Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.

Either that, or she'll announce that she doesn't have the Democrat votes to pass it. Something tells me she and Schiff Face don't want this to make it to the Senate, because in the Senate, Mitch calls the shots--not her or Schiff.
They have 13 days till the House closes down for the holidays. They won't be back till January. There are to many democrats that have the possibility of losing their seats. This is polling badly for the libs. I think they will use the holiday recess to let it fade away.

That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

In consideration of the reality, what choice did they have?

Clearly Trump is far better at the job than Hussein, and between them, Trump is the only pro-American.

So, they leveraged lies and their media allies in the best plan they had.
TheProgressivePatriot said:
NOTHING that Biden may have done will undo what Trump has done. NOTHING
The Panel Of 'Witnesses' Was Asked Directly:
"Was There Anything Impeachable In That Call ??"

View attachment 290504
View attachment 290505
Because their job is not to determine impeachable behavior. That is the job of congress.

Why does the GOP have such a hard time understanding how the impeachment process works?

So what high crime, misdemeanor or treason is Trump accused of committing? Libtards cannot even answer that question!
Once again, that is the job of The House of Representatives. They will list his accused crimes in their Articles of Impeachment. That will happen when the House of Reps is ready for it to happen.

Why do you still fail to understand how this works? How any of this works?

No, you don't seem to understand how this works. I taught this topic for 21 years.

You can't answer the question
either, because there simply is "no there there"!

What is your area of expertise? Gerbil smuggling? If so, they have started gnawing on your brain.

I am not a congressperson. It's not my job to answer the question. I am an observer in this process.

Your students should get their money back and you should pay them for their wasted time.

My area of expertise is relaxing on my patio while enjoying the lovely ocean breeze. I am a true virtuoso. Don't be mad.
In other words, forget what he said, make up your own version.

Just remember, making up BS crimes that never took place will come back to haunt you if we ever get another commie President and a Republican led Congress. If you can impeach over something this stupid, you can impeach if a President wears the wrong tie with the wrong suit.

People on the left are so Fn stupid. I never seen any group of people make the same mistakes over and over again, and then cry when the tables turn.
Or impeach over a blow job!
Who gives a shit what Jim Jordan says? He's got his ear plugs in, just like you do. The President doesn't have to say it out loud, folks.

Yes, he does. You have to have evidence of a crime, and the commie versions is not evidence of anything. You need to hear (not second or third hand) Trump say to Zelensky that the US aid was contingent on him starting an investigation on Biden. "Do me a favor though" is not a threat to US aid.

[ fey-ver ]
something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration;
a kind act: to ask a favor.
friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill: to win the favor of the king.

Definition of favor |

Sorry, but in the English language, words have meanings.
Who gives a shit what Jim Jordan says? He's got his ear plugs in, just like you do. The President doesn't have to say it out loud, folks.

Yes, he does. You have to have evidence of a crime, and the commie versions is not evidence of anything. You need to hear (not second or third hand) Trump say to Zelensky that the US aid was contingent on him starting an investigation on Biden. "Do me a favor though" is not a threat to US aid.

[ fey-ver ]
something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration;
a kind act: to ask a favor.
friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill: to win the favor of the king.

Definition of favor |

Sorry, but in the English language, words have meanings.
ACTIONS have meaning, greater than words. Trump withheld the aid and didn't release it until he got busted.
Because their job is not to determine impeachable behavior. That is the job of congress.

Why does the GOP have such a hard time understanding how the impeachment process works?

So what high crime, misdemeanor or treason is Trump accused of committing? Libtards cannot even answer that question!
Once again, that is the job of The House of Representatives. They will list his accused crimes in their Articles of Impeachment. That will happen when the House of Reps is ready for it to happen.

Why do you still fail to understand how this works? How any of this works?

No, you don't seem to understand how this works. I taught this topic for 21 years.

You can't answer the question either, because there simply is "no there there"!

What is your area of expertise? Gerbil smuggling? If so, they have started gnawing on your brain.

Then tell us, teach, how "this works". You realize this is still the inquiry (investigation) phase, right?

Conducting an investigation without naming the suspected crime is illegal under our Constitution. It's called a fishing expedition.
Tell us how that went down in previous impeachment proceedings. What crime was "named" when Starr and/or Cox began their investigation?
That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.

Battleground Poll: Trump’s Suburban Problem - Priorities USA

Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.

Then let me tell you what's not made up: Durham turned his investigation criminal. The IG is going to testify to Congress about his report on Dec 11th, which means it will be out well beforehand in a couple of weeks.

Then commies are having their fun now, but our fun is just around the corner.

This week, look for charges from the House to those that you think are going to be sending out those arrest warrants. The House will be going through a lower Federal Court which has no real love for any of the criminals in the Whitehouse. It hasn't been Barr and company that has done the prosecution of the criminals.

Wait a minute, what you're saying is that the Democrats are going to go to court to stop an investigation from being reported to the AG and IG? And you think a court will stop that? You're out of your mind. The House has 0 to do with a criminal investigation. They are not part of it, and can't make themselves part of it. It's not in their control.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.

Consider this plan.

If the Democrats were actually clever.......they'd hold the hearings......and then vote not to impeach.

a. they know the Republican Senate is a dead end for the ploy
b. independent voters have made clear that they are sick of the charade
c. the only hope is to damage Trump for the election....and they can see that it isn't working
d. they realize that if it gets to the Senate.....the Republicans can recall not just the same 'witnesses'...and ask what they want
and when they want....
e. but they can call Schiff to testify!!!!
Yes, they could one up the Senate by not impeaching Trump and saying they will leave it to the voters to decide. However, that won't work. Trump would claim a victory stating it was another democrat witch hunt to discredit him. I think the democrats have gone too far to back down now.

Also, there are a lot of witness yet to testify and there may be more. Unlike last week's witnesses, the upcoming witnesses are much closer to Trump which means they could make things a lot worse for Trump such that a Senate acquittal might be impossible. If republican senators see Trump as a looser, they will desert him.

Let's see if the Leftists want the Republican Senate to question those witnesses.
I'm sure a number of the witnesses will testify in the Senate trial. Since this is a trial, Trump will be able to offer a defense.

A defense for what......defeating Hillary????

When will the trials begin for Menendez, Durbin, and Leahy?????
They did the very same thing .....

“… in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?”

Democrats threatened the Ukraine should it fail to support their attack on their political enemy.

Sounds just like what they're claiming Trump did.

The letter from Menendez, Durbin and Leahy is here: of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf

Oh....wait......they didn't defeat Hillary.

Case dismissed.
Who gives a shit what Jim Jordan says? He's got his ear plugs in, just like you do. The President doesn't have to say it out loud, folks.

Yes, he does. You have to have evidence of a crime, and the commie versions is not evidence of anything. You need to hear (not second or third hand) Trump say to Zelensky that the US aid was contingent on him starting an investigation on Biden. "Do me a favor though" is not a threat to US aid.

[ fey-ver ]
something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration;
a kind act: to ask a favor.
friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill: to win the favor of the king.

Definition of favor |

Sorry, but in the English language, words have meanings.
ACTIONS have meaning, greater than words. Trump withheld the aid and didn't release it until he got busted.

And that's fine if you have any evidence why Trump withheld the money. He openly stated he wanted to look into what the members of the UN were going to do about helping out. He didn't make that up out of thin air, he campaigned on the UN being lax when it comes to funds. Furthermore when you have a new President of such a corrupt country, it's not too suspicious why a President would be cautious with our tax dollars. That's his job.
(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.

Consider this plan.

If the Democrats were actually clever.......they'd hold the hearings......and then vote not to impeach.

a. they know the Republican Senate is a dead end for the ploy
b. independent voters have made clear that they are sick of the charade
c. the only hope is to damage Trump for the election....and they can see that it isn't working
d. they realize that if it gets to the Senate.....the Republicans can recall not just the same 'witnesses'...and ask what they want
and when they want....
e. but they can call Schiff to testify!!!!
Yes, they could one up the Senate by not impeaching Trump and saying they will leave it to the voters to decide. However, that won't work. Trump would claim a victory stating it was another democrat witch hunt to discredit him. I think the democrats have gone too far to back down now.

Also, there are a lot of witness yet to testify and there may be more. Unlike last week's witnesses, the upcoming witnesses are much closer to Trump which means they could make things a lot worse for Trump such that a Senate acquittal might be impossible. If republican senators see Trump as a looser, they will desert him.

Let's see if the Leftists want the Republican Senate to question those witnesses.
I'm sure a number of the witnesses will testify in the Senate trial. Since this is a trial, Trump will be able to offer a defense.

In the House, the Republicans can present witnesses of their own. They have elected not only not present them but to try and block key witnesses from testifying. There is a short list that should be forced to testify. And this week, once they verify that crimes have been committed by these characters, the reasons that they say they are ammune to being supenened are going to be a wash. You can't claim client privalege if you are committing a crime while doing it and Rudy is toast as is all the rest of his criminals. And when they fall, expect others to fall as well including Barr.

Now the bad news:

"Independent voters across multiple states are not liking this Trump impeachment push that’s engulfed Capitol Hill. While the focus groups’ conclusion is that these crops of voters are “uninterested” about the impeachment inquiry, they’re also not too keen on the secretive nature that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee has exhibited with this maneuver. Schiff is the starting quarterback for this effort and kept the initial phases of the impeachment proceeding in the bunker. Hours of testimony from witnesses occurred behind closed doors, select portions of the transcripts were released, and Republicans on the committee were only given brief summaries that could only be read with a Democratic staffer present. This was done to control the narrative because public hearings exposed the Russian collusion narrative as a hoax."
Democrats Just Got More Bad News About Their Trump Impeachment Fantasy
Yeah, Trump told him she was bad news, and he agreed. Kissy kissy.

Zelensky said, “It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%.”
I just have to laugh.

Don't mind her, dementia is taking it's toll.
Right. Making direct quotes of what people said is crazy, while gifs of little creatures laughing is the epitome of realistic.

How's this?

“Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

…Democrats failed to prove a quid pro quo took place during President Donald Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"No one's testified there's been a quid pro quo," Jordan explained. "Everyone's got second, third, fourth-hand information. Mr. Morrison, who was on the call, said he didn't think anything was improper or illegal in the call. Ms. Williams didn't think anything improper or illegal happened in the call."

The congressman reminded Brennan of one important tidbit, the same one he has made in the past: the four facts surround the call have not changed.

"That's the funny thing about facts. They don't change.

1.The fact that we have the transcript and there was no linkage of any type of assertion of dollars for an investigation on the call.

2.We have the two guys on the call. President Trump and President Zelensky said no pressure and no linkage," he explained.

3. "My point is that he [Zelensky] didn't know that their aid was held up at the time of the call.

4. And, most importantly, they didn't do anything, any specific action or investigation to get the aid released." Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

Who gives a shit what Jim Jordan says? He's got his ear plugs in, just like you do. The President doesn't have to say it out loud, folks. The President, like any other human, does not have to publicly announce that he is doing it in order for it to be a crime.
If he grabbed you by the pussy, is it only true if he says "I'm gonna grab you by the pussy" first?

Repost sans vulgarity and I may honor you with a reply.
In other words, forget what he said, make up your own version.

Just remember, making up BS crimes that never took place will come back to haunt you if we ever get another commie President and a Republican led Congress. If you can impeach over something this stupid, you can impeach if a President wears the wrong tie with the wrong suit.

People on the left are so Fn stupid. I never seen any group of people make the same mistakes over and over again, and then cry when the tables turn.
Or impeach over a blow job!

Who got impeached over a blowjob? I've never seen that before. Now if you're talking about Clinton, he didn't get impeached over a blowjob. He got impeached for perjury, and even had his law licenses suspended in his state. You see, the Constitution outlines what defines impeachment. Perjury is felony, which is a higher crime than a misdemeanor.
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.

Either that, or she'll announce that she doesn't have the Democrat votes to pass it. Something tells me she and Schiff Face don't want this to make it to the Senate, because in the Senate, Mitch calls the shots--not her or Schiff.
They have 13 days till the House closes down for the holidays. They won't be back till January. There are to many democrats that have the possibility of losing their seats. This is polling badly for the libs. I think they will use the holiday recess to let it fade away.

That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

In consideration of the reality, what choice did they have?

Clearly Trump is far better at the job than Hussein, and between them, Trump is the only pro-American.

So, they leveraged lies and their media allies in the best plan they had.

Democrats are coming to the understanding that this was a big mistake. Piglosi is doing interviews being skeptical as to whether an impeachment will take place. The others are digging up the Mueller investigation to try and breathe life into that again. The television ratings on this are in the toilet. Their top three witnesses didn't witness anything.

Like I said, big trouble; even bigger trouble depending on what the IG report says.
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.

Either that, or she'll announce that she doesn't have the Democrat votes to pass it. Something tells me she and Schiff Face don't want this to make it to the Senate, because in the Senate, Mitch calls the shots--not her or Schiff.
They have 13 days till the House closes down for the holidays. They won't be back till January. There are to many democrats that have the possibility of losing their seats. This is polling badly for the libs. I think they will use the holiday recess to let it fade away.

That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

In consideration of the reality, what choice did they have?

Clearly Trump is far better at the job than Hussein, and between them, Trump is the only pro-American.

So, they leveraged lies and their media allies in the best plan they had.

Democrats are coming to the understanding that this was a big mistake. Piglosi is doing interviews being skeptical as to whether an impeachment will take place. The others are digging up the Mueller investigation to try and breathe life into that again. The television ratings on this are in the toilet. Their top three witnesses didn't witness anything.

Like I said, big trouble; even bigger trouble depending on what the IG report says.
Their house of cards is crashing down. They may lose the House over this.
In other words, forget what he said, make up your own version.

Just remember, making up BS crimes that never took place will come back to haunt you if we ever get another commie President and a Republican led Congress. If you can impeach over something this stupid, you can impeach if a President wears the wrong tie with the wrong suit.

People on the left are so Fn stupid. I never seen any group of people make the same mistakes over and over again, and then cry when the tables turn.
Or impeach over a blow job!

Who got impeached over a blowjob? I've never seen that before. Now if you're talking about Clinton, he didn't get impeached over a blowjob. He got impeached for perjury, and even had his law licenses suspended in his state. You see, the Constitution outlines what defines impeachment. Perjury is felony, which is a higher crime than a misdemeanor.
Perjury about a blow job.
Pelosi will close this clown show down in January with the excuse that it is too close to the election and we will let the people decide. All smoke and mirrors.

Either that, or she'll announce that she doesn't have the Democrat votes to pass it. Something tells me she and Schiff Face don't want this to make it to the Senate, because in the Senate, Mitch calls the shots--not her or Schiff.
They have 13 days till the House closes down for the holidays. They won't be back till January. There are to many democrats that have the possibility of losing their seats. This is polling badly for the libs. I think they will use the holiday recess to let it fade away.

That's probably one strategy they will consider to get out of this. But you are correct. I think this is boomeranging on them, which of course, they never expected.

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

In consideration of the reality, what choice did they have?

Clearly Trump is far better at the job than Hussein, and between them, Trump is the only pro-American.

So, they leveraged lies and their media allies in the best plan they had.

Democrats are coming to the understanding that this was a big mistake. Piglosi is doing interviews being skeptical as to whether an impeachment will take place. The others are digging up the Mueller investigation to try and breathe life into that again. The television ratings on this are in the toilet. Their top three witnesses didn't witness anything.

Like I said, big trouble; even bigger trouble depending on what the IG report says.

The other Bond villain, Pelosi-galore, tried to hold back the snuffling pigs of the Left, but they demanded impeachment....

She knows the outcome....but what else could she do: damage the President as best they can.
you know damn well that she is only a piece of the impeachable puzzle polchicky.

LOL!!!!!!!! breitbart??????????

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bite meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is no piece of the impeachable puzzle. She can just testify that she was canned.
What you people call evidence is hilarious.

that is gonna start changing CONsiderably with tomorrow's testimony. pence's aid is a first person witness to that 2nd call & then there's sondland. whoooooweeeeeee that is gonna rock!

And you're so convinced that their testimony is going to be damaging to Trump. Why? Because your left wing sources told you that.
Most of the people testifying have already testified before the judicial committee.

So had Taylor, Kent and Yovanovitch All three shot blanks in the televised hearing.
Dems are reduced to arguing that removal from office based on hearsay is just dandy! They wouldn't be arguing that if they had anything else!
That is a big pasture full of bullshit right there. Are you fucking kidding me?

I do not excuse Trump's words as just him running his mouth. He is the President. What he says matters. If he wanted that kind of grade school nonsense, he should have stayed in the business of bankrupting Trump branded companies instead of trying (and failing spectacularly) to be President of the United States.

Nancy was right. Trump is in way over his head and has no idea how to do the job.

If that was really the case, let's hope that future Presidents have no idea how to do the job.
What job do you think has done?

He borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand out tax cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations & all it has done is run up the deficit.
Higher wages for struggling Americans is a great thing
dave believes they don't deserve that money. ask him. Dave is so fked up in his head he doesn't know which way is up.
Higher wages consumed by higher costs thanks to Trump's stupid trade war.
higher costs of what? name something, you all throw shit out of your mouths like you have turrets syndrome. Name fking something.
She is no piece of the impeachable puzzle. She can just testify that she was canned.
What you people call evidence is hilarious.

that is gonna start changing CONsiderably with tomorrow's testimony. pence's aid is a first person witness to that 2nd call & then there's sondland. whoooooweeeeeee that is gonna rock!

And you're so convinced that their testimony is going to be damaging to Trump. Why? Because your left wing sources told you that.
Most of the people testifying have already testified before the judicial committee.

So had Taylor, Kent and Yovanovitch All three shot blanks in the televised hearing.
Dems are reduced to arguing that removal from office based on hearsay is just dandy! They wouldn't be arguing that if they had anything else!
they opened their hand already by leaking that they may think trump lied to Mueller. They may think. when did Mueller and trump ever talk?
Vindman is a traitor to the country that he serves being a lackey in this Democrat scam. Probably comes from the fact he was born a Communist.

Senator Ron Johnson Outlines Concerns With Lt. Col. Vindman Running Rogue Policy Group Against President Trump…

Senator Ron Johnson Outlines Concerns With Lt. Col. Vindman Running Rogue Policy Group Against President Trump…

Senator Johnson, attended the inauguration of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky along with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), and shared his concerns that National Security Council official Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was running a rogue and independent foreign policy toward Ukraine expressly against the intents of President Trump.

CTH readers will note we identify Vindman as a very sketchy character within the entire construct of the impeachment fiasco. It is virtually certain Vindman is the primary source for the CIA ‘whistleblower’ dossier (complaint). Beyond the rogue Vindman foreign policy, there is an even more sketchy affiliated network that surround him. First, here’s the letter:

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