thats just one of 3 charges YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million What do you call that?

When did Trump say "YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million"?

Link please.

Pepperidge Farms do however, remember this...

You want link?
--->> link here <<---

This is just like the Stormy Daniels payment. "show me link where Trump paid".

Like everything else the left has come up with, Stormy Daniels was a shit show. It didn't effect Trump's presidency one bit, and he's still in office.
Theme Songs the networks should play at beginning, breaks, and daily endings to hearing.

Not even watching it. If I wanted to see a donkey show, I'd go to Tijuana.
Afraid of seeing facts and real truths?
Sadly, there is not an ALT-Impeachment Inquiry TV Channel for you to stay in the DOPer Bubble safety.
Wait, that is Faux Insane fake Not News Spews. You could Watch Russia TV as your Partners in Crimes for the GOP now DOP Party.

The only real truth I look forward to seeing are all those Democrats jumping off the buildings, after their "impeachment" fails.

So the House seems to be going to Impeach the Great Douche.
Seems the Senate has the votes to convict the Great Douche of the crimes. 51 plus votes.
Seems at this time there are not the 2/3rd votes to remove the Great Douche from office.
When it gets out office it can be charged with the crimes and more.
MAGA? I could not be more Proud as a DOPer.
of the 2016 election
Trump has only one loyalty and it's NOT to the US Constitution.
His loyalty is to himself and increasing his personal net worth.

This is, of course, bullshit, George. Serving as our President has cost Trump plenty.

Unlike Obama and Clinton who came into politics as paupers and left as public service tycoons, Donald J. Trump is losing opportunities to make money in Washington.

When he signed the Middle Class Tax Relief, his accountants told him that the caps on the SALT deductions would cost rich guys like him plenty. He did it anyhow, it was the right thing to do.[/QUOTE]
This is, of course, bullshit, George. Serving as our President has cost Trump plenty.

Unlike Obama and Clinton who came into politics as paupers and left as public service tycoons, Donald J. Trump is losing opportunities to make money in Washington.
Unless you have seen Trump's tax returns, you have no way of knowing if he's made or lost money over the past 34 months based on his "public service."

All the President's Profiting

"No modern president has jumped so directly from the world of business to the presidency as Donald Trump.

"And in so doing, Trump has refused to do as his predecessors have done: sever ties to the companies or financial interests that may pose, or present the appearance of, a conflict of interest.

"By keeping his assets in a family-managed trust, which he can revoke at any time, Trump and his family are in the unique position to profit directly from his public service.

"Special interests in Washington have caught on.

"Those seeking to curry favor with Trump are not only donating to his reelection campaign but holding fundraisers and galas at his resorts, private clubs and hotels – the proceeds of which benefit him and his family."
thats just one of 3 charges YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million What do you call that?

When did Trump say "YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million"?

Link please.

Pepperidge Farms do however, remember this...

You want link?
--->> link here <<---

This is just like the Stormy Daniels payment. "show me link where Trump paid".

Like everything else the left has come up with, Stormy Daniels was a shit show. It didn't effect Trump's presidency one bit, and he's still in office.

Not even watching it. If I wanted to see a donkey show, I'd go to Tijuana.
Afraid of seeing facts and real truths?
Sadly, there is not an ALT-Impeachment Inquiry TV Channel for you to stay in the DOPer Bubble safety.
Wait, that is Faux Insane fake Not News Spews. You could Watch Russia TV as your Partners in Crimes for the GOP now DOP Party.

The only real truth I look forward to seeing are all those Democrats jumping off the buildings, after their "impeachment" fails.

So the House seems to be going to Impeach the Great Douche.
Seems the Senate has the votes to convict the Great Douche of the crimes. 51 plus votes.
Seems at this time there are not the 2/3rd votes to remove the Great Douche from office.
When it gets out office it can be charged with the crimes and more.
MAGA? I could not be more Proud as a DOPer.

You're out of your freaking mind. I can only imagine how much more so you'll be after Trump wins again in 2020.
Word of advice for Democrats....fuck everything you see a Trump supporter claim about this impeachment hearing...they are children...…

They have went from claiming absolutely nothing happened, to claiming well maybe something happened but not quid pro-quo, then to claiming well its quid pro-quo but its not a big just complaining about the process in general....

These are the same people who have no shame in having 928 different Benghazi investigations, so fuck what they think....
Are you listening to Nunes whine?
He is right now saying that everything at this hearing will be a "drama" and the men testifying are low-rent actors wittingly or unwittingly aiding the Democrat attempts to get rid of Trump.
Nunes was sure offensive. This is all a "spectacle." Schiff is staying so cool. I guess he's been listening to this USMB hooey long enough for it to no longer bother him.

Nunes' argument is really lame.
They didn't corroborate jack shit. We have the transcript, so there's nothing to corroborate. All they did is say "Orange man bad."
You obviously have not read them.

Try this one, dope and report back.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist

In other words "orange man bad."

No. Not in any way, dope.
More like first hand corroboration of the WB's complaint.
Still purely opinion......

Sworn, first hand testimony, dope.
Pure opinion, dumbass.
How does this guy stay in office?

<< House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff strongly signaled that Democrats would focus their impeachment case against President Donald Trump around a “bribery” charge. >>

Adam Schiff Signals ‘Bribery’ Charge for Trump’s Impeachment: Founders Understood It as ‘Breach of the Public Trust’

So that is going off the 'deep end'?

When Trump repeatedly claims that Joe Biden is guilty of corruption?

I really don't get why you Trumpettes think it is verbotten to dare claim that Trump is guilty of a crime- while your Dear Leader repeatedly claims everyone from Clinton to Biden are guilty of crimes.

Just more hypocrisy from the Trump cult.
joe biden is guilty of corruption. his son was used to funnel money to Papa Joe's bank account. we know this. evidence exists and has been released. I'm still waiting for anything corrupt Trump did. still nadda. Mueller didn't find it after three years and instead of accepting that, we're on task force three. BTW, Impeach 45 was being yelled by Maxine before being sworn in. BEFORE. how can someone have created crimes against the country before they ever served? Not one of you lefist fks can answer that, this sham is exposed.
Unless you have seen Trump's tax returns, you have no way of knowing if he's made or lost money over the past 34 months based on his "public service."

Even if Trump did show his tax returns, I would have no way to know whether he is losing / making money based upon the forms.

I'm not an accountant or CPA or tax expert, I don't know enough about how he calculated his "Basises" and amortization and credits to even make a guess.

So I will defer to Trump's accountants on this, and if they say its costing him plenty, its costing him plenty until libs prove otherwise beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct
You really never try to see how long your leash is, do you?

Wrong, asshole. Investigating corrupt politicians is not a campaign contribution, any more than investigating a corrupt banker is a campaign contribution.
Investigating Biden is providing a service for Trump. Services have value. Trump can't break one law to enforce another.

Lock him up!
Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them. Apparently you believe Trump isn't allowed to prosecute any Democrats.

Don't lie. We all know that's what douchebags like you believe.
Wrong, asshole. Investigating corrupt politicians is not a campaign contribution, any more than investigating a corrupt banker is a campaign contribution.
Investigating Biden is providing a service for Trump. Services have value. Trump can't break one law to enforce another.

Lock him up!
Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them. Apparently you believe Trump isn't allowed to prosecute any Democrats.

Don't lie. We all know that's what douchebags like you believe.

Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them.
Damn, you get dumber by the post.
The president has no such duty, dope. The president cannot prosecute anyone.
The DOJ prosecutes scum like Biden, moron, and Trump is their boss.

You have to be brain damaged not to understand such simple concepts.

The president isn't the DOJ.
Where's Barr in this equation, dope?
The President runs the DOJ, moron. He's the AG's boss. He's the boss of everyone in the DOJ.
of the 2016 election
Trump has only one loyalty and it's NOT to the US Constitution.
His loyalty is to himself and increasing his personal net worth.

This is, of course, bullshit, George. Serving as our President has cost Trump plenty.

Unlike Obama and Clinton who came into politics as paupers and left as public service tycoons, Donald J. Trump is losing opportunities to make money in Washington.

When he signed the Middle Class Tax Relief, his accountants told him that the caps on the SALT deductions would cost rich guys like him plenty. He did it anyhow, it was the right thing to do.[/QUOTE]
When he signed the Middle Class Tax Relief, his accountants told him that the caps on the SALT deductions would cost rich guys like him plenty. He did it anyhow, it was the right thing to do
Why would you believe anything Trump tells you?

The GOP tax law showers benefits on the wealthy and large corporations while abandoning middle-class Americans and Main Street businesses
Word of advice for Democrats....fuck everything you see a Trump supporter claim about this impeachment hearing...they are children...…

They have went from claiming absolutely nothing happened, to claiming well maybe something happened but not quid pro-quo, then to claiming well its quid pro-quo but its not a big just complaining about the process in general....

These are the same people who have no shame in having 928 different Benghazi investigations, so fuck what they think....
Are you listening to Nunes whine?
He is right now saying that everything at this hearing will be a "drama" and the men testifying are low-rent actors wittingly or unwittingly aiding the Democrat attempts to get rid of Trump.

doesnt mean its not true,,,and the facts say it is,,,
They didn't corroborate jack shit. We have the transcript, so there's nothing to corroborate. All they did is say "Orange man bad."
You obviously have not read them.

Try this one, dope and report back.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist

In other words "orange man bad."

No. Not in any way, dope.
More like first hand corroboration of the WB's complaint.
How could they possibly corroborate lies?

You tell us, dope. I gave you all the tools to do so.
Show us your competency. If you can.
In other words, you can't explain how the could corroborate lies.
thats just one of 3 charges YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million What do you call that?

When did Trump say "YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million"?

Link please.
Listen in tomorrow You'll hear it first hand We have 7,8 American patriots that know of trumps attempt to give money for getting the bidens

It's not going to go the way you anticipated, you know. I hope you're prepared for being given alot of shit, after their little "impeachment" donkey show fizzles out.

You know damned well that I'll be twisting the knife every chance I get, and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it.

Twist away We have the evidence and we have witnesses But truth never flustered repubs They can lie like champs
twist what? give us something first.
How does this guy stay in office?

<< House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff strongly signaled that Democrats would focus their impeachment case against President Donald Trump around a “bribery” charge. >>

Adam Schiff Signals ‘Bribery’ Charge for Trump’s Impeachment: Founders Understood It as ‘Breach of the Public Trust’

So that is going off the 'deep end'?

When Trump repeatedly claims that Joe Biden is guilty of corruption?

I really don't get why you Trumpettes think it is verbotten to dare claim that Trump is guilty of a crime- while your Dear Leader repeatedly claims everyone from Clinton to Biden are guilty of crimes.

Just more hypocrisy from the Trump cult.
joe biden is guilty of corruption. his son was used to funnel money to Papa Joe's bank account. we know this. evidence exists and has been released. I'm still waiting for anything corrupt Trump did. still nadda. Mueller didn't find it after three years and instead of accepting that, we're on task force three. BTW, Impeach 45 was being yelled by Maxine before being sworn in. BEFORE. how can someone have created crimes against the country before they ever served? Not one of you lefist fks can answer that, this sham is exposed.
Conservative conspiracy theory without any evidence

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