So far it’s two guys that wish there opinion mattered in foreign policy lol

Bunch of cry babies lol
And so it begins.

What Rump didn't bank on was that the Diplomatic professionals that have served through many Presidents and years would remain professional. These people do not play politics. When the call came out for them not to come forth and the subpoenas began to be issued, they are doing what they always have done. They answer the call of the Nation. And if the Congress calls on them to testify then they testify truthfully and fully.

Like our Founding Fathers, by ignoring Rumps call for them to ignore the subpoenas, they have placed their retirements, jobs and fortunes on the chopping blocks. Rump is seeing what Real Patriots look like. The only thing Rump has seen is the criminal elements that he has surrounded himself with. But today, (it's 2 minutes past midnight) he gets to see real Patriots.

The Republicans will try and discredit them. They will try and trip them up. They will try and badger them. They will try and destroy them. But in the end, we get to see real Patriots.

To date, almost all of them support every claim made by the original Whistle Blower. The difference is, instead of 2nd and 3rd person, these people are 1st person.

And it's not just the Diplomatic Corp it's also the Intel Community. Some have whistle blower protection while most don't. But all are placing their entire livelihoods on the chopping block even if it's for a short term. Much like the NSA IG that Rump tried to fire but rethought that idea because his "Advisors" that ended up leaving convinced him that that was a really bad idea.

Just remember that when you see these proceedings going on. This Nation was born by people like this. And it doesn't really matter if Rump is relieved as President or not. It's refreshing to see real Patriots are still alive.

We don't believe you. We don't believe that these people are real "Patriots". And your attempt has already failed.
Of course his voters, who for decades have been kept under rocks by the conscience morals and norms of this great country, Found a voice as ugly and evil as they were and they came out from under these rocks. Now you know for a fact that your voice would be put right back under the rocks they came from if scum bag goes down. You will fight like crazy so your voice of hate and cruelty will not be disposed of as it should. The fun will start today and the pig will get his. What he deserves . Why will he fight so hard because people are lined up at the white house steps to grab his ass and arrest this criminal and he will spend the rest of his life in court or in jail were he belongs. We are now draining the pig pen. Watch and enjoy. God Bless America
We will be watching the right wing trying to prove that the people who were from the presidents cabinet and his biggest supporter all from his party, who make up the total population of the witnesses against scumbag. , They now have to be turned into liars to try to save scumbag from the ax. So we will be watching the right wingers telling the impeachment investigation that the people who are the witnesses against the criminal Scum bag, all of them being from scum bags party are total liars and not to be believed, Many of these traitors that were hand chosen by scum bag himself. They will try to turn this country from the respect of the letter of the law in this great nation to a Dictatorship to keep the pile of shit in office.
Surprised you've already recovered from all the fun you had with the Mueller report.
Just watch, my friend your voice of hate and cruelty will be put where they belong , that would be in the shitter along with your God and leader.
We will be watching the right wing trying to prove that the people who were from the presidents cabinet and his biggest supporter all from his party, who make up the total population of the witnesses against scumbag. , They now have to be turned into liars to try to save scumbag from the ax. So we will be watching the right wingers telling the impeachment investigation that the people who are the witnesses against the criminal Scum bag, all of them being from scum bags party are total liars and not to be believed, Many of these traitors that were hand chosen by scum bag himself. They will try to turn this country from the respect of the letter of the law in this great nation to a Dictatorship to keep the pile of shit in office.
Surprised you've already recovered from all the fun you had with the Mueller report.
Just watch, my friend your voice of hate and cruelty will be put where they belong , that would be in the shitter along with your God and leader.
ahhh look at the internet tough guy. when you got nothing eh?
And so it begins.

What Rump didn't bank on was that the Diplomatic professionals that have served through many Presidents and years would remain professional. These people do not play politics. When the call came out for them not to come forth and the subpoenas began to be issued, they are doing what they always have done. They answer the call of the Nation. And if the Congress calls on them to testify then they testify truthfully and fully.

Like our Founding Fathers, by ignoring Rumps call for them to ignore the subpoenas, they have placed their retirements, jobs and fortunes on the chopping blocks. Rump is seeing what Real Patriots look like. The only thing Rump has seen is the criminal elements that he has surrounded himself with. But today, (it's 2 minutes past midnight) he gets to see real Patriots.

The Republicans will try and discredit them. They will try and trip them up. They will try and badger them. They will try and destroy them. But in the end, we get to see real Patriots.

To date, almost all of them support every claim made by the original Whistle Blower. The difference is, instead of 2nd and 3rd person, these people are 1st person.

And it's not just the Diplomatic Corp it's also the Intel Community. Some have whistle blower protection while most don't. But all are placing their entire livelihoods on the chopping block even if it's for a short term. Much like the NSA IG that Rump tried to fire but rethought that idea because his "Advisors" that ended up leaving convinced him that that was a really bad idea.

Just remember that when you see these proceedings going on. This Nation was born by people like this. And it doesn't really matter if Rump is relieved as President or not. It's refreshing to see real Patriots are still alive.

You will be sorely disappointed unless you listen to the spin on the MSM, who spun the Russian hoax as hard as they could to no avail. There was no Quid Pro Quo. That is all this is about. For there to be a Quid Pro Quo, both parties must be aware of it. They weren't. End of story. Another waste of time.
While I watch this I will be laughing my ass off over comments like this and you haters that will live or die with it! You can't turn this country into a dictatorship , the patriots of this country won't let you. You can't piss on our constitution the patriots of this country won't let you and you can't spit on our flag because the patriots of this great country won't let you,
This idiot wanted trump to meet early on! But trump didn’t.. so his feelings are hurt lol
The stupefying of America is what has brought us a Trump, it is what has saved Trump and it will be what saves Trump in the future....

The reason Dems have a hard time finding someone that "trumpers" feel can beat Trump -- is because Dem candidates are expected to be far more reserved, fact based and "not stupid" -- so of course Trumpers will believe no Dem can beat Trump....
And so it begins.

What Rump didn't bank on was that the Diplomatic professionals that have served through many Presidents and years would remain professional. These people do not play politics. When the call came out for them not to come forth and the subpoenas began to be issued, they are doing what they always have done. They answer the call of the Nation. And if the Congress calls on them to testify then they testify truthfully and fully.

Like our Founding Fathers, by ignoring Rumps call for them to ignore the subpoenas, they have placed their retirements, jobs and fortunes on the chopping blocks. Rump is seeing what Real Patriots look like. The only thing Rump has seen is the criminal elements that he has surrounded himself with. But today, (it's 2 minutes past midnight) he gets to see real Patriots.

The Republicans will try and discredit them. They will try and trip them up. They will try and badger them. They will try and destroy them. But in the end, we get to see real Patriots.

To date, almost all of them support every claim made by the original Whistle Blower. The difference is, instead of 2nd and 3rd person, these people are 1st person.

And it's not just the Diplomatic Corp it's also the Intel Community. Some have whistle blower protection while most don't. But all are placing their entire livelihoods on the chopping block even if it's for a short term. Much like the NSA IG that Rump tried to fire but rethought that idea because his "Advisors" that ended up leaving convinced him that that was a really bad idea.

Just remember that when you see these proceedings going on. This Nation was born by people like this. And it doesn't really matter if Rump is relieved as President or not. It's refreshing to see real Patriots are still alive.

You will be sorely disappointed unless you listen to the spin on the MSM, who spun the Russian hoax as hard as they could to no avail. There was no Quid Pro Quo. That is all this is about. For there to be a Quid Pro Quo, both parties must be aware of it. They weren't. End of story. Another waste of time.
While I watch this I will be laughing my ass off over comments like this and you haters that will live or die with it! You can't turn this country into a dictatorship , the patriots of this country won't let you. You can't piss on our constitution the patriots of this country won't let you and you can't spit on our flag because the patriots of this great country won't let you,
dictator is the guy behind the chair today. Thinks he's above our laws. We all agree on that.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct
IM, I plan on watching and I'll probably want to comment, but it would be great if we had one Impeachment Hearing Thread for 11/13/2019. Yours is already the second or third. I'm going to see if there's a mod awake who could merge them. Hope you don't mind. It gets so damned confusing when you're trying to carry on conversations in two different threads--don't you think?
Don't you think if it is a problem a person should choose to only answer one of the threads.
what the fk is what Taylor talking about have to do with a phone call?
We have a lot of work to do. Anyone who is drawing this out and making believe actual crimes have been committed are guilty of obstruction. But that doesn't bother libs. They've been obstructing for the last three years.
Any one who supports this countries biggest threat and enemy are the real traitors here,We won't let you piss on our constitution , spit on our flag or force a dictatorship on us. Scum bag is your God and Leader as he is for all evangelicals..

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