimony.

“That’s a good question,” Himes responded, but said “it was not lost on Ambassador Sondland what happened to the president’s close associate Roger Stone for lying to Congress [so] my guess is Ambassador Sondland is going to do his level best to tell the truth.”

Stone was convicted on seven counts, including witness tampering and making false statements, on Friday."
Himes: 'I don't think it blows a hole in the case' if Sondland testifies there was no quid pro quo

So, I guy testifies under oath & then testifies under oath something different. I guess that person does not know that this is a legal problem?
Oh, so you attended a motaur races instead.

View attachment 290510

Wise of you not to engage, after the beatings I'm had to administer.
That will teach you not to run in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG" upon seeing typos.

Your comment has nothing to do with the item you linked it to.

Is this the result of your head injury?
So you intended to post this?

"Wise of you not to engage, after the beatings I'm had to administer."

What does "I'm had to administer" mean?

You couldn't read the name "Jordan" and now you imagine (I almost said 'think') that your last post was in any way related to what I wrote....

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....
What does "I'm had to administer" mean? You forgot to answer that.,

Are you such a pathetic person that you can't admit to a typo? Really?
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?
Absolutely! Biden is on tape confessing to it
What did Obama hope to get for him personally?
Everyone knows how Trump runs his mouth they accept that and go on the Democrats are Desperately Seeking a way to get rid of their competition they're so scared of four more years of trump

That is a big pasture full of bullshit right there. Are you fucking kidding me?

I do not excuse Trump's words as just him running his mouth. He is the President. What he says matters. If he wanted that kind of grade school nonsense, he should have stayed in the business of bankrupting Trump branded companies instead of trying (and failing spectacularly) to be President of the United States.

Nancy was right. Trump is in way over his head and has no idea how to do the job.

If that was really the case, let's hope that future Presidents have no idea how to do the job.
What job do you think has done?

He borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand out tax cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations & all it has done is run up the deficit.
A noticeable jump in jobs
Fewer americans on food stamps
But to sum it up the Democrats have not done anything since Trump took office except waste tax dollars.
Democrats did their jobs & passed lots of legislation.

Moscow Mitch would not bring any of it to the floor of the Senate unless Trump gave him permission.
Remember how they claimed Trump 'intimidated' their witness by tweeting about her????

Sunday, Democrat Himes threatened....THREATENED....Sondland with jail if he didn't say what they wanted him to say:

“Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), a top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that Democrats’ case against President Trump would not necessarily collapse if Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testifies this week that there was no quid pro quo in the release of military aid to Ukraine.

“Doesn’t your case essentially depend on Sondland? If he doesn’t say that the president set this condition, this quid pro quo, doesn’t that blow a hole in your case?” Fox News’ Chris Wallace asked Himes on “Fox News Sunday.”

“I don’t think it blows a hole in the case… there is ample evidence that there was a corrupt deal being cooked up,” Himes responded, citing former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s reported reference to the arrangement as a “drug deal.”

“We know what [Sondland] has already said in his revised testimony where he revised his recollection,” Himes added, also citing the closed-door deposition of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who is scheduled to deliver public testimony this week.

Wallace suggested to Himes that if House Democrats don’t have any witnesses “who can take us into the Oval Office, it seems to me that creates a big problem,” and asked if Sondland could be considered a credible witness after already revising his testimony.

“That’s a good question,” Himes responded, but said “it was not lost on Ambassador Sondland what happened to the president’s close associate Roger Stone for lying to Congress [so] my guess is Ambassador Sondland is going to do his level best to tell the truth.”

Stone was convicted on seven counts, including witness tampering and making false statements, on Friday."
Himes: 'I don't think it blows a hole in the case' if Sondland testifies there was no quid pro quo

So, I guy testifies under oath & then testifies under oath something different. I guess that person does not know that this is a legal problem?

"So, I guy (sic) testifies ..."

And, advance in the category of unintentional humor!

Does this come with coo-coo clock sound effects?
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?
Yes, that's what this is all about. Obama sent Biden over there to offer the Ukrainian president, Poroshenko, known to be one of the most corrupt politicians in Ukraine, $1.000.000,000 of taxpayer money to fire the prosecutor who was investigating the very corrupt company that was paying Hunter Biden $50,000 a month for unspecified services.
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?
Absolutely! Biden is on tape confessing to it
What did Obama hope to get for him personally?
Obviously to protect his administration from the scandal of Hunter Biden being paid $50,000 a month in the expectation that the company would be protected from any pressures from the US by Hunter's dad, Dirty Joe Biden.
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?
Absolutely! Biden is on tape confessing to it
What did Obama hope to get for him personally?
Idk. Have Obama take the stand by swearing on the Koran and let's ask him
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?
Absolutely! Biden is on tape confessing to it
What did Obama hope to get for him personally?
Obviously to protect his administration from the scandal of Hunter Biden being paid $50,000 a month in the expectation that the company would be protected from any pressures from the US by Hunter's dad, Dirty Joe Biden.

Waaaaaaay more than that for the drug addict who was tossed out of the military:

"How much Biden earned at Burisma has also become a central issue. Trump has portrayed Hunter Biden as having earned vast sums of money while at Burisma, which the president has suggested was an indication of potential wrongdoing.

In an October 6 post on his usual Twitter account, Trump said Hunter Biden “was handed $100,000 a month (Plus, Plus) from a Ukrainian based company, even though he had no experience in energy.” He added, in the Twitter message, that it couldn’t have been legitimate and as president he has “an OBLIGATION to look into possible, or probably CORRUPTION.”

According to payment records reviewed by Reuters that two former Ukrainian law enforcement officials say are Burisma’s, the company paid about $3.4 million to a company that was controlled by Archer called Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC between April 2014 and November 2015.

Specifically, the records show 18 months in which two payments of $83,333 per month were paid to Rosemont Seneca Bohai for “consulting services.” The two sources said that one of those monthly payments was intended for Biden and one for Archer."
What Hunter Biden did on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma

Wonder what Hunter provided????
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?
Absolutely! Biden is on tape confessing to it
What did Obama hope to get for him personally?

Hard to say exactly, but Hunter Biden was getting the kickbacks, and he could have been splitting them with Obama, if Obama was in on it.
g5000 said:
Watch The Hearings For Yourself
I have. I suggest you follow your own advice.
Everyone knows how Trump runs his mouth they accept that and go on the Democrats are Desperately Seeking a way to get rid of their competition they're so scared of four more years of trump

That is a big pasture full of bullshit right there. Are you fucking kidding me?

I do not excuse Trump's words as just him running his mouth. He is the President. What he says matters. If he wanted that kind of grade school nonsense, he should have stayed in the business of bankrupting Trump branded companies instead of trying (and failing spectacularly) to be President of the United States.

Nancy was right. Trump is in way over his head and has no idea how to do the job.

If that was really the case, let's hope that future Presidents have no idea how to do the job.
What job do you think has done?

He borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand out tax cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations & all it has done is run up the deficit.
A noticeable jump in jobs
Fewer americans on food stamps
But to sum it up the Democrats have not done anything since Trump took office except waste tax dollars.
Democrats did their jobs & passed lots of legislation.

Moscow Mitch would not bring any of it to the floor of the Senate unless Trump gave him permission.

I am left of almost all democrats, and I think the democrats did nothing.
Health care is broken until there is a public option.
Our foreign policy is broken as long as we have troops illegally in places like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Our domestic economy is broken as long as employers are footing the bill for health care, we do not have protective tariffs on solar or wind, and no union protection.
Our education system is broken as long as tuition makes college degrees unaffordable for every one.
I have. I suggest you follow your own advice.
So What Was Your Impression When Yovanovich Was Asked
(And She Was Recalled Before The Call In July)
If She Saw Trump Do Anything Illegal
And Her Response Was "No"
How About
When The Panel Of Witnesses Was Asked Directly
If There Was Anything Impeachable In The Phone Call
And They Sat Looking Back Silently
Or When Published Democrat Pundits
Report The Hearings Are A Dud
I Should Take Your Word ??

I Don't Believe You're Watching Anything
Instead of a quote with a link.

I'm betting she said "that's not for me to judge" just as almost all of the witnesses have said
it was just reported that david holmes who heard the call between sondland & donny will now be testifying openly on thursday. :itsok: y'all....

And.......? We have the transcripts of the call already.
no. you. don't.

what you have is a memorandum; notes taken, edited & containing ellipses. it says that right on page one. donny duped you.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.
Last edited:

Maybe you should do some research in to why The Obama Administration was doing things with Russian Energy Companies in The Ukraine and why they were funneling money to Soros NGOs through our Ukraine Embassy to the tune of Billions of Dollars no one can find where the money went.

Then you should ask yourself why our Ukraine Embassy was involved in propagating The Dirty Dossier, and why they were in contact with The Kremlin regularly.

And maybe you should ask yourself why it was so important for Joe Biden to get investigations in to Burisma and his son and George Soros shut down.

Then ask yourself why when an Anti-Corruption government got elected in the Ukraine why so many Ukranians fled to Russia including those who were "Associates of Hunter Biden"
Absolutely none of that nonsense has any basis in fact.

Most importantly ...there was no investigation of Burisma....Biden's son...or Soros (Huh?) to shut down.

You are not just misrepresenting facts are flat out lying
Beyoncé Set To Perform At Trump Impeachment Halftime Show
Beyoncé Set To Perform At Trump Impeachment Halftime Show


". . . Citing poor concentration skills and general apathy among American voters, it was decided entertainment during an interval was needed to increase interest in the country’s latest impeachment proceedings, which was initially billed as “the most entertaining impeachment of them all”.

“Queen Bey will perform 5 songs halfway through today’s impeachment proceedings, followed by Daft Punk and a special appearance by Kanye West,” organisers confirmed.

The investigation into president Trump’s alleged scheme to coerce Ukraine’s president into opening an investigation into an election rival or face military aid being withheld is now into its second day, with its findings expected to change “fuck all” in the minds of Trump supporters.

“God damn witch hun’ if ya ask me,” spat Alabama soybean farmer Randy Stevens, who said he will vote for Trump again despite losing thousands in revenue this year due to the ongoing trade war with China, “Mr. Trump is a good man and understands small folk like me more than anyone else I know… he even killed ISIS,” Stevens added, hocking out a large brown pile of tobacco.. . . "
No reason then for Biden to extort Ukraine in to stopping an Investigation that did not exist.

Maybe you should do some research in to why The Obama Administration was doing things with Russian Energy Companies in The Ukraine and why they were funneling money to Soros NGOs through our Ukraine Embassy to the tune of Billions of Dollars no one can find where the money went.

Then you should ask yourself why our Ukraine Embassy was involved in propagating The Dirty Dossier, and why they were in contact with The Kremlin regularly.

And maybe you should ask yourself why it was so important for Joe Biden to get investigations in to Burisma and his son and George Soros shut down.

Then ask yourself why when an Anti-Corruption government got elected in the Ukraine why so many Ukranians fled to Russia including those who were "Associates of Hunter Biden"
Absolutely none of that nonsense has any basis in fact.

Most importantly ...there was no investigation of Burisma....Biden's son...or Soros (Huh?) to shut down.

You are not just misrepresenting facts are flat out lying
Most political issues in america are unimportant and highly entertaining. The divisiveness exhibited by the crackpots who actually buy into the fight are what create the entertainment. I enjoy watching our dysfunctional political process at work
One half of one branch of government, comprised of approx 250 people that half the nation did not vote for does not have any right to try and overturn the will of 63 million people. No matter how much they cling to “the house can do whatever it wants regarding impeachment actions” there is not One Single Moral person that can support the furthering of this grotesque witch hunt attempt to overturn an election

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