thats just one of 3 charges YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million What do you call that?
That is how you and your fact mangling leaders have cut and pasted the words together. It is hilarious that you and the rest of the TDS clan completely ignore Joe Biden bragging about how he made Ukraine knuckle under to the pressure of losing a billion dollars if they didn't do what he wants. You don't have to cut and paste that together, just open your eyes.

Literally an entire conversation between the Cut and the Paste.
I willing to bet the Fucking Moron that you quoted doesn't even know that.
President Trump stormed onto the scene, his popularity sky-rocketing due to his anti-status quo attitude and his willingness to say exactly what the American people wanted to say.

In the past the GOP had offered up the same batch of Washington Establishment choices, told Conservatives, 'We hear you, but this is who you have to choose from, and you are just going to have to hold your nose and pick one to avoid giving the Democrats a free pass into the WH'.

In 2016, Donald Trump destroyed that frustrating Washington Establishment mantra. He easily won the Republican Party primary, seizing the GOP nomination from a Washington Establishment politician-dominated crowd of 'the usual suspects.

In stark contrast, in 2016 the Democrats turned to their 'Queen', the 'promised one' to be Obama's successor. Hillary's 'winning' the 2016 Presidential nomination was a deal made in 2008, HRC agreeing to bow out and allow Obama to become the 1st Black President in exchange for it being 'her turn' in 2016.

In 2016, the Pakistanis spies the Democrats had hired illegally accessed the Democrats e-mails and released them to the public. Not only did those e-mails contain racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content, they also revealed that their 2016 Primary was rigged for HRC. This was confirmed by DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile, who confessed to the DNC stacking the deck against Bernie Sanders, to helping Hillary cheat in debates, and to finally GIVING Hillary the nomination she could not win herself.

In the general election, the MSM helped the DNC run a counter-Intelligence operation against the American people by attempting to convince Conservatives that there was no use to even vote in 2016 because HRC would win in a 'landslide'. Unfortunately for the Democrats, the only person who actually, truly believed that was HRC, who arrogantly chose not to even campaign in several states because she thought she had those states won. That arrogance and historic worst campaign cost her.

Hillary was perhaps the worst Presidential candidate in US history. A career-long scandal queen with little to show except for evidence of corruption, scandal, failed policies (Iran, Korea, Libya...), 4 dead Americans needlessly killed at the hands of terrorists, a sexual predator & pedophile for a husband potentially becoming the 1st '1st Husband', she sunk to an all-time low in 2016 when it was revealed she had illegally run her own private server/e-mail. Despite it being proven she broke numerous laws and committed thousands of criminal counts, the Obama administration protected her from Indictment so she could remain on the ballot. In addition, Hillary and her team were caught hiring thugs to beat up Americans - Trump supporters at Trump rallies. To top it off, the revelation that the DNC had 'screwed Bernie' incensed Bernie supporters...and many quickly became Trump VOTERS (not necessarily Trump SUPPORTERS)....

...and let's not forget it was revealed how Hillary bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy (working for the FBI) to help her alter / control the outcome of the election. The Obama administration took that information and made it the cornerstone for the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia'...all of this in an attempt to try to get their broken-down, stumbling, corrupt, criminal candidate elected.....and the American people rejected her, choosing what some (Trump-haters / Bernie-supporters) called 'the lesser of 2 evils', Donald Trump.

The night Donald Trump won the Presidency something snapped inside both Hillary and the Democratic Party. Democrat and Hillary supporters openly wept and would later hold a ceremonial day in which Liberals went outside and screamed at the sky. Democrats immediately called for his Impeachment, before he entered the WH.

For 4 straight years the Democrats have conspired, plotted, undermined, and openly engaged in sedition and treason. Every attempt made to hurt the President only succeeded in revealing more Democrat crimes. This latest one, for example, 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine', is an attempt to claim the President extorted the Ukraine PM when just the opposite has happened. What was exposed was former VP and Obama Ukraine Point Man Joe Biden's videotaped confession of doing just that - extorting the Ukraine PM to protect his POS son, who was working for a notorious criminal Ukrainian who owned a corrupt energy company, a criminal Ukrainian known for working with Putin in the past and who stood to gain from Putin annexing Crimea.

Democrats have continuously attempted to accuse others of doing what they have done / what they are doing and of being who THEY are...and they have attempted to do anything they can - legal or not, hurt the American people or not - to 'undo' the 2016 election and get back the power they lost when Hillary lost.
Your dreaming! Dream that big dream. Coming from a Liberal Democrat. I don't even know what a Socialist is... It's nice to have a party cosign with his hateful policies. Yeah successful my ra$s!
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Except, trump broke no laws. No, the russian collusion hindenburg went down in a fiery blow. Have no fear though the american hating libs will be gassing up a third hindenburg when this one goes down.
Trail of Tears genocide, Civil War - 600,000 dead, Jim Crow laws, abortion, now Trump impeachment.

The list of Democratic accomplishments go on and on.

Viet Nam war as well
Eisenhower sent aid and advisors . So who's war is it then. Your scum ball leader is going down and his followers are going back under the rocks they came from. You won't be able to turn this country into a dictatorship as you want and we won't let you piss on our flag and constitution. We have the military and the majority so your threats with all you guns is comical . We will have you run over with your 32 guns on your back with a tank. You can't have my country. God Bless America
What you call "bribery" is what every single American President has done...from the first to the last. Claiming that what Trump did is any different than his predecessors have done is laughable!

One problem is that most of these idiots didn't pay any attention to politics until the half black guy ran.
Their entire body of work that they know about is 8 years of The Boy President committing crimes that he knows the Democratic media will cover up.
sad day for america. When opposition politicians like Schitt's feels he needs to remove his opposition voters votes. Saddddddd fking day.

This isn't about trump, this about my vote and my fellow conservatives votes.

Fk you Schitt's!!!!!! FK YOU! stop by my house and i'll tell you fk you to your face with your guy with his gun. come on chicken shit. Tough guys like schitt's always has to do their work in secret, cause they are really that weak.

Signed tough guy internet JC456.
And so it begins.

What Rump didn't bank on was that the Diplomatic professionals that have served through many Presidents and years would remain professional. These people do not play politics. When the call came out for them not to come forth and the subpoenas began to be issued, they are doing what they always have done. They answer the call of the Nation. And if the Congress calls on them to testify then they testify truthfully and fully.

Like our Founding Fathers, by ignoring Rumps call for them to ignore the subpoenas, they have placed their retirements, jobs and fortunes on the chopping blocks. Rump is seeing what Real Patriots look like. The only thing Rump has seen is the criminal elements that he has surrounded himself with. But today, (it's 2 minutes past midnight) he gets to see real Patriots.

The Republicans will try and discredit them. They will try and trip them up. They will try and badger them. They will try and destroy them. But in the end, we get to see real Patriots.

To date, almost all of them support every claim made by the original Whistle Blower. The difference is, instead of 2nd and 3rd person, these people are 1st person.

And it's not just the Diplomatic Corp it's also the Intel Community. Some have whistle blower protection while most don't. But all are placing their entire livelihoods on the chopping block even if it's for a short term. Much like the NSA IG that Rump tried to fire but rethought that idea because his "Advisors" that ended up leaving convinced him that that was a really bad idea.

Just remember that when you see these proceedings going on. This Nation was born by people like this. And it doesn't really matter if Rump is relieved as President or not. It's refreshing to see real Patriots are still alive.
My favorite part is the witnesses from his own party, Military hero's and men of conscience are now going to be attacked and the hate party will attempt to turn these patriots into liars for the sake of a criminal.
And so it begins.

What Rump didn't bank on was that the Diplomatic professionals that have served through many Presidents and years would remain professional. These people do not play politics. When the call came out for them not to come forth and the subpoenas began to be issued, they are doing what they always have done. They answer the call of the Nation. And if the Congress calls on them to testify then they testify truthfully and fully.

Like our Founding Fathers, by ignoring Rumps call for them to ignore the subpoenas, they have placed their retirements, jobs and fortunes on the chopping blocks. Rump is seeing what Real Patriots look like. The only thing Rump has seen is the criminal elements that he has surrounded himself with. But today, (it's 2 minutes past midnight) he gets to see real Patriots.

The Republicans will try and discredit them. They will try and trip them up. They will try and badger them. They will try and destroy them. But in the end, we get to see real Patriots.

To date, almost all of them support every claim made by the original Whistle Blower. The difference is, instead of 2nd and 3rd person, these people are 1st person.

And it's not just the Diplomatic Corp it's also the Intel Community. Some have whistle blower protection while most don't. But all are placing their entire livelihoods on the chopping block even if it's for a short term. Much like the NSA IG that Rump tried to fire but rethought that idea because his "Advisors" that ended up leaving convinced him that that was a really bad idea.

Just remember that when you see these proceedings going on. This Nation was born by people like this. And it doesn't really matter if Rump is relieved as President or not. It's refreshing to see real Patriots are still alive.
Well said
thats just one of 3 charges YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million What do you call that?

When did Trump say "YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million"?

Link please.
Listen in tomorrow You'll hear it first hand We have 7,8 American patriots that know of trumps attempt to give money for getting the bidens

It's not going to go the way you anticipated, you know. I hope you're prepared for being given alot of shit, after their little "impeachment" donkey show fizzles out.

You know damned well that I'll be twisting the knife every chance I get, and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it.

Twist away We have the evidence and we have witnesses But truth never flustered repubs They can lie like champs
/——-/ You clowns got nothing but Shytface’s hot air and wishful thinking.
"“As the Founders understood bribery, it was not as we understand it in law today. It was much broader,” Schiff told NPR."

Well, good luck with that. If they're planning on trying him on how laws USED to be interpreted they are well and truly fucked.

Hey, let's try him for witchcraft while we're at it......"As the Colonists understood the laws regarding witchcraft, it was not as we understand them today." LOL.

Good Grief.
Trump solicited something of personal value in return for military aid

No, he has a TREATY with Ukraine to investigate corruption...THISCIS EXTORTION AND CORRUPTION!!

"With Schiff's hearings now televised, Americans face wrenching choices. There's Nine Months on HBO (Hugh Grant at his charming best), King of the Hill on Comedy Central, but I'm going MTV for that Catfish marathon."

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