Lesh said:
Try again retard
I Gave It To You Out Of The Horse's Mouth
For You To See With Your Own Eyes And Ears
Because The Transcripts Haven't Been Released
You Phoney, You Fraud, You Imbecile
I Handed You Your Lying Ass
Great. Then go through that 5 hour video and give us the time stamp for the QUOTE you claim to have...

You lying c##t
That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.

Battleground Poll: Trump’s Suburban Problem - Priorities USA

Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.
So you're saying it is just a coincidence that Trump withheld the military aid just days before the phone call. And it's just coincidental that Trump dropped a request that Zelensky open a corruption investigation when discussing military aid in the phone conversation. And of course, it's just a coincidence that Biden's son worked for the company to be investigated. And it was coincidental that Trump fired the Ambassador to the Ukraine, who was not on the Trump team, just weeks before the phone call. And of course Zelensky's much sought after meeting with the president was being delayed.

WOW! What a strange series of coincidences.

Riddle me this: If Zelensky took Trump's request as a threat, how is it he had no idea US aid was being held up? I mean, if an inspector comes to my house to complain my house paint is chipping, and I offer him 100 to ignore it, we both know I bribed him. I gave him a hundred bucks, and he got in his car and left.

What the left is trying to claim here, is that Trump bribed Zelensky, and Zelensky had no idea he'd just been bribed. Yes, Trump wanted to know the association between Hunter and Ukraine. After all, the drug addict got a job in a field he didn't know anything about, in a country he didn't know anything about; not even the language, all while his father was not only the VP, but in charge of goings on in the country.
I did not claim Zelensky took Trump's request to be a threat at that time. As you said, he did know the funds were frozen. At that time, Zelensky would could consider it a simple request for a favor. However, in about a week, Zelensky would learn Trump's request for a favor was not a request.

Zelensky was told to work with Juliana which made sense because Trump had removed the ambassador. Obviously Juliana's part in this was to act as Trump's go between in regard to a public announcement of the investigation and providing details to the president. No doubt, there would have been an announcement of an investigation had the whisleblower's complaint not come out about 2 weeks after the phone call.

Again, more Thought Police claims. And please tell me where you purchased that crystal ball, because all the ones I purchased never seemed to work.
It doesn't take a crystal ball to put the pieces together.
Trump recalls the Ukraine ambassador a few weeks before freezing Ukraine military aid. Zelenski's meeting with Trump is put on hold. Trump ask Zelenski to open an investigation of the Bidens. He sends Giuliani to the Ukraine and ask Zelenski to work with him. The whistleblower exposes Trump's scheme to force Zelenski to open an investigation. The House announces an investigation of Trump. Military aid is restored.

So tell me, when was Zelensky "forced" to do anything? And why would Yovanovich have anything to do with interfering between Trump and Zelensky? He didn't need her out of the way for anything. What meeting was put on hold? It was a phone call, something that doesn't need too much scheduling.

This entire farce is based on he said/ she said, why did Trump do X, what mind reading Democrats thought Trump was thinking, but no actual hard evidence of their claim.

If the Democrats are stupid enough to proceed with this impeachment, it will be the first impeachment in our history based on no facts, but plenty of assumptions. Our Constitutional authors are rolling in their graves, because if they thought it could ever come to this, the Constitution would be 50 pages long with lots of color pictures so that Democrats could understand.
Zelensky is very dependent on the US for military aid and support. If the US backed off in their support of the Ukraine, Russian tanks would be surrounding the government building in Kiev within a month. US commitment to the Ukraine is of paramount importance to Zelensky. He would do anything Trump wanted to maintain US support. He simple would have no choice. So yes, holding up military aid and the presidential visit would force Zelnsksy to open an investigation of Biden. If it had not been for the whisleblower, Zelensky would have announced an investigation of Biden by now.

Yovanovich had to go. She is one of the most senior members of the State Dept. She has contacts throughout the Dept, the military, and the security services as well as in the Ukraine government. It would be impossible for Trump to freeze military aid and pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden without her knowledge. Not being a strong Trump supporter she would have been a problem. She also had to go in order to position Giuliani as Zelenski's contact and the deal maker in the Ukraine.
Barr has just put up a giant roadblock to the crooked democrat impeachment situation

Barr has now made it clear !!!!

Made it clear that the deep state is guilty of high treason acts

NOW we know what he knows

Next step he will find out the cause !!!

Which is the unwise getting brainwashed by crooked democrats

Then the solution for the cause is to bring a high logic ability test for voters !!!

Now we know the Final steps that NOW will come

With the high logic test for voting ...most voters will be trump voters ----white male voters !!!
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.

Consider this plan.

If the Democrats were actually clever.......they'd hold the hearings......and then vote not to impeach.

a. they know the Republican Senate is a dead end for the ploy
b. independent voters have made clear that they are sick of the charade
c. the only hope is to damage Trump for the election....and they can see that it isn't working
d. they realize that if it gets to the Senate.....the Republicans can recall not just the same 'witnesses'...and ask what they want
and when they want....
e. but they can call Schiff to testify!!!!
Yes, they could one up the Senate by not impeaching Trump and saying they will leave it to the voters to decide. However, that won't work. Trump would claim a victory stating it was another democrat witch hunt to discredit him. I think the democrats have gone too far to back down now.

Also, there are a lot of witness yet to testify and there may be more. Unlike last week's witnesses, the upcoming witnesses are much closer to Trump which means they could make things a lot worse for Trump such that a Senate acquittal might be impossible. If republican senators see Trump as a looser, they will desert him.

Let's see if the Leftists want the Republican Senate to question those witnesses.
I'm sure a number of the witnesses will testify in the Senate trial. Since this is a trial, Trump will be able to offer a defense.
Another note for the Trumpettes attempting to excuse their vote for Trump by throwing out these allocations of sexual misconduct with Bill Clinton.

1) Nearly all of this came to light after Clinton's second election.
2) We knew about Trump before the election
3) I never voted for Bill Clinton
4) You voted for a man that you knew had over 25 accusations including child rape & him on tape talking about groping women.

so please. Shut the fuck up about Bill Clinton.
they're all factual. I use only facts. You, naw. Hey but any day you can post up the thing that trump actually did.
What an interesting way to defend Trump. Regurgitate Bill Clinton's sexual escapades, real or imagined of 25 year ago as if it had some relevance in the Trump impeachment.


There is nothing to defend Trump on.

Know who says so????

“Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity
Former United States Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch admitted on Friday that she has no knowledge of President Donald Trump accepting bribes nor of the president being involved in any criminal activity.

“Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” asked Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) of former Ambassador Yovanovitch.

“No,” replied Yovanovitch.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?” asked Rep. Stewart.

“No,” answered Yovanovitch.”
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity | Breitbart

In your face, boooooyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!

you know damn well that she is only a piece of the impeachable puzzle polchicky.

LOL!!!!!!!! breitbart??????????

Has this Media Source failed a fact check? LET US KNOW HERE.


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims.
Detailed Report
Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Failed Fact Checks
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 48/180
Breitbart - Media Bias/Fact Check

bite meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is no piece of the impeachable puzzle. She can just testify that she was canned.
What you people call evidence is hilarious.

that is gonna start changing CONsiderably with tomorrow's testimony. pence's aid is a first person witness to that 2nd call & then there's sondland. whoooooweeeeeee that is gonna rock!

And you're so convinced that their testimony is going to be damaging to Trump. Why? Because your left wing sources told you that.
Most of the people testifying have already testified before the judicial committee.
Riddle me this: If Zelensky took Trump's request as a threat, how is it he had no idea US aid was being held up? I mean, if an inspector comes to my house to complain my house paint is chipping, and I offer him 100 to ignore it, we both know I bribed him. I gave him a hundred bucks, and he got in his car and left.

What the left is trying to claim here, is that Trump bribed Zelensky, and Zelensky had no idea he'd just been bribed. Yes, Trump wanted to know the association between Hunter and Ukraine. After all, the drug addict got a job in a field he didn't know anything about, in a country he didn't know anything about; not even the language, all while his father was not only the VP, but in charge of goings on in the country.
I did not claim Zelensky took Trump's request to be a threat at that time. As you said, he did know the funds were frozen. At that time, Zelensky would could consider it a simple request for a favor. However, in about a week, Zelensky would learn Trump's request for a favor was not a request.

Zelensky was told to work with Juliana which made sense because Trump had removed the ambassador. Obviously Juliana's part in this was to act as Trump's go between in regard to a public announcement of the investigation and providing details to the president. No doubt, there would have been an announcement of an investigation had the whisleblower's complaint not come out about 2 weeks after the phone call.

Again, more Thought Police claims. And please tell me where you purchased that crystal ball, because all the ones I purchased never seemed to work.
It doesn't take a crystal ball to put the pieces together.
Trump recalls the Ukraine ambassador a few weeks before freezing Ukraine military aid. Zelenski's meeting with Trump is put on hold. Trump ask Zelenski to open an investigation of the Bidens. He sends Giuliani to the Ukraine and ask Zelenski to work with him. The whistleblower exposes Trump's scheme to force Zelenski to open an investigation. The House announces an investigation of Trump. Military aid is restored.

So tell me, when was Zelensky "forced" to do anything? And why would Yovanovich have anything to do with interfering between Trump and Zelensky? He didn't need her out of the way for anything. What meeting was put on hold? It was a phone call, something that doesn't need too much scheduling.

This entire farce is based on he said/ she said, why did Trump do X, what mind reading Democrats thought Trump was thinking, but no actual hard evidence of their claim.

If the Democrats are stupid enough to proceed with this impeachment, it will be the first impeachment in our history based on no facts, but plenty of assumptions. Our Constitutional authors are rolling in their graves, because if they thought it could ever come to this, the Constitution would be 50 pages long with lots of color pictures so that Democrats could understand.
Zelensky is very dependent on the US for military aid and support. If the US backed off in their support of the Ukraine, Russian tanks would be surrounding the government building in Kiev within a month...
Trump gave him the lethal aid to use against Russia that Obama refused to provide.
... US commitment to the Ukraine is of paramount importance to Zelensky. He would do anything Trump wanted to maintain US support. He simple would have no choice. So yes, holding up military aid and the presidential visit would force Zelnsksy to open an investigation of Biden...
Trump released the aid before the quarter ended, aid that Obama NEVER released and required nothing of Ukraine in exchange.
... If it had not been for the whisleblower, Zelensky would have announced an investigation of Biden by now....
You just admitted that Trump did not require a Biden investigation in order to provide the aid.
... Yovanovich had to go. She is one of the most senior members of the State Dept. She has contacts throughout the Dept, the military, and the security services as well as in the Ukraine government. It would be impossible for Trump to freeze military aid and pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden without her knowledge. ...
You are arguing a counter-factual, Trump did neither.
There is nothing to defend Trump on.

Know who says so????

“Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity
Former United States Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch admitted on Friday that she has no knowledge of President Donald Trump accepting bribes nor of the president being involved in any criminal activity.

“Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” asked Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) of former Ambassador Yovanovitch.

“No,” replied Yovanovitch.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?” asked Rep. Stewart.

“No,” answered Yovanovitch.”
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity | Breitbart

In your face, boooooyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!

you know damn well that she is only a piece of the impeachable puzzle polchicky.

LOL!!!!!!!! breitbart??????????

Has this Media Source failed a fact check? LET US KNOW HERE.


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims.
Detailed Report
Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Failed Fact Checks
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 48/180
Breitbart - Media Bias/Fact Check

bite meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is no piece of the impeachable puzzle. She can just testify that she was canned.
What you people call evidence is hilarious.

that is gonna start changing CONsiderably with tomorrow's testimony. pence's aid is a first person witness to that 2nd call & then there's sondland. whoooooweeeeeee that is gonna rock!

And you're so convinced that their testimony is going to be damaging to Trump. Why? Because your left wing sources told you that.
Most of the people testifying have already testified before the judicial committee.

So had Taylor, Kent and Yovanovitch All three shot blanks in the televised hearing.
Another note for the Trumpettes attempting to excuse their vote for Trump by throwing out these allocations of sexual misconduct with Bill Clinton.

1) Nearly all of this came to light after Clinton's second election.
2) We knew about Trump before the election
3) I never voted for Bill Clinton
4) You voted for a man that you knew had over 25 accusations including child rape & him on tape talking about groping women.

so please. Shut the fuck up about Bill Clinton.
they're all factual. I use only facts. You, naw. Hey but any day you can post up the thing that trump actually did.
What an interesting way to defend Trump. Regurgitate Bill Clinton's sexual escapades, real or imagined of 25 year ago as if it had some relevance in the Trump impeachment.

Riddle me this: If Zelensky took Trump's request as a threat, how is it he had no idea US aid was being held up? I mean, if an inspector comes to my house to complain my house paint is chipping, and I offer him 100 to ignore it, we both know I bribed him. I gave him a hundred bucks, and he got in his car and left.

What the left is trying to claim here, is that Trump bribed Zelensky, and Zelensky had no idea he'd just been bribed. Yes, Trump wanted to know the association between Hunter and Ukraine. After all, the drug addict got a job in a field he didn't know anything about, in a country he didn't know anything about; not even the language, all while his father was not only the VP, but in charge of goings on in the country.
I did not claim Zelensky took Trump's request to be a threat at that time. As you said, he did know the funds were frozen. At that time, Zelensky would could consider it a simple request for a favor. However, in about a week, Zelensky would learn Trump's request for a favor was not a request.

Zelensky was told to work with Juliana which made sense because Trump had removed the ambassador. Obviously Juliana's part in this was to act as Trump's go between in regard to a public announcement of the investigation and providing details to the president. No doubt, there would have been an announcement of an investigation had the whisleblower's complaint not come out about 2 weeks after the phone call.

Again, more Thought Police claims. And please tell me where you purchased that crystal ball, because all the ones I purchased never seemed to work.
It doesn't take a crystal ball to put the pieces together.
Trump recalls the Ukraine ambassador a few weeks before freezing Ukraine military aid. Zelenski's meeting with Trump is put on hold. Trump ask Zelenski to open an investigation of the Bidens. He sends Giuliani to the Ukraine and ask Zelenski to work with him. The whistleblower exposes Trump's scheme to force Zelenski to open an investigation. The House announces an investigation of Trump. Military aid is restored.

So tell me, when was Zelensky "forced" to do anything? And why would Yovanovich have anything to do with interfering between Trump and Zelensky? He didn't need her out of the way for anything. What meeting was put on hold? It was a phone call, something that doesn't need too much scheduling.

This entire farce is based on he said/ she said, why did Trump do X, what mind reading Democrats thought Trump was thinking, but no actual hard evidence of their claim.

If the Democrats are stupid enough to proceed with this impeachment, it will be the first impeachment in our history based on no facts, but plenty of assumptions. Our Constitutional authors are rolling in their graves, because if they thought it could ever come to this, the Constitution would be 50 pages long with lots of color pictures so that Democrats could understand.
Zelensky is very dependent on the US for military aid and support. If the US backed off in their support of the Ukraine, Russian tanks would be surrounding the government building in Kiev within a month. US commitment to the Ukraine is of paramount importance to Zelensky. He would do anything Trump wanted to maintain US support. He simple would have no choice. So yes, holding up military aid and the presidential visit would force Zelnsksy to open an investigation of Biden. If it had not been for the whisleblower, Zelensky would have announced an investigation of Biden by now.

Yovanovich had to go. She is one of the most senior members of the State Dept. She has contacts throughout the Dept, the military, and the security services as well as in the Ukraine government. It would be impossible for Trump to freeze military aid and pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden without her knowledge. Not being a strong Trump supporter she would have been a problem. She also had to go in order to position Giuliani as Zelenski's contact and the deal maker in the Ukraine.

Oh please. Trump could have still assigned Giuliani with or without her. And do you think Trump would have allowed Russian tanks to move in on Ukraine? You have to be kidding me.

Even Zelensky knew that US aid would be inevitable. It didn't matter if Zelensky started a investigation or not. But the fact of the matter remains that the phone transcript didn't reveal any bribery or quid pro quo's. Not once did Trump ever hint that US aid would hinge on an investigation.

So what we have now is "what Democrats thought" Trump said instead of what he actually said. And if Democrats are going to impeach on what they thought, it's a travesty to this Republic. And again, what Democrats fail to understand is what goes around--comes around. Because the next Republican House that has a commie President that does anything questionable, then don't complain when Republicans impeach based on what they thought instead of what actually took place.
That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.

Battleground Poll: Trump’s Suburban Problem - Priorities USA

Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.

Then let me tell you what's not made up: Durham turned his investigation criminal. The IG is going to testify to Congress about his report on Dec 11th, which means it will be out well beforehand in a couple of weeks.

Then commies are having their fun now, but our fun is just around the corner.
It appears that everyone else knows.....except you, RealDumb.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time | Breitbart

And the Liberal elites have admitted what we on the right have said for decades.

1. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

You, a total dunce, are still fighting the war you've lost.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient." https://nypost.com/2017/11/16/dems-...ses-is-the-final-nail-in-the-clintons-coffin/

3. On the other side....lying low-life imbeciles.....you.....who can't keep up with the program.

“Maher asked, "Could Bill Clinton, if he had done what he did in 1998, survive today or would his own party have thrown him under the bus?"

Farrow explained, "Bill Clinton is a different conversation. He has been credibly accused of rape. That is nothing to do with gray areas. That is, you know, I think the Juanita Broadderick claim has been overdue for revisiting."

Farrow also said that he is "heartened by the fact that people now routinely express outrage about Bill Clinton and particularly those more serious allegations about him." Ronan Farrow Says Juanita Broaddrick's Rape Claim Against Bill Clinton Should Be Revisited

Is there anything....ANYTHING.....you Leftists have been right about?
Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

Fact check: Trump tweets Ukraine's president spoke unfavorably of Yovanovitch. Here's what we know.

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.
Yeah, Trump told him she was bad news, and he agreed. Kissy kissy.

Zelensky said, “It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%.”

So where is your link to that statement? Oh, you just made that up also!

You dumbasses couldn't get your own names right without talking points.
Sorry, I assumed you'd read the transcript of The Call by now. Page 4, halfway down.

Hey dumbass! My quote was Zelensky's statement FROM the f-ing transcript, you ignorant POS!

It was the very next line. There is no significance to your statement when paired with my quote. Nothing burgers for every libtard!
You're obviously drunk or something. Not going to bother with you when you can't parse simple English and are letting the spit fly for nothing.

You accuse me of being drunk because you can't fucking read? You provided the link to my post! How much more of a dumbass can you be to shoot down your own line of thinking, and still not realize it?

How is that you can be so stupid and still manage to make posts on this message board?

I am going to stop reading your idiocy because it is obvious that you are a massive troll or the dumbest human being I have ever encountered, and I know some really fucking stupid people!
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.
Did Obama try to bribe the president of Ukraine?
Absolutely! Biden is on tape confessing to it
What did Obama hope to get for him personally?
Idk. Have Obama take the stand by swearing on the Koran and let's ask him

One of my pet peeves who think that people testifying swear on the Bible. People apparently watch too many old TV shows. No one in court ever swears on a Bible anymore. It is not required.
That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.

Battleground Poll: Trump’s Suburban Problem - Priorities USA

That poll makes no sense as many of those issues they said suburban women oppose Trump on are actually th real reasons they WOULD support him. You poll is whacked!

You don't think suburban women are concerned about illegal immigration? Ha!
That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.

Battleground Poll: Trump’s Suburban Problem - Priorities USA

Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.

Why are you talking about yourself, you juvenile twit? The only Rump in these conversation is your obvious ass that you keep showing!
That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.

Battleground Poll: Trump’s Suburban Problem - Priorities USA

Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.

Then let me tell you what's not made up: Durham turned his investigation criminal. The IG is going to testify to Congress about his report on Dec 11th, which means it will be out well beforehand in a couple of weeks.

Then commies are having their fun now, but our fun is just around the corner.

I say "Let the perp-walking begin!"
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.

Consider this plan.

If the Democrats were actually clever.......they'd hold the hearings......and then vote not to impeach.

a. they know the Republican Senate is a dead end for the ploy
b. independent voters have made clear that they are sick of the charade
c. the only hope is to damage Trump for the election....and they can see that it isn't working
d. they realize that if it gets to the Senate.....the Republicans can recall not just the same 'witnesses'...and ask what they want
and when they want....
e. but they can call Schiff to testify!!!!
Yes, they could one up the Senate by not impeaching Trump and saying they will leave it to the voters to decide. However, that won't work. Trump would claim a victory stating it was another democrat witch hunt to discredit him. I think the democrats have gone too far to back down now.

Also, there are a lot of witness yet to testify and there may be more. Unlike last week's witnesses, the upcoming witnesses are much closer to Trump which means they could make things a lot worse for Trump such that a Senate acquittal might be impossible. If republican senators see Trump as a looser, they will desert him.

Let's see if the Leftists want the Republican Senate to question those witnesses.
I'm sure a number of the witnesses will testify in the Senate trial. Since this is a trial, Trump will be able to offer a defense.

In the House, the Republicans can present witnesses of their own. They have elected not only not present them but to try and block key witnesses from testifying. There is a short list that should be forced to testify. And this week, once they verify that crimes have been committed by these characters, the reasons that they say they are ammune to being supenened are going to be a wash. You can't claim client privalege if you are committing a crime while doing it and Rudy is toast as is all the rest of his criminals. And when they fall, expect others to fall as well including Barr.
That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.

Battleground Poll: Trump’s Suburban Problem - Priorities USA

Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.

Then let me tell you what's not made up: Durham turned his investigation criminal. The IG is going to testify to Congress about his report on Dec 11th, which means it will be out well beforehand in a couple of weeks.

Then commies are having their fun now, but our fun is just around the corner.

This week, look for charges from the House to those that you think are going to be sending out those arrest warrants. The House will be going through a lower Federal Court which has no real love for any of the criminals in the Whitehouse. It hasn't been Barr and company that has done the prosecution of the criminals.

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