First, jackass, why would the President of the Ukraine admit he accepted a bribe? Second, why would he piss off Trump when Trump controlled the funding.

Using funds to try to bribe a foreign official is illegal

Biden was leading in the polls. Joe Biden was the centrist. He was kicking Trumps ass in e ery poll.

Nice Try but Trump is toast.
Congress controls funding you moron
And T-Rump tried to circumvent congress you moron.
Any evidence?
How about Trump's fake emergency to steal money from the soldiers you liars claim to like to build his stupid wall?

How did he steal it? If not for Trump, the money would not be there at all. The military is still better funded than if Democrats had been in charge.

U.S. military spending 2000-2018 | Statista

Congress said it was military monery. Fat Ass Donnie took some of it. i.e. stole it.
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.
Flack is in one of his drunken stupors after a wild nite watching porn in his theater room with a few brewskis.
Everyone knows how Trump runs his mouth they accept that and go on the Democrats are Desperately Seeking a way to get rid of their competition they're so scared of four more years of trump

That is a big pasture full of bullshit right there. Are you fucking kidding me?

I do not excuse Trump's words as just him running his mouth. He is the President. What he says matters. If he wanted that kind of grade school nonsense, he should have stayed in the business of bankrupting Trump branded companies instead of trying (and failing spectacularly) to be President of the United States.

Nancy was right. Trump is in way over his head and has no idea how to do the job.

If that was really the case, let's hope that future Presidents have no idea how to do the job.
What job do you think has done?

He borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand out tax cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations & all it has done is run up the deficit.
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.

Either that, or she'll announce that she doesn't have the Democrat votes to pass it. Something tells me she and Schiff Face don't want this to make it to the Senate, because in the Senate, Mitch calls the shots--not her or Schiff.
They have 13 days till the House closes down for the holidays. They won't be back till January. There are to many democrats that have the possibility of losing their seats. This is polling badly for the libs. I think they will use the holiday recess to let it fade away.
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.
Flack is in one of his drunken stupors after a wild nite watching porn in his theater room with a few brewskis.
Actually I just got back from D.C. Dave you ever see any of the old gang on here?
I just have to laugh.

Don't mind her, dementia is taking it's toll.
Right. Making direct quotes of what people said is crazy, while gifs of little creatures laughing is the epitome of realistic.

How's this?

“Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

…Democrats failed to prove a quid pro quo took place during President Donald Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"No one's testified there's been a quid pro quo," Jordan explained. "Everyone's got second, third, fourth-hand information. Mr. Morrison, who was on the call, said he didn't think anything was improper or illegal in the call. Ms. Williams didn't think anything improper or illegal happened in the call."

The congressman reminded Brennan of one important tidbit, the same one he has made in the past: the four facts surround the call have not changed.

"That's the funny thing about facts. They don't change.

1.The fact that we have the transcript and there was no linkage of any type of assertion of dollars for an investigation on the call.

2.We have the two guys on the call. President Trump and President Zelensky said no pressure and no linkage," he explained.

3. "My point is that he [Zelensky] didn't know that their aid was held up at the time of the call.

4. And, most importantly, they didn't do anything, any specific action or investigation to get the aid released." Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

Oh, so you attended a motaur races instead.

View attachment 290510

Wise of you not to engage, after the beatings I'm had to administer.
That will teach you not to run in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG" upon seeing typos.
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.
Flack is in one of his drunken stupors after a wild nite watching porn in his theater room with a few brewskis.
Actually I just got back from D.C. Dave you ever see any of the old gang on here?
I have seen a couple or someone else using the same name.
"Their own policy" is the policy of the United States as it had been for the past several years, supporting Ukraine's efforts to clean out the corrupt oligarchs subverting attempts at a fair and democratic government. It was also the policy of the United States to support Ukraine militarily in its fight against Russian aggression.
If the "boss" didn't like this policy, for whatever reason, he had every right to stand up and tell the State Department why and what he wanted done instead. But Trump didn't do that, did he? He got his private attorney and a bunch of thug friends to do it "under the table" and for the most part the current officials around the President closed their eyes to it and let it happen. I'm grateful to the whistleblower and to the people who have testified to what happened. Not because I couldn't cope with not having "my guy" elected, but because Trump is a crook.

Imagine, had Trump had the 'whistleblower' arrested as a spy.....

Obama did just that.

The Obama administration had 8 whistleblowers. President Obama handled each one the same way - he had the FBI bust into their home, arrest them, and he then prosecuted them for espionage. Of course the biased media kept quiet and looked the other way. Their were a few exceptions. Here's one news report on it:

War on whistleblowers?

Bet you didn't know that.

What did they blow the whistle on? I watched the video and it never said.

The whistleblower claimed Donald Trump solicited a foreign country to help intervene in the 2020 election and that the White House sought to cover it up.

And to date there has been no evidence presented to support that claim. The evidence that has been presented so far shows Obama was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine but tries to hide the facts from the public and President Trump is determined to expose the facts to the public.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

There is plenty of impeachment worthy evidence. The White House memo recording Donald Trump’s July phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskiy is damning enough even without witnesses. The witnesses we have heard so far have provided details following the phone call and leading up to the firing of the Ukraine ambassador without cause to clear the way for Juliana. We heard the response of administration staff to the phone conversation. Over the next couple of weeks we will hear from people in the White House. A staff member in the OMB will testify as to the reason for freezing the military funds. Sondland's testimony will confirm the Taylor testimony. Others will testify to the securing of the memo of the conversation, the lack of required notification to congress of freezing of the funds, and possible witness tampering. Potentially, the most damning witness may be Bolton.

Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The facts that President Trump also shared Obama's concerns about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine cannot possibly provide a rational basis for an impeachment inquiry, and the fact that Obama was so worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine,certainly does provide a reasonable basis for an investigation and to investigate the actions of a possibly corrupt US official in a foreign country would require the cooperation of that country's government.

If Obama's fears and Trump's suspicions that the Bidens acted corruptly in Ukraine are proved true by the investigation it would clearly benefit Trump and hurt the Democrats in next year's election, and that is the whole reason for the impeachment inquiry, because if the Democrats believed these suspicions of corrupt behavior were baseless, the investigation would only help establish Biden as an honest man, which none of us really believe he is. The very passion with which the Dems in Congress are pursuing this mishmash of political gossip to try to shape articles of impeachment is a testament to their fears that the investigations of the Bidens might show them both to be corrupt.
Don't mind her, dementia is taking it's toll.
Right. Making direct quotes of what people said is crazy, while gifs of little creatures laughing is the epitome of realistic.

How's this?

“Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

…Democrats failed to prove a quid pro quo took place during President Donald Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"No one's testified there's been a quid pro quo," Jordan explained. "Everyone's got second, third, fourth-hand information. Mr. Morrison, who was on the call, said he didn't think anything was improper or illegal in the call. Ms. Williams didn't think anything improper or illegal happened in the call."

The congressman reminded Brennan of one important tidbit, the same one he has made in the past: the four facts surround the call have not changed.

"That's the funny thing about facts. They don't change.

1.The fact that we have the transcript and there was no linkage of any type of assertion of dollars for an investigation on the call.

2.We have the two guys on the call. President Trump and President Zelensky said no pressure and no linkage," he explained.

3. "My point is that he [Zelensky] didn't know that their aid was held up at the time of the call.

4. And, most importantly, they didn't do anything, any specific action or investigation to get the aid released." Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

Oh, so you attended a motaur races instead.

View attachment 290510

Wise of you not to engage, after the beatings I'm had to administer.
That will teach you not to run in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG" upon seeing typos.

Your comment has nothing to do with the item you linked it to.

Is this the result of your head injury?
Right. Making direct quotes of what people said is crazy, while gifs of little creatures laughing is the epitome of realistic.

How's this?

“Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

…Democrats failed to prove a quid pro quo took place during President Donald Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"No one's testified there's been a quid pro quo," Jordan explained. "Everyone's got second, third, fourth-hand information. Mr. Morrison, who was on the call, said he didn't think anything was improper or illegal in the call. Ms. Williams didn't think anything improper or illegal happened in the call."

The congressman reminded Brennan of one important tidbit, the same one he has made in the past: the four facts surround the call have not changed.

"That's the funny thing about facts. They don't change.

1.The fact that we have the transcript and there was no linkage of any type of assertion of dollars for an investigation on the call.

2.We have the two guys on the call. President Trump and President Zelensky said no pressure and no linkage," he explained.

3. "My point is that he [Zelensky] didn't know that their aid was held up at the time of the call.

4. And, most importantly, they didn't do anything, any specific action or investigation to get the aid released." Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

Oh, so you attended a motaur races instead.

View attachment 290510

Wise of you not to engage, after the beatings I'm had to administer.
That will teach you not to run in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG" upon seeing typos.

Your comment has nothing to do with the item you linked it to.

Is this the result of your head injury?
So you intended to post this?

"Wise of you not to engage, after the beatings I'm had to administer."

What does "I'm had to administer" mean?
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.
Flack is in one of his drunken stupors after a wild nite watching porn in his theater room with a few brewskis.
Actually I just got back from D.C. Dave you ever see any of the old gang on here?
I have seen a couple or someone else using the same name.
Thanks. You are the only one I've seen.
How's this?

“Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

…Democrats failed to prove a quid pro quo took place during President Donald Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"No one's testified there's been a quid pro quo," Jordan explained. "Everyone's got second, third, fourth-hand information. Mr. Morrison, who was on the call, said he didn't think anything was improper or illegal in the call. Ms. Williams didn't think anything improper or illegal happened in the call."

The congressman reminded Brennan of one important tidbit, the same one he has made in the past: the four facts surround the call have not changed.

"That's the funny thing about facts. They don't change.

1.The fact that we have the transcript and there was no linkage of any type of assertion of dollars for an investigation on the call.

2.We have the two guys on the call. President Trump and President Zelensky said no pressure and no linkage," he explained.

3. "My point is that he [Zelensky] didn't know that their aid was held up at the time of the call.

4. And, most importantly, they didn't do anything, any specific action or investigation to get the aid released." Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

Oh, so you attended a motaur races instead.

View attachment 290510

Wise of you not to engage, after the beatings I'm had to administer.
That will teach you not to run in circles screaming "OMG OMG OMG" upon seeing typos.

Your comment has nothing to do with the item you linked it to.

Is this the result of your head injury?
So you intended to post this?

"Wise of you not to engage, after the beatings I'm had to administer."

What does "I'm had to administer" mean?

You couldn't read the name "Jordan" and now you imagine (I almost said 'think') that your last post was in any way related to what I wrote....

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....
Everyone knows how Trump runs his mouth they accept that and go on the Democrats are Desperately Seeking a way to get rid of their competition they're so scared of four more years of trump

That is a big pasture full of bullshit right there. Are you fucking kidding me?

I do not excuse Trump's words as just him running his mouth. He is the President. What he says matters. If he wanted that kind of grade school nonsense, he should have stayed in the business of bankrupting Trump branded companies instead of trying (and failing spectacularly) to be President of the United States.

Nancy was right. Trump is in way over his head and has no idea how to do the job.

If that was really the case, let's hope that future Presidents have no idea how to do the job.
What job do you think has done?

He borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand out tax cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations & all it has done is run up the deficit.
Higher wages for struggling Americans is a great thing
Everyone knows how Trump runs his mouth they accept that and go on the Democrats are Desperately Seeking a way to get rid of their competition they're so scared of four more years of trump

That is a big pasture full of bullshit right there. Are you fucking kidding me?

I do not excuse Trump's words as just him running his mouth. He is the President. What he says matters. If he wanted that kind of grade school nonsense, he should have stayed in the business of bankrupting Trump branded companies instead of trying (and failing spectacularly) to be President of the United States.

Nancy was right. Trump is in way over his head and has no idea how to do the job.

If that was really the case, let's hope that future Presidents have no idea how to do the job.
What job do you think has done?

He borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand out tax cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations & all it has done is run up the deficit.
A noticeable jump in jobs
Fewer americans on food stamps
But to sum it up the Democrats have not done anything since Trump took office except waste tax dollars.
Everyone knows how Trump runs his mouth they accept that and go on the Democrats are Desperately Seeking a way to get rid of their competition they're so scared of four more years of trump

That is a big pasture full of bullshit right there. Are you fucking kidding me?

I do not excuse Trump's words as just him running his mouth. He is the President. What he says matters. If he wanted that kind of grade school nonsense, he should have stayed in the business of bankrupting Trump branded companies instead of trying (and failing spectacularly) to be President of the United States.

Nancy was right. Trump is in way over his head and has no idea how to do the job.

If that was really the case, let's hope that future Presidents have no idea how to do the job.
What job do you think has done?

He borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand out tax cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations & all it has done is run up the deficit.
A noticeable jump in jobs
Fewer americans on food stamps
But to sum it up the Democrats have not done anything since Trump took office except waste tax dollars.

Kinda' like this?

Adam Schiff Urges Due Process For... ......Terrorists.....But FUCK TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?

Defacto bribe AND EXTORTION by the Surrender Monkey

How pathetic these subversives are!!!!!. Brought to you courtesy of Joe " The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual Abuser" Biden.....want to see the video AGAIN?????
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?
Absolutely! Biden is on tape confessing to it
Really, A Trump over calling Bill Clinton a rapist. Who did he rape? Did you forget Trump's rape accusation of a 14 year old? Really?

What US investigation did Trump ask for help with?

It appears that everyone else knows.....except you, RealDumb.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time | Breitbart

And the Liberal elites have admitted what we on the right have said for decades.

1. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

You, a total dunce, are still fighting the war you've lost.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.

“Maher asked, "Could Bill Clinton, if he had done what he did in 1998, survive today or would his own party have thrown him under the bus?"

Farrow explained, "Bill Clinton is a different conversation. He has been credibly accused of rape. That is nothing to do with gray areas. That is, you know, I think the Juanita Broadderick claim has been overdue for revisiting."

Farrow also said that he is "heartened by the fact that people now routinely express outrage about Bill Clinton and particularly those more serious allegations about him." Ronan Farrow Says Juanita Broaddrick's Rape Claim Against Bill Clinton Should Be Revisited

Is there Leftists have been right about?
Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

Fact check: Trump tweets Ukraine's president spoke unfavorably of Yovanovitch. Here's what we know.

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.
Yeah, Trump told him she was bad news, and he agreed. Kissy kissy.

Zelensky said, “It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%.”
I just have to laugh.

Don't mind her, dementia is taking it's toll.
Right. Making direct quotes of what people said is crazy, while gifs of little creatures laughing is the epitome of realistic.
you are the fool lady. wow. unless they taped the conversation, it becomes hearsay like any other form of hearsay. You tell me they heard something different than what is in the transcript and that's fked up on your part darling.

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